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this red-leafed tree was native to the planet Alderaan. It was distinctive for its gently curved shape, and is often found in Alderaanian artwork. The bark of the hydenock is crushed and used to create a reddish dye, and can also be extracted to form bubble wort. (GF)

a planet with a small human population. (POC)

Hydian Exploration
this was one of the many mining operations that controlled a portion of Bandomeer's ionite and azurite excavation, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Hydian Exploration held such interests on many worlds along the Hydian Way. (GORW)

Hydian Marauder
this pirate vessel crashed on the planet Tatooine, in the Jundland Wastes between Mos Eisley and Arnthout. (IWST)

Hydian Way
a route through the galactic Core that was blazed by Freia Kallea nearly three thousand years before the Galactic Civil War. The Hydian Way runs from the middle of the Core out to the Corporate Sector. It intersects the Perlemian Trade Route in the Bormea Sector, at the planet Brentaal. (SWJ5)

one of the four Imperial-I class Star Destroyer stationed at the Maw Installation by Grand Moff Tarkin, the Hydra was under the command of Sten Thanas. It was destroyed when Han Solo, Kyp Durron, and Qwi Xux tried to escape in the Sun Crusher. Han used the ship, with its impenetrable armor, as a missile, and rammed the Hydra's command bridge, permanently disabling the ship and causing irreparable damage to it. (JS, JASB)

this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

this immense reptile was native to the planet Geonosis. (CCW)

Hydra Worm
this gigantic worm lived in the muddy silt at the bottom of the Ebon Sea, on the planet Geonosis. (GORW)

this repuslor-skift was the primary mode of transportation on Drexel One. (MC12)

another term for a hydracraft. (MC12)

this form of repulsor-equipped vehicle resembled a speeder bike, but was used to travel across water. (ND)

this piece of starship technology was often controlled by an automatic system, freeing the pilot from having to worry about it. (AVS)

a fluid-activated connection device. (CCG, CFG)

Hydrodynamic Music Systems
systems which use fluids in the walls and windows of a room to generate and amplify sound. (TB)

this device is used by scouts and explorers to render clean, drinkable water from alien water sources. It can also extract moisture from the air surrounding it, acting like a portable vaporator. (GG8)

this tool used hydraulic pressure to maintain its grip on an object. This allowed the user to twist or pull on the hydrogrip without having to use one hand to maintain pressure. (SQ)

this device employed hydraulic pressure to lift a greater weight. Hydrojacks were found most often in starship repair bays, and were used for lifting a small craft off the ground to affect repairs. (LFCW)

this was a hydraulically-powered version of a turbolift. Many early Imperial-class Star Destroyers were outfitted with hydrolifts, in an effort to save energy for the drives and weapons systems. (MIS3)

this chemical was used as a fuel source for the vehicles which harvested kolto, on the planet Manaan, many millennia before the Galactic Civil War. (KOTOR)

a transportation device which uses fluid to propel itself through a tube. (JS)

this was a self-contained cleaning implement that was developed to make the cleaning of tile floors easier. (JQ9)

a stablized form of hydron-3, hydron was easier to trsansport. (XWA)

an atmospheric element which some species must breathe in order to survive. (TJP)

this was a portable water source, which could be worn on the back or chest when traveling the open. Developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, a hydropak provided the user with a way to carry a ready source of water. Although many of these were developed for military use during the Clone Wars, they were also used by explorers and athletes. (MJH)

Hydroponics Station
these self-contained units allow farmers to grow crops on planets with little or no natural atmospheric moisture. The Lars family had one on Tatooine. The hydroponics station uses very little water to grow enough crops to keep a small family continually fed, with some left over for sale to neighbors. The Lars family station was seen as a low, circular structure ringed with lights, on the fringe of their moisture farm compound. (CCG)

a fluid-powered digging utensil. (GG7)

this was the powered equivalent of a wrench. It used a tiny motor and pump system to apply hydraulic pressure on the mandibles, which ensured a tight fit when working with stubborn bolts. Hydrospanners were usually adjustable, allowing a single tool to be used on many sizes of nuts and bolts. (ESB, LCS)

