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this form of heavy-duty wire was used by law enforcement agents, as well as bounty hunters, to ensnare their quarry. It could be shot from a wrist-mounted launcher, with a heavy head to ensure it reached its target, and wound tightly around the body. The wire itself provided additional gripping power, which only helped tighten the wire's hold whenever the target moved. Clingwire also had a high tensile strength, and could support huge amounts of weight or stress. (AOTCA)

this was the nickname of Myn Donos' R2 astromech droid, during his tenure with Wraith Squadron. (SOC)

an Alliance container group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Clip Beetle
this was a form of insect raised by the Yuuzhan Vong. The shell of the clip beetle was very nutritious, and was a staple in the diet of many of the Yuuzhan Vong's biological constructs. They were also the primary means with which the Yuuzhan Vong connected pieces of clothing or even living tissue. The clip beetles were voracious feeders, and their mandibles were incredibly strong. When the head joint of a clip beetle was manipulated, the beetle would open its jaws. It could then be placed into position, to secure two pieces of cloth or the opposing sides of a wound, and allowed to close its jaws. The head was then popped off the body with a squeeze of the fingers, securing the two pieces in place. The body section could then be squeezed to express the tender meat inside. (EL2, T)

this man was the older of the two cooks aboard the Courteous who played sabacc with Lando Calrissian, during the blockade of the ThonBoka, many years before the Battle of Yavin. (LCS)

this series of Cybot Galactica binary load-lifters was produced during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN5)

this was Cybot Galactica's version of a binary load lifter. The CLL-8 measured three meters in height, and was a two-legged automaton that was similar in appearance to an Imperial AT-ST scout walker. (SWJ14, EGD)

this was the name of the group of Alliance ATR-6 transports used to knock out an Imperial sensor net, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (XWA)

Cloak Leader
the callsign for the lead spacetrooper piloting the mole miners in the Battle of Sluis Van. (HTTE)

Cloak of Nuun
this specialized cloak was bio-engineered fur by those Yuuzhan Vong warriors who were escalated to the ranks of the Hunters. Named for the warrior Nuun, the Cloak was a living material containing photosensitive bacteria that made the wearer blend into their surroundings. A specialized form of the Cloak of Nuun was developed by the Shapers, and hid the wearer's thoughts as well as making them almost invisible. (FP, SWI62, UF)

Cloak of the Sith
the region of space surrounding the Roon System, it was filled with dangerous meteors, asteroids, and planetoids. (DCAR)

Cloak Squadron
this was the name given to the squadron of cloaked TIE Fighters desployed by Grand Admiral Thrawn at the Battle of Sluis Van, some five years after the Battle of Endor. The TIE Fighters had been carried into the Sluis Van shipyards by the Nartissteu, which exploded in order to allow the TIE Fighters to infiltrate the shipyards and launch their attack. (HTTE)

Cloaked Goddess
this was a common name given to the Yuuzhan Vong deit Yun-Harla. (FH3)

Cloaking Device
this was a device which caused a ship to appear invisible to another ship's scanners. There were two types of cloaking devices that were developed in the galaxy. The earliest form employed the mineral known as stygium, and was manufactured by the Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory. First used on the Sith Infiltrator, stygium-based cloaking devices were extremely efficient, and allowed the cloaked ship to use it sensors to monitor its surroundings. However, stygium was found only on Aeten II, and was prohibitively expensive to mine. This didn't prevent the mining of the mineral, however, and many ships on both sides of the Clone Wars regularly traveled through hyperspace without being detected. In the turmoil of the Clone Wars, though, Aeten II's resources were completely stripped away, and stygium technology was lost. Imperial scientists then discovered that hibridium could also be used to generate a cloaking device. Initial testing seemed to indicate the hibridium-based cloaking could only be used on stationary objects. However, with further research, a hibridium cloaking device was developed for starship use. Unfortunately, it was tremendously bulky, and required huge amounts of power to operate. Its abilities were overshadowed by its cost, and it was never fully implemented. The one major drawback to the hibridium cloaking device was that it was unstable during hyperspacial travel. This fact was not known to Admiral Zaarin, who attempted to steal a version for the Alliance. He took a cloaked CR90 corvette into hyperspace to escape Vice Admiral Thrawn but the cloaking device ruptured and destroyed the corvette as it entered hyperspace. Several years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn recovered the technology from Mount Tantiss and used it twice: once at the Battle of Sluis Van, to hide the contents of his false freighter Narsisstue; and again when he mounted them on asteroids and set them loose in orbit around Coruscant. There were several limitations to using the device on a starship, the foremost of which was that the cloaked ship was as "double-blind": the cloaked ship was as blind to the outside world as the ship was to observation. This presented a problem to early engineers and designers, but was overcome by the advent of the Imperial Computer Combat Predictor. It didn't alleviate the fact that the cloaked ship was blind, but tried allow it the opportunity to shoot down attacking craft. (HTTE, TLC, TIE, SOP, X1, SOG, YDR)

