Star Wars Captioning #63

The Imperial Throne
by Brettt Maverick
Hard to tell where the trooper ends and the toilet begins.....
by Ian Brackley
BIG BROTHER 3: Locked in a Star Destroyer
by David Fett
A stormtrooper is always on duty...
by mike
"Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!"
by toomy boy
by Matty D.
"Actually... I'm not REALLY a Stormtrooper. But I did stay
at a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
by Irving Finster
Everything coordinates...hope Martha Stewart's watching.
"TK 421 why aren't you at your post?!!"
by Travis Hoffman
"5 minute bathroom breaks?! It takes me longer to get this
armor off!!"
by Star Wars Junkie
Ever since Zaarin's failed coup, stormtroopers have been granted
better conditions on the Executor...
by Deac Starkiller
"Mommy, wow! I'm a big stormtrooper now!"
by Jedistooge
"What the.... HEY! There's no toilet paper in here!"
by Aaron
As the Jedi infiltrated the Imperial base, he could see through
the Force that one trooper wouldn't be a problem.
by Halcohol
Thats no moon...
by Grego
Try Stormtrooper Undies. Now stretchable.
by sherley
"Just hot gassing...nothing to worry about!"
by Jason Collier
What TK-47, doesn't know, is that we've secretly replaced his regular
toilet water with ship fuel. Let's see what happens....
by cahnMAN
Behind the scenes, we see what Storm Troopers do in their spare
time: sitting on the can in his can!
by "Weird Ed" Woody
"The Force... remember the Force!"
by Fabiano Gallindo
"Do, or do not. There is no try."
by Frank Klukosky
And I thought they smelled bad on the outside.
by Nic Calvert
When his commander dared him to chug the pitcher of blue milk,
little did the stormtrooper know it was actually bantha laxative.
by Mr. Anderson
"Gahhh! I wish this toilet had a tractor beam!"
by Mortal Coil
"I knew those ewoks wouldn't agree with me."
by Tamara
Away from the battle against the Rebellion, a lone Stormtrooper
has a moment of quiet reflection...
by Darth Spike
Luke's not the only one to make the trench run.
by John U.
"That's funny... I can't see a thing in this helmet!"
by Frank A. Tropea
"There's something alive down there..."
by JHC_Jedi
TK-421's roomates thought it would be fun to put super glue on
the seat. Little did he know...
by Heather Kenobi
Image what luke's direct hit did to Death Star's water pipes shortly
after this image was taken.
by DarthSanchez
"I knew Ishouldn't have drank the water on Tatooine..."
by Crimsonboyy
If only Elvis was this lucky to have a helmet.
by Jymm Roquand
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