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Second Belt
this was the name of the second asteroid belt located in the Oseon System. (LCF)

Second Birth, The
this is the Yevethan term for what the New Republic called the Yevethan Purge. It represented the resurgance of the Yevetha as the primary power in the Koornacht Cluster, as they extended their influence beyond the twelve Duskhan League worlds. (SOL)

Second Dawn
this was the term used by the natives of the planet Tatooine to describe that period of the day when the second sun rises above the horizon in the morning. It was at this time that most activity on Tatooine began. (SOT)

Second Death
this was the name used by Warlord Zsinj for the unusual warship created from the pieces of the destroyed Razor's Kiss. Nothing more than the spine, engines, and bow of the Razor's Kiss, the Second Death was used near Selaggis Six to help Zsinj feign the destruction of his flagship, the Iron Fist. All markings on the pieces were changed to those of the Iron Fist. A Sentinel-class shuttle was docked at each end, to allow the crew to escape its eventual destruction. The Second Death was left to be destroyed by the New Republic fleet under Han Solo's command, giving them the false impression of the Iron Fist's demise. Zsinj placed the ship within a null-vision barrier comprised of Nightcloak satellites. He then flew the Iron Fist into the satellites' midst, and detonated the Second Death. To external viewers, it would appear that the Iron Fist was destroyed, and the physical evidence would back it up. However, Zsinj had actually leaped into hyperspace after emerging from the far end of the Nightcloak barrier and returned to Rancor Base on Dathomir. (SOC)

Second Droid Revolution
this was the codename of the revolution planned by Archa Sabis, during the height of the New Order. He longed to recreate the ancient Great Droid Revolution on the planet Coruscant, giving the planet's automaton population the freedom he flet they deserved. His plans were thwarted, however, when the construction droid he was using as his base of operations was disabled by special forces agents. (CCW)

Second Fleet
this was the name given to one of the secondary naval fleets of the Galactic Alliance, during the final stages of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Second Fleet, comprised mainly of the surviving ships of the New Republic's Second Battle Group, was commanded by General Garm Bel Iblis from his flagship, the Harbinger (UF)

Second Hollastin Insurrection
this uprising of the underground resistance on the planet Hollast VII took place shortly before the Battle of Endor. (SWJ4)

Second Ilthmar Defense
this was one of the many defensive strategies used in dejarik or holochess. Blue Max suggested that Han Solo might have used it in a game against Chewbacca, during their early travels together. (HSE)

Second Imperium
Brakiss' vision of the reborn Empire, the Second Imperium would hold to the ideals set up by Palpatine while taking advantage of the power of the Dark Side of the Force.. Brakiss was trying to train a group of Imperial Jedi to act as caretakers for the Second Imperium, just as Luke Skywalker's Jedi were to the New Republic. He was assisted in the creation of the Second Imperium by renegade Admiral Daala, who had been defeated in battle by Garm Bel Iblis and had retreated to the Deep Core. In the midst of Brakiss' work, four former Imperial Royal Guards began a ruse in which they claimed to be the reborn Emperor Palpatine. Three of them guarded a large meditation chamber, while the fourth used a vast collection of sound bites and holo-clips of Palpatine to create an illusion of his presence. Brakiss, as well as the entire crew of the Shadow Academy, were fooled by the ruse, until the Shadow Academy attacked Yavin 4 and the Jedi Academy. As Brakiss came to demand why Palpatine was ignoring him, he discovered the trickery of the four guards. He killed the three protectors in his anger, but the fourth escaped. He managed to activate the Shadow Academy's self-destruct systems before he fled, killing Brakiss in the explosion. (SA, JUS, ECH)

Second Jungle Zone
this was one of two areas of jungle terrain contained within the Zones of Territory C2, on the planet OM813. It followed the trek through the Turas Valley. (AIR)