Cloaking Shadow
this term was used to describe the secondary sensor reading produced by tracking devices. When a being needed to track the position of a starship, a homing beacon or other device was affixed to the target ship's hull. This allowed the pursuer to follow the ship, since the tracking device gave off a signal indicating the target's position. If detected by the target, the tracking device registered as a "cloaking shadow" on its own sensors. (AOTC, BF1)

CloakShape Fighter
developed by the old Kuat Systems Engineering company, the CS fighter was a slow, underpowered, but quite durable starfighter. A few of them survived the Galactic Civil War, seeing duty in smuggler fleets. First introduced several decades before the Clone Wars, the CS Fighter was a simple design, easily modified for specific uses. Because of this, very few unmodified ships could be found by the time of the Battle of Yavin. The CS could be modified in a number of ways, mainly with the addition of Curich Engineering's rear wing and stabilizer conversion kit. This kit, which improved maneuverability and allowed the addition of a hyperdrive sled, was so popular that many people forget it wasn't part of the original design. The ClaokShape fighter measured 15 meters in length, and was armed with a pair of laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers. In the original, unmodified state, a Cloakshape fighter could attain speeds of 950 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. (DE1, DESB, EGV, NEGV)

developed by MicroThrust, this wrist chronometer did much more than tell time. With the addition of specially-designed peripherals, the Clockwatcher could provide information on ambient temperature, gravity, atmospheric conditions, and the surrounding environment. A communication module allowed the wearer to link up with their droid for remote operation. (GFT)

Clode Rhoden
this immense, green-skinned humanoid was the wealthy tibanna gas magnate who owned the planet Yorn Skot during the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. He made a fortune mining tibanna gas from Yorn Skot's atmosphere, but made quite a few enemies along the way to success. Among them was his own wife, who planned to murder him in order to claim his inheritance. Clode Rhoden ruled the planet Yorn Skot on his own terms, refusing to join any local government, let alone the Old Republic. This earned him the ire of the eco-terrorist group known as the Green Forge, who infiltrated Rhoden's operations by having Buck serve as Madam Rhoden's personal trainer. His wealth also made him a target of pressure pirates who worked the gas giants of the galaxy. Despite his seeming short-sightedness, Clode Rhoden was well aware of his wife's affair with Buck, and planned to use their own core bomb to destroy their escape pod, after the Aurorient Express was sabotaged. He then planned to alter the escape pod's trajectory to destroy his own Yorn Skot Mining Station, in order to blame its destruction on the Green Forge and claim the insurance payments. He also revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that he was aware of the actions of the pressure pirates, and had managed to reprogram them for his own usage. (TAE)

a race of herbivores native to the planet Naboo, these large, grasshopper-like creatures hated the water. Note that Operation: Clodhopper claims these creatures are omnivorous. The Naboo consider them pests, since they often ravage crops and destroy farmlands. The Gungans, on the other hand, consume them as tasty snacks, and use their hard shells to make musical instruments. Clodhoppers hatch from small, spherical eggs which begin incubating as soon as they encounter an atmosphere. Once hatched, infant clodhoppers voraciously attack any organic matter in search of their first meal. A pair of clodhoppers can produced as many as 2,000 babies in a week when young, and up to 1,000 babies per week as they mature, and never lose the ability to reproduce. Because of this, the export of clodhoppers was restricted, as they could wreak havoc with the natural ecosystem of an unprotected world. (GF, WOA2, WSW)

Clog, The
this was the most densely-populated section of the city of Iritsa, on the planet Chazwa. Buildings in this area of the city were built with whatever materials were available, giving it a ramshackle appearance. However, the natives of The Clog were fiercely loyal to their homes, and despised the wealthier beings who lived in the area known as The Stones. (ND)

this was the name adopted by the beings who lived in The Clog section of Iritsa, on Chazwa. (ND)

this Jeodu served as one of Dequc's personal guards. (MJEH)

this medicine was instrumental in keeping the sufferers of Zithrom's Disease alive, although the drug was not a cure. (TFE)

