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this was one of the more common names given to Dantari individuals. (UANT)

this moon, which orbits the gas giant Nepe, in the Episol System of the Kathol Outback, is the most populous world in the Kathol Republic. An agricultural world, Dayark also served as the capital of the Republic and the seat of its government. It is tide-locked to Nepe's orbit, and so the sunward side of the moon is the only habitable area. (KO)

this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this was a common Psadan name. (UANT)

Daykim, Onibald
one of the feral humans living underneath Imperial City in the early years of the New Republic, he is the "king" of his group. He was a low-level servant of the Imperial Palace branch of the Corusca Bank, during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. A small accounting error committed by his staff resulted in the name of Emperor Palpatine going to the top of a public list of loan defaulters. Although the incorrect list existed in the public domain for a few hours, Palpatine nonetheless found out about it,and fired the entire board of directors before demanding the identity of the culprit. Daykim fled to the undercity, rather than face Palpatine's wrath, and has existed there ever since. He maintains a strong and hale body, but he has lost all of his teeth and his hair has begun to fall out from years of living underground. (DA, JASB)

Daykim's Kingdom
the fanciful name given to Onibald Daykim's underground community on Coruscant. Located below Imperial City, it is populated with former Imperial bureaucrats and servants who fled the wrath of Emperor Palpatine. (JASB)

Dayson, Alta
this man served as a sensor technician aboard the FarStar, during the New Republic's search for Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne. (DARK)

this splinter group of the Rights of Sentience Party was formed to combat the subservient use of organic lifeforms in such menial tasks as guards and protectors. Daysong reasoned that the work could be done by droids, rather than forcing another being into the duty. Daysong had even gone so far as to argue the rights of synthflesh. When Leia Organa-Solo disappeared in the Meridian Sector during her visit to meet Seti Ashgad, the Daysong party sliced together a fake holo-transmission of her in an attempt to gain control of the Central Council. (POT)

an Alliance transport group intercepted in the Javin Sector while fleeing from the Battle of Hoth. (TIE)

this winged insect was native to the planet Qiilura, were it swarmed in multicolored groups of ruby and sapphire bodies. The daywing was named for its lifecycle. A daywing hatched in the morning and flew about for a single day, but died by evening. (RCHC)

this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names. (GCG)

Dazen Mok
this being was one of the many Jedi Knights who trained at the Almas Academy, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. However, Dazen Mok chose to leave the Jedi Order, after soul-searching revealed that he should spend the restof his life exploring the Cularin System and its unusual events. After leaving the Almas Academy, Dazen Mok spent many years investigating the loss of the Nub Saar floating city in orbit around Genarius. His investigations led him to the unusual theory that Nub Saar was destroyed by some manifestation of the Dark Side of the Force, which had originally been awakened to help Karae Nalvas build the floating fortress of Conkesta. When the fortress was destroyed, the dark force returned to Genarius' core. Years later, it awakened during the construction of Nub Saar, and destroyed the city in its anger. His theory met with stern opposition from a number of Cularin officials. (LFCW)

this was a race of polymorphous beings, genetic cousins to the Lahsbees, which could shape their bodies into two distinct forms. Their normal form, known as its "rest form," was that of a short humanoid. Their larger form, known as the "rage form," was that of a huge, horned beast. Normal Dazouri are cunning creatures, while those in their "rage form" were homicidal maniacs. (SWJ12, PG3)

Dazzle Company
one of the two divisions of the ThunderForce mercenary unit. Flash and Dazzle Companies each have eight full platoons of soldiers, and each had nearly 200 members in the unit. (HAS)

DB Generator
shortened term for a disruption bubble generator. (TB)

DB-4 Starliner
this 126-meter craft was built by Dobrutz. Many of these ships were pressed into service as a troop transports by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (TT)

this alien race was characterized by the multitude of tentacles and warts which covered it body. They were also quite worrisome, and spent much of their time debating the possible consequences of their actions. (APS)

this DBX-series droid served as the mynock exterminator droid aboard the Black Ice shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Chief Engineer Skolos programmed DBX-11 to recognize the Alliance agents who were attempting to take control of the Black Ice as mynocks, and DBX-11 set out to exterminate them. The agents eventually convinced the droid that they were not, in fact, mynocks, and DBX-11 revealed that Skolos was behind the series of malfunctions which plagued the Black Ice. (BI)

