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this was a training game used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, as part of the early training of very young students of the Force. The game was designed to attune a student to the flow of the Force when a danger is imminent, as mimicked by a low-power blaster bolt. Students as young as two or three standard years of age were taught the game, to train them as early as possible to feel the Force.
this was the alias used by Del Hunter, in his dealings with the Alliance's underground cell on Kabaira.
an Alliance Nebulon-B Frigate assigned to destroy the Rugle transport group.
Dodo Bodonawieedo
this Rodian played the slitherhorn for the Max Rebo Band. Dodo was born on a shuttle that was en route to Tatooine, after his parents fled the wrath of Navik the Red. Dodo learned to respect his clan from his mother, and learned to love music from his father. He grew up in the streets of Mos Eisley with his best friend, Falk, but was forced out of his home when bounty hunters from Rodian killed his parents and burned the house. He and Falk then grew up as part of the Shawpee Gang, and they were fond of frocking jawas and stealing ronto steaks. Over the years, he grew into one of the minor information brokers in the spaceport city. After they left the Shawpees, Dodo and Falk joined Jabba the Hutt's ring of informants. Falk was eventually killed for spying, but Dodo remained with Jabba's group, and even joined the bands that played in the palace. Dodo managed to avoid his own death when Jabba was killed at the Pit of Carkoon, having been sent to deliver a message from Bib Fortuna to Onici Wen. After Jabba's death, Dodo sneaked into the palace and stole some valuable treasures before fleeing Tatooine forever. Among those treasures were the sculptures known as the Minstrel and the Dancing Goddess. He sold these back to their original owners, and retired to a comfortable living on Tharkos.
named for General Jan Dodonna, the Dodonna was a flagship assault frigate in the New Republic's fleet. The ship was part of Wedge Antilles' flight group, which he commanded from the Yavaris, during the search for General Madine and the Darksaber.
Dodonna, Jan
Jan Dodonna was one of the Old Republic's foremost military tacticians. Along with his friend and comrade Adar Tallon, they were a formidable pair. Tallon's ability to manipulate ship-to-ship combat complimented Dodonna's logistical mind and siege tactics. Dodonna was one of the first Star Destroyer Captains for the Old Republic, and was a task force commander during the height of the Clone Wars. When Dodonna first heard of Tallon's death, he retired. Soon after, Palpatine's New Order was implemented, and the military records of the Old Republic's finest officers were scrutinized. Dodonna was deemed too old to retrain, and was ordered for execution. A timely intervention by the Alliance, coupled with the knowledge of him impending execution, turned Dodonna toward the Alliance. He defected to the Alliance, and became one of their greatest strategists. Deep in his heart, he felt the need to help the Alliance turn the tide, for he saw the Empire using is greatest strategies against the Alliance, primarily in the Siege of Dalron V and the infamous Project Asteroid. He was placed in charge of the attack on the first Death Star, and agonized without sleep over the plans delivered by Leia Organa. His keen insight discovered the flaw in the reactor shaft, and he organized the snubfighter battle around it. With the Death Star gone, Dodonna was placed in charge of defending Yavin 4 until a new base could be found. He discovered that his son, Vrad, had been severely injured in an attack on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, and later died of his injuries. He helped destroy a wing of Imperial TIE Bombers that attacked Yavin 4, but was critically wounded in the battle. He was captured by the Imperials, and was imprisoned at the Lusankya facility. Known as the "Old Man," Dodonna was the unofficial leader of the prisoners working in the mines when Corran Horn was sent there. Jan helped Corran escape the facility, but couldn't escape with Horn without endangering the other prisoners. When Horn made his attempt, Jan noticed that Evir Derricote was attempting to follow him. Jan pursued Derricote and deflected his first attack on Horn. Corran was able to kill Derricote with the very shovel Derricote attacked him with. Jan remained behind when Corran left, and was probably transported to Thyferra when the Lusankya left Coruscant. Dodonna and the other prisoners were transported to the planet Ciutric by Ysanne Isard's clone, where they were held and drugged to ensure their compliance. Isard's clone pretended to move them every so often, using elaborate chambers and neurological drugs to make them believe they were travelling through hyperspace. In fact, they never left the planet. After the Battle of Bilbringi, the New Republic joined forces with the real Ysanne Isard, and was able to launch an assault on Ciutric. Dodonna and the remaining Lusankya prisoners were rescued by Corran Horn. Dodonna was eventually reunited with Adar Tallon, who had been discovered hiding on Tatooine and persuaded to join the Alliance some years before. The two, along with Vanden Willard, were known as the "Gray Cadre" among the Alliance's military. Note that The Truce at Bakura depicts Dodonna as an active member of the fledgling New Republic, and as the developer of the Battle Analysis Computer. After his rescue from Ciutric, Dodonna went on to become a competent statesman for the New Republic before he retired to New Alderaan, thinking that most of the battle with the Empire was over. He was quite surprised at the advent of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the new life shown by the remnants of the Empire, and so he came out of retirement and became one of the New Republic's most trusted military advisors, helping to turn the tide during the Battle of Calamari.