genetically reproduced beings, clones were created from genetic material taken from a specific source. Among the best cloners in the galaxy were the Khommites and the Kaminoans. Both races used genetic manipulation to maintain their civilization. The Khommites cloned individual family members who exhibited desireable traits, so that each succeeding generation was a replica of the previous one. Very little variation occurred, so that the Khommites were assured of stable generations. The Kaminoans, by comparison, produced clones for other beings. Their work first came to light shortly before the Battle of Geonosis, when Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the clone army which had been commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. These clones, grown over a period of ten years from the genetic material of Jango Fett, were used to augment the forces of the Jedi Knights in defeating the Geonosians. This vast clone army was later used during the Clone Wars. The Kaminoan clones were provided with growth acceleration, producing a twenty-year-old clone in just ten years. Over the next generation, the average growth period was reduced to just 3-5 Imperial years, and there was an accepted doctrine that the shortest time needed to create a stable clone was 1 year. There was speculation that a method was found that could allow them to be grown in 15 to 20 days, and this speculation was shown to be true when Grand Admiral Thrawn began mass-prodicing clones to crew the Katana Fleet ships he obtained some five years after the Battle of Endor. Investigation into his cloning activities revealed that Thrawn was growing his clones at the Mount Tantiss facility on Wayland, in the presence of thousands of ysalamiri. The ability of the ysalamiri to create bubbles that repelled the Force allowed Thrawn's clones to grow without the "normal" influence of the Force, resulting in exceptionally fast growth rates. However, this lack of contact with the Force warped the minds of these rapidly-grown clones, which eventually led to insanity. Thrawn felt that the risk of insanity was sufficient in order to quickly create a legion of armed forces. (SW, DFR, DE1, TLC, JASB)

Clone Commando
this was the name given to those specially-trained clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic who were trained to act as infiltration agents, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. Officially known as Republic Commandos, these troopers trained separately from both the rank-and-file clone trooper and the ARC trooper, and always were trained in squads of four. Commandos wore specially-upgraded Katarn armor, with was painted a dull gray for better camouflage. Like other clones produced for the GAR, clone commandos were humans who had feeling and needs, but their military training bred most of these feelings out. Unlike other clones, however, commandos developed deep relationships with the other members of the four-man teams. The loss of one or more members of the team often left the survivors with feelings of pain and anguish, which the commandos kept to themselves. Like clone troopers, clone commandos were produced with enhanced development, allowing them to mature in half the time required by a baseline human. Because of their enhanced development, however, clone commandos had about half the normal lifespan of a human. Of course, that assumed that they survived combat. Records obtained during the war provided several startling statistics, among them the fact that a few thousand clone commandos accounted for the destruction of billions of battle droids, both on the battlefield and as part of covert sabotage operations at droid factories. Ultimately, it was believed that some 10,000 clone commandos were produced for the GAR. However, more than half of that number were killed during the early stages of the Clone Wars, when the commandos were assigned to inexperienced generals who failed to take full advantage of their training. (RCHC, SWI84)

Clone Intelligence Unit
this was the name given to any specialized team of clone troopers who were trained as intelligence agents during the height of the Clone Wars. Clone Intelligence Units were dispatched to ferret out information on the Separatists and their leadership, without attracting undue attention. It was a Clone Intelligence Unit that discovered General Grievous was hiding on Utapau, in the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant. (IS3)

Clone Keepers
the name given to the scientists and functionaries working in the reborn Emperor Palpatine's cloning installation on Byss. (DE1)

Clone Marshal Commander
this was the rank given to those clone commanders who worked side-by-side with a Jedi General to command an Army Corps, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI84)

Clone SCUBA Trooper
this was the designation of those clone troopers who served the Army of the Republic on aquatic or oceanic battlefronts. The standard twenty-piece suit of body armor worn by a clone trooper was modified to protect the trooper from the water, and was created from a lightweight plastoid-alloy composite that reduced drag while submerged. The helmet of the SCUBA trooper was also modified, with a pair of scrubber units which could extract oxygen from the water. A specialized propulsion pack was worn on the back, allowing the trooper to move and maneuver underwater. Additionally, water-resistant weapons were developed for these units. (SWDB, CWC1)

