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Jaunty Cavalier
this YT-series freighter was owned and operated by the Wookiee Rufarr, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Rufarr and his crew were implicated as radical members of the Freedom movement, when Molierre Cundertol employed them to "kidnap" him and bring him to Lwhekk to be enteched. In order to ensure the secrecy of his actions, Cundertol deliberatly sabotaged the Jaunty Cavalier, casuing it to explode upon exiting hyperspace near Bakura. Rufarr and his entire crew were killed in the explosion, while Molierre managed to escape in an emergency pod. (FH2)

this Gotal bandit grew up serving some of the galaxy's most dangerous pirates captains before striking out on his own. He led the group which took control of the domed city of Buerhoz during the Galactic Civil War, but was eventually removed from power by a group of freelance agents. (GMS)

this ball of frozen ice and rock was the seventh and outermost planet of the Brentaal System. (CCW)

Javelin 3
an Imperial Corvette that was sent to destroy Project Shantipole once it was compromised by a spy. (XW)

this Corellian medic was one of many doctors who objected to the fact that 2-1B medical droids could only be services at approved service centers. (FTD)

Javeq, Lasro
this man was a Junior Operations Manager for Xizor Transport Systems, during the years just prior to the Clone Wars. Javeq died in a fiery explosion at the spaceport in Aroo, on the planet Manda, when his ship suddenly detonated while berthed at a Baobab Merchant Fleet complex there. More than 2,000 Baobab employees were killed, and more than 100 Baobab merchant ships were damaged or destroyed. An investigation by the Galactic Senate revealed that the explosion was not an act of sabotage, as inferred by Baobab, but a suicide attempt. Further investigation revealed that Javeq had embezzled almost five million credits from Xizor Transport, despite the operation's notoriously tight security. The Baobab Merchant Fleet appealed the Senate's decision, but was never recompensed. Javeq himself left behind a wife and two children, who were supported by Prince Xizor himself. (HNN4)

Javik, Tenga
this woman served as the nominal leader of the Walkway Collective, in the months following the Battle of Coruscant. (EL2)

this was a common name among the Lepi people. (UANT)

this planet, considered by many to be the central point of the Javin Sector, was first colonized by the Mugaari. However, it was later settled by humans of the Old Republic, some 1,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. It was located on the edge of the Mid Rim, and served as the Old Republic's launch point for explorations into what was then part of Wild Space. It was technically part of Mugaari Space, and served as the Republic's primary trade center for their dealings with the Mugaari. After the Mugaari had a falling out with the Republic, most of them left Javin to return to Mugaar. (WOA33)

Javin Sector
located near the Anoat and Yarith Sectors in the area known as the Greater Javin, the Javin Sector was based on the original boundaries of Mugaari Space. During the early years of the New Order, the Empire established outpost station D-34 there. Following the Battle of Hoth, the Imperial Fleet tried to drive the fleeing Alliance ships through the Javin Sector and past D-34, from which the Empire could destroy the ships. (TIE, WOA33)

Javin, Andevor
this man was the noted author of Carving the Republic: The Real Story of Count Dooku. (HNN4)

Javin, Andor
this reporter for the TriNebulon News agency is credited with discovering the true identity of the newsnet rogue Cynabar. He was known for his investigative, often confrontational style of journalism, including the revelation that the Shrines of Kooroo were actually ancient communications devices. Javin also reported that Klaggus Purgato survived the assault by the IG-88 assassin droids which wiped out Holowan Mechanicals. Javin also reported to have discovered 8,000-year-old Sullustan cave drawings that predicted the rise of the Empire. (SWJ8, SWJ13, FTD, SWJ10)

this planet, the primary world in the Javis System of Tapani Sector, was part of the holdings of House Mecetti during the New Order. (LOE)

this asteroid is one of the largest in the Mestra System asteroid field, located in the Minos Cluster. It is roughly egg-shaped, and measures about 400 kilometers at its widest point. The asteroid no longer revolves around its axis, thanks to specially-placed repulsors. This keeps the main living areas on the far side of the asteroid, away from the rest of the asteroid belt. This protects the living areas from asteroid and meteorite hits. Javis-12 orbits the Mestra System's star once every 611 local days. The Minos-Mestra Corporation's local headquarters were located on this asteroid, and the system's only starport is located here. The starport is a conglomerate of domes and caves ranging across and below the surface of the asteroid. (GG6)

this man was one of the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project. About two years before the project's remains were discovered by a Chiss-led expedition, Javriel's mind snapped and he took the entire nursery hostage. Only the timely efforts of Evlyn Tabory and her uncle, Jorad Pressor, kept Javriel from doing any harm to the children. (SQ)