Hydrospeare Corporation
this corporation is headquartered on the planet Kabaira. Many of their contracts were from the Imperial war machine. Among the products produced for the Empire waa the Explorer submergible. (FOP, CFG)

Hydrospheres Corporation
this small corporation produced a variety of aquatic technology. (NEGW)

this was a fuild-assisted form of gear that was used in the production of jointed, cybernetic limbs. (PH)

Hydrostatic Field Generator
this Gungan shield system was used to keep water out of a bongo. (E1A9)

this Gungan vehicle was a long, sled-like transport which was equipped with unique repulsors. It was activated with a simple push, and could carry up to four Gungan soldiers with rapid ease. (E1A10)

this was a form of underwater missile that was developed during the New Order to use on oceanic worlds. Hydrotorpedoes were similar in many respects to the missiles used on starfighters, with the difference that the delivery vessel and payload were protected from the damaging affects of water. (GMR7)

Hyen, Locux
this man was considered one of the Empire's most successful experiements in cybernetic bio-control. He served as Shela Jalahafi's muscle, during the subjugation of Edan II. He was also a cyborg, with a variety of cybernetic implants which augmented his abilities but left him slightly crazed. Many of his implants were unseen until he shrugged or shifted position, including a jet-pack implaneted in his back. (IAG)

Hyggin Mountains
located near Somin City, on the planet Seltos, these mountains were mined by Galacticorp Mines for the precious ores they held. (TSK)

Hyke Waulkon
this was the name of a distingished member of the Toong society. (UANT)

a group of Imperial Corvettes disabled by Keyan Farlander near Orron III during the Galactic Civil War. (XW)

Hylaian Marsh Bamboo
this was a thick-growing form of bamboo. (E3N)

this was one of the many floating cities found in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, it was believed that elements of the Sith were working from a base on Hylios, in preparation for an attack on the Almas Academy. (WOTC)

Hyllyard City
this frontier town was the only major center of activity on Myrkr, during the early years of the New Republic. It was home to various smugglers, fugitives, and traders until it was garrisoned by Imperial forces some five years after the Battle of Endor. (HTTE)

Hyllyard Hotel
this was one of the few hotels found on the planet Myrkr during the early years of the New Republic. The Hyllyard Hotel served as a headquarters for the Imperial teams stationed on Myrkr during Grand Admiral Thrawn's reign of terror, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (HTTE)

this was a species of highly-evolved insectile creatures. Many xenobiologists felt that the hymenoptera was nearly sentient, as they employed a complex form of dancing as their primary method of communication. (DN1)

this elserly Chadra-Fan served as the chief executive officer of the CarsinShare corporation, during the early years of the New Republic. He maintained a fanatical interest in the death matches staged between CarsinShare and its rival, Nonsu. (CCW)

this Codru-Ji doctor assisted Chewbacca following the kidnap attempt on the Solo children, several years after the Battle of Endor. She was assisted by her youngest child, who was still in its wyrwulf form. Doctor Hyos had a great hunger for knowledge, and made it a point to fully study and learn the physiology of any and all races she came into contact with. This was how she came to understand the medical needs of Wookiees. (CS)

this artificial material has the unique property of being able to withstand incredibly high temperatures, flux densities, and radiation levels without being damaged. This made hyperbarides a requirement in the production of heavy turbolasers as well as the immense lasers used on the Death Stars. The Empire spent a great deal of money developing and manufacturing hyperbarides, for without them the firepower of the Imperial Navy would have been greatly reduced. However, the production of hyperbarides required incredible amounts of thermal energy, and the process releases highly toxic by-products in its wake. Thus, the production of hyperbarides was often relegated to lifeless worlds or moons. The huge, powerful plants which produce these materials are almost always staffed with live workers, as the process of creating the hyperbarides produces electromagnetic waves and radiation which affects the operation of most droids. Note that Goroth: Slave of the Empire indicates that there are certain hyperbarides which occur naturally in the galaxy. (POM)

this form of cytotoxic mineral was found in small concentrations in the crust of the planet Goroth Prime, some 8,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, by a team of Corellian scouts. Goroth Prime was unique in this respect, since nearly every other terrestrial planet had no hyperbarides whatsoever in their makeups. (GSE)

