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this planet, located in the Colonies Region, was the homeworld of a population of Gran. (TPM, IWE1)

this species of predator was native to the planet Mutanda. Measuring up to 1.5 meters in height, the Hokami's body could measure nearly five meters in length. They attack they prey with their sharp claws and huge teeth, and have been known to attack repulsorlift vehicles. (PG1)

Hokan, Ghez
this former Mandalorian trooper established himself as a crimelord on the planet Qiilura, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was said that Hokan was so unpleasantly violent that he was asked to leave the Death Squad for enjoying his work too much. He controlled the farmers of Qiilura with an iron fist, and prided himself on his ability to defend his organization. When he was approached by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Hokan found himself unable to refuse their offer. He quickly established a research facility for Ovolot Qail Uthan, and set out to make sure that the facility was properly defended. However, he received little in the way of funding from Lik Ankkit, the Neimoidian representative of the Separatists on Qiilura, and was forced to create a police force from criminals and other conscripts. Like many Mandalorians, Hokan despised the Jedi Knights, and he considered them "play warriors" because they didn't use heavy weaponry or their fists. Thus, when Kast Fulier was captured and killed on Qiilura, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Hokan was more than happy to take his lightsaber and claim it as his own. When Ankkit refused to provide proper troops, Hokan gave himself a "field promotion" to the rank of Major, and claimed that he was part of the Separatist army. He then garrisoned Ankkit's villa, as part of a plan to hide Uthan's facility from the clone commandos of Omega Squad. When Omega Squad managed to infiltrate the facility and capture Uthan, Hokan was forced to evacuate. To ensure his survival, he took Uthan's research team hostage, and planned to escape on speeders with them. However, during the flight to reach the speeders, the hostages were killed in the firefight. Hokan and his chief Lieutenant, Hurati, managed to escape, and set out to retrieve Uthan. They were unable to do so, and found themselves the objects of an intense manhunt, led by Omega Squad. Ultimately, the commandos tricked Hokan into the open when one of them feigned injury. It was then that Etain Tur-Mukan stole up behind him and killed Hokan with a single cut from her lightsaber. (RCHC)

this immensely fat, pompous man worked with Dyril as the repair and maintenace team of the Q'Maere Research Facility, during the time Moff Sarne used the facility as a penal colony. (KR)

this was one of the more common names used by Trandoshan hunters. Like most Trandoshan names, it was reserved for males, but could be adopted by those rare females who became hunters. In the Trandoshan language, the name meant "kills with one blow". (GCG)

this yellow-skinned Trandoshan was part of Krayn's pirate crew during the last decades of the Old Republic, joining the pirates shortly after the Battle of Naboo. When the pirates captured a group of Rutien Twi'lek septuplets, Hokker spoke openly of taking them for himself and selling them for his own profit. This disloyalty earned him a break in Krayn's brig, after Siri Tachi -posing as the pirate Zora - turned him in. (JQC)

this stimulating drug causes its users to kill each other after about three days of use. (TNR)

Hol B'shaki
this was a noted member of the Nagai race, Hol B'shaki was the leader of the attack force dispatched to the Forest Moon of Endor in the wake of the Battle of Endor. (UANT, GMR1)

this planet was the site of a vicious battle between the forces of the New Republic and the Imperial remnant, during the early years of the New Republic. (GORW)

this man served as a police officer on Cloud City, during the early years of the New Republic. (GUN)

this Ortolan word was used whenever an individual wanted to indicate that everything was fine. It loosely translated into Basic as "Hey, no problem." (3D3)

this smuggler, based out of Dentaal, had a friend who used to reprogram robo-hacks to kidnap the local gentry. With a little creative programming, the robo-hack would simply deliver its passengers to his hideout instead of their home, and the man would hold them hostage for a tidy ransom. The plan failed when the local authorities simply reprogrammed the robo-hack to take him to the local jail. (SWJ14)

