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Star Wars Captioning #64

"Uh, sir... remember the cat we hit a while back?"
by Robert McLaws

Lucas was livid: "How many actors need to die before we get this right?!" he screamed.
by Jango Clayton

Well, so much for the Pinto-class TIE Fighter...
by Yoda the Movie

Count Dracula watches the ILM Studio technicians in awe.
by Mike Gunther

"My God... It's full of stars!"
by Aubri

An early beta version of TIE Fighter crashes and results in a Blue Screen of Death.
by Maul of America

"You know...Gandalf really went all out at Bilbo's birthday this year."
by Wenelda

FOX Thursday: "World's Scariest Space Crashes in Front of a Blue Screen IV"
by State Street Jedi

Pimply-faced teen from "The Simpsons": "Mister Lucas, it happened again."
by Kitty

Who needs Nintendo's "Duck Hunter" when ya got THIS?
by Skippy

This is why it's extemely important to put out your cigarette before fueling your starfighter, kids.
by Kenya Starflight

This really isn't blue screen technology. It's just another day of filming for Doctor Who.
by The Artist Formerly Known as Rebo

When George told the tech crew to get all fired up for this shot, this isn't what he had in mind.
by Darth Fett

"The Force even stronger then the hull of a TIE Fighter is", Yoda said.
by Atax Vertigo, Smuggler is my Sign

The dark side of Hollywood film making: thousands of gnomes have died flying tiny spaceships during filming.
by mara

"Cameraman! When I said shoot the TIE Fighter against the blue screen, I meant..."
by David McCabe

Surprisingly, the housefly came out of the collision unscathed...
by Dark Peon Of the Sith

"Run for cover!! Who let Pikachu in?!"
by bunny_wasabi

"Mike! You just blew up George's only remote-controlled, one-of-a-kind, gold-plated TIE Fighter!!! Boy, is he gonna use the Force on you! Sucks to be you!"
by Mara Jade

"We need to adjust the carb, these new TIE's are still running a little rich."
by Benkobi

"Camera Red 1 to Camera Red 4: FIRE!"
by ben_hollingbery@hotmail.com

And then the Director realizes. . . space is BLACK, not blue.
by Rancor_fury

Nope, can't think of *any* way to connect this picture with the words 'Pull my finger'. Good job, TFN!
by Keith

Little did Yoda know that a flaming TIE fighter model would crash upon his head,causing his weird speaking.
by Antilles2001

Early tests with the new Lucasfilm Digital Laser camera showed that it was a bit to powerful...
by Darth23

"Thatsa spicy meatball!"
by TK895

Although it was cut, here we see the final sequence filming of the death of Porkins evil Empire twin, Pork Rhine.
by AZ

As funny as it seemed, George Lucas was not pleased when the cameraman put the exploding mustard packet on the tie fighter
by Clonetrooper

Imperial Gunners Beavis & Butthead were thought to be the main cause of about 74 TIEs being destroyed.
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

And the pilot's last question was the same one he asked as a kid. "Why's the sky blue?"
by Geoff Morton

"Uh... we have another one of those right?"
by Eugene Supreme

No Tiny Imperials Were Harmed in the Making of this Film.
by Syyk

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