Javyar's Cantina
this cantina was located in the Lower City of Taris, during the years leading up to the Great Sith War. (KOTOR)

this was the Signal Operating Instruction codeword used by the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic, on the day they landed troops on the planet Praesitlyn to liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from the Separatists, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. The countersign was Eclipse. (JT)

a race of diminutive, desert-dwelling scrap merchants on Tatooine, these repulsive little creatures had large, glowing eyes which peer out from dirty cloaks. Their smell was based on the unusual mixture of chemicals used to clean their clothing, a mixture which helped the fabric retain body moisture. Jawas also didn't bathe, seeing it as a waste of precious water. This also allowed individual Jawas to learn about others of their species, as their scents revealed information about their health and feelings. They have a randomly variable language, which makes it hard to interpret what they say. This was due mainly to the fact that Jawas used pheromones to add emphasis to their otherwise meaningless syllables. They were inherently cowardly, having to survive in an evironment where every other creature was larger and more dangerous. Very few have ever seen what a Jawa looks like under their cloaks. They were communal beings, working together in small bands to collect anything and everything in order to repair it for resale to any and all buyers. It was believed by some xenologists that Jawas had human origins, although their exact origins were lost over time. Most non-Jawas regarded the Jawas as scavengers and thieves, descriptions that actually pleased most Jawas. Their normal body temperature was 116 degrees. (SW, COJ, SOT, P)

Jawa Beer
a cheap, quickly-brewed concoction created by the Jawas. (MTS)

Jawa Droid Traders
a loose union of Jawa clans that sell droids on Tatooine. (ZHR)

Jawa Heights
named for the Jawas which congregated in the shade it provided, this tableland was located severl hundred kilometers west of Anchorhead, on the planet Tatooine. (IWST)

Jawa Ionization Gun
this gun is one of the most famous symbols of the Jawa race. The ionization gun has many uses, primary of which is the immobilization of a droid. The weapon discharges an intense ion beam which ionizes the droid's circuits, rendering it temporarily unable to function. The gun is created from any blaster rifle, which is gutted of its laser components and modified to accept an ion accelerator created by the Jawas themselves. This accelerator is made from a droid restraining bolt wired to an ignition accu-accelerator. (CFG)

Jawa Juice
this mixed, alcoholic drink was popular at the Bantha Traxx establishment on Lianna, during the height of the New Order. The origins of Jawa Juice can be traced to Dex's Diner, on the planet Coruscant, more than twenty years before the Battle of Yavin. It was considered by many beings to be an acquired taste, being bitter and sharp. It also provided a boost of energy when consumed, an effect that seemed to increase as a being drank more. Note that the adaptation of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, written by Patricia Wrede, indicates that this beverage was called ardee. (WSV, SWDB, AOTCA, LFCW)

Jawa Raceway
this was one of many deep-desert locations found on the planet Tatooine. (TG)

Jawa Trade Language
developed by the Jawas of Tatooine, this language was primarily used when bartering with an individual from another tribe. It was used to eliminate any tribe-specific dialects and the problems they might incur during negotiations. (SWRPG2)

Jawa Traders
this scrap and salvage business is located in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine. It was started by the Jawa named Aguilae, but she quickly found that she couldn't part with her merchandise. So, she hired the Squib named Mace Windu to act as her salesman. (GG7)

this is the name of the harsh, guttural language of the Jawa race of Tatooine. To most beings, this language was a mishmash of nonsense syllables. This was to due to the fact that Jawas almost always added emphasis to their words with subtle pheromones. (E1A5, SOT)

this was the nickname given by Gavin Darklighter to his R2 unit. The meant that Gavin believed any Jawa would love to steal the droid. However, when the droid was actually accosted by a group of Jawas, it thwarted their attempts to steal it and actually injured one of them. From that point on, Gavin called it Toughcatch. This name was shortened to Catch for ease of use in combat. About twenty years after the Battle of Endor, Catch was given the R2-Delta upgrade. (BW, DTO)

this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning, Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "innocence" - or, more literally, "snowy field". (GCG)

Jaw-knee Rise
this male Gran was a hitman for the RavinsBlud syndicate during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. He was known as an exceptionally violent individual who was addicted to death sticks. Because of his addiction, Jaw-Knee Rise spent a great deal of time in the company of Sebolto, doing odd jobs in exchange for death sticks. A bounty was issued for his capture by the Pixelito Grand Council, in connection with several deaths that occurred on Malastare during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The bounty was claimed by Jango Fett, when the bounty hunter traveled to Malastare to meet with Sebolto. (BH)

this human Freelie was one of the band that captured C-3PO, R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa on Vorzyd 5. (CSWEA)

Jax Warehouse
located near the Dry Goods Emporium, in the city of Hedrett, this building was one of the largest and safest places to store goods found on the planet Cularin during the last years of the Old Republic. (EOS)