this form of battery was developed to harness the incredible energy of a planet's core. Each the size of a room, hyperbatteries store energy from which is extracted from a planet's core by immense heat exchangers. (POM)

this was the brand name of a highly specialized, directional virtual microphone that was produced for droids some 400 years before the Clone Wars. The HyperBolic was part of a suite of auditory sensor systems that was produced by Einblatz/Docker, and was often matched with sophisticated sonographic analysis software and ultrahigh-fidelity autitory pickups. (YDR)

this hyperdrive component is used to condense energy for transmission to the hyperdrive motivator. (OS)

Hyper-Comminucations Cartel
this organization was formed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the build-up to the Clone Wars, as a Separatist-controlled version of the HoloNet. Po Nudo was placed in charge of the cartel, after he helped push his homeworld of Ando to join the Separatists. (VD3)

this form of the hologame dejarik was played at near-frantic speeds, requiring the players to have lightning-fast reactions. (SWJ12)

HyperDive Cantina
this rowdy and unruly bar was located within the Fathoms restaurant complex, situated in the Glitter Cay Tower of Wildwater City on Calamari. Patrons of the bar entered through a dark tunnel, which was set with imbedded lights that flashed to make a being feel as if they were moving through hyperspace. Upon entering the cantine proper, patrons found themselves walking in nearly a meter of water. Every table and chair in the Cantina was bolted to the floor, and raised sufficiently to keep drinks out of the water. (WSV)

this was the generic term used to describe the starship engine and its components which allowed the ship to travel at supralight speeds through hyperspace. It worked with the ship's navigational computer to ensure that any direction and course changes necessary to maneuver through hyperspace were executed without encountering gravity shadows. Most hyperdrives required a fusion generator to propel a ship through space. The hyperdrive was built from a titanium-chromium compound that could withstand the forces needed to push through the space-time fabric of realspace into the hyperspacial continuum. The hyperdrive used modified gamma radiation to create electromagnetic energy that, when ejected from the hyperdrive, caused the realspace time-space matrix to ripple. The hyperdrive continued to eject electromagnetic energy to push against these ripples, propelling the ship into hyperspace. However, the hyperdrive system could only work in the near-absense of gravity. This meant that a ship had to escape from a planet's gravity well before it could jump into hyperspace. Each hyperdrive system was equipped with a cutoff which returned the ship to realspace if a gravity well was discovered in an unspecified location. This principle allowed for the of gravity-well generators - such as those used on the Imperial Interdictor-class cruiser - as a way to drag starships out of hyperspace at a specific location. It was rumored that the hyperdrive was invented eons ago by a space-faring race from outside the known galaxy. When this race encountered the known galaxy, shortly before the formation of the Old republic, it first came upon the Corellian System. There, the aliens sold the secrets of the hyperdrive to the Corellians, who studied it for decades before producing their first, working hyperdrive. Interstellar exploration and unification began in earnest. After about 20 years, the Corellians began selling their ideas to other star systems, and a huge galactic community was born, which later evolved into the Old Republic. Although none of this was ever proven, the presence of planetary repulsors inside each of the Corellian System's planets showed that there was a more technologically-advanced civilization in the system at some point in its history. Hyperdrives were grouped according to their ability to exceed the speed of light, and ware categorized by classes. The lower the class number, the faster the hyperdrive could propel the ship. For example, the Millennium Falcon could make ".5 past lightspeed," an indication that it had a Class .5 hyperdrive. This class was considered twice as fast as Class 1 hyperdrive, and could attain speeds of 127 light-years per hour. Note that Dark Force Rising indicates that .5 is faster than .45, which seems to contradict this description of relative speed. Interestingly enough, although a hyperdrive needs a near-absence of gravity in which to operate, any open area of space that lacked at least some form of matter was also to be avoided. In these areas, where there was no resistance on the ship's shields, a hyperdrive could operate at such incredible levels that it could literally tear itself apart. Thus, starship owners often had to recalibrate their hyperdrives on a regular basis, to account for the areas of space in which they traveled most often. (SW, ESB, SWSB, DFR, TT, IG1, GOF1, LCS)