Second Mistake
this was the name used by Ludlo Lebauer to describe an unusual piece of art: the carbonite-frozen body of the Squib, Grees. The Squibs had been passing information on Imperial activities to the Invisible Shell in exchange for rare artworks. The artworks were sold to the Empire in exchange for information. Grees, however, managed to convince his companions to start feeding Ludlo false information. In this way, they could get rich while Ludlo was discredited in the eyes of the New Republic Intelligence agency. Ludlo discovered that the information was bogus, and captured Grees. For his treachery, Grees was frozen in carbonite and hung on a wall in Lebauer's office. The Squibs, hoping to recover their friend, convinced Leia Organa Solo to include the Second Mistake in her negotiations with Ludlo for ten Alderaanian boasa statues. Leia managed to back Ludlo into a corner, forcing him to return the artworks in order to simply save face. Grees was eventually freed of the carbonite. (SWI67)

Second Mistake Enterprises
this small transport operation was established by the Squibs Sligh, Grees, and Emala in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. They were the first company to take a contract from the Colony to transport spinglass scultures of the Millennium Falcon and the X-Wing fighter used by Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin to the rest of the galaxy. Unknown to the Squibs, the scultures contained scores of Gorog assassin bugs, bred for their small size and voracious appetites. The transport ships hired by the Squibs also carried stolen Tibanna gas and hyperdrive components into the Utegetu Nebula, where the Gorog hoped to build starships of their own to reach the rest of the galaxy. (DN2)

Second Twilight
this was the term used by the natives of Tatooine to describe the period of night after the second sun has finally set below the horizon. This is the time of darkest night, when the criminal underground of the planet did most of its business. (SOT)

Second Wind
this was the name of a cracian thumper which was raced at the Heatherdowns Hotel and Track, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (TSIA)

Secrecy Act
this law was enacted on the planet Bakura during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, around the time that Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol began his negotiations with the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Ostensibly, the Secrecy Act was created to ensure that Bakuran information remained on Bakura, and was not acquired or stolen by the New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong, or the Ssi-ruuk. In reality, the Secrecy Act was meant to ensure that Cundertol's plans were not discovered. (FH2)

Secret Order of the Empire
the elite group of Imperial servants who are sworn to protect Emperor Palpatine at all costs, the Order consists of a number of people at varying stages of development and loyalty. The newest members of the Order are known as First Initiates. First Initiates move upward in the Order through the Second, Third, and Fourth Circles, then they can become members of the Inner Circle. Those individuals who are the most dedicated and trusted can reach the level of Emperor's Hand. (TIE)

Secret Treasure of the Jedi
Vilmarh Grahrk claimed to have been hired to locate this fabled, secret treasure and steal it from the Jedi Kinghts, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. He claimed that he was hired by Bobo - a codename for Darth Sidious - to retrieve the treasure. In order to do so, he "distracted" the Jedi by inciting the Yinchorri to start their conquest of several planets, including Mayvitch 7. This allowed Bobo to infiltrate the Jedi Temple and steal the treasure. However, Bobo left Villie and the Yinchorri to die, and tried to flee unscathed. Villie managed to track him down and take the Treasure for himself, in hopes of returning it to the Jedi for a huge reward. The Jedi Knights, according to Villie, were willing to pay anything for its return, and practically begged him to recover it. Villie later claimed that he lost the reward while betting on Sebulba during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace on Tatooine, when Anakin Skywalker beat the Dug on the final lap. Despite the amazing story, Vilmarh Grahrk never revealed what exactly the Treasure was. (TDV)

Secret Way, The
this was the name given to the submerged pathway of stones that led from the royal palace on Hapes to a small island in the middle of a lake. The Secret Way was known only to the Queen Mother, who walked along the randomly-placed stones to reach a place where she could truly be alone. The island itself was designed with small groups of paan trees that shielded its from view, further isolating the Queen Mother from prying eyes. (DN1)

Secrets of Jedi Power, The
this sensationalistic account of the uses of the Force was purchased by Luke Skywalker at the Galactic Archives, on Atzerri. (SOL)