Clone Trooper
this was the term used to describe the clones of Jango Fett, which were developed by the Kaminoans for Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Whatever their original mission, the clones were first used in the Battle of Geonosis, to create the Army of the Republic and augment the forces of the Jedi Knights in combating Count Dooku and his droid armies. The clone troopers were the forerunners of the Imperial stormtrooper, wearing a twenty-piece set of white body armor modeled after the armor of the Mandalorian Shocktroopers. The original design of this armor was done by the Kaminoans, who did not account for the human body's ability to sit. Thus, clone troopers had to stand most of the time, for sitting was uncomfortable. These 1.78-meter-tall clones, growth-accelerated to mature twice as fast as a normal human and genetically altered to be strong, loyal, and obedient, were developed by Ko Sai and trained by Jango Fett himself. The Kaminoan cloning facility was able to produce these clones rapidly and with high quality, with a success rate of 193 viable clones out of each batch of 200. The remaining seven could often be reconditioned, and the defects were researched and bred out of future generations. Each clone trooper's identification number was coded into his DNA, allowing for specific individuals to be identified, if needed. A chip implanted in their neck provided additional identification information. The use of clone troopers produced an unexpected benefit on the combat field, in that their similar genome allowed for the development of specific treatments which could be carried in quantity and used without fear of allergy. The consistent training routines and utter loyalty and dedication of the clone troopers allowed Republic commanders to plan strategies ahead of time, since they could always count on the actions of their troopers. Another benefit to having cloned soldiers was during medical procedures, especially those with near-fatal injuries. Skin and organs could be grown from the Jango Fett DNA, ensuring that there was no rejection of implanted or replaced body parts. Additionally, because the clones were nearly identical internally as well as externally, there was little variation to the size and location of muscles, blood vessels, and other parts. This allowed surgeons to simply repair a trooper's body without having to worry about minute variations. Because of their enhanced development, clone troopers had about half the normal lifespan of a human, assuming that they survived combat. They proved to be invaluable resources during the struggle on Geonosis, fearlessly attacking the droid armies of the Trade Federation and the Geonosians and eventually overtaking them to win the battle for the Republic. The fact that the clone troopers were humans, and not mindless droids, allowed them to operate for brief periods of autonomy, especially when a commanding officer was wounded or killed. At the height of the Clone Wars, Republic records indicated that the average clone trooper was accounting for the destruction of over 200 battle droids. The white helmets of the initial, Phase One clone troopers were striped with colors to indicate a trooper's rank above the standard military soldier: yellow for Commanders, red for Captains, blue for Lieutenants, and green for Sergeants. Note that Star Wars: Episode II - Incredible Cross-Sections indicates that the colors represented roles instead of rank: yellow indicated aircrew officers, blue indicated military police, and red indicated infantry officers. (VD2, AOTC, X2, SWI61, SWDB, OWS, TCD, MBS, SWI84)

Clone Turbo Tank
see HAVw A6 Juggernaut (SWDB)

Clone Wars
this was the name given by historians to the series of major battles which occurred during the last years of the Old Republic, in which the Jedi Knights worked with the armed forces of the Republic to repel the Separatist threat. The opening conflict of the Clone Wars was generally considered to be the Battle of Geonosis, in which the first cloned warriors developed on Kamino were used to augment the task force of Jedi Knights dispatched to Geonosis to combat the droid armies of Count Dooku. The Clone Wars spanned about three years in galactic history, and rapidly spread throughout the galaxy after the Battle of Geonosis. Ostensibly, the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems - known as the Separatists because they broke away from the Old Republic - were pitted against the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Separatists were led by Count Dooku, a former Jedi Knight who left the Jedi Order. His commanders were culled from the ranks of Dark Jedi and many criminal elements. The Old Republic's forces were led by the Jedi Knights, who were forced into positions of military command after Yoda commandeered the first clone troopers to participate in the Battle of Geonosis. As the war ground on, many beings within the Republic wondered whether the Jedi Knights were capable of winning the war. Many Jedi fell during the early stages of the fighting, nearly 200 of them at Geonosis. Thousands more died over the next thirty-six months. In the eyes of many, the Jedi were no longer the invincible warriors of light they had once been, nor were they the calm force of reason many believed them to be. This perception of the Jedi as military commanders driven to end the war, coupled with the propaganda spread by Dooku and the Separatists, left the Jedi Order in poor standing throughout the conflict. The last battle took place over Coruscant itself, after General Grievous was able to capture Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were the only Jedi able to infiltrate the Separatist flagship and defeat Count Dooku, rescuing Palpatine in the process and putting an end to the fighting around Coruscant. General Grievous managed to escape to Utapau, giving the surviving Separatist forces reason to continue fighting. The Outer Rim Sieges dragged on for several weeks, as the Grand Army of the Republic was forced to put out small fires while searching for Grievous. Ultimately, both sides of the conflict failed to realize that the Clone Wars were staged for a single purpose: to allow Darth Sidious to assume control of the galaxy. Much of the fighting was done on the terms of the Sith, with Sidious ordering the Confederacy to produce just enough battle droids to maintain parity with the Grand Army of the Republic. In this way, Sidious drained the bank accounts of the Council of Separatists while ensuring that the Republic never truly achieved a victory, thereby pushing both sides of the conflict to the brink of destruction. With the turning of Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side, Darth Sidious was able to eliminate the Jedi Order and the Confederacy, ending the Clone Wars and initiating the era of the New Order. Historians later understood that the Clone Wars had been little more than an elaborate trab set by Darth Sidious to ensnare the Jedi Order with its own duty to the Old Republic, then eliminate it by spreading it too thin. (SW, AOTC, AOTCN, OWS, LEV, IS3, VD3, E3N)

this man was the leader of the Winnard Clan, during the height of the New Order. He was one of only a few members of the Clan to survive an Imperial attack on their base, an attack which was launched in retaliation for Traggissk Reosss' ambush of an Imperial convoy near the Corporate Sector. Cloone was captured and interrogated by the Empire, but was eventually set free after providing proof that Reosss' attack was never intended to take an Imperial target. He was able to rebuild the Winnard Clan, and later issued a bounty for the capture of Traggissk Reosss. (GMR6)

this name, which meant "big feet", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)

a prisoner working in the spice mines of Kessel at the time Han and Chewie are shot down while on a diplomatic mission to the planet, following the Battle of Bilbringi. He was killed by one of the spice mines' denizens while working with Han and Chewie in a deep mine. (JS)

