Star Wars Captioning #94

The above image is of Ewan McGregor in a Japanese Roots Canned Coffee ad. Read more about the image by clicking here.
A message from TFN
Thanks to everyone who sent in entries. Our favourite submissions are listed below.
* Choose Coffee, Choose Caffeine, Choose a horrible red suit.....CHOOSE LIFE!!!
by purplefacedmonkey
* "You will buy this coffee..." *waves hand*
by purplefacedmonkey
* "Coooome whaaaat maaaaay, I'll make money, till my dying daaaay."
by purplefacedmonkey
* HI, I am Ewan and I am starring in the Japanese version of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
by MF Bubbles
* Time for BANZAI !!! How long will Mr. Ewan McGregor hold can?! Ten seconds?! Twenty seconds?!? Thirty seconds?!?!? AAAHH!!!! BETTING ENDS!!!!
by Macaroni Penguin
* Obi-Wan: When I'm fighting droids and evil in the galaxy, I get tired! That's why I drink "Bantha Brew Coffee" to keep me fresh when the dark side calls!
by Ember Stryder
* Free Death Stick with every purchase
by Kar'Ghun
* "Try Roots Canned Coffee, it's better than Episode 1 and 2!"
by forIamDan
* New! Force in a can!
by Mab
* Before kicking Sith butt every morning, Master Yoda starts his day with a steaming mug of this!
by Mab
* Qui-Gon would be proud of me!
by Shmazey
* "All the power of the Jedi, but in a can!"
by jedi_knight_jonas
* Roots Canned Coffee...I have a GOOD feeling about this!
by Matt
* A jedi shall know no anger... Nor hatred... Nor love... only roots canned coffee
by Matt
* Who needs deathsticks when you've got caffeine!!!
by Jar Jar Bites
* This IS the coffee you're looking for........
by That's_no_Moon
* may the force of the caffeine be with you!
by darth_vaderess
* "After a hard day of Decapitating Siths, I knock back a refreshing can of ROOTS to give me that pick-me-up to finish the day!"
by Capt Chris
* After just a single can of Roots coffee, YOU will look this fired up too!!
by Pedro The Hutt
* the force energy drink, for those who need a boost after fighting the galactic empire....allsalesfinal, doesnotprotectagainstlightsabersorforcelightningenjoy.
by jedi_girl_solo
* this is more embarrassing than that time we were rehearsing and one of the stormtroopers actually hit me...
by darth_vaderess
* Members only benefits at Star Wars.com hit the deep end.
by The Guy With The Face
* "Nothing goes better with a death stick than 'Roots Canned Coffee' !"
by Davidw
* This Coffee freezes your face into a cheesy grin ... FOREVER!
by Striker Jacen
* "Oh, man! Did the Jedi Archives have to store a copy of *this*?!?"
by Mr. Whitmarsh
* "All the power of the Jedi, but in a can!"
by jedi_knight_jonas
* Hi, I'm Ewan McClure. You may remember me from such memorable films as "Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones", "Trainspotting", and "Down With Love".....
by Jonah Mace
* This couldn't possibly be more embarrassing than Episode I.
by Mab
* With only this little can, you can be as wired as I am!
by Rurouni Jedi
* Sith trying to kill you? Try this handy dandy 'Sith Repellent'! Comes in 5 flavours, and is guaranteed to save any Jedi from pesky Sith headhunters! (this is not a guarantee)
by Ronald McDonald
* Obi-wan models the formal suit for the Emperor's personal guards.
by Jedi Master Gourry
* May the Roots be with you!
by Ozzie_220
* Let the coffee flow through you...
by post my caption please!
* Truth, Beauty, Freedom and coffee
by Joanna Xux
* Qui-Gon always told Obi-Wan it was time to get a job...
by ewanspotter
* Little does anyone know that a Jedi's true strength comes from a caffeine rush...
by TooManyDarths... why not just Mr. Vader?
* "This is the coffee you're looking for," he says with a slight wave of his hand.
by Nenguip
* Obi-wan opens the galaxy's first Starbucks Coffee right next door to Princess Leia's Cinnabon
by Son of Jorel
* C'mon Master Yoda! with all the caffeine in this, you could beat Dooku with one hand!
by Brian
* "Obi Wan has brewed this well..."
by venom
* (Musical Accompaniment:: madonna "This used to be my playground) I used to have a good career..I used to be a jedi knight...I got to kiss Nicole Kidman....Now I ride around on a motorrr bikee....Drinking coffee really bitess!
by JenArwen
* Obi-Wan: Do you want to be a Jedi too? Well now you can with the new Midi-chlorian coffee. Just drink 10 cups a day, and you will have the 'Force' flowing through you in no time.
by Kenpasck
* Recommended by four out of five Jedi Masters.
by Mab
* "Use the java, and you too can be a Jedi, like me!!"
by Darth me
* Are you tired in the morning? Have a hard time waking up? THEN DRINK JEDI COFFEE ! 12 ounces of liquid Force in every can !
by BrenDarklighter
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