TFN Review: Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles From DK
Posted by Adam on April 12, 2018 at 11:15 PM CST

While we wait patiently for forthcoming releases from
Solo: A Star Wars Story, DK have filled the gap with the
Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles.
Written by Landry Q. Walker, DK's latest guide to the many machines of the transportation variety in the
Star Wars universe is broken down into four sections (Air, Land, Water & Space), with each vehicle categorized by the environment in which they predominantly operate.
As you might expect for a series that is set among the stars, the lion's share of the book is dedicated to space-worthy ships, followed by land, then air, with water featuring just a handful of entries.
The vehicles listed in the book span not only the live-action movies, but also both
The Clone Wars and
Star Wars Rebels, with images being a mixture of photography and animation.
Data Files for each provide information such as type, manufacturer, model and technical specifications, while key aspects are also highlighted, along with notable on-screen appearances and the events that surrounded them.
While many of the vehicles have appeared in similar encyclopedias in the past, this release provides some first-time entries for those seen in
Star Wars Rebels,
Rogue One and
The Last Jedi.
So while it's entirely possible that you already know a thing or two about much of the contents of this encyclopedia, DK continue to find fresh ways of presenting the information, and given the addition of the new vehicles from recent movies, fans of starships and completists will want to add this to their collection.
Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles is available now online and from all good bookstores, priced $16.99 in the U.S. and $21.99 in Canada.
As always, a big thanks to DK Canada, whose
Star Wars books you can check out at
here. For all of your monthly roundup of
Star Wars publishing news, commentary, and discussion on the latest releases in the realm of novels, comics, and magazines, don't forget to listen to
Jedi Journals.
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