Clothes for Her
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of females of all species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Him. (GA)

Clothes for Him
this clothing store was located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, and catered to the needs of males of all species. Owned by Leww, it was the companion store to Clothes for Her. (GA)

a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was originally release as part of the compilation Limited Warfare, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

this Imperial stormtrooper served as part of the Aurek-Seven unit of the Imperial 501st Legion during the years following the formation of the Imperial Remnant and the signing of a peace treaty between the Empire and the New Republic. When Twister agreed to help free Eickarie prisoners in exchange for Su-mil's help in penetrating the Warlord's fortress on Kariek, he dispatched Cloud to relay their situation to their commanding officer and return with backup forces. He did this with efficient speed and suitable discretion, returning with reinforcements just after Su-mil's deception got them deep into the fortress. However, Cloud was stunned when Twister refused to begin the attack on the Warlord before freeing a group of Eickarie prisoners in the lower dungeons. Like his companions Grappler, Watchman, and Shadow, Cloud accompanied Chak Fel on the mission to locate the Outbound Flight Project in Chiss space, some three years before the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. They took heavy damage when the Vagaari pirates launched their attack, but the unit remained intact throughout the fighting. (FB, SQ)

Cloud Ape
this simian beast is recognizable by the hooting sound it makes when it calls to its companions. (TBH)

Cloud Bridge
this location on the planet Teyr is found on the western end of the Teyr Rift. It is also the last station on the southern spur of the Rift Skyrail. It is one of the narrowest sections of the Rift, and is also one of the most spectacular. (SOL)

Cloud Car
small, atmospheric craft that are powered by repulsorlifts and ion engines. The best-known cloud cars are the Storm IV twin-pod models built by Bespin Motors. These are the same types of cloud cars used by Lando Calrissian on Cloud City. (ESB, SWSB)

Cloud City
a tibanna gas mining colony in orbit over Bespin run by Lando Calrissian during the height of the Galactic Civil War, Cloud City was originally built by Ecclessis Figg and the fledgling Bespin Motors company. Based on the platform of the Floating Hime, it is essentially a huge, saucer-shaped city floating in the Life Zone layer of Bespin's atmosphere, some 60,000 kilometers from the planet's core. The saucer - an incredible sixteen kilometers in diameter - is kept stable via a long repulsorlift unipod which hangs below the saucer. This configuration makes Cloud City seventeen kilometers in overall height. The unipod keeps Cloud City afloat by using 3,6000 repulsorlift engines. There are 392 levels to Cloud City, and a surface-level concourse at its top. The upper levels, denoted as Level 1 through Level 50, were filled with the luxury hotels and casinos which made Cloud City famous. Levels 51-100 were set aside for upscale housing, Levele 101-120 were for administrative offices, and Levels 120-160 housed the infamous Port Town. Levels 161-220 were used for general housing of the facility's workers; Levels 221-280 were used for factories: Levels 281-370 for gas refineries and miners' quarters; and Level 371-392 were filled with the repulsorlift engines and tractor beam generators that kept the city afloat and in position. Its location keeps it out of the mainstream of interplanetary commerce, but that allows it some necessary freedoms. It is known for its productions of tibanna gas, as well as for its casinos and open-air plazas. Due to its small size, in relation to full-scale mining operations, Cloud City was able to remain outside Imperial jurisdiction and separate from the Mining Guild. Lando Calrissian won control of the outpost in a sabacc match, but continued the mining operations and realtive anonymity of the station. Note that Galaxy of Fear 4: The Nightmare Machine claims that Lando won it shortly after the Battle of Yavin. However, when Darth Vader learned that Luke Skywalker might go to the outpost to rescue his friends, the Empire took control of the city. After Luke was able to escape from Vader, Vader left an Imperial garrison there. Grand Admiral Thrawn later used this garrison as a base of operations in his war against the New Republic. The outpost was again freed of Imperial control following Thrawn's defeat, but Cloud City's reputation had been forever tarnished. (ESB, HTTE, GG2, EGV, GOF4, SWDB)