Holda, Greeta
this woman worked at the Czerka office on the planet Tatooine, during the era of the Great Sith War. She sold a group of moisture vaporators to the Jedi Knights who were searching for a piece of the Star Map, although the Jedi had to persuade her to lower the price. The vaporators were then turned over to the Sandpeople in an effort to stop their attacks on local moisture farms. (KOTOR)

this man lived in the Lower City of Taris during the years leading up to the Great Sith War, and was one of the many members of Davik Kang's criminal organziation. For an undisclosed reason, Holdan placed a bounty on Dia's head. However, one of the Jedi Knights who arrived on Taris after the Endar Spire was destroyed managed to convince Holdan to drop the bounty, thereby freeing Dia. (KOTOR)

this criminal was known to use older, black-powder weapons instead of more modern blasters, hoping to smuggle them past modern sensor systems. (GUN)

Holder of the Laws
this was the title used by the ancient Wookiees of Kashyyyk to describe a judge. (KOTOR)

this was one of the most powerful Nosaurian clans, native to the planet New Plympto. (CCW)

this was one of the tokens used in the playing of dejarik. When a player could no longer continue with a chance of winning, they were obliged to tip over the Holdfast, signalling their defeat. (GFT)

Holdfast Prison
this was the primary prison facility located in the city of Phemiss, on the planet New Plympto. (CCW)

any male person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a father. (CS)

Holding Back the Tide
this was the title of the poor-selling autobiography of former Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic, Finis Valorum. (HNN4)

any female person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a mother. (CS)

Holdout Blaster
any small, easily-concealed energy weapon, a holdout blaster has limited firepower. It can fire one or two full-intensity blasts before it is completely drained. (TB, RPG)

Holdout Flightknife
one of the many Yedagonian fighter squadrons which supported Wedge Antilles and the Running Crimson Flightknife during the war against the forces of the Cartann nation, on Adumar. The Holdouts eventually landed in Cartann City and assisted Cheriss ke Hanadi in recovering Red Flight's X-Wings. (SOA)

Hole Ball
this small mammal was native to the moon of Sulon. An unusual creature, the hole ball was named for its round shape and the fact that it lived in small tunnels it burrowed into the ground. The hole ball moved about in the tall grasses of the moon's surface, using the organic debris as a form of camouflage. Whenever it felt threatened, the hole ball simply rolled into the nearest hole and hid. (RAG)

Hole In The Ground
this was the adopted name of the Alliance's Haven Base. It was coined because Haven Base was constructed in an underground grotto, where crystalline formations channeled heat and electricity from the planet's core. (PH)

this diminutive Gamorrean was one of Jabba the Hutt's messengers, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. It was Holgurn who delivered the request to Han Solo, asking for his help in recovering the Yavin Vassilika. (UYV)

Holiday Towers
a beautiful hotel and casino owned by Jabba the Hutt on Cloud City, it was confiscated by Lando Calrissian after Jabba's death. When Zorba the Hutt returned to Cloud City and showed Lando Jabba's will hidden in CB-99, Lando tried to weasel his way into keeping the hotel by playing a match of sabacc with Zorba. Unfortunately for Lando, Zorba insisted on using his own cards, which were rigged. Not only did Lando lose the Holiday Tower Hotel, but he lost the entire deed to Cloud City as well. The Holiday Towers is a moderately-priced establishment, well-appointed by not as luxurious as the Yerith Bespin. (ZHR, ISU, MTS)

Holiest of Holies
this was the term used by the Ugors to describe the fragment of the Death Star which was located at the heart of the Paradise System. The Holiest of Holies was the piece of scrap which contained the prototype gravity well projector which had been stored aboard the first Death Star, and which had been flung into the reaches of space when the space station was destroyed during the Battle of Yavin. The gravity well projector suddenly reactivated itself, drawing toward itself a huge mass of orbital debris and rock. This immense, artificial asteroid field formed the heart of the Paradise System. (SWDB)

