Star Wars Captioning #80

And now for a Very Special Episode of "Chris Hanel" -
Okay. I promise. (raises right hand) NO MORE SW/LOTR related contests. Happy?
[Peter Jackson playing with his toys] "You got nothing on us! Nothing!!! AHHHAHAHAHA"
by bfwhc
The kid whines so loudly, we could have shot him in the dark!
by Nitsuj
Hmmm....somehow I was expecting the new Zelda game to look somehow....different.
by ComicKook
"Dodge this."
by Mr. Anderson (and 200 other people... but he got it in first! -Ed.)
Legolas: "I find your lack of faith in Peter Jackson disturbing." Anakin: "Hey... that's good, I may steal that from you."
by Randall Flagg
Legolas: "Say yippee again! SAY YIPPEE AGAIN! I dare you! I DOUBLE dare you m*&^#$f%$#@#!!"
by Randall Flagg
"You're about to be 'dead' as a house..."
by Darth Obstreperous
Legolas: "Well, look who got the drop on the Chosen One." Annie: "You're lucky my arms don't bend at the elboows, or you'd be gettin a blue plastic enema right about now."
by Lighthammer72
"Oh yeah, well at least I'm fully poseable!"
by grob
Legolas and Anakin battle for the hearts and wall space of 14 year old girls everywhere
by Kebis
No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!
by Ajent Orenj
Anakin: "Ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for... oh wait, that's not my line."
by Ajent Orenj
Legolas: "We demand......... A SHRUBBERY!!!!!!!!" (Python fail me not)
by Ajent Orenj
You can't win Legolas. If you strike me down, my franchise will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine...
by GMT
Never say live long and prosper to an elf
by munkle
I felt a great disturbance in the Force as if millions of pre-pubescent, female voices cried out at once and were silenced.
by SirNi
Toy Story finally gets some cool characters.
by JaegerGhent
"Stop! Who are you!?" "I am Anakin, Son of.....uhh...uhh..um.....I'm just Anakin.
by Joolzzz
Legolas: "Hold still! There is, um, something on your shoulders. . ." Anakin: "But there is nothing on them except my head!" Legolas: "I know. Hold very still. . ."
by Darth Hideous
Legalas: Okay Frodo, roll the dice to see if I hit him. Anakin: But I wanna cast; Magic Missile! Gandalf: Why are you casting magic missile? Anakin: Um, I'm attacking the darkness!!!
by Willbur the Lobster
What business does a Jedi, a Gungan, and a green muppet have in the Riddermark? Speak Quickly!
by Jedi Mac Fan
The prophecy of Anakin falling into a fiery volcano suddenly became much clearer.
by Sytherea
"So you've heard of agressive negotiations too, huh?"
by Sytherea
TF.N uses action figures to re-enact their worst fan fiction submissions.
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards
Gandalf: "I can only have one apprentice. Go ahead boys, duke it out!"
by marajay
If you spare me, I know this senator I can set you up with.
by Java the Hut
Do not let him speak, he will cast a spell on you.
by Jeff GoodSmith
Wait..let me get this straight. This is all about a ring that you have to bring back? Why? You don't like the matching necklace?
by Waterfarmer
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know this shelf was taken."
by AJP Darth_Lucky
Anakin: I'm sorry, really! You looked like a girl from the back!
by Skychrono
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