Cloud City Casino Sabacc
a Sabbac variation in which one card from each hand is selected for a spin-change, and the closest player to +/-23 or 0 wins the hand and gets the difference in points. In this form, all wild cards are forfeit. (DA)

Cloud City Central
this was the largest and best-equipped hospital located on Bespin's Cloud City. (GG2)

Cloud City HoloVids
this holoviedo rental store was located on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the New Order. (GMR3)

Cloud City Miner's Guild
this was the loose association of small corporations which mined the various gases which swirled in the atmosphere of Bespin. The Guild remained separate from the Galactic Miner's Guild, so that they weren't forced to pay surtaxes and weren't subject to Imperial control. (CCG5)

Cloud City Museum
this museum was home to some of Lando Calrissian's favorite artworks, until Zorba the Hutt won Cloud City in a rigged sabacc match. Then, after freezing Trioculus in carbonite, Zorba had his inert form displayed in the museum. (MMY)

Cloud Craft
this was a form of limited-range starship, used primarily for in-system travel. (SWDB)

Cloud Crupa
a singing bird. (TFE)

Cloud Dance Restaurant
located in the upper levels of Cloud City, the Cloud Dance extended in a ring from a tall, cylindrical tower. Transparisteel windows in the outer walls gave patrons a 360-degree view of Cloud City and the atmosphere of Bespin. The floors and ceilings were also made of transparisteel, giving patrons the feeling that they are floating above the planet. An opaque walkway roamed the perimeter of the restaurant, providing access to all the tables. A beautiful sculpture - a glass sphere with cloud-like gases roiling inside - stood in the center of the restaurant, providing the dancing clouds referred to in its name. (TCC)

Cloud Force
this mysterious military unit was supposedly part of the Cularin System's armed forces, developed after the defeat of the Thaereian Military during the height of the Clone Wars. Its exact purpose was unknown, and word of its existence only appeared on the local HoloNet feeds. The commanders of the Cularin Military, especially Osten Dal'Nay, refused to acknowledge its existence. According to documents found on the HoloNet, the Cloud Force was under the command of Sergeant Drover, an individual Dal'Nay claimed didn’t exist. Another document seemed to clarify the readiness of Cloud Force, which was described as a team of twelve zero-gravity units that could be deployed into the atmosphere of Genarius. (LFCW)

Cloud Jumpers
these soliders are part of the Exocron Airfleet, and use repulsorlift jump packs similar to a rocket pack. However, the packs don't propel the wearer as much as they allow the wearer to make incredible leaps of up to 200 meters at a time. (KO)

Cloud Lake
this was one of the seven lakes that were found within the city limits of Ussa, on the planet Bellassa. Many of Ussa's small businesses were located within the Cloud Lake district. (LJ1)

Cloud Mountain
this was the tallest mountain peak found on the planet Cularin. The name came from a Tarasin legend which claimed the summit of the mountain was made from clouds, and not rock. At one time during their history, there were twelve tribes fo Tarasin living on or near the mountain. Then the mountain revealed its true nature, as a volcano. The clouds which had covered the top of the mountain were made from the steam which formed as condensation contacted hot magma. Cloud Mountain erupted, and the Tarasin tribes were forced to flee the area and unite their forces in order to survive. The remnants of the twelve tribes became the larger Hiironi Irstat over time. Sunburst Mining tried to establish an operation on Cloud Mountain, but the mines dried up before any real profit could be made. (LFC, EOS)

Cloud Police
the law enforcement agency protecting Cloud City. They are overseen by the Governor of Cloud City. Given the outpost's neutral standing during the Galactic Civil War, the Cloud Police are also neutral, trying not to find fault with either the Empire or the Alliance. (ZHR)

Cloud Riders
this was the name of Serji-X Arrogantus' band of galactic privateers. During the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, they held a village on Aduba-3 in thrall, demainding heavy taxes and casuing general havoc for the natives. The gang moved about on modified Peregrine 240 swoops, which had been fitted with Nebulo-Q thrusters. This gave them the speed and flight capabilities of an airspeeder. Their control over the village was broken when until Han Solo, Jaxxon, and a group of adventurers ousted them. The death of Serji-X Arrogantus proved the final undoing of the gang, which disbanded shortly afterward. (MC8, NEGV, GMR4)

a plant which has both blossoms and spikes. Each blossom becomes a sweet fruit, unless there are too many spikes; this makes the fruit tiny and sour. (TB)

this was a repulsor-equipped form of public transportation that was developed on the plant Falleen during the last decades of the Old Republic. (JQ9)

this flowering vine was native to the planet Romin. (JQ8)