Holistic Data Transfer
a form of "information shorthand" that allows computers and droids to store large amounts of data in tiny amounts of memory. Known as HDT, this form of saving data means that a computer is able to do more with less active memory and storage space. (CFG)

this man did not like the use of a combat paraglider as a personal transport, since those vehicles offered little protection against ground-based fire. (GUN)

Hollan D1 Sector
the Alliance used a group of starships, stolen from the Overlord Ghorin, to destroy a vital Imperial storage area in this sector. (XW)

Hollast VII
this planet, located in the Hollastin System, was the site of a number of Alliance-funded insurgences aimed at freeing the populace from Imperial control. Some of them had secondary goals of overthrowing Glorga the Hutt. (SWJ4, AIR)

Hollastin System
this star system served as the base of operations for Glorga the Hutt, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)

Holleck, Grandon
this man was the governor of Chandrila, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. He was succeeded by Gerald Weizel when he retired from active duty to the Empire. (SWJ6, SWJ7)

this was a moderately valuable metal ore which was used in the production of hyperbarides. (PP)

Hollinium Chloride
this was a contaminant formed on the planet Goroth Prime in the wake of The Scouring. It was essentially a hyperbaride salt that was toxic to any being or creature not native to the planet. (GSE)

Hollis, Lutin
this young man grew in the rolling hills of the planet Naboo, working on his family's small farm. He joined the Royal Security Forces as a youth, and trained extensively to become a fighter pilot. He was known as a confident pilot who would do anything to protect his family and his homeworld. His son, Reye', eventually joined the Alliance, and also had a distinguished military career. (BFN, SWI74)

Hollis, Reye'
this Alliance Sergeant was one the leaders of the troopers who defended Echo Base, during the Battle of Hoth. A native of the planet Naboo, and the son of Lutin Hollis, Reye' trained under the watchful eye of Colonel Firest before being promoted to Sergeant. He was one of the only members of Firest's command team to survive the battle, and single-handedly pulled two of his medical personnel out of the way of an AT-ST before being injured himself. His survival only added to his incredible record of success, and he was awarded the Kenobi Medallion for his bravery. (CCG9, SWI74)

Hollow Mountains
this mountain range was located near the capital city of Unparala, on the planet Virjuansi. The underground levels of these mountains were riddled with caves and tunnels by borecrawlers, some natural and others created by the Virujansi for living areas and storage facility. (SWI72)

the huge, central biosphere located in Centerpoint Station, it was a beautiful area of gardens, parks, and living spaces. It was lit by the Glowpoint, and provided nearly all the foodstuffs needed to keep the inhabitants fed. However, when the station began generating strange pulses timed with the destruction of stars listed on the Starbuster plot, the Glowpoint incinerated everything in Hollowtown until the oxygen ran out. When Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian first see it, the toxic residues of the destruction make Hollowtown unlivable. Lando later finds that Hollowtown and the Glowpoint were components of the huge power supply needed to keep the hyperspatial tractor beam operational. The Glowpoint acted as a pilot light, which Hollowtown was a battery of sorts. (SC)

Holman, Deke
this dark-skinned human man was a native of the planet Socorra, and was a member of the Alliance's Harrier infiltration team. A good friend of Arecelis Acosta, Deke was known to as a middle-aged thrill seeker who had joined the Alliance after spending time as a pirate and mercenary. Deke had fought in several battles against the Empire, along side of Alliance personnel, before enlisting himself. When his commander, Fable Astin, went AWOL looking for Jaalib Brandl, Deke remained an important part of the Harrier team until he received a call from Jaalib. Deke took the Prodigal and flew to Trulalis to rescue Fable. (SWJ8)