DBX-series Droid
this was a series of large, imposing labor droids produced by Delban Faxicorp during the last century of the Old Republic. (SWJ7)

this huge, turret-mounted turbolaser was developed during the Clone Wars as the primary weapon of the Venator-class Star Destroyer. Eight of these dual-cannon weapons protected the Venator-class vessel, with two rows of four being mounted at the base of the command tower. Each DBY-827 could be calibrated to one of seven different blast intensities, depending on the mission profile of the vessel. Long-range tracking computers allowed the DBY-827 to be extremely accurate across distances up to ten light-minutes. Each of these weapons required a dedicated crew to operate, given their size and targetting requirements. (X3)

known as the Intergalactic Speeder, the DC0052 was a sleek vehicle that found a market among the wealthier members of the galactic society during the final years of the Old Republic. The main body was a flattened hemisphere, resembling a flying wing. A pair of propulsion drives were attached at the back, and the central fuselage was adapted to enhance the speeder's maneuverability and speed. (IS3, TCG10)

this was the standard-issue blaster weapon provided by the Old Republic to the cloned troopers developed on Kamino. The DC-15 could be configured as a simpler blaster, or outfitted with a longer stock and an accelerating barrel to create a blaster rifle. These weapons were first used during the Battle of Geonosis. They fired an intensely-power bolt of coherent, blue light, that could shred vehicles and droids as well as flesh. (VD2, LAWS)

this was a more powerful version of the DC-15 blaster rifle, which was produced for the original series of ARC Troopers. The DC-15A had a longer barrel, with the trigger set back along the stock. (VD3)

this was an upgraded version of the standard DC-15 blaster pistol that was considered the standard firearm of the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The DC-15s was issued primarily to the ARC Troopers, who used the weapon because it was small enough and powerful enough to be carried as a backup weapon. It was designed to employ tibanna gas as its source of energy. (LAWS, VD3)

this enhanced version of the DC-15 blaster pistol was developed as a sniper weapon, with additional sights and exceptional accuracy over large distances. The DC-15x was the favored weapon of those clone troopers who specialized in sharpshooting. (LAWS)

the DC-17 blaster pistol was produced by the Old Republic for the clone troopers that fought during the Clone Wars. It was much more accurate - and much more powerful - than most standard-issue blaster pistols, and had a much higher rate of fire. This allowed specialized units of Jet Troopers to unleash a barrage of blaster fire as they moved through the sky. (LAWS)

this was a highly customizable version of the DC-17 blaster, produced by BlasTech during the last years of the Old Republic. The DC-17m was provided to many of the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI80, LAWS)

this is a series of freight droids manufactured by Serv-O-Droid. (CSA)

produced by Ealewon Electronics, this device was a handheld cryptographic coder. It allowed the user to encode individual computer files and "hide" them from unauthorized viewing. (GFT)

this power droid was modified for use as a translator and administrative assisstant by the Jawa scavenger Empideera Kkek. DC-GNK had been outfitted with a number of scavenged protocol droid parts, and was able help Kkek negotiate during trades. However, despite being grateful to Empideera for his "elevation" to intelligence, DC-GNK longed to be free of the Jawas and live his own life. (SOT)

Incom repulsorlift generators used on the T-16 Skyhopper. (EGV)

Arakyd's missile platform patrol droid, these military automata was designed around a group of 12 mini-concussion missile launchers. These small droids measure about 1 meter in length, and are deployed as a perimeter defense. (SN)

this subdirectory of the Sector Ranger Database maintained information on the breeding of veermoks outside of the Naboo System, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (SON)

this clone commando was a member of Niner's squad, during the Battle of Geonosis. Unfortunately, DD was among the many clones who were killed in the fighting on Geonosis. (RCHC)

this Tendrando Arms Defender Droid was assigned to Queen Mother Tenel Ka, in her residence on Hapes, during the year following the Qoribu Crisis. She had the droid ordered and programmed after it became apparent that she was pregnant with Jacen Solo's child. (DN2)

see Duro Delta Twelve. (WOTC, CCW)