Secrets of The Dark Side
High Prophet Jedgar's hand-written volume, chronicling all of Kadann's dark prophecies. (MMY)

this was the Snivvian word for "dry." (HNN5)

originally designed to include up to 50 inhabited star systems, the wild expansion of the late Old Republic caused many sectors to grow larger and less structured. (ISB)

Sector 223
this song, written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes, first appeared on the compilation Artistic Integrity. (GG9)

Sector 5
this area of the galaxy is contained within the bounds of the Core, and contains the Prakith System. (SOL)

Sector Army
this subdivision of the Grand Army of the Republic was formed from four corps, and was commanded by a Jedi Master with the rank of Senior Jedi General. There were two Sector Armies in each Systems Army, and each Sector Army consisted of some 147,456 troopers. (SWI84)

Sector Governance Decree
considered one of the many Security Acts passed by the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars, the Sector Governance Decree was promoted by Chancellor Palpatine as a way to streamline and consolidate the defense and security of individual star systems. Under this Act, regional governors would be appointed to oversee the security and defenses of entire sectors, thereby eliminating redundancy and removing the bureaucracy involved in maintaining defenses at the system level. Ultimately, the regional governors would report to the Senate, although the direction for consistent implementation and management came from Palpatine himself. Many Senators believed that this virtually eliminated the need for the Galactic Senate, since the decisions of the Senate were established on a system-by-system basis, with each Senator representing one or more systems. Over time, this fear became reality, when Palpatine dissolved the Senate and turned complete control of system defenses over to the regional governors. (E3N, SW)

Sector Ordnanace/Supply
the branch of the New Republic that is responsible for keeping the various armed forces bases fully-stocked and ready for action. It is also responsible for peacetime supplies. (TLC)

Sector Patrol
this police and security outfit controlled a portion of the Outer Rim Territories during the early years of the New Republic. (TFNR)

Sector Performing Arts Center
known as a SecPAC, these edifices were one of the few used by Imperial officials for the performing arts. Located on the various sector capital worlds throughout the Empire, the SecPACs were often Old Republic arts centers reused for their intended purposes. (TA)

Sector Plexus
the central point of flow for all information moving through Imperial Intelligence, Sector Plexus maintained a huge database of all Intelligence officers, their aliases, and the connections implied by those aliases. (ISB)

Sector Ranger Database
this database was maintained by the Sector Rangers of the Old Republic, in an effort to track the activities of known criminals and suspected criminal agents. (SON)

Sector Rangers
a loose association of local system police forces which filled the gaps in the galactic law enforcement system, the Sector Rangers were created by the planetary governors of the Old Republic. The Senate authorized the formation of the Sector Rangers in an effort to bring law enforcement to newly colonied worlds quickly and efficiently. The Jedi Knights couldn't be everywhere, so the Sector Rangers held sway in their own systems. When the Empire overthrew the Old Republic, many of the larger forces were usurped into the Imperial machine as the Imperial Sector Rangers. Others simply fell through the cracks, and remained separate enforcement agencies. After the Battle of Endor, the Sector Rangers continued to bring Imperial law to the worlds of the Outer Rim. The motto of the Sector Rangers read, "What others abandon, we protect." (DESB, GG11)

Sector Squadron
a fleet of six Imperial-I class Star Destroyers. (SWSB)

Sector Trade Permit
this Imperial document was one of a number of documents required from any spacer who plied the spacelanes during the New Order. The procedures for obtaining the certification were documented in the Spacer's Information Manual. Known as an STP, this document proved that a spacer had been permitted to transport goods and provide travel services across interstellar distances. (SWJ9)

Sector Zero
see Imperial Center Oversector (CCW)

this was one of the most powerful Twi'lek clans, native to the planet Ryloth. The name meant "skilled" in the Twi'leki language. (ROP, GCG)

Secure A-3
see Secure-A3 (AEG)