Hyperdrive Actuation Diode
this small component of a starship's hyperdrive was instrumental in the acceleration from sublight speeds to supralight speeds. (SL)

Hyperdrive Cantina
this bar was located on Vorusku. (IOT)

Hyperdrive Compensator
this was part of a starship's hyperdrive unit, and was the key component in slowing the ship down safely enough to re-enter realspace. (MIS2)

Hyperdrive Field Guide
this was the name of the specialized metal poles used to channel the energy produced by a hyperdrive, allowing it to propel a starship into hyperspace. (FP)

Hyperdrive Motivator
the starship component which is responsible for building up the energies necessary to propel a ship into hyperspace. The hyperdrive motivator creates an electromagnetic field around a starship, and then projects that field into hyperspace. Once in hyperspace, the hyperdrive motivator employs trilithium crystals to propel the ship through the continuum. When the ship's destination is reached, the hyperdrive motivator projects the ship's field back into realspace and cuts the trilithium drive. (ESB, SCRE, GG6)

Hyperdrive Ring
this device provided small starships with a burst of speed that allowed them to enter hyperspace with more ease than an onboard hyperdrive. The ring was attached to the ship, carrying it through hyperspace until it reached its destination. It could then be disengaged for intra-system flight. Two powerful hyperdrive engines were mounted at opposite sides of the ring, providing the ring with its propulsion system. Hypermatter was allowed to move within the ring itself, accelerating to incredible speeds before being used to propel the combined vessels into hyperspace. This hypermatter also provided ballast to equalize the ring after a starfighter was attached to it. (TCG1, AOTCN, X3)

Hyperdrive Shunt
this device, which is part of a starship's hyperdrive, allows excess heat and power to be bled off before it can damage the hyperdrive itself. (DA)

Hyperdrive Sled
similar to the hyperdrive ring, a hyperdrive sled was used to assist in propelling a small starship into hyperspace. These devices were one of the common upgrades added to Cloakshape fighters, which lacked a hyperdrive as originally produced. (NEGV)

a slang term, used when outrunning an opponent and reaching hyperspace ("Eat my hyperdust"). (COJ)

Hyperfoil 1000
this vehicle, produced by the Civil Aeronautics division of Tion Industries, was part speeder and part hovercraft. At fifteen meters in length, it used hover engines and repulsorlifts for vertical takeoffs and landings. A system of repulsors provided lateral thrust, while the hover engines provided a smoother ride over rough surfaces. (GFT)

Hyperfoil 1000-XTC
this was the latest version of Tion Industries' hybrid speeder vehicle, based on the original Hyperfoil 1000 design. By mixing standard repulsorlift technology with hovercraft capabilities, the Hyperfoil 1000-XTC was able to take off and land vertically, and had a flight ceiling of fifty meters. The Hyperfoil 1000-XTC measured seven meters in length, and could accommodate up to three beings and 100 kilograms of cargo. (AEG)

this development of Gree technology is unique in the galaxy. Resembling a doorframe or archway, the hypergate is controlled by a Gree gatemaster. At the activation of the gatemaster, a hypergate can be used to transport a being from its current position to another terminus, which is itself another hypergate. This remote hypergate can be in the next town or several planets away. In esense, these are personal transportation devices, and would have reduced the role of starships in the galaxy if the ability to create and maintain them hadn't been lost over time. Now, just a handful of hypergates exist, all within the Gree Enclave. (SWJ8)

this gland, located in the brain, produces chemicals which help the brain understand sensory input. (CFG)

this was the brand name of a line of personal exercise equipment. (POM)

this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers destroyed by Alliance forces during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

this was a generic term used to describe any known pathway through hyperspace. (LEV)

this material was used in the huge reactor cores which powered the first Death Star. It was first devised some fifty years before the Battle of Yavin, when Raith Sienar and his Advanced Projects team began working with a kilometer-wide ball of plasma contained within an implosion core. Sienar's designs were eventually usurped by Wilhuff Tarkin and used to create the first Death Star. (ICS, RP)