Jax, Carnor
this former Royal Imperial Guard was a member of the training class the produced Kir Kanos. Jax often bested Kir Kanos in the training battles fought in The Squall, and defeated Alum Frost in a fight to the death on Yinchorr. The battle was staged by Emperor Palpatine himself, meant to determine the more loyal warrior. In the wake of Palpatine's death at Endor, Jax began to envision himself as a new Dark Lord and ruler of the Empire. He established a power base, and bribed one of Palpatine's primary clone scientists into creating defective clones for the Emperor. Jax then began wearing a suit of armor which was a modified version of the Royal Guards' armor, with a black faceplate and cloak. When Palpatine's clones were destroyed at Byss, he made his bid for control of the Empire by creating the Imperial Interim Ruling Council and assuming its leadership. He also set out to exterminate the remaining Royal Imperial Guards, but Kir Kanos managed to escape and took with him the secret of Jax's treason. Jax learned of Kanos' survival, and knew that he would have to eliminate the threat he posed. When Kanos was discovered on Phaeda, Jax ordered Colonel Shev to stand down and let his own forces deal with Kanos, but Shev ignored the orders. In the end, Kanos was able to escape to the planet Yinchorr. Jax pursued him, but was unable to stop General Wessel from falling for another of Kanos' tricks. Jax fled the Emperor's Revenge with Blim and a squadron of hand-picked, black-armored stormtroopers, landing on Yinchorr to hunt down Kanor. The entire squadron of troopers was eliminated by Kanos, leaving Jax to face him in one-on-one combat. They met in The Squall, where Jax had defeated Kanos during their training. Jax made sure he had all of Kanos' escapes covered, including the placement of Blim in a nearby position to shoot Kanos if the other man got an advantage. After Blim was eliminated by Mirith Sinn and Sish Sadeet, Jax nearly defeated Kir Kanos. However, the other man was too strong for Jax. In a short duel, Kanos drove the blade of his staff through Jax's breastplate, piercing his heart and killing him instantly. (CE)

this smuggler worked with Bettle, and assisted Mara Jade in creating a distribution system for the glitterstim spice mined on Kessel after Moruth Doole was removed from power. Jaxa and Bettle operated from their starship, the Mallixer. (JASB, SWJ10)

Jaxton, Brut
this man was a member of the Nova Scouts scouting service, although he retired shortly after the Battle of Endor. (GG8)

a planet which orbits fairly close to its sun, but is still capable of supporting human life. (SN)

this member of the Lepi species - known scientifically as Lepus carnivorus - left his homeworld of Coachelle Prime at the age of twelve, and found work in several gangs, including a mercenary group on the planet Corus. After the gang broke up, Jaxxon spent time on Nar Shaddaa before saving up enough money to buy the Rabbit's Foot and setting out on his own. Problems with the ship forced Jaxxon to land on Aduba-3, where he was stranded for several months during the height of the New Order. On Aduba-3, he joined Han Solo and a rag-tag team of starfaring adventurers in order to defeat Serji-X Arrogantus. Jaxxon was nearly killed in the battle, and was saved at the last moment by Amaiza. He was busy telling her about his mother and 79 sibings, in an effort to impress her, during most of the fight. The pair decided to work together after the fight, and ran afoul of Valance the bounty hunter before escaping and returning to Aduba-3. (MC7, SWDB, GMR4)

this was the nickname of one of the four clone troopers in the Delta Squad of commandos, which participated in the Battle of Geonosis. Jay was among the three members of the squad to be killed in the fighting. (RCHC)

Anakin Solo's nickname for his sister Jaina. (CS)

this man was the Captain of the Martinette, and leader of a gang of pirates which plied the spacelanes of Fakir Sector, near Masterhome, during the Galactic Civil War. The pirates were nearly wiped out when they attempted to waylay the crew of the Long Shot near Masterhome, but the Alliance ship was able to drive off the pirates. Jayhawk and his crew limped away from the battle more or less intact. (SWCP)

Jay-Jay Bin
this was the name of a cartoon-rendered Gungan, who was part of a HoloNet comic series during the final years of the Old Republic. (T24)

Jayme, Ivhin
this man grew up with parents who had a hands-off approach to raising him. This taught him to be open-minded about things, but he was never instilled with any drive or determination. At the age of 16, he lied about his age and joined the Imperial Armed Forces, and within a few short months he had been trained into a dangerous and formidable urban commando by the instructors on Merikon. After following the orders of his superiors and destroying a building, Jayme learned that there had been children inside, as well as enemy soldiers. He couldn't reconcile this indiscriminate loss of life, and went AWOL. He found himself drifting until he ended up on Rodaj, where he met T'Charek Haathi. She convinced him to join the Alliance, and Jayme was initially recruited into the Alliance's urban commando team. However, he balked at several missions and was moved to the Special Operations team, where he was reunited with Haathi as a shipjacker. (SWJ13, SWJ14)