Secure Blue
this was the Imperial code phrase which indicated a change in the modulation of communications equipment, especially after equipment was stolen or captured. Secure Blue indicated a heightened level of encryption, in order to prevent the enemy from using stormtrooper helmets to intercept transmissions. (TG)

this was a top-of-the-line military comlink, produced by Naboo Technologies during the last decades of the Old Republic. The rod-shaped Secure-A3 had a large grip which housed the primary electronics and power cell, with a thin microphone extending from the top. (AEG)

based in the Indellian System, this manfuacturer produced security systems to major installations. They were best known for creating the seven security locks which protected the computer core of Cloud City. (CCC)

this massive datafile contained information on those beings who were deemed to be working "against the interests and/or benefit of Alliance operations and/or security." (AIR)

manufacturers of certain Corporate Sector Authority patrol vehicles, such as the Espo Walker. (CSA)

Security Acts
this was the generic term used to describe the various amendments to the Constitution of the Old Republic that were ratified during the Clone Wars. Ostensibly, all the Security Acts were meant to achieve was the consolidation of certain powers in the office of the Supreme Chancellor, and only for the duration of the war, in order to ensure the safety of the Republic and its citizens. The Core Worlds Security Act was the first of these actions, and was followed by a steady stream of amendments that many Loyalists feared were giving Chancellor Palpatine too much power. They also - correctly - feared that Palpatine would not relinquish these new powers once the war was over. (E3N)

Security and Enforcement Act
this was one of many pieces of legislation that were promoted during the height of the Clone Wars, and ultimately supported by Chancellor Palpatine. The Security and Enforcement Act wwas created to provide the Chancellor with the ability to restructure military forces to ensure the protection of those individuals deemed vital to the survival of the Republic, including the Chancellor himself. The Senate initially voted to table any discussion on the Act during the Battle of Jabiim, but a pirate attack on Bail Organa's transport ship prompted Chancellor Palpatine to restart negotiation on the Act. Organa vowed to fight against it, but found himself powerless to do so. The Act was eventually passed in the wake of the destruction of the Star of Iskin and the death of Finis Valorum, providing Palpatine with even more control. However, once it was enacted, the Security and Enforcement Act only served to embolden the pirates who had grown more prevalent. Because the Act allowed for the utter destruction of pirates and other criminals, it also gave these criminals the right and opportunity to fight back. Many Jedi Knights died in skirmishes with pirates who believed that they had every right to defend themselves. (RDE)

Security Case
a small, hard case that is attached to its holder's clothing, the security case cannot be forcefully removed without administering a neuroparalysis charge to the individual trying to steal it. The case attaches to the clothing by a thin wire and a small clip. If the wire is broken or if special contacts in the clip are activated by its removal, the case delivers its neuroparalytic charge. The case is also equipped with a locking mechanism, in case the felon is able to withstand the charge. The case also has a hidden safety mechanism that can be activated by its owner, disabling the charge. (HSR)

Security Collar
although ostensibly manufactured to police forces as a way to restrain prisoners, this Thalassian device was sold to slavers and other criminal organizations. It was similar in virtually every respect to a standard slaving collar, and was formed from a durasteel collar which was attached to a heavy chain and a magnalock. (AEG)

Security Council
this Senatorial council was one of the many branches of the New Republic government formed after the dissolution of the Provisional Council. (SOL)

Security Decryption Interface
this was the standard droid security-breaking system available during the decades leading up to the Great Sith War, until Toshan Gant began producing superior technology for the Old Republic. The use of the decryption interface required additional programming, and allowed a droid to bypass most security systems. (KOTOR)

Security Domination Interface
this device was developed by Toshan Gant as a superior replacement for the Security Decryption Interface that was available some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Like its predecessor, the Security Domination Interface required a droid with additional programing to work, and allowed the droid to break into computer-based security systems. (KOTOR)

Security Field
a defensive energy field used to enclose and protect an area from fire, or to limit the flight path of a starship. (COTF)

Security Guard
this division of the Royal Naboo Security Force was charged with protecting the citizens of Naboo. The 6,000 men and women of the Security Guard all had experience offplanet, and were sometimes charged with training members of the royal family and the Naboo government. (SON)