this medical droid was developed by Ubrikkian Industries as a surgeon, specializing in cybernetic replacements, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was known as the Galactic Chopper in many circles, in reference to its rough handling of patients and its usefulness in removing damaged limbs in favor of cybernetic replacements. The DD-13 surgeon droid stood just over 1.8 meters in height, moved about on a set of three spindly legs, and had a minimally humanoid form. What it lacked in bed-side manner, the DD-13 made up for in it ability to quickly and carefully connect a cybernetic prosthesis to a living host. The DD-13 was originally designed to serve on Ubrikkian transport ships, but the ship designs proved to be unworkable. So, the DD-13 manufactured simply for hospital use. Many of these droids were employed by the Separatists for the surgeries that were done on General Grievous and Darth Vader. (SWI81, VD3, SWDB)

this Ubrikkian multitasking droid served aboard the FarStar as an overseer of the maintenance work done in the droid repair bay. DD-19 was known as the "slavemaster," because he drove his mechanics hard and demanded the best from them all. (DARK, KO)

a Merr-Sonn Munitions blaster pistol, the DD6 was produced as direct competitor to BlasTech's DL-18. The DD6 was stronger and more powerful, and its production set off the so-called "blaster wars" between Merr-Sonn and BlasTech. (GG9, GUN)

DDX Pulse Modulator
this device was used to ensure a steady power supply, minimizing spikes and surges while compensating for drops or low points. (GG9)

this model of blaster pistol was mass-produced during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

Dead Bantha Gulch
this ravine was located just inside the Jundland Wastes near Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. It was named by Platt Okeefe and Tru'eb Cholakk, who hid out in the gulch and found a bantha skeleton at the bottom. The gulch itself was riddled with caves and ravines in which the smugglers could hide their cargoes before a sale. The gulch was considered taboo to the Sandpeople, who feared the dead bantha. (IDC)

Dead Blade
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe any non-energized weapon. Specifically indicating that the weapon was not a lightsaber, a dead blade was any meatllic weapon lacking a power source. Thus, vibro-bladed weapons were not considered dead blades. (SHPT)

Dead Eye
this vast area of still, dense fog and gases was located in the atmosphere of the planet Bespin. The Dead Eye was one of the few atmospheric phenomena that changed very little within Bespin's swirling gases. Its existence was noted during the initial exploratory missions to the planet, suggesting that it had been present in the atmosphere for centuries. (DN2)

Dead Forest
this dense forest, located on the planet Kashyyyk near the city of Kachirho, was inhabited by a colony of webweavers. The actual name of the forest was Kkowir Forest, but it became known as the Dead for two reasons. First, it was a desolate area that had been once been lush, but was infected with some plant disease that rendered the jungle a sickly gray in color. Much of the jungle died out, and any new growth was quickly consumed by the disease. Secondly, the Dead Forest was home to a number of webweavers and other creatures that usually killed and ate any being who dared to travel through it. A group of Wookiees known as the Dead Guard protected the various entrances to the Dead Forest, in an effort to protect the population of Kachirho. (SWGAL)

Dead Guard
this was the name given to the Wookiee soldiers who guarded the entrances to Kkowir Forest, on their homeworld of Kashyyyk. The name Dead Guard came from the fact that the Kkowir Forest was known locally as the Dead Forest. (SWGAL)

Dead Man
this was a term used by Kal Skirata and several other instructors on Kamino to describe a clone trooper. It was in reference to the fact that the clones were created to be thrown into battle, where they were often killed in combat. (RCHC)

Dead Man's Hand
this Muurian transport was owned by the Azzameen family, and was part of the fleet operated by Twin Suns Transport Service. The Dead Man's Hand was the ship used to break Eamon Azzameen out of an Imperial prison ship, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)

Dead Man's Turn
this section of Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine was a 120-degree right turn at the end of the Main Avenue. (SE, TG)

Dead Rebels
this band played in Mos Eisley following the Battle of Endor. It was made up of an awful-sounding group of aliens. (XWBT)

Dead Reckoning
this modified Corellian Space Cruiser was the smuggling ship owned and operated by Rif Taranu. Most of the original luxury accommodations were stripped out to make room for more cargo space, and the ship was armed with a pair of double turbolaser cannons and a concussion missile launcher. The missile launcher was placed where the salon pod had been. (SOG)

Dead Sector
this was another name for the abandoned Dacho District of Coruscant. (SWI65)

