Star Wars Captioning #90

A message from Chris Hanel
To answer all the questions surrounding this picture: Yes, it's me. Here's me in my full armor.
Further proof that Verizon is in fact part of the evil Empire
by Taelys
"It's a little known fact Jimmy Boy. If Vader goes like this (Makes the choke gesture) you go like this and everything is ok."
by Chad Evans
"And this I vow. Return my armor and no disentegrations today."
by Chad Evans
Luke, take off that stupid helmit, I told you that you couldn't go to the Acadamy for two more season. So get back to work!
by Bildo Baggens
"Peace Palpy, I just wanna sit and eat cookies and watch The Carebears all day!"
by Draven
I've got 2 things two say! We stormtroopers are NOT clones and I can't see a DAMN thing through this helmet!!!!
by Anakin_bcd
Wow, they really have reduced the budget for Episode III
by purplefacedmonkey
No its not TK-421...Look! Its 5-21-03....Duh...
by Will-Mun
2:34 A.M...That pretty much explains it all.
by snowdog83
Stormtroopers: Beneath The Helmet
by Sith Lord Moore
Sorry, sir. Some punk named "Skywalker" took the rest of my armor.
by Darth Lairdman
Look, sir. Hippies.
by Darth Lairdman
Aren't you a little pacifistic for a stormtrooper?
by Darth Lairdman
This is a Trooper... This is a Trooper on drugs.
by khellhound
So THAT'S why the rebels never got shot. It wasn't bad aim; they were just protesting the war.
by Onli-wan Cojone
" Yay ! I captured Pikachu ! "
by BrenDarklighter
Once they realized that fund raisers were possible, thousands of Star Wars freaks began picking up their videocams...
by PPC970
Storm Trooper Webcam Training: "Ok now how many times do you shoot at them before they shoot you?"
by The Dougger
Once this picture leaked out to the Imperial Authorities, life for young TK-8976 was never the same....in fact, it was over.
by Lau-ra
Gary the stormtrooper, unable to make it home for "Life Day", records a touching video for his folks in his Death Star quarters.
by Cleeve
Am I Hot or Not?
by attackrat
NATALIE PORTMAN: "Hee hee hee! Oh, this is too good! They can't even tell it's me! I just love screwing with their heads!"
by Macaroni Penguin
Reasons Caption Action is never updated.... The editor signed up with Verizon and suffers with incredibly slow speeds.
by Daniel Glasglow (also a Verizon customer
DUDE! PLEASE tell me you ARE NOT going to wear that if you ever actually get a girl to come to your room with you!
by Son of Jorel
The Dell "Dude" finally gets a new gig.
by Son of Jorel
I don't know WHAT they put in that blue milk, but I LIKE IT!
by Son of Jorel
I sense much beer in you.
by Son of Jorel
by Sith Lord 61
So THAT's what the TFN Humor editor looks like... even more demented then I thought.
by Gamingboy
Luke's early years: Gettign ready for Biggs' Halloween Party
by darthhoss
Troops: Episode 2: The New Batch
by You saw it coming...
George: You told me you DESTROYED that tape!
by You saw it coming...
Harrison: How many do you owe me now, kid? Luke: Uh, two, I think. Yeah. two. Is this two?
star wars kid joins the witness protection program
by canada ham
I've almost lost my virginity, TWICE.
by Son of Jorel
Homestormtrooper.net: "It's Dot-Com!"
by Oxymoron
"mmph mmm mrrr mphh mw?" "MMPH MMM MRRR MPHH MW?" -takes off helmet- "Can you hear me NOW?! ... Good!"
by Ken Benobi
"Peace in the Middle Rim."
by Bluestheforce
See? No buzzer. Kentucky Derby, here I come.
by DaMijit
Haha, you picked paper! You have to do my guard duty.
by DaMijit
One Helmet to rule them all, one helmet to find them, one helmet to bring them all, and in the darkness BINDS them.
by Vader
May 21st., 2003. The day Star Wars died.
by Vader
Only two days till I get my Reloaded DVD Rip! WIZARD!
by Agent Smith
This was originally intended to be a poster for Episode II but was dropped because he's clearly too short for a stormtrooper.
by Kar'Ghun
The Exclusive content on SW.com -Clones on webcam!
by Brian
This is Charlie's video application for his local video dating service. The closest he ever GOT to a date however, is the date at the bottom of the screen.
by Blow-Mi-One Cannoli
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