Star Wars Captioning #69

Well kiddies, we had a lot of fun with this one. Here's the
final tally on what we got in:
34% of entries: Variations on "4 score and
7 years" jokes
22%: Jokes about the number of "4 score and
7 years" jokes we were bound to get
17%: Jabs at the TFN Humor Editor over the fact that
he didn't get to updating the caption in the week that he promised
(although he did it in 1/5 the time the previous caption had stayed
up... whatever happened to applauding improvement? :)
14%: Theories on the stormtrooper's blood alcohol level
at the time of the photo
10%: Bill & Ted Jokes (remember guys, they
only moved through time, not space.)
2%: Jokes made about the caption number... surprisingly
low, considering our main demographic
The remaining 1% exist here... enjoy.
Four score and seven
years ago in a galaxy far far away galaxy...
by ALok (it's here because it was the first
'Four Score' joke to make it in. Congrats, ALok. -Ed)
Lets see John Wilkes
Booth get through these guys.
by Richard Rhodes
"Aren't you a little
short for Abraham Lincoln?"
by Reen Laba
Lincoln:"I love Democracy.....I
love the Republic....The Power you give me....." Stormtroopers:
Umm Mr. President you aren't really a Sith Lord are you?
by UniversalDestiny
"I'm glad I didn't have
these guys in the Union Army. They can't shoot worth peanuts."
by Barf Maul
It is a little-known
fact that during the American Civil War, the Empire was actually
on the side of the North... after all, they were fighting rebels.
by DataDroid
Fortunatly, GL cut the
scene where Obi-Wan told the stormtroopers that the droid they were
looking for was in the Hall of Presidents.
by Joe
Looks like Bill and
Ted forgot what century Lincoln Belonged to.
by Crimsonboyy (again, he was the first. -Ed)
The real question is..
who's posing with who?
by Jedi Schmedi
Don't worry, at some
point between Episodes 3 and 4, Darth Vader decides to beef up his
armour and stop recruiting his bodyguards at roadside trucker diners.
by Emperor Palpatim
Two stormtroopers and
Abraham Lincoln walk into a bar...
by Matt Lush
Kit Russo
by "Four score, and seven parsecs ago..."
(only here because he demonstrates that it IS possible to foul up
something as simple as submitting a caption. -Ed)
One of these guys is
from a long time ago, the others are from a long, long time ago.
No wonder I like history!
by Darth Sillious
Vader sends out two
stormtroopers to find someone who knows how to handle Rebel scum.
by Sith_Lord61
Here we see 2 stormtoopers
giving the 16th president a wedgie!
by Kei-Cha Bopar
Wait, Star Wars is playing
at Ford Theatre ?
by BrenDarklighter (Yes, Bren, but not digitally.
Today is a day to be
remembered. We have seen the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the
end of the blasted Confederates."
by Mattman
And then, TFN's server
crashed with jokes about John Wilks Booth.
by Darth Father (No, the server crashed with
jokes about John WILKES Booth. Sorry. -Ed)
A scheduling conflict
at Disneyland confuses both "Star Tours" and "Hall of Presidents"
by Nashville
This is obviously one
of those tests to see if you're hammered...and if you see Abe Lincoln
and 2 stormtroopers, STOP DRINKING NOW!
by Brian
"I claim not to have
controlled Storm Troopers, but confess plainly that Storm Troopers
have controlled me" Abraham Lincoln, Letter April 4 1864
by Aias-Adan
Grant! Lee! I'm so glad
we're all friends again!
by Moltar
Trooper 1: "Is it me or did
George cut the Costume Budget?" Trooper 2: "Nah, it's just that
this Bloke was cheaper than Christopher Lee!"
by Darth Hopper
Left guy's serial code
'7689'.check. right guy's serial code '6544'. check. wait a minute,
hey you in the middle. Lets see some ID!
by Ironvader
An early version of
The Village People.
by mara
In Four score and seven
years, TFN Humor page will update.
by Rockway
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