Dead Zone
this was a smuggler's term for one of the most remote sections of the Outer Rim Territories. It was in the Dead Zone - named for the fact that there was virtually no life to be found in the sector - that Talon Karrde established a communications relay station on Comra, during the height of the New Republic. (SQ)

Deadbelt, The
this was the name of the asteroid field located between the planet Tasariq and Trenal, in the Tasar System. It is believed that the debris in the Deadbelt was the remains of another planet, although the Tasari legends said that the Deadbelt was formed from a portion of a massive meteor shower that ripped through the system. (SWJ15)

this was a seedy town, located on the prison world of Kiffex. (DRKN)

see Project Dead Eye (SWGAL)

Deadeye Klintee
this male Clantaani was a known associate of Longo Two-Guns during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the killing of three of Jabba's personal slaves, which was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with Jabba. (BH)

DeadHutt Switch
this is a fail-safe device used by many Hutt crimelords. It is a remote control device which has a single button. The button is held down by the Hutt, as long as it is alive. If the Hutt were to become incapacitated or die, it would release the button, triggering any number of remotely-located explosives, all of which are set off by a signal from the deadHutt switch. (IJ)

Deadly Vision
a song written and played by the band Starburst. It was first released as part of the compilation StakeOut. (GG9)

Deadon Ice Temples
this wondrous, xenoarchaeological site was discovered by Doctor Angrail Ryhl. (HR)

one of Luke's friends at Anchorhead on Tatooine. (SW, SWR)

Deal, The
this Basic phrase was the loose translation of the name of the Vaathkree religon. The Vaathkree were fanatic barterers and traders, and much of their society revolved around making deals. The Deal documents the code of barter and trade which every Vaathkree mucst adhere to, and is taught to immature Vaathkree - known as Stonesingers - during their early life. (AE)

this underground form of language grew out of the haggling and bargaining often required when dealing with criminal elements. (LAA)

this collection of terms and phrases was used by conmen and swindlers, and described many of the activities they took part in. (SWJ4)

Deamos Na-Coth
this ex-slave grew up in the heyday of the Old Republic. He was later a military leader, philosopher, and part-time prophet who believed in the existence of an ancient paradise planet called Exo. He founded a group known as the Cabal to search the outermost reaches of the galaxy for Exo, but many of the ships were lost. Na-Coth died nearly bankrupt, but his followers continued to search for Exo. (KO)

this being was one of Alexi Garyn's vigos, serving the Black Sun criminal organization during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Dean was killed on Ralltiir, at Garyn's fortress, when Darth Maul was dispatched by Darth Sidious to eliminate any trace of evidence linking Hath Monchar to Sidious. Maul wiped out the Black Sun complex on Ralltiir, executing all the vigos and Garyn himself in order to ensure secrecy. (DM)

this city, located on the planet Talus, was the site of one of the planet's primary spaceports. (SWGAL)

this is the name of a town on the planet Jubilar. Fifteen years before the Battle of Hoth, it was known as Dying Slowly. (TBH)

Death Boat
this was the name of one of the corvettes that formed part of Sol Sixxa's pirate fleet, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

Death Engine
a close-combat assault vehicle developed by the Empire, the death engine is a crab-shaped, repulsorlift-equipped mobile laser platform. It is virtually indestructible. (TME)

Death Fence
any form of highly-electrified fence system used to protect a garrison or other base. Although it could be ordered in different heights, most of these fences were ten meters high. (TFNR)

Death From Above
this was the name of one of the Imperial squadrons dispatched to take Kwymar Sector, during the Galactic Civil War. (MB)

Death Hollow
this was the term used by the Korunnai to describe any deep well or pit where toxic gases, roiling from the open caulderae of the many active volcanoes on the surface of Haruun Kal, could collect before they reached the "ocean" of the planet's surface. Any creature that fell into a death hollow literally drowned in the toxic gases. Usually, death hollows were camouflaged by lush foliage, so many creatures simply fell in by accident or tried to feed on a tasty blossom and tumbled to their death. (SHPT)

Death Hurdles
this computer game simulated a race in which the player had to control a swoop through a dangerous course of continually moving and shifting obstacles. In a two-player version, the second player controlled the obstacles, and could move them at random. (JE)