Security Guides
this branch of the Keganite Enforcement Guides was charged with maintaining civilian order in the Teaching Circle. (FFT)

Security I
this was one of three Nebulon-B escort frigates assigned by the Empire to protect the replenishment fleet which contained the Black Ice. (BI)

Security Interface Tool
this specialized computer interface device was developed for the Old Republic by Toshan Gant, more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. When attached to a droid with special programming, the interface tool provided a way to bypass security systems of all kinds. (KOTOR)

Security Management Control
this was the name of the guardian force established by Roy Teda to protect his dictatorship on the planet Romin, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JQ8)

Security Officer Corps
this branch of the Royal Naboo Security Force was made up of the only full-time soldiers in the Naboo military. Roughly 1,000 men and women made up to the Security Officer Corps, and they were responsible commanding the various soldiers and members of the military. (SON)

Security Police
the long arm of the law within the Corporate Sector, these law enforcement officers - Espos, for short - had no well-defined set of laws to uphold. Instead, they reacted to the edicts of the Corporate Sector Authority. They wore distinctive brown uniforms, and acted with impunity throughout the entire Corporate Sector. (HSE)

Security Spike
this was a speciallized tool used to defeat security systems. When connected to a locking mechanism or other security measure, the security spike created electronic interference in the lock. This interference essentially shorted the system, unlocking the system and allowing access. (KOTOR)

Security Tower
a detention area on Cloud City. (ESB)

Sedan Anang
this being was a Professor of xenobiology at the University of Sanbra, during the years elading up to the Clone Wars. Professor Anang was one of the first beings to witness an 80-meter-long space slug, living in the Borkeen Asteroid Belt. Professor Anang was working with Rogar Farnoster at the time, while Farnoster was researching his novel, The Slug Named Grendel. (HNN5, SWSB)

this harsh, tundra-covered world was located in the Mid Rim. Sedesia was noted for its 45-degree axial tilt, which caused wild weather patterns to sweep across its surface. Its heavy gravity prohibited the use of repulsorlift ground vehicles. The humans that inhabit the planet are tough and reclusive, but were not resistant to the Imperial-engineered plague that was led loose on the planet. There are rumors that the Empire poisoned the world to quell its pro-Alliance stance. Following the plague, the remaining humans swore their allegiance to the Alliance and openly defied the Empire. The average day on Sedesia lasts 20 standard hours. Its year lasts 220 local days. (SWJ6)

Sedeya, Reye
this young man was a native of the planet Stassia, during the height of the New Order. Known as a smalltime scam artist, Sedeya was targeted for investigation after a string of winning bets on the Ringer tournaments. Reye's mother died when he was a child, and his father plunged himself into his farming work, so Reye was raised by a nanny droid. He found that he had a gift for picking the winning bet in most gambling games, which was based on a level of Force sensitivity and helped him make a meager living. During one of the Sweepstakes Riner tournaments, Reye was followed by Zeck Tambell, who had a feeling that Reye was innocent, but wanted to link the young man to Aalia- Duu-lang. After Reye refused to help the crimelord out, she was arrested by Tambell. (SWJ6)

Sedi Fisk
one of the original settlers of the planet Tatooine, he used to live in a manor in the desert. He abandoned it sometime prior to the Battle of Hoth, and a pack of womp rats took up residence in his absence. (TM)