Cloudflower Wall
this immense wall was built around the city of Eliior, on the planet Romin. The outer side of the Cloudflower Wall was covered with cloudflower vines, ostensibly so that the beings who lived outside the city could have the illusion of living in the wilderness. In reality, the wall was erected by Roy Teda to ensure that the workers of Romin remained outside the city of Eliior, which was a sanctuary for the richest and wealthiest criminals in the galaxy. The vines themselves were actually painted on the wall, to further heighten the illusion of tranquility. Outside the wall, workers lived in concentric rings of shacks and hovels, which became progressively poorer as one traveled away from the city. The Cloudflower Wall was under constant surveillance, and guard droids ensured that no workers entered the city without proper authorization. (JQ8)

this was the name given to a small, intrasystem craft used to transport small cargoes. They were equipped with just enough shielding to allow them to travel back and forth through atmosphere. (GMR10)

Cloudland Peaks
a tourist attraction on Selonia, Cloudland Peaks were actually a chain of five islands which rise out of the ocean so high that their tops disappear in the clouds. The Cloudland Peaks were also highly volcanic. (AC, CTD, CCW)

an Ithroian herdship, it was best known for its hospitals and glass manufacturing plants. The ship was voted as the primary reception site for New Republic representatives during the herd meet following the destruction of the Maw Installation. It boasted some of the best guest facilities, as well as one of the largest herdship shuttleports. (COJ)

this was the name used by the Korunnai to describe the ocean of toxic gases which covered the surface of the planet Haruun Kal. (WOTC)

this reptile has armor-like scales that overlapped to form a smooth carapace near its head. (GG10)

this was the term used by the inhabitants of the floating cities of the planet Bespin to describe the tornado-like storms that whipped through the planet's lower atmosphere. (GORW)

Club Corellia
this specialty restaurant was located in the city of Cinnagar, on the planet Empress Teta, and provided dancing and entertainment as well as foods that were native to Corellia and other Core Worlds. (PH)

Club Prosperine
located on the continent of Kreesis, on Algara II, Club Prosperine is the planet's largest resort facility. Its simply screams luxury in all of its appointments, which are exotic, entertaining, and expensive. (PG2)

Club Vortex
this dance club was located in the upper-class section of the planet Lianna, but went out of business shortly before the institution of the New Order. The building remained vacant for a year before being purchased by Yin Vocta and Vector Technologies. It was soon transformed in the Bantha Traxx restaurant and dance club. (WSV)

Clubs, The
a cluster of bars and casinos located in Byrne City, on Demophon, the Clubs were heavily-guarded establishments that catered to the underworld of the planet. Run by Ace Lorle, they Clubs able to operate due to the lack of backbone in Jared Fronz. (SN)

Cluster Bomb
see Cluster Trap (NEGW)

Cluster Cantina
this seedy cantina was located on the moon Nar Shaddaa. It was a popular hangout for lowlifes and criminals during the last decades of the Old Republic. (TDV)

Cluster Plug
this power of power plug was used on pod racers. It employed a cluster of power sources to provide energy to the racer's engine. It was a more efficient design than the rotary plug. (RAC)

Cluster Trap
designed by the New Republic, a cluster trap is a nondescript blister on the hull of a capital ship. Hidden inside the blister are any number of high-powered concussion grenades. When starfighters are close enough, the capital ship's weapons crew can activate the cluster trap, sending the grenades spewing into space. If done right, the grenades explode in the midst of the starfighters. (DFRSB)

Cluster2 Plug
this second-generation power plug was used on pod racers. It could nearly double the power output of the basic cluster plug. (RAC)

named for the grouping of yorik coral sections which comprised it, this Yuuzhan Vong starship was developed to house immature yammosks as they grew. These ships later became the primary facilities for housing yammosks in battle, since they were fast-moving and easy to maneuver. (JE, UF)

New Republic fighter pilot slang for a Tri-fighter, named because of the way the three wings seem to clutch the ball-shaped cockpit. (IJ)

this clone trooper Commander was one of the few troopers to survive the Old Republic's initial attempt to force the Sephi to remain with the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. With the deaths of Jedi Masters Tyffix anf Tyr, Clutch found himself working with the Padawans Pix and Cal until Yoda could travel from Coruscant to Thustra. When Navi presented them with information - albeit false - of Yoda's execution, Clutch wondered whether Pix would be able to take command of the situation. The young Jedi decided to act on Navi's information, and ordered Clutch to plan their assault. They were unaware of Navi's deception, and their attack played into his plans. However, Pix and Clutch survived long enough to rejoin Yoda, and they left Thustra behind to return to Coruscant and expose Navi's treachery. (J5)

this was an Alliance starfighter slang term for a full squadron of Imperial TIE Fighters. (SWJ10)

this was the Basic translation of the Ruurian term for a sibling. (HSL)