Death Kreetle
this was an especially vicious species of kreetle. (GQRG)

Death Mark
a warrant for the recovery of an individual by any means possible, including the death of the individual. The death mark is usually issued for the return of an individual for execution by the issuer. Jabba the Hutt placed a death mark on Han Solo for the loss of a shipment of spice. (ESB)

Death Mark
this old frigate was welded onto Zirtran's Anchor some time ago. This ship once owned by a bounty hunter known as Vygar, who believed that bounty hunters needed a place of their own to rest, make repairs, catch up on the latest news, and socialize with their own kind. Vygar brought the Death Mark to Zirtran's Anchor and added it to the growing station, creating the Delta Sector of the station in the process. (SWJ5, LAA)

Death Maze, The
this maze of passages was one section of the race course which was set up for the BlastBoat 2000 event, held on the moon of Echnos. Most of the turns in the Death Maze were extremely sharp, and behind most of them were nooks where an opponent could hide and ambush another racer. (SWJ4)

Death Meal
this was traditionally the last ritual act performed by an X'Ting, in which the X'Ting individual explained their life over a last meal before going to die. Most often, the death meal was eaten before an execution. (TCD)

Death Merchant
this pirate freighter was owned by Arns Grimraker during the early part of the Galactic Civil War. The ship was incredibly fast and well armed for its size, allowing the pirates to move swiftly from battlefield to battlefield, beating their competition to the salvage rights. When Grimraker was killed on Hoth by Wedge Antilles, theDeath Merchant served as Antilles' refuge from the intense cold and wind. He and Wes Janson huddled inside the ship for months before being rescued by Luke Skywalker. (PH, MC78)

Death of Captain Tarpals, The
this was a nickname given to Jar Jar Binks by the military of the Gungans, because every time Binks got into trouble it was Tarpals who had to bail him out. (T3)

Death or Glory
a song written and played by the band Strarburst. It was first released as part of the compilation Only in Your Dreams, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

Death Plunge
this was one of the many attractions found at Aucellis Park, on the moon of Keriba VI, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The rider claims to plunge its riders through the moon's core, but the ride is actually a stationary set of cars around which a vivid illusion of travelling through a world is displayed on full-surround screens. (WOA27)

Death Seal
this was a device which allowed an individual to protect the contents of a container from unwanted intrusion. The death seal could only be opened by entering a specific code or information, most often a retinal scan or DNA match. If broken into, the death seal released a deadly toxin or gas, killing the intruder instantly. (T7)

Death Seed
this plague was virtually unstoppable when it was first discovered. The basis of the Death Seed is the creature called a droch, which can steal the life force energy from its victim once it bites the victim. If allowed to remain attached, the droch can quickly burrow into its victim. Once inside, it is absorbed into its victim, but continues to drain life energy from it. The victim dies from unknown, though obviously viral, causes. Bacta therapy was found to quicken the disease, because the bacta only provided the droch with a renewed source of life energy as the victim healed. The Death Seed was controlled by the huge droch Dzym, which maintained a link to the lower drochs while obtaining life energy from their vicitms. When Dzym and Seti Ashgad began their quest for galactic domination, they unleashed the Death Seed plague on the Meridian Sector. Only through Luke Skywalker's communication with the Spook crystals on Nam Chorios was the plague defeated. The crystals agreed to be shipped off-planet, where they could help focus natural sunlight on the parasitic creatures. The Death Seed managed to wipe outnearly three-quarters of the sector before it was controlled. (POT)

Death Squad
this was one of the most violent branches of the Mandalorian military, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (RCHC)

Death Squadron
this grouping of capital ships was formed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, and was created to capture Alliance starships fleeing the Battle of Hoth. (CCG3)

