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Star Wars Captioning #16

Biggs: "Luke, I'm sorry, but I've found someone else. I can't be your wingman anymore." Luke: " C'mon, Biggs, just one last mission. It's only a Death Star..."
by wayne cleary

"Luke, this thing with you sister has got to stop."
by Bill Wilbrand

"I'm not sure I'm getting into this part, I mean, wearing my pijamas casually was okay I guess... but acting in them seems slightly I dunno, weird?"
by ViD

Wait...lemme get this straight...Lucas is going to cut this scene??
by Ripken

"It's all right Luke. Maybe your uncle Owen just got you some power converters for your birthday and didn't want to ruin the surprise."
by The Random Ranger

O.K. Luke. When we get to the Death Star, just do everything I do. I'll walk you through it.
by Lindy Smith

"So Luke, you're telling me that you dreamt you were a great fighter pilot, the son of Lord Vader, and eventually even killed the Emperor?"
by Jeditricks

"You know Biggs, sometimes I just feel like stealing a couple of my uncle's droids, burning his house down, and running off to Mos Eisley to hang out in sleazy bars."
by Michael R.

Okay Luke, before I leave, here're three things to remember: Watch out for people with death sentences, droids are often more trouble than they're worth, and never, ever, kiss your sister.
by T-Bob

I don't know why I'm saying this, because this scene will probably be deleted!
by Guy Puzey

Biggs: "What is it Luke?" Luke: "I just noticed a womp rat gnawing on your foot."
by Grand Admiral Josh

" I'm pretty sure that's an Eject Button. Forget the Instructions, let's ride!
by Sweet Tooth Shammgod

"You sure I can't have a little feel there, Luke?"
by Max Rebo

After blowing up the Death Star: "What did I tell you about breaking other people's toys mister?!?!?!"
by Jason

Do Lucas(off screen):Hello?Can i help you two?

"I'm sorry, Luke. I just simply didn't have the time to pick up those power converters for you... We could get them later -ok? I'll be going to Toschi Station, soon. Talk to your Uncle about it..."
by Phoenix1138

Listen you little punk. Jedi or not, you look at my girl like that one more time, and we're gonna go out back...
by Master Vader

Biggs- One sip of this stuff and you'll have a moustache in a week!
by eamon hamilton

"I'm glad you convinced your uncle to let you come to Toshi Station, Luke. At least now you won't have to deal with those dumb droids you just bought."
by Mandalore007

"I'm sorry, Mark. They're just not going to do Episode's 7, 8, or 9."
by MelRock10

Don't worry, Luke, everyone who joins the Rebel army gets a really cool cape just like this one.
by Stephen

Don't cry Mark they didn't cut my death scene.
by Jeremiah

"Now Luke, I want you to seek out the Rebellion." "Wha... the... uhhhhhhh.... and the... the power converters will be there?" "Luke... Luke forget the power converters. Okay? Let's focus.
by rufus holmes

Mark, I know you want to pick Artoo first, but the script says the R5, then when that's busted, you choose Artoo. Can you do that?
by Will the Master

Don't feel so bad Mark. You did some great acting just now. Besides, if you really stunk, they'll just keep the scene out of the movie, no one will have to see it.
by Caras Selin

"Oh yeah, Luke? Well, I'LL be on 'Just Shoot Me' someday, too!!!"
by Walser

"Oh my missing thumb? That was from the Starship Indianopolis....1100 crewmen went into space, 356 came out. Space sharks got the rest."
by Schei Royder

Hey buddy got any spear change.
by Joy Moore

"O.K. One more time.....second star to the right and straight on until morning"
by Donna C.

Since no one is around, I'll tell you the big spoiler: The guy in black is your dad!
by John

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