Dodonna, Vrad
the son of Jan Dodonna, Vrad fled from an encounter with the Executor just before the Battle of Hoth. He escaped from the battle in a shuttle and hid behind a nearby moon until the battle was completed. Vrad had a great fear of dying in battle, which he tried to conceal from his father. He faked battle damaged to his shuttle with a blaster and returned to Yavin 4. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker were able to see through the deception, but couldn't decide how to approach General Dodonna about it. In an effort to make up for his perceived cowardice, Vrad volunteered to take the last power gem into battle against the Executor. Dodonna named Luke as his backup, which worried Luke. Luke confronted Vrad about his suspicions, but Vrad knocked him unconscious. They had to put their differences aside as the mission began, but Vrad panicked when he encountered the ship again. He was able to penetrate the Star Destroyer's defenses and momentarily drop some of its shields, but the power gem's effects were short-lived, and the Executor survived. Vrad then landed on a small moon and dropped off Luke, them returned to ram the Star Destroyer with his own ship, sacrificing himself in hopes of doing more damage to the Executor. Following Vrad's death, Luke was promoted to Commander. Note that the Star Wars Radio Drama indicates Luke wasn't promoted to Commander until Narra's death.
this small company, formed by Jan Dodonna and Walex Blissex, are the manufacturers of the RZ-1 A-Wing starfighter.
Dodonna's Pride
named for Jan Dodonna, this Alliance CR90 corvette was used in a series of ambush attacks on Imperial supply convoys during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War.
Dodra F'ass
this Bith Senator represented his homeworld of Clak'Dor VII, as well as the rest of Mayagil Sector, to the Old Republic Senate, in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He remained noncommittal about secession from the Republic, despite intense pressure from neighboring sectors.
Dodt, Parin
this was Pash Craken's alias when he infiltrated Coruscant as part of Rogue Squadron. Parin was an associate of Antar Roat.
R2-D2 and C-3PO were sent to this small world by the Intergalactic Droid Agency, where they were to become the servants of Lott Kemp. Despite its bleak environment, Dodz was known throughout the galaxy for the wondrous crystals that were mined from its crust.
Doehn, Argon
this Alliance agent was contacted by Mygo Skinto shortly before the battle of Miztoc City. Mygo offered Doehn her services as an informant, and many in the Alliance's command structure believed they won the battle because of Mygo's help.
a female Gran deity, often associated with luck.
D'oemir Bear
this huge, carnivorous mammal was native to the Jhunia snow plains of the planet Neftali, and was hunted for its meat and fur. They were the apex predator on Neftali prior to the appearance of humans and Whiphids, and was nearly hunted to extinction. They were solitary hunters, and the sharp drop in their numbers resulted in their being protected. Hunters were still allowed to take d'oemir, provided that they paid up front for a license and a guide. The average d'oemir bear measured two meters in height when fully erect.
Does Anyone Weep?
this song, performed by Maxa Jandovar, was one of the galaxy's most popular numbers during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.
Doestes High Port
this space station was erected in orbit around the planet Kuna's Tooth by a pair of Duro brothers as a shipyard. They outwardly built and repaired mining ships and vehicles, as well as the occasional personal craft, but many authorities believed that the space station served as a refining facility for Rokna Blue.
this Imperial stormtrooper was stationed at the garrison in Hullis, on the planet Halmad, during the early years of the New Republic.
Do-Forow Nadon
this young Ithorian male was son of Momaw Nadon and his wife, Fandomar.
