TFN Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary From DK
Posted by Adam on December 29, 2017 at 09:48 PM CST

The Last Jedi may be proving to be a polarizing movie, there's no questioning the stunning visuals, which makes the latest visual dictionary a quite sumptuous delight to the eyeballs. From the cover, where a Praetorian Guard takes center stage on the front, to the back which shows the Vulptex and Ski Speeder, we are treated to a whole host of new designs and accompanying background information.
The contents spans individual characters, vehicles, events and locations, and following a one page introduction, opens with Starkiller Aftershocks which describes the state of the galaxy after the destruction of the Hosnian system by the First Order, and lists the four planets featured in
The Last Jedi.
The layout for
The Last Jedi version is much the same as previous visual dictionaries, with sharp stock images and still images from the movie, for the most spread over white pages (Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke and Praetorian Guards being the exceptions), interspersed with the accompanying text and points of interest. It is often these that provide greatest insight, revealing such nuggets as Poe repairing Finn's jacket while the latter recovered from his battle with Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base, Supreme Leader Snoke having a ring embedded with a piece of obsidian from catacombs beneath Darth Vader's castle on Mustafar and R2-D2 having a Burtt acoustic signaler, as well as the fact that the distinctive white streak in the Master Codebreaker's hair is actually artificial!
We also get confirmation of Poe mispronouncing Hux's name as General Hugs and that it is sadly Thala-Sirens that Luke is milking on Ahch-To and not a Moof. Furthermore, we learn that "broom-boy", seen at the end of the movie, goes by the name of Temiri Blagg.
Each two page spread features a Data File with further pertinent information, including among other things, an explanation as to how Captain Phasma escaped from the Starkiller trash compactor, why Poe has not been properly introduced to Rey (contrary to the novelisation of
The Force Awakens) and further exposition as to why Luke was unaware of Han's fate along with that of the Hosnian system. Eagle-eyed readers should also keep a look out for the three Hamill kids (Nathan, Griffin & Chelsea) dressed as Rebel Scum!
Not reading the Visual Dictionary certainly won't detract from enjoying
The Last Jedi, but at the same time, most die-hard
Star Wars fans have a tendency to want to know as much as they possibly can about the new characters and elements from the movies, and this will provide a wealth of detail to keep them engrossed for hours.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary is available now online and from all good bookstores, priced $22.99 in the U.S. and $29.99 in Canada.
As always, a big thanks to DK Canada, whose
Star Wars books you can check out at
here. For all of your monthly roundup of
Star Wars publishing news, commentary, and discussion on the latest releases in the realm of novels, comics, and magazines, don't forget to listen to
Jedi Journals.
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