Sedratis City
this city was home base of the gladiator walker team known as Demelza's Destructors. (GFT)

a valuable ore often found in the shells of Andoan mineral-fish. (COG)

a planet which is home to the communal organism known as the Golden Sun, Sedri is completely covered by shallow oceans. It is also home to the Sedrian race, who have built wonderful underwater cities. The Empire researched gravity well projectors on this world, after an Imperial scout ship lost its hyperdrive inhibitor in the vicinity of the planet. The ship's systems were merely shorted out by the presence of the Golden Sun, and the scout limped home and recorded the existence of the planet. Shortly afterward, the Alliance managed to steal the plans and work on them with the Sedrians. The Golden Sun's glow filled the oceans with a soft glow, and the planet had a golden glow when viewed from space. The combination of the glow and the gravity anomalies caused by the Golden Sun force many shipboard navigation computers to register Sedri as a small star, forcing ships out of hyperspace in its vicinity. (GG4, DESB, BGS)

natives of the planet Sedri, the Sedrians are a race of sleek, aquatic mammals who worship the Golden Sun. They are 3-meter long creatures with seal-like features, including a thick coat of slick fur. They appear humanoid from the torso up, but have the lower body and tail flukes of a seal. They prefer to live in the water, but must breath air to survive. While they have gills, Sedrians also have lungs, and scientists aren't sure why one method of breathing hasn't been lost over the generations. They have constructed several underwater cities, like Fitsay, and appoint a high priest to guard the entrance to the cave of the Golden Sun. Very little is known about the Sedrians history or biology, because the energy shadow given off by the Golden Sun makes hyperspacial travel difficult near Sedri, so most ships simply don't get too near it. Their language is filled with barks and clicks, although they can master the Basic tongue with minimal problems. Their voices are quite loud, making it easy for Sedrians to hear each other underwater. (GG4, BGS)

SedriMotors Limited
a Sedrian company which manufactured various aquatic transports. They aligned themselves with the Alliance after Alliance agents sved the Sedrian race from extinction. They adopted the current technologies, and began creating their own designs. SedriMotors has since developed some of their own new technologies, such as water-driven drives and hover propulsion systems. (DESB, EGV)

Sedriss was an enhanced human who studied the Dark Side of the Force under Emperor Palpatine, and was later appointed one of the reborn Emperor's Executors. Before turning to the Dark Side, Sedriss had been recruited by the Imperial military but turned down because of his insolence and lack of respect for authority. Palpatine, however, sensed the innate evil in Sedriss, and gave Sedriss the chance to kill him if he could. Sedriss failed utterly, but Palpatine demanded his complete loyalty or else he would be killed. Sedriss agreed to become Palpatine's agent, realizing that the Emperor was a true superior. He was a massive human with spiked hair, and was unfailingly loyal to Palpatine. Even after the Emperor's death at Endor, Sedriss journeyed to Byss to await his master's return. His loyalty was rewarded years later when he became the first Executor, and the leader of the Dark Side Elite. In this capacity, Sedriss was the primary force behind restoring the Empire via Operation Shadow Hand. He gave the orders that launched the operation following the reborn Emperor's death. When Palpatine ordered him to detain Luke Skywalker on Ossus, Sedriss and Vill Goir both flew there in the Imperial Hunter Scourge One. Unfortunately for Sedriss, the ancient Jedi Master Ood Bnar captured him and reduced Sedriss to microscopic bits in an explosion of colliding Force energies. (DE2, DSSB, NEGC)

Seducer Plant
a carnivorous plant native to the planet F'tral, they use a sweet-smelling nectar to attract small animals to their location. A mass of vines and stems, the seducer plant waits until the animal is entangled before using the vines to strangle the animal. The seducer plant then draws the animal into its center and slowly digests it. (GG4)

this was a species of scalefish found in the waters of the planet Naboo. These fish were distinguished by their binocular vision, having both eyes located on the front of their blunt heads. Their long, thin bodies were dominated by their stomachs, which could distend to accommodate several large prey. Males and females of the species were distinguished by their unique coloration, with the males having darker yellows and greens while the females were lighter. (IG1, WSW)

Seebo Sauce
this was a favored food sauce of Corpo the Hutt. (T7)

Seed Machees
this male Gran was one of the many dealers of death stick who worked for Sebolto during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. A bounty was issued for his capture by the Coruscant police force, in connection with the rise in death stick distribution that occurred on the planet during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto. (BH)

Seed Pistol
this was an unusual weapon, produced on the planet Manda. (SWDB)