Dogder, Ghitsa
this woman was a Hutt counselor for most of her career, although she freelanced as a smuggler with Fenig Nabon during the early years of the New Republic. She had a Coruscanti accent, but not the bearing of a noble. She was at one time a counselor for the Desilijic kajidic, but had since worked for the Besadii clan. Ghitsa's family had been acting as Hutt counselors, helping facilitate business between the Hutts and the Core Worlds, for nearly 150 years. She had met Fenig on Socorro a couple of years after the Battle of Endor, and they formed a loose partnership. When Ghitsa negotiated the services of a group of Twi'leki dancers for Durga, it struck her as an act that was morally wrong. Every the schemer, Ghitsa contracted the Mistryl to help transport the dancers, then verbally abused and goaded the Mistryl pilots. This was all in an effort to have the Mistryl become angry and force them off the ship. That way, Ghitsa could claim to Durga that the dancers had been stolen, ensuring that the Mistryl would help get them to safety. Ghitsa had Fen reprogram the Fury's ID codes to those of the Indenture, then told Durga that the Karazak slave ship stole the dancers. In fury, Durga expelled Ghitsa from her position as Hutt counselor, another outcome she had hoped to achieve. Shortly afterward, the Star Lady was stranded on Prishardia, the victim of sabotage by Culan Brasli and the Desilijic clan, and Ghitsa posed as a Jedi Knight in order to con the locals out of their hard-earned credits. She was waylayed, and had to be rescued by Fen and Kyp Durron. However, Ghitsa managed to steal information on the Orko SkyMine project from Counselor Ral, and later turned it over to Talon Karrde for distribution to the New Republic authorites.
this large, flying insect was native to the jungles of Haruun Kal.
this New Republic Navy E-Wing pilot worked with Esege Tuketu to take out the Black Nine shipyards during the Battle of ILC-905. Dogo was Tuketu's escort, and fired into an overlap of the shipyard's shielding, providing Tuketu a target to fire at. Tuketu dropped several bombs into the overlap, creating a shield overload and destroying the shipyards.
Dogot, Ors
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Bloodprice, serving under Warlord Foga Brill. He is killed when his ship tried to intercept the Teljkon vagabond in Sector 5. The vagabond had just fled Gmir Askilon, and was discovered by the Bloodprice. The vagabond recognized the Imperial ship as a threat, and fired on it. The intense burst destroyed the ship, taking all hands with it.
Dohn donya
this phrase, in the High Tongue of Corellia, was a response to an invitation, and generally held the same meaning as "thank you".
this was the Huttese word for the number twenty-three (23). Note, however, that the Huttese counting system was based on a base-eight system. So, dohonocha indicated the number nineteen (19) in the Basic language.
Dohu VII
this seventh planet in the Dohu System is the homeworld of the Silika race of living rocks.
this city was found on the planet Ansion.
Doikk Na'ts
one of the Bith members of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, Doikk plays the Fizzz. He is leery of working humans, and prefers the company of droids.
Doil, Kohn
this Vunakian man served the Old Republic as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic, and was part of the security team on Drongar during the height of the Clone Wars. It was Colonel Doil who was placed in charge of the investigation into the loss of bota and the deaths of Filba the Hutt and Tarnese Bleyd. Doil's investigation concluded that Filba had been the spy hidden in Rimsoo Seven, and the matter of the spy had been closed with Filba's death.
this was once of the many names given to Duros females. It referred to a famous female Duros military commander.
this ancient Duros female was also a famous military commander.
Doisey Bird
this medium-sized bird was raised for its tasty meat. It was often served roasted.
this was one of the four social classes found among the Em'liy, who were native to the planet Shalyvane. Each of the four castes was considered equal within the Em'liy society, and each was led by its eldest member. Like all other classes, the Dojufi were named for one of the lesser gods in the Em'liy pantheon.
this was one of the lesser-known gods who were worshipped by the Em'liy.
this ancient Hutt was responsible for the discovery of the planet Vodran.
Dok, Shanda
this Alliance operative was part of the first wave of agents which tried to support the rebellion on Fitca Prime, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. She was captured and brought before High Inquisitor Mox Slosin, but refused to provide any information on the Alliance. She later died during the intense interrogation sessions.
see De-Orbiting Kinetic Anti-emplacement Weapon.
Doke Gerkin
this was a Skrilling individual, distinguished in the history of Agriworld-2079.
Doko prek anuda ten?
in the Old Corellian smuggler's vocabulary, this question asks "Can you speak this language?"
Dokrett, Voba
this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Gorath, part of Foga Brill's fleet in the Prakith System. He pursued the Teljkon vagabond when it passed through the system.
this was a species of small, predatory pack animal which was native to the planet Cartao. Some dokriks could be domesticated if they were taken from the wild at a very young age, and they made excellent companions.
(SWI69, SQ)
an Imperial trooper stationed on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. He served under Harburik as part of the local police force.