Death Star
this satellite-sized battle station was developed by the Geonosians, under the direction of Darth Tyranus, from the original plans for the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid. After the Battle of Geonosis, these plans were refined by Tol Sivron and Bevel Lemelisk at the Maw installation, and the battle station was built by Bevel Lemelisk and Imperial Engineering. As the Alliance began to gather support, it was Grand Moff Tarkin who asked for a superweapon with which he could control the entire Outer Rim Territory, and the Death Star was the perfect weapon. It housed a huge superlaser which combined the output of multiple lasers into a single, focused beam. A huge focusing lens was built to accomplish this, located on the upper hemisphere. The superlaser was designed to be targeted at anything from a capital ship to a planet. This objective was known only to a select few, for Tarkin and the Maw's top scientists decided that they should downplay the role of superweapon to keep the project on schedule. In order to ensure continued cooperation of their employees, project engineers were told that the station would be used to break down dead planets, in an effort to reach the core of elements easier. To complete this ruse, the funding for the original Death Star came from funds diverted form the Departments of System Exploration and Public Works. The interior of the initial Death Star was planned to have 84 unique levels, each 1,428 meters in height. Each level was subdivided into 357 sublevels. The entire design was then divided into two hemispheres, each with twelve zones. The crew of the first Death Star consisted of 27,048 officers; 774,576 troops, pilots, and crewers; 378,576 support and maintenance crewers; 400,000 support droids; and 25,000 stormtroopers. Note that the Star Wars Trading Card Game - Battle of Yavin expansion set lists the Death Star's stormtrooper compliment at 25,984. The human inhabitants were provided with an array of parks, shopping centers, and entertainment facilities, since the average length of service aboard the station was to be six years without leave. At the north pole of the station was constructed a 100-story tower, which was heavily shielded and virtually impenetrable. This tower held Palpatine's operational headquarters, for those times when he was aboard the station. According to Imperial sources, the first Death Star took too long to construct, exceeding Palpatine's every deadline. Originally started during the Clone Wars, it was built in orbit around the prison world Despayre. Labor for the construction was taken at will from the prison below. When the first Death Star was completed, Tarkin ordered the superlaser tested on the planet Despayre itself. Needless to say, this initial test exceeded even Tarkin's wildest dreams. A second test was performed in the Alderaan System, when a captive Leia Organa refused to reveal the current location of the Alliance's main base. Imperial propaganda later explained that the destruction of Alderaan was caused by the Alliance, which tried to hamper the original tests of the battle station's weapons. However, despite its formidable weaponry, the original design was flawed, as it vented its main reactor directly to the outside. When the plans to the first Death Star were stolen by Alliance forces and delivered to the Massassi Base on Yavin 4, military personnel and technical experts under the command of General Jan Dodonna discovered this flaw. They believed that a proton torpedo could be fired into the exhaust shaft, resulting in a chain reaction that would destroy the station. During the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker used a combination of luck and the Force to fire the fateful torpedo, destroying the Death Star from within. In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, Imperial propaganda claimed that the Alliance was to blame for the destruction of Alderaan. Propaganda went on to say that the Alliance "lured" the station to the Yavin System and destroyed it through treachery and deceit. The name "Death Star" was then "officially" used to honor the Imperial personnel who were killed in the destruction of the battle station. The original station was 120 kilometers in diameter, and had the following design features:

  • 5 Access trenchs (2 at the poles, 2 midhemisphere, and 1 at the equator)
  • Surface City Blocks
  • Main Reactor Core with surrounding Power Cells
  • 2 Ready Power Cells (midsection)
  • 2 Hyperdrive Motivators, driven by 123 generators (midsection)
  • 2 Sublight Drives (midsection)
  • 2 Computer Cores
  • Deep Armory and Hangar Bays (bottom hemisphere)
  • Command Core (upper pole)
  • 2 main Hangar Bays (upper pole and upper hemisphere)
  • Deep Storage Bays
  • Dry Bulk Storage Bays
  • Liquid Bulk Storage Bays
  • 5,000 turbolaser batteries
  • 5,000 heavy turbolaser batteries
  • 2,500 laser cannons
  • 2,500 ion cannons
  • 768 tractor beam generators

Death Star Bluff
a card game played in many casinos. (WSV)

Death Star Diva
one of several musically awful songs written and played by the band called Dead Rebels. (XWM)

Death Star Droid
this was a common name given to the RA-7 series of droids, built by Arakyd Industries to Imperial specifications. They were named for the fact that a great number of these droids were manufactured for use aboard the first Death Star. (CCG2, EGD)