Holmar Grahrk
this Devaronian was Vilmarh Grahrk's cousin. The two had no lack of disrespect for each other, and both took every opportunity to insult the other. However, when it came to credits, they often shared information in order to ensure that both profited. One of their first attempts to make a fast credit came when Villie was contracted to distract the Jedi Knights, in order for Darth Sidious to gain access to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, several months before the Battle of Naboo. Villie made a deal with the Yinchorri, which involved Holmar's son, Olmar, being married off to five Yinchorri females in order for Villie to become a member of the Yinchorri clans. Another such collaboration came after Villie rescued Quinlan Vos from Nar Shaddaa. Holmar reported that a huge bounty had been placed on Quinlan's head, and the pair decided to work together to turn the Jedi Knight in for the bounty. After they arranged for Quinlan to be captured, Villie shot and killed Holmar in order to claim the entire bounty for himself. (SWT, TDV)

this city was located on the eastern continent of the planet Bothawui. (SPG)

a message or other broadcast received on a holographic device. They can be short, personal messages or entire movies, such as the holo-thriller. (HSL, HTTE, JS)

this computer architecture designer created the Multi-Motion framework for realtime, three-dimensional computing. (CFG)

this young woman was an Imperial Princess. (HR)

this was a derogatory term, short for 'HoloNet Bimbo', used to describe an inane, female celebrity. Many of the natives of the planet Cularin used this term to describe Yara Grugara, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (LFCW)

Holo-bit Generator
this device allows the user to manipulate a pre-recorded holo-transmission and create a false transmission. The generator first makes a holographic image of the desired subject, then runs it through a bit manipulation program to generate subsequent images. The complete set of images forms a smooth, seemingly real transmission. (CFG)

this was a slim, crystalline board which was used to store vast amounts of information. Developed during the early millennia of the Old Republic, holohbooks were incredibly durable. The Jedi Archives, located on Coruscant during the last decades of the Old Republic, contained literally millions of holobooks, some of which dated back to the origins of the Republic. When properly stored and maintained, holobooks gave off a soft, blue glow. Like the Jedi Holocrons, holobooks provided interactive interfaces to their knowledge, allowing a reader to delve as deeply into subject matter as they desired. (VD2)

any small, nearly undetectable device which could be placed on a target for surveillance purposes. The holobug would return a real-time display of the target's surroundings, allowing trackers to better estimate the target's position. (SSR)

a small ID card which contains a holographic image, indicating a person's name, business, or security clearance. (LCF)

this was a small cartridge which contained a holographic message. Many of these devices and their readers had been replaced by more durable disks during the era of the New Order. (LCM)

this was a form of chess game which utilized holographic representations of the playing pieces, often fantastic aliens. The game was played on a circular field like dejarik, but had different styles of play and objectives. (SW, HSE, DFR)

this generic term was used to describe any full-duplex, three-dimensional communication. (AC)

this form of recording device captured full-form, three-dimensional images as well as sound for later playback. (SL)

known originally as a holographic chronicle, this was a recording device used by the ancient Jedi Knights to hold the multitude of teachings and lore needed to maintain the Jedi Knights. Each of these devices provides a visual and vocal way to view the enclosed information. The holocron was essentially a dense crystal, with intricate lattices and vertices which were capable of storing huge amounts of information. Most were small enough to fit in the palm of a human being. Each holocron has a gatekeeper assigned to dispense the information. The gatekeeper contains the cognitive network functions of a Jedi Master, and acts as a search, recovery, and storage allocation program. The devices are shaped like small, translucent cubes, and can be activated by a person controlling The Force. The Holocron can sense the user's ability with the Force, and can block out areas of knowledge that are beyond the user's ability. Despite the name, these holocrons were not limited to the Jedi Knights. Several holocrons containing Sith lore have been discovered as well. For some unknown reason, Sith Holocrons were pyramidal in shape, while Jedi Holocrons were cubic. The technology for constructing a Holocron and storing the personalities and knowledge within one was lost many thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin. (DE1, JS, DA, IJ, SWJ14, DSSB, JAF)

a device which generates a single, static, holographic image. It is used to keep a picture of a loved one nearby. (HSE)