(ISB, GG7)
Dol Heep
this Avoni was the primary force behind a plot to take control of the planet Radnor, some years after the Battle of Naboo. Dol Heep approached the Radnoran siblings, Galena and Curi, with an offer to purchase some of their weapons technology. Curi refused, and Dol Heelp began secretly meeting with Galen to obtain the technology he wanted. Galen, for his part, served Dol Heep well. Dol Heep was ostensibly "trapped" on Radnor when an endemic plague was unleashed in the city of Aubendo, five years before the onset of the Clone Wars, but was actually overseeing the evacuation of Radnorans in order to steal their wealth and then their planet. The Avoni purchased a huge number of prototype battle droids developed by the Radnorans, using them to secure parts of the planet while keeping the Jedi Knights - who were on Radnor to ensure an orderly evacuation - at bay. Unfortunately for the Avoni, the plans set in motion by Dol Heep were discovered by the Jedi Knights who were dispatched to Radnor to ensure an orderly evacuation. While he loudly denied any wrong-doing, Dol Heep was arrested on charges of conspiracy to take control of Radnor.
Dol, Tevris
this young executive of Radell Mining Corporation was known more for his self-centered, arrogant personality than his business dealings. Nonetheless, he was one of Radell's main negotiators.
this near-sentient tree, native to the planet Aruza, produces small flowers which are sensitive to touch. If approached abruptly, the flowers retreat into thin shoots. However, if tenderly coaxed out, the flowers can be harvested for the thick juice they exude. The Aruzans then process the juice into an antibiotic fluid.
this species of white-furred humanoids was native to the moon Skalokor.
Dolas, Sarra
Lando Calrissian was smittened with this woman some years after he took control of Cloud City. Once, during a match in which Sarra sat with Narka Tobb instead of Calrissian, Lando actually folded a hand he couldn't win and opted not to bluff his way out. Lobot remembered it, for it was the only time he could remember the gambler not bluffing.
this star was nicknamed by the New Republic for its featureless, uninhabited planets. Located on the inner edge of the Rim territories, Wedge Antilles used it as a destination for Wraith Squadron during their hyperspace navigational training.
this planet is the primary world in the Doldur System, and is the sector capital for the Doldur Sector. It was an area of intense rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, but it was ruthlessly suppressed by Moff Eisen Kerioth. By controlling imports of foodstuffs and other necessities, he quelled the uprisings and made the planet a model of Imperial efficiency.
Doldur Sector
this sector of the galaxy contained the planet Doldur.
Doldur Spaceport
this was the name of the primary spaceport servicing the planet Doldur, during the New Order.
this was a valuable substance that was often smuggled around the galaxy.
this planet was believed to be the location of a Sith Holocron, and several teams of Jedi Knights were dispatched to the planet to investigate, in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. A Holocron was never found, however.
Doliq, Reesa
this woman was a Jedi Master who taught at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, some 68 years before the onset of the Clone Wars. She led many of the training exercises in which students were asked to track each other using their various skills.
Dolis 3
this planet, which was locked in a perpetual winter because of its distance from its sun, was controlled by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The Empire maintained a presence on the planet, even after the peace accord signed between Leia Organa-Solo and Admiral Gilead Pellaeon. It was here that Moff Derran Takkar planned to disrupt the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.
this Outer Rim Territories world served as one of the Empire's primary staging areas during the build-up of warships in the wake of the Battle of Yavin.
this planet was the capital world in a galactic sector held by the New Republic which resisted Thrawn's attacks more strongly than Ukio or Ando. A world of frozen glaciers and ice-capped mountains, the colonists who settled there were forced to build underground cities to escape the bitter cold.
D'olop Range
a range of mountains found on the planet M'haeli, the D'olop are the location of many of the planet's best dragite mines.