this ZeHethbra was a major smuggling chief during the early years of the New Republic. Originally an athlete, Clyngunn was a champion unarmed-combat expert who represented ZeHethbra in the Stratis Games on Hallrin IV. He held many records in the inter-species Multi-Sentient Unarmed Combat Rounds. After leaving athletics, Clyngunn quickly became disenchanted with the relative boredom of "real life." He bought his own ship and began running cargoes. He met up with Billey, and started running guns and spice. When he was once boarded by a customs agent who discovered the true nature of his cargo, Clyngunn managed to evade arrest when the agent realized that Clyngunn was a champion athlete. Clyngunn provided the agent with his autograph, and was set free. (DFR, TLC)

this hulking, red-haired man was one of the Imperial officers who were assigned to the labor colony on Kalist VI, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. His assignment on Kalist VI was marked by a variety of violent outbursts, and his superior officers had warned him several times about his conduct. When Clynn attempted to bully Janek Sunber by trying to claim Sunber's quarters for his own, Clynn found that he had underestimated the other man. Sunber quickly disabled Clynn and threw him to the deck, and would have pressed his advantage if Captain Roshuir hadn't intervened. When he learned that Sunber had survived the attack on Maridun, Clynn suddenly changed his demeanor, and tried to glean any sort of information on the fighting from Sunber. (SWEWW)

this Yuuzhan Vong material had a clean, clear smell. (SBS)

this antigen was developed to fight Brainworm Rot Type A. (HNN5)

this is a concussion missile employed on K-Wing bombers. (TT)

this concussion missile is similar to the CM-5 in configuration, but it delivers a much larger payload. (TT)

Cmaoli Di
this planet is located in Brema Sector. Historians note that Cmaoli Di was the first planet in the sector to be overtaken by the Pinacism movement. (SWJ12)

this Mekuun command speeder measured 6.2 emters long, and could accommodate up to seven passengers and up to 100 kilograms of cargo. A fast vehicle, the CMD-1 was designed to move battlefield commanders into position to observe their troops. To protect its passengers, the CMD-1 was equipped with armor plating and armed with a fragmentation grenade launcher. (AEG)

this was the model number of Fabritech's camouflage netting system. The CN-15 was actually made up of a netting created from metallic jamming fibers, and was powered by a dedicated energy cell. The CN-15 could monitor the surrounding environment, and then reproduce the ambient emissions of the environment. This essentially removed whatever was hidden underneath the netting from sensors by making it appear to be nothing more than terrain. (ROE, AEG)

an Imperial Lord still holding onto dreams of the rebirth of the Empire. He was working under Hethrir to try and establish the Empire Reborn, supprting Hethrir by purchasing slaves from the Firrerreo. Like many of his kind, Cnorec had managed to stockpile a large amount of credits following the downfall of the Empire, and still maintained a decent income despite the New Republic's plans to cut him off. He was killed by Hethrir just before Hethrir's death. Hethrir had seen that Cnorec was losing faith in the vision of the Empire Reborn, and did not want them man in power any longer. (CS)

this was MicroThrust's smallest com-scan console, developed for use in ground-based military command vehicles. (EGW)

this was a mainly pro-Alliance gang whose membership started to spread across the galaxy, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Although most chapters of the gang worked to subvert Imperial operations, others simply caused wanton damage in the name of the Alliance. (GQRG)

Coachelle Prime
this was the homeworld of the Lepi species. It was one of the five worlds in the Coachelle System, which was located in the Silly Rabbit constellation of the Mid Rim. (SWDB, GMR4)

this blood-coagulating drug was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, and found widespread use during the Clone Wars. (MBS)

Coalition for Improvements
this branch of the Empire was created after the restructuring of the Commission for the Preservation of the Republic led to the formation of COMPNOR. The mission of this body was officially declared to be the promotion of of the use of standardized Imperial technology. In reality, officers of the Coalition for Improvements were dispatched to those star systems that needed to improve their allegiance to the Empire. (ISB, SWI84)

Coalition for Progress
this branch of COMPNOR was in charge of ensuring that there were no impediments to the furthering of Palpatine's Empire. It was founded shortly after the Clone Wars, when the Commission for the Preservation of the Republic was restructured into COMPNOR, and was officially founded to ensure the "purity of Imperial cultural endeavors." (FOP, SWI84)

Coalition of Automaton Rights Activists
this protest group sprang up during the last century of the Old Republic, as anti-droid sentiments grew throughout the galaxy. Members of the Coalition believed that all forms of droids should be afforded the same rights as organic beings, although their methods of protest varied greatly. Most were peaceful demonstrations, but there were several outright attacks on droid salvage yards. (FTD)

Coalition of Factors
this was the name of the Senate which governed the Givin people, as part of the Body Calculus. (EVR)

this knobby fabric was favored by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic for their tunics, since its homespun appearance signified their detachment from possessions and wealth. (VD3)

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