this young man was a contemporary of Alex Winger, during her education on the planet Garos IV. (SWJ2)

this man was a security officer, working for the Imperial government of the planet Chibias during the early years of the New Republic. Jayx was working with Counselor Raines to implicate a Ghent in a weapons scheme, in order to expose a piece of documentation Raines had hidden in the youth's pocket. (GMR10)

this was the alias adopted by Jedi Master Aayla Secura when she traveled to the planet Anzat with Jedi Master Tholme, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. Jayzaa was an itinerent mechanic who was supposedly requested to travel to Anzat to meet a Weequay Separatist, but couldn't seem to locate him. This alias, along with a few drinks at Maggot's Cantina, allowed her to learn that former Jedi Master Sora Bulq had leased a private docking bay at the Anzat Spaceport, and refused to talk to any non-Anzati. (RT)

this world was known for its luxurious aromatic baths and its valuable sun crystals. Luke Skywalker was sent to Jazbina shortly after the Battle of Yavin, on a diplomatic mission to sway the Jazbinans to join the Alliance. However, the planet was solidly aligned with the Empire, which paid a high price for the sun crystals. It was the homeworld of the Jazbinan race. (VQ)

this race of feline humanoids was native to the planet Jazbina. They were loyal to the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, since the Empire paid high prices for the sun crystals they mined. (VQ)

this was the term used by the Gorothites to describe a clan. Roughly translated, the term meant "extended family." All members of a j'ber were connected by blood or honor, and the members of each j'ber were forbidden to breed with Gorothites from another j'ber. (GSE, AE)

this model of deflector shield generator was produced by Delphus during the height of the New Order, and found widepsread use on late-model Nebulon-B frigates. (FOP, SOG)

Je killya um pasa doe beeska wumpa
this Huttese phrase translated into Basic as "Kill me, and ten more will rise in my place." (GMR4)

the code signal that activates the weather control system in the Lost City of the Jedi. (LCJ)

this was a common name used by the Qwohog race. (UANT)

this Old Corellian word literally translated as "thief," and could be used as singular or plural. In variations the sport of phrenbi, teams which are paired against each other are referred to as jeboe'I, and could not be scored upon by the opposite team. (BSS)

a red and yellow flower native to Corellia (TFE)

this predator attacks with lightning speed. (DSTC)

this was the name used by Princess Lourdes to describe Yoshi Raph-Elan, whom she claimed was her new servant. (SWS)

Jedd Six
this planet was first scouted by Lexi Fernandin, during the last years of the Old Republic. (GG2)

this seven-foot-tall man was a member of the Prophets of the Dark Side. Jedgar served as the High Prophet, and acted as the groups' emissary to visitors to Scardia station. He was a balding man who presented an imposing figure to other beings. Little was known of Jedgar's past, but it was discovered that he had trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the years leading up to the Clone Wars, often dreaming of the events of the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge. His visions frightened the other students and worried his teachers, and Jedgar was never taken as a Padawan. A series of visions led Jedgar to Kadaan, under whom he apprenticed in learning the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. Jedgar also served as Kadann's bodyguard, but that was more for show than actual defense, since Kadann was quite powerful in the ways of the Dark Side. When the Prophets of the Dark Side were formed under Emperor Palpatine, Jedgar became Kadann's second-in-command, and his support of Kadann's visions - even after Palpatine dismissed them - ran deep. (LCJ, DSSB)

this young duuvhal was taken as a pet by Valara Saar, after she returned to her homeworld fo Yashuvhu. Saar's first pet duuvhal, Zeev, had been killed on Aargau. (WOTC)

Jedi Archives
located in a building which was more than 2,500 years old at the time of the Battle of Geonosis, this vast library of holobooks and information had been compiled by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic for many generations. Some of the documents contained in the Archives were believed to have dated from the very beginning of the Republic. (OWS, SWI60)

Jedi Battle Meditation
this was a skill mastered by only a few Jedi Knights and Masters. It involved the Jedi concentrating on the general flow and the outcome of a battle. When the Jedi pictured the battle in his mind, he could then project the image to all participants in the battle. This mental image influenced both sides of the battle, and helped bolster the Jedi's forces while reducing the opponent's conviction. The Jedi Master Thon could do this, and so could Nomi Sunrider. Luke Skywalker found a volume dedicated to the technique when he discovered the ancient Jedi library on Ossus. A combined form of this technique was known as the battle-meld, in which a group of Jedi Knights linked their minds into the flow of the meditation, thereby enhancing their ability to affect the course of the battle. While in the battle-meld, the participating Jedi Knights could anticipate each other's actions, allowing them to work in concert to achieve a faster end to the fighting. However, it was discovered by Cilghal and Jaina Solo that prolonged exposure to the battle-meld could weaken the boundaries