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RUMOR!!! Star Wars: The High Republic Getting The VR Treatment

Posted by Steve on March 5, 2020 at 04:18 PM CST

Star Wars The High Republic

After Disney and Lucasfilm rolled out Phase One of Project Luminous last week, a multi-media event now known as The High Republic, one thing many fans were asking was the project's potential in other forms outside of publishing. While the jury is still out on whether this new era may find its way to film and TV, the company isn't saying much, it looks like the world of video gaming could be the first non-publishing product.

Our friend Jordan Maison at Cinelinx posted a juicy exclusive regarding a possible VR game centred around The High Republic...

In the lead up to the reveal event, there’d been a number of rumors pointing to Project Luminous being more of a multi-media endeavor with other tie-ins beyond the books and comics. One of the things mentioned, and something I had heard as well beforehand, was that a possible video game tie-in.

There was no word on what type of video game it would be, nor who would be developing it. Since The High Republic reveal event the other week, there’s been no mention of a game, but I DID manage to hear a sliver of new information about it. I’ve heard from a couple independent sources there is, in fact, a High Republic video game in the works and that it’s a VR project.

Jordan stresses this is early in the process and still in the rumor stage, and that nothing is of course guaranteed. He has a great track record of reporting exclusives and seemingly trustworthy sources so there's no reason not to believe this news.

Could this be a Jedi version of "Vader: Immortal", even he thinks that might be the case and it would certainly make a lot of sense, having a light side version of that popular VR game.

Stay tuned for more information as it comes out!

Till next time...MTFBWY.

To read the full article, click HERE.

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