Hypermedia Galactic News Service
this was an Outer Rim newsfeed that reported on planetary events. (SWJ5)

this was a specialized form of paint used on swoops and speederbikes. It was designed to provide a striking finish to a vehicle as well as endure the scouring those vehicles took at high speeds. (WSV)

this specialized tool was used in the manufacture of droids. (CCC)

this song, written and played by the band Starburst, first appeared on the compilation StakeOut. (GG9)

Hypersound Speakers
this form of loudspeaker was developed to allow for a wide range of audio frequencies to be reproduced, allowing any number of races to hear in their natural frequency range. (MBS)

this was the name of Elam's pet, which he kept in his apartment on Taris some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)

shorter name for the hyperspacial continuum. (SW, SWSB)

this was one of the many restaurants and taverns that were established on Yag'Dhul's space station after Rogue Squadron took control of it. The Hype, as it was known, had good food and a bright decor. (BW)

Hyperspace Communications
a transmission method that allows message-bearing signals to be send into hyperspace for quicker transmission. (HSE)

Hyperspace compass
a navigation computer component which determines a starship's spatial coordinates. (DE1)

Hyperspace Courier Tube
a coffin-sized device which is used to transport a shipment through hyperspace without the need for a starship. (DA)

Hyperspace Jump Pod
this was Arakyd's vehicle for delivering Viper probe droids to a specific location. It could be programmed with a single set of hyperspace coordinates, and was disposable. (FTD)

Hyperspace Marauder
this was the name of Lo Khan's modified Xiytiar-class transport ship. Considering its use as a smuggling ship, it wasn't very fast, and was unarmed for a long time. This was the way Lo Khan liked it, or at least that's what he told his comrades. He later added increased shielding and beefed up the hull strength, although he kept primarily to the best-known shipping lanes to avoid being ambushed. If he ever was ambushed, Lo Khan had installed a unique computer and communications system that allowed him to access his attacker's shipboard computers. The attackers would suddenly find that they can't control their own ship, let alone the Hyperspace Marauder, which put Lo Khan in a great bargaining position. After the emergence of the cloned Emperor Palpatine on Byss and the reappearance of Han Solo on nar Shadda, Lo Khan added a pair of 700 Penetrator laser cannons for defense. (DE1, DESB, DE2, SWDB)

Hyperspace Navigator's Guild
this ancient guild was responsible for the discovery, cataloguing, and availability of hyperspace routes. It was originally founded on the planet Empress Teta, in a mansion in Cinnagar owned by wealthy nobles. The Guild's membership was made up of daring explorers who braved the unknowns of deep space to find quicker ways to get from one major trade center to another. Once a new route was discovered, the right to use the route was sold by the guild, with a percentage of the royalties going to pay the explorers which found it. The Guild existed without major change for many millennia, until the institution of the New Order. The Empire then raided the Guild's computers, stealing information on hyperspace travel routes from the Deep Core to the Unknown Regions. (GAS, PH)

Hyperspace Navi-rod
this technology was required for most astromech droids, providing them with the computing power to determine hyperspace jump coordinates swiftly. (PZZ1)

Hyperspace Orbiting Scanner
developed by Geothray Camber and implemented by Lindu Sencker, this device was developed for the Empire to eavesdrop into virtually any computer system in the galaxy. The HOS orbits a world in hyperspace, and monitors the hyperspace shadows left by the electrons flowing through computer networks. The HOS is programmed to understand the multitude of intergalactic programming languages, and deciphers the shadows into recognizable system commands. It has been used near almost 500,000 of the galaxy's planets, and boasted a 78% success rate. (ISB)

Hyperspace Pulsemass Generator
this grandly-named Imperial weapon was often referred to in more simple terms as a pebble-spreader. Its primary use is to create and scatter tiny spheres of hyperenergy into an area of space. These spheres, much like the fields produced by gravity well projectors, block a ship's ability to travel through hyperspace near them. The problem with these devices is that the tiny hyperenergy sphere dissipate their energy quickly, limiting the effective duration of the blockade. (ISB)

Hyperspace Roamer
a cargo ship given permission to make the Byss Run during the rise of Palpatine's second clone there. The Hyperspace Roamer was cleared to land at port tower Tarkin-12 just before Shug Ninx and Salla Zend arrived to try and recover Salla's ship. (DE2)

