Star Wars Captioning #77

"I am getting out of this Holiday Special even if I have to kill everyone to do it!"
by Son Of Jorel
Come back here and call me a clone to my face, you damn Trekkie!
by Jedi Ikari
Every Clone down in Cloneville loved Life Day a lot, but the Fett, who lived just north of Cloneville, did not.
by clonedmenace
"All your big-freaking-magnets are belong to us."
by The dooode
Boba refused to be in the Holiday Special, so the makers of the Holiday Special simply used stock footage of his reaction after reading the script.
by Davey the Hutt
Okay, Ms. Organa, your piano's tuned now.
by Mike W.
When Boba eats spaghetti, he eats spaghetti
I bet the guys over at A Site About Props could make this thing...
by Dan Brown
BOBA: "Hey, guys! You see Leia in that metal bikini over there? Well check this out..."
by Macaroni Penguin
Paging Boba Fett: Marvin the Martian would like his gun back.
by Grand Admiral Gary
Boba Fett never wanted to be a bounty hunter. He always dreamed of playing Riff Raff in the Rocky Horror Show....
by Randall Flagg
George Lucas realizes that an animated version of the CloneWars might not be such a good idea after all.
by ObiWartKenobi
I went to an anime convention and watched Dragonball Z for 12 hours. I went home and fell asleep while watching The Empire Strikes Back. You wouldn't believe this...
by Jango Fatt
Curses, I was hoping that TF.N Humor wouldn't be updated in time for a holiday special caption.
by Darth Jar Jar
The people at TF.N humor section remember to barracade the door before putting this up.
by Will-Mun
Not as random or clumsy as a blaster, it is an elegant weapon, from a more civilized time.
by Mr.Man
At that moment he realized he should have sided with the AutoBots and not the Decepticons. Darn that MEGATRON!!!!!!
by Darth Lighth ? The Confused Sith
STAND BACK EVERYONE!!!!! I?ll take care of these Pokemon balls!!!
by Darth Lighth ? The Confused Sith
And the TFN severs crashed with all the jokes about...I don't know, magnets or something.
by Rin
This... is my BOOM stick..!!
by Xavier
" I am an Enchanter! Some call me Boba"
by Tim
Guns don't kill people, poorly drawn magnetic fork rays do
by Lucas II
Thanks a lot, TFN. How am I gonna clean the puke off my keyboard?
by Kenya Starflight
"Keep the change, ya filthy animal."
by Luke Warmwater
"Hello Mace! My name is Boba Fett. You killed my father. Prepare
to die."
by Sytherea
(Editor's Note: Check out the TFN Fanfilm "Jedi Hunter"
to see that played out!)
Warning: Do not place Boba Fett doll near floppy disks.
by Sytherea
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