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Star Wars Captioning #98

Click on the image to enlarge, and read about the source of this picture here.

A message from TFN
Thanks to everyone who sent in entries. Our favourite submissions are listed below.

* I'm just a simple dog trying to make my way on the Net
by Lord_Fett

* Attack of the Bones
by Darth Lairdman

* Now this is a dog who has disintegrated a lot of cats.

* The Bark is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Pound Puppy yet.
by computer_geekz

* Your Dog, he?ll have to stay outside, we don?t serve their kind here.
by Kashyap2

* Jedi's Best Friend.
by Kashyap2

* My owner is a geek and I must suffer for it...
by Reaver Silhouette

* ...and the server was flooded with "pull my paw" submissions.
by Darth Maulrat

* Your litter is very impressive. You must be quite proud.
by Darth Maulrat

* Wicket has finally met his match...
by Culf

* 'For the last time I'm not the dog from Men In Black!'
by Jedi Handrick

* I find your lack of Kibbles & Bits disturbing.
by David Winn

* The fleas are strong with this one.
by Keith

* Vader found a more efficient tracking machine to assist him in his search for young Skywalker!
by Paula Wanter

* The real question is, how many people will enter "Star Wars has gone to the dogs"?
by Jelp

* Hey, I'd let the bulldog win.

* How cow...it's Bark Vader
by Jedi_Brent

* There was a farmer, had a dog, and Jango was his name-o....J..A..N..G..O.
by QuiGonTim

* Star Paws... I'm telling ya Lucas its a sure shot hit
by Wiz

* "The paws is strong with this one..."
by Dickie

* "Churchill, can you protect the galaxy from the evil empire", "er...noo", "What about the Jedi from extinction?" -lightsabre sound- "er...noo", "what about speeder insurance?" "OH YES!"
by Dickie (guess you need to be a Brit...)

* "He is no good to me playing dead."
by TR

* This is not the dog we are looking for.
by Wilson

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