Hyperspace Security Net
this network of Interdictor Cruisers and gravity mines was strewn across the hyperspace traffic lanes that the Empire controlled within the Deep Core. The Hyperspace Security Net monitored entry and exit from the Deep Core, and it was continually on alert for unauthorized traffic. (DE1, PH)

Hyperspace Transponder
this device served as the basis for hyperspace communication. Although it was developed to send out weak pulses of energy which contained a message, these transponders were not very reliable. (DE1, PH)

Hyperspace War
a devastating war which took place thousands of years before the Jedi Assembly on Deneba, it was alluded to by Shatoyo. It was a great battle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Is this any different than the Great Hyperspace War, aside from the timing? (DLS)

Hyperspace Wormhole
this was a natural phenomenon in which suddenly connects two positions in the galaxy via a tunnel through hyperspace. The wormhole was accompanied by huge energy storms. These wormholes often occured just after large disturbances in the Force. Several hyperspace wormholes were known to have extended durations, and often were used as a conduit for faster-than-light transmissions. (DE1, MJH)

Hyperspacial Continuum
more commonly known as hyperspace, this was a dimension of the space-time continuum that can only be reached at supralight speeds. It transcends the four normal dimensions of length, width, depth, and time, and is analogous to a dimension floats above them. It allows space travelers to "jump" from a specific point in realspace to another point is realspace without having to travel directly between them. It corresponds directly with realspace, and any point in realspace has a matching point in hyperspace. Physical bodies in realspace also exist in hyperspace, but as gravity shadows of their true selves. The direction a starship travels is also similar in hyperspace as it is in realspace. It was also learned that a starship traveling through hyperspace built up a tachyon charge as it moved. This tachyon charge was not released until the starship re-entered realspace. The Yuuzhan Vong discovered a way to use a bio-engineered spore to free these tachyon particles while in hyperspace, giving them a way to track the movements of a ship through hyperspace by simply following the tachyon trail. While it was generally accepted that the galaxy was one of a multitude in the universe, it was discovered that a massive hyperspacial distrubance surrounded the galaxy and prevented a starship from travelling beyond its boundaries. This theory was challenged when the Yuuzhan Vong launched their invasion of the galaxy, and their ships seemed capable of hyperspace travel across the gulf between galaxies. Doctor Soron Hegerty proposed that the disturbance was formed of globs of "dark matter" that interacted only with gravity and forced starships to exit hyperspace when they encountered it. Doctor Hegerty's theory was that one glob - more than likely the size of a small galaxy - had begun to pass through the known galaxy, opening a hole in the disturbance and allowing the Yuuzhan Vong to enter. (SW, SWSB, DTO, SBS, FH3)

Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes
this musical group toured the galaxy during the height of the New Order, playing music that was as popular as it was controversial. They were eventually banned by the Empire. Much of their music was inspired by the raw emotion and intense drive of the Alliance agents they encountered while touring the Outer Rim. (HR)

Hyperspeed Express
this interplanetary shipping operation was based in New Nystao, on the planet Wayland, during the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (WOA29)

this hyperspace communications device was similar to a dedicated HoloNet terminal, but much less expensive. It allowed a starship to send and receive real-time audio and video transmissions while travelling through hyperspace. (SWRPG)

Hypervelocity Gun
this planetary defense weapon used a huge powerplant to drive a firing mechanism. In most situations, the powerplant was buried underground, as were the weapon's ray- and particle-shield generators. This substructure supported the weapon during firing, when it blasted super-accelerated slugs at its target. The HVG could fire up to 120 slugs per minute, in between shield bursts. The slugs could penetrate ray shielding, and could make quick work of most particle shields. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire built several hypervelocity guns into orbital space stations, providing the weapons with additional mobility. (BTS, LAWS)

generic term that is used to describe the starship systems that allow the ship to transition from sublight drive to hyperdrive. (LCF)

Hyperwave Antenna
this specialized communications antenna allowed a starship's crew to send and receive messages via hyperspace. (GMR10)

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