Dolor, Miltar
this man was an officer of the Corporate Sector Authority during the early years of the New Order. In the wake of the Endregaad Plague, Dolor was sent to Nar Shaddaa to offer thanks to Popara the Hutt, who had donated credits and medicinal spice to the relief effort on Endregaad. Despite Popara's humanitarianism, Dolor quietly despised the freelance agents Popara had dispatched to Endregaad to rescue his offspring, Mika, claiming that such unnecessary "help" put others in peril. In the wake of Popara's murder, Dolor was killed by Zonnos to ensure his silence.
this was a fanatical cult of assassins, founded by the Selonian race on the planet Sacorria. They revered Sacorrian traditions almost as much as they revered the credits they earned doing the dirty work of the Corellian Sector.
a metal mined on Nkllon
Dolpee Kikyuna
thus Huttese phrase translated into Basic as "I am a friend."
this native of Almania was somewhat Force sensitive. At a young age, he witnessed the brutality of the Je'Har, as they ravaged his village and took his parents prisoner. He managed to avoid capture, only to witness his parents' deaths. The Je'Har had them tied to posts and left to suffer in the harsh, summer sun outside their palace. It took his parents a week to die of hunger, dehydration, and sunstroke. He never forgot this, even when he began training as a Jedi under Luke Skywalker. One of several students who left the praxeum, Dolph returned to Almania with a plan to avenge his parents and gain control of the galaxy. Dolph felt that the Light and Dark sides of the Force were descriptions used by the Jedi to limit their students. He felt that Darth Vader returned to the Light Side only because he had nothing left to live for. Using the failed Jedi Brakiss as a tool, and gathering a substantial force around him, Dolph assumed the monicker of Kuellar, an ancient Almanian army general who was ruthless in his approach. As Kuellar, he exterminated the Je'Har by planting specially-built droids in their midst. He adopted the use of a Hendanyn death mask after discovering one among the ruins of the Je'Har temples, and began collecting similar masks from around the galaxy. The droids he used to defeat the Je'Har were built by Brakiss, and contained remotely-controlled bombs. The droids had been two years in the making and distribution. Dolph detonated the droids at a specific time, wiping out all but the Je'Har leaders. The leaders he captured and tortured for a week, avenging the deaths of his parents. Next, he used similar tactics to wipe out the population of Pydyr, the affluent moon of Almania. He then placed similar droids - as well as specially-rigged flight computers for new X-Wings - in the possession of the New Republic. He used a series of smuggling contacts in the Smuggler's Run to deliver the bombs. He succeeded in destroying the Senate Assembly Chamber, and began to terrorize Leia Organa-Solo via the Force. As the New Republic began to discover what he was all about, he drew Luke Skywalker and Leia to Almania. There, he hobbled Luke and tried to capture Leia. However, the intervention of Han Solo and a shipment of ysalamiri blovked Dolph from the Force, and allowed Leia to break through his visions and clearly see him. She shot him in the head with a blaster, ending his reign of terror.
Dolphe, Porro
this man was an officer in the Naboo Royal Security Forces. Dolphe piloted an N-1 starfighter as part of Bravo Squadron, serving as Bravo 2 under the command of Ric Olie' during the Battle of Naboo. He grew up in a small town outside of Theed, and volunteered to serve with Bravo Squadron. He became the squadron's expert in speeder control and thrust engineering. Dolphe continued to serve with the military on Naboo, and eventually became a Corporal. He was the flight leader assigned to accompany Padme' Amidala to Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, commanding the small group of N-1 starfighters that accompanied Senator Amidala's Naboo Royal Cruiser.
one of the three primary planets in the Pimbrellan League, Dolstan was the original planet settled by the Pinacists. A dry world covered with plains and deserts broken by salt-water lakes, Dolstan's soil is nevertheless fertile. Farming is one of the primary activities on Dolstan, and the planet provides much of the food for the Pimbrellan League's many colonies.
this gas giant was the sixth planet in the Chandrila System. It was orbited by twelve moons.
Doluff, Lob
this color-blind man worked as the Administrator Senior of the Oseon System, during the early years of the New Order. The fact that he was color-blind meant that he derived no visual enjoyment from the annual Flamewind of Oseon, a fact that meant he hated the whole event. Lob Doluff knew that Lando Calrissian had won a huge profit in the system while playing sabacc, so he invited Lando back to the system from Dilonexa XXIII to play some more sabacc. Lob Doluff was a pear-shaped man with a dark beard and a bald head. He was described as having an ingratiating manner, and although he was an enthusiastic sabacc player, he wasn't very good. He collected flowering plants as a hobby, concentrating on those species that were beautiful, fragrant, and persistent. He was also heavily addicted to the drug lesai. Doluff had been trying to arrest Bohhuah Mutdah for some time, and saw Lando as a way to get near him. When Lando killed Kenow on Oseon 6845, Doluff charged him with carrying a concealed weapon - a capital offense - but gave him an out, provided Lando would transport Bassi Vobah and Waywa Fybot to Mutdah's asteroid during the Flamewind in order to arrest the wealthy being. Lando was forced to agree to this plan, but later learned that Mutdah had been killed by Rokur Gepta.