Seed World
this was a term used by the ancient Jedi Knights to describe a planet that was capable of supporting life. Seed worlds were divided into two types: life-giving, which included planets with oceanic, grassland, or arboreal environments; and death-giving, which included planets with desert, volcanic, or barren environments. (KOTOR)

Seedar Bomu
this Rodian soldier was a member of the Bomu clan, and worked for Vago the Hutt during the early years of the New Order. (TF)

Seedar, Genna
this woman served as a medical officer aboard the New Republic starship FarStar during its hunt for Moff Sarne. Genna was the last surviving member of the resistance on Kal'Shebbol, after Sarne wiped out any opposition to his rule. A shy woman, Genna was nonetheless brave and selfless in battle, traits which won her the respect of her former freedom fighters and the FarStar's crew. She was uncomfortable with the reactions of the crew to the prolonged search through the Kathol Rift, and her fears were realized when a mutiny ensued. (DARK, KR)

this was a species of small bird, native to the planet Ansion. (APS)

this was the second phase of life for a seed-partner, after it was forged by the Langhesi with sky fire lightning. The seed-partner, suddenly energized by the lightning, split open its casing and emerged as a flatten, disk-shaped version of itself. These seed-disks were then shaped around a metal framework and imbedded with various devices to form Sekotan technology. In this way, Sekotan starships were created. Sometimes, a seed-partner will not survive the forging into a seed-disk. In this case, the master to whom the seed-partner had bonded was sent away from Zonama Sekot. When they do survive, they reconnect with the mind of their master and present him with a virtual catalog of the shapes they could take during the annealing process. The buyer had but to envision a certain part or curve, and the shaping of the Jentari would do the rest. (RP)

this was the name of the unusual creature which was later formed into a Sekotan starship. Seed-partners resembled large cockle-burrs, about the size of a child's head and covered with short, hooked spikes which it used to move about and cling to another being. In the Uniting Day ceremony, seed-partners are introduced to a prospective starship owner. If one or more seed-partners chooses the buyer, then a starship can be formed for them. If the buyer is rejected, he is no longer allowed to bond with a seed-partner. Until their are allowed to evolve, seed-partners live with their new masters day and night, attuning their biorythms to those of the buyer. It was rumored that seed-partners were formed from the Potentium. On average, one to three seed-partners joined with a buyer at any given time, then are physically melded together to form the starship. As they matured, the seed-partners split out of their husks, revealing whitish flesh beneath. Several groups of spikes merged with one another to form small three-fingered hands, and they elongated so that each seed-partner had four short legs. After the matured, seed-partners were taken with their masters to the forging pits of the Langhesi, where they were struck by sky fire lightning and quickened. This energized the seed-partners, and the Langhesi forged them into new shapes. These new shapes were known as seed-disks. (RP)

this was the term used to describe a Yuuzhan Vong ship dedicated to carrying biological material to a new planet. Once at the planet, the seedship disgorged its cargo, initiating the terraformation of the planet into a world better suited to the Yuuzhan Vong physiology. After the Battle of Coruscant, the Yuuzhan Vong used a highly specialized seedship to transport several immanture dhuryams to the planet. The interior of the seedship was reconfigured to allow the dhuryams to compete with each other in the management of their environment. Once a dhuryam had defeated its brethren, it was allowed to take control of the seedship. It then began breaking the seedship up into a huge number of smaller seedships, which carried biological samples to all parts of the planet to be seeded. This gave the dhuryam a link to all the other seedships, allowing it to coordinate the dispersal of biological materials to specific locations, thereby ensuring a complete ecosystem would be formed on the planet. (EL2, T)

this Yuuzhan Vong female served aboard the Sunulok as Tsavong Lah's attendant during the aliens' invasion of the galaxy. (BP)

this was the nickname used by the ARC trooper designated CT-12/74, during the height of the Clone Wars. Seefor helped Kit Fisto and Nate train the commandos of the Desert Wind terrorist group, and was among the survivors who managed to escape their lair when Asajj Ventress sent a group of infiltration droids to destroy them. When Nate's body was not recovered, they feared that Nate had been killed, or had broken the Code and betrayed them all in the first place. (TCD)