Death Star II
this second version of the original Imperial battle station was modified to eliminate the flaws which were discovered by the Alliance military and exploited during the Battle of Yavin. Like its predecessor, the second Death Star was designed around a planet-smashed superlaser. The primary difference between the two battle stations was the elimination of dedicated thermal exhaust ports. In their place, millions of millimeter-wide vents were dispersed across its surface, each with a dedicated baffling mechanism. The second Death Star was slightly larger than the original, at 160 kilometers in diameter. Note that Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy indicates that the second Death Star was over 900 kilometers in diameter. The outer hull was made from quadanium steel for protection. For defensive measures, the second Death Star was to house 4 capital ships, 7,200 TIE fighters, 3,600 Lambda-class assault shuttles, 2,480 blast boats, 1,860 drop ships, and 13,000 support craft. These included 1,400 AT-ATs, 1,400 AT-STs, 178 Mobile Command Bases, 1,420 repulsortanks, 1,420 repulsorcraft, 355 Floating Fortresses, and 4,843 Juggernauts. In addition to its primary superlaser, the second Death Star was also planned to have some 30,000 turbolasers. Another key difference between the two battles stations was their purpose. While the first Death Star was designed to instill fear in planetary systems, the second Death Star was designed as the bait in an elaborate trap. Emperor Palpatine, sensing that the end of the Galactic Civil War was at hand, began construction of the new battle station in orbit around the Forest Moon of Endor. Palpatine appointed Moff Jerjerrod as the overseer of the project, knowing that he was an ineffectual leader who would be unable to keep the station's construction on schedule. Then, he purposely allowed news of the battle station's construction to leak out. A group of Bothan spies was given access to the information, and pursuing Imperials forces were ordered to ensure their eventual escape. Palpatine hoped that the Alliance military would not pass up the chance to destroy the new station, in hopes of crushing the Empire. Palpatine even leaked schedule information that showed the exact times he would be visiting the station during its construction, as further incentive to incite an attack. In preparation, the Emperor massed a huge fleet just outside of the system, hidden until the Alliance fleet made its appearance. During the Battle of Endor, Alliance forces discovered that the second Death Star was fully operation, despite its incomplete structure, and was capable of targetting starships as well as planets. However, Palpatine failed to account for the love between Darth Vader and his son, Luke Skywalker. As the space battle raged, Vader managed to overcome his hatred and return to the Light Side of the Force, killing Palpatine in the process. With their leader dead, the Imperial forces were unable to continue the fight, and the second Death Star was eventually destroyed. (ROTJ, MTS, IWST, DSTC, TCG9)

Death Star Rising
a song written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes. It was first released as part of the compilation Artistic Integrity. (GG9)

Death Star Trooper
this was the rank given to the hand-picked soldiers who served the Empire aboard the first Death Star. Distinguished by their swooping, black helmets, these troopers were chosen from the ranks of the Imperial Navy by Grand Moff Tarkin himself. (TCG4)

Death Stick
this recreational drug was popular on Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was essentially a treated form of Ixetal cilona, which could be hardened into a cylinder or liquified and stored in a long vial. Both forms gave rise to the monicker 'death stick.' The liquid form was often consumed by mixing it with softdrinks, and was virtually undetectable in this form. The drug inside the multi-colored cylinders provided the user with a heightened sense of euphoria, but continued use of the drug stole years from a being's life. This continued usage led to an intense addiction, and most abusers reported needed a harder and harder dosage in order to simply exist. Because of its widespread use, the Bando Gora chose to introduce death sticks laden with neurotoxins into the Coruscant underworld, in an effort cause widespread chaos during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (HNN4, BH)

Death Watchman
this was the term used to describe a member of the Mandalorian Death Watch. (SWI80)

Death Weave
this series of attack moves was used by masters of the teras kasi martial artform. (DMSH)

Death Wind Corridor
this smugglers' hyperspace route connected the worlds of Ryloth, Manda, and Roon. It was named by the Twi'lek smugglers who used it as a "back door" to bypassing the Hutts. (WOTC, GORW)

this was the name of the deepest part of the Imperial prison on Tol Ado, and was where the most intense interrogations were carried out. It was said that no one lived more than two hours after being transferred to the Deathblock. (JH)

this was the ritualistic duel in which a member of a ruling family on Ammuud may challenge another individual, in the event that a family member was shamed or harmed by the other's actions. Under the Ammuud Code, either party could appoint a champion to fight in their place, and the type of duel was agreed upon prior to the actual event. (HSR)

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