a three-dimensional pedestal that allows the user to stand in the midst of a static image or an interactive transmission. (JS)

this device was used to duplicate, in three dimensions, any holographic image or video. (MJH)

this term is used to describe any being in the business of creating falsified holographic transmissions. (POT)

this was a full-length movie that could be displayed on a holoprojector. They were often contained in a cube-like device that was very similar to the Jedi Holocron. (HSR)

the display area of a holographic transmission device. (DA)

this form of holographic equipment is used to camouflage a door or other area. The holoflage mimics the surrounding walls, making the door disappear from view. (TFNR)

any three-dimension image which depicts sound and movement. The hologram is the primary message type used on the HoloNet, which allows realtime broadcast and reception of holographic news stories. (SW)

Hologram Fun World
an amusement park that is located in a transparent dome that floats in a blue helium cloud in the Zabian System, Hologram Fun World boasts that it can make any visitor's dreams come true. The World itself isn't really a world, but a self-contained planetoid that is about 40 kilometers in diameter. It was filled with holographic entertainment of all kinds, from realistic excursions to remote worlds, to incredible simulations of huge creatures. Borborygmus Gog managed to obtain permission from Danna Fajji to build his Nightmare Machine there, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Lando Calrissian later purchased controlling interest and ran the theme park, after losing Cloud City to Zorba the Hutt in a rigged sabacc match. (QE, GOF4)

Hologram Projection Pod
developed by SoroSuub, this circular device allowed the user to send a full-body, holographic communication to another being. It required that the receiving party have a holographic display unit. Measuring about two meters in diameter, the Hologram Projection Pod allowed for both transmission and reception of HoloNet signals, enabling virtually real-time communications across the galaxy. (EGW, AEG)

any three-dimension image which is static, without movement or sound. (SWR)

Holographic Portal
any three-dimensional image used to disguise the entrance to a secret base. (XWBT)

Holographic Recording Mode
a recording process used to capture the pictures and sounds transmitted via hologram. (SWR)

Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals
located in Imperial City on Coruscant, this institution was a "zoo" used to depict extinct animals from around the galaxy. (DA)

an athletic training facility which employed holographic arenas, obstacles, and opponents in the games played there. (GOF2)

this pendant was created by forming two identical halves and attaching them with a hinge, so that the locket could be opened and closed. Inside each half was a miniature holographic projection unit, which could store a single tiny image. When activated, usually upon opening, the holoocket displayed its image for the wearer. (UF)

HoloMaker 4.0
developed by Myris Pictures, this was the most technologically-advanced holofilm directing software avaiable during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

Holomap Room
see Star Map Room (PJSB)

holograms depicting mythological or extinct creatures, and used as game pieces for holochess and other hologames. (SW)

once the main vehicle for spreading news instantaneously thoroughout the galaxy, the Holonet used subspace relays to transmit three-dimensional images to various holonet receivers. This media distribution system allowed the Old Republic to have instant access to any inhabited location in the galaxy. It was created from hundreds of thousands of non-mass transceivers connected through an incredible matrix of coordinated SimuTunnels. Each endpoint was equippde with a huge computer system that decoded and sorted the transmitted information. Initially, the HoloNet was incredibly expensive to maintain and operate. Thus, its use was usually restricted to purely governmental transmissions. Over the centuries of its existence, however, the HoloNet became an almost indispensible technology, linking the planets of the Old Republic together with virtually instantaneous communiction. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems was forced to create its own version of the HoloNet, in order to maintain communication during the fighting. After Palpatine assumed control of the galaxy, he limited the HoloNet to specific Imperial uses, in order to control the flow of information through the galaxy. After the Battle of Endor, the New Republic began to re-establish civilian use of the HoloNet, restoring the primary communication vehicle required for a galactic government. The completion of the new HoloNet was cut short by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, as large parts of the galaxy were attacked and cut off. After the Second Battle of Coruscant, when the survivors of the Senate fled to Calamari, much of the HoloNet equipment which had been repaired or replaced was simply abandoned. Without contact with the Republic, as provided by the HoloNet, many small warlords chose to leave the system alone, protecting their small piece of the galaxy. Cal Omas, as the newly-elected Chief of State of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, decided to once again re-establish the HoloNet, to help draw the galaxy together in an effort to fend off the alien invaders. The usefulness of the repaired HoloNet was cut short by the development of the magubat kan, a Yuuzhan Vong bioform which attacked HoloNet relay stations and destroyed them. (RPG, ISB, FH1, FP, LEV)