this Rodian starship racer was a rival of Siro Simito. He was also Simito's friend, and their public rivalry was carefully cultivated to enhance the popularity of their sport. Their staged fights always boosted their ratings. (CRO)

this Mon Calamari was the administrator of Foamwander City, and served on the Mon Calamari Council during the height of the New Order. She was believed to have been kidnapped by Imperial forces that had established a whaladon processing facility in the Seascape Mountains, but it was later revealed that she had, in fact, defected to the Empire. (GORW)

Seeing Without Looking
this was one of the many surveillance skills that was taught to the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. The idea behind seeing without looking was to acquire knowledge about one's surroundings without allowing observers to notice that one was actually doing it. Thus, a Jedi could appear to be taking a simple walk down a street, but their senses were busy gathering in details and facts about the people and locations they saw. (JQ8)

a native of the planet Tatooine, Seek was one of young slaves who grew up in Mos Espa during the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. A year older than Anakin Skywalker, Seek was a bully and something of a pessimist, and believed that Anakin would never get his homemade podrace to fly. (SW1, IS1, SWDB)

a type of remote used for surveillance activities, seekers were developed to assist law enforcement agencies in tracking down criminals. A seeker could be programmed to search out and immobilze a specific target, but in general they were only moderately successful in their missions. Widespread use of seekers diminished during the New Order, although many backwater law enforcement agencies embraced them. (SW, GG11)

this was the brand name of Arakyd's AS-M12 messenger droid. (SESB)

this Twi'lek operated the Junkard scrap and salvage caverns at the Kala'uun Starport, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He had been cast out of his own clan because he lacked the instincts to become a warrior, instead preferring to tinker with all sorts of machinery. After being befriended by Lo'baan while wandering the warrens of Kala'uun, Seeker helped the old Twi'lek establish the Junkard. Seeker inherited the Junkard upon Lo'baan's death. (PSPG)

Seeker Cub
this was the name of Captain Stitar's scout ship. In reality, Stitar was the smuggler known as Starter, and the Seeker Cub was a false identity for Starter's beat-up X-Wing. (SWJ4)

Seeker Droid
see Prowler 1000 (OWS, SWI81)

Seeker Sea
this was the smaller of two seas found on the planet Bacrana. (FBS)

Seeker Torpedo
any self-propelled detonation device which can be targetted ahead of time and, when released, will track its target until it can impact with it. (TOJ)

Seeker Transport
this was the name used by Arakyd for its civilian hyperspace message pod, designed to transport the AS-M12 Seeker messenger droid. It was based on the hyperspace pod used for the Viper series of military probe droids. Because they were available on the open market, and because the interference with a Seeker Transport was punishable by law, many crimelords used these vehicles to transport illegal goods. (FTD)

Seeker, The
this was another name for the Lesser Mark of Illumination. (SHPT)

this was another name for a remote surveillance droid. Small seekerbot were often used to watch over doors and hallways. (MJEH)

Seeking Rail Detonator
this weapon was similar to a standard rail detonator, except that it was capable of firing projectiles that could home in on a target. This allowed the user to fire quite rapidly with minimal aiming, thereby ensuring a larger number of targets could be hit. (MOTS)

this was a common name given to Twi'lek females, and meant "dancer" in the Twi'leki language. (GCG)

this was the name used to describe those Aramandi who rejected the new interpretations of the Eeronon and accused these priests of lying to the populace. At the heart of the dissention was the Eeronon's prediction of other sentient life outside the Aramand Cluster, a prediction that had previously not existed in the Eeronon's teachings and only surfaced when the Lant Mining Corporation approached the Aramandi to discuss mining rights. The Seelas were allowed to live in uninhabited areas of the Aramand System, but religious persecution forced them onto undeveloped worlds within the Cluster. (FBS)

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