Dolvan Genarik
this was a noted member of the Arkanian race.
this was one of the most common human surnames encountered in the galaxy.
Doma toma
this was the Huttese word for "space."
this was the basic political and familial grouping recognized by the Yuuzhan Vong. Individual families grew in power as their members performed heroic deeds.
Domain Cha
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was a rival of Domain Kraal.
Domain Dal
this Yuuzhan Vong family provided their worldship to Warmaster Tsavong Lah, after the destruction of his own command ship, the Sunulok.
Domain Eklut
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Eklut sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to Contruum.
Domain Esh
this Yuuzhan Vong family produced many warriors during its existence.
Domain Fath
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was known for its consuls and advisors. It was unusual, then, that Bhu Fath eventually became a Commander within the warrior caste. Many believe his escalation was more of a political move rather than something Bhu Fath earned, with the Domain petitioning loudly for his promotion.
Domain Hool
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was known for the shapers it produced.
Domain Hul
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was assigned to the war fleet which was commanded by Czulkang Lah, and was directed by the Warmaster Tsavong Lah to retake the planet Borleias, in the wake of the Battle of Coruscant. Note that Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand indicates that the term Domain Hul referred to the worldship which blockaded Borleias.
(EL1, EL2)
Domain Jamaane
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by the fact that its family members didn't fall into a single caste. Instead, Domain Jamaane produced a number of notable members of all castes, from warriors and priests to Shapers. Three Warmasters and a number of Supreme Commanders were also members of Domain Jamaane. Perhaps the most infamous member of this Domain was Supreme Overlord Shimrra. It was believed that the warriors of Domain Jamaane had been the agents of Shimrra's ascension, killing the warriors who supported Quoreal and assassinating his followers, thereby paving the way for Shimrra to become Supreme Overlord.
Domain Karsh
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Domain Kraal
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was noted for its excellent pilots and soliders. Domain Kraal was a noted rival of Domain Cha, and considered it a victory when Kraal was given command of the planet Borleias, shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong launched their assault on Coruscant. When Wedge Antilles and his Inner Circle retook Borleias, Domain Kraal suffered a great blow, having lost the planet to a small group of "infidels."
Domain Kwaad
this Yuuzhan Vong Domain was known for its Shapers, but was also infamous for its heretical beliefs.
Domain Lacap
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong domains which was awarded control of their own star systems by the Yuuzhan Vong leadership, during their invasion of the New Republic. However, during the final battle of the invasion, Domain Lacap chose to remain in their star system, rather than heed the call to return to Coruscant and attack Zonama Sekot.
Domain Lah
this Yuuzhan Vong family produced the Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, who led the Yuuzhan Vong forces in the invasion of the known galaxy.
Domain Lian
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong Domains, and was known for the many aides and advisors I produced.
Domain Muyel
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong domains which was awarded control of their own star systems by the Yuuzhan Vong leadership, during their invasion of the New Republic. However, during the final battle of the invasion, Domain Muyel chose to remain in their star system, rather than heed the call to return to Coruscant and attack Zonama Sekot.
Domain Nar
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by its members within the Intendant caste.
Domain Paasar
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Paasar sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to Contruum.
Domain Pekeen
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Pekeen sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari.
Domain Qel
this was one of the lesser Yuuzhan Vong Domains, known to produce minor Shapers.
Domain Shai
this was one of the more powerful Domains of Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Domain Shai was best-known for its participation in the original Yuuzhan Vong missions to the known galaxy, during the last decades of the Old Republic. They were known for their dedication to enduring as much pain as possible, in order to please the True Gods.
Domain Shen'g
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Shen'g sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to Contruum.
Domain Shoolb
this was one of the manu Yuuzhan Vong clans.
Domain Shul
this Yuuzhan Vong clan was distinguished by its members within the Intendant caste.
Domain Taav
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Taav sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari. Warmaster Nas Choka had anticipated the Alliance's plans to feint at Calamari and attack from another area, and dispatched the domain's ships to Contruum.
Domain Tivvik
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Domain Tsun
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Domain Vang
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which sided with Supreme Overlord Shimrra, during the final stages of the battle against the Galactic Alliance. Domain Vang sent a number of warriors and pilots into battle during the attempt to capture the planet Calamari.
Domain Vorrik
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong clans which continued to be loyal to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and his regime, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Domain Yaght
this was one of the many Yuuzhan Vong bloodlines known for its military prowess.
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