HoloNet Communications Unit
a Holocomm for short, these portable devices allow the user to transmit and receive messages over the HoloNet. (ISB)

HoloNet Entertainment
this was one of the largest entertainment providers of the Old Republic, best known for the galaxy-spanned tours they produced to entertain the troops during the Clone Wars. (MBS)

HoloNet Free Republic
this pro-Alliance newsnet was famous for insinuating its feeds into Imperial-held systems during the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ3, LOE)

HoloNet News Service
this news agency was among the many that clamored for data on the Old Republic's activities, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI83)

based on the planet Coruscant, this was a simple newsfeed that provided up-to-the-minute news reports on the events of the galaxy during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)

HoloNetNews Kids!
this was a modified version of the HoloNetNews, sanitized for reading by sub-adults of the galaxy, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

a device which projects a three-dimensional version of a story for its user. (XW)

a device much like a data pad, except that it is capable of displaying holographic transmissions as well. (DA)

a device which controls holographic transmissions. (COTF)

Holopix News
this was the primary news media provider for the planet Challon, during the height of the New Order. (MCI3)

this was a generic term used to describe any device that could display a full, three-dimensional image in the air above and around it. The holoprojector had a variety of controls that allowed the operator to manipulate the display, based on the data input to it. They came in many shapes and sizes, from small, personal projectors to large, commercial versions used in theaters. (SW, HSR, JS)

this was a popular gameshow hosted on the HoloNet during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SWJ5)

this device used a three-dimensional scanning system to discern what was hidden inside parcels and packages. Used primarily during the height of the New Order, holoscanners helped Customs officials monitor what was passing into or out of their jurisdictions. (PH)

any three-dimensional billboard. (DE2, AC)

a three-dimensional form of artwork. (ISB)

the derogatory term used to describe reporters who work for tabloids and sensationalistic news agencies. (KT)

this was a device which mimicked a pre-recorded image or appearance, allowing a being to appear to be someone - or something - else. Holoshrouds found use on the battled field to assist a being who was injured in escaping to a place of safety. The injured being could move slightly from their downed position, getting a short distance away under the protection of the shroud. When the attacker came to determine his victim's status, the victim could pounce on his attacker and surprise him. The technology was developed and refined during the New Republic, until the holoshroud could be used to cloak the true appearance of an individual during normal activity. Note that this level of technology was indicated as being available at the end of the Clone Wars in Boba Fett: A New Threat. (TME, SBS, BF5)

any three-dimensional plaque used to mark locations. Spaceports use them to indicate a parked starship's name, owner, and other identification. They can easily be reprogrammed. (LCF)

this was the handle of one of the many HoloNet newsgroup moderators working on the planet Cularin during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was holosrv who shut down the thread started by Tiny F, in which a decrypted message from Jir Tramsig to the leaders of the Thaereian Military was posted. (LFCW)

this device projected a holographic image which surrounded the viewer, giving the impression of actually being "in" the image. (HSE)

any three-dimensional recording. (HSE)

this was the term used to describe any projected, three-dimensional image used to simulate battlefield opponents during weapons training. They could be programmed to have all the abilities of any given opponent. (HSR)

this was a genre of holo-features that provided audiences with an exciting story that was full of hair-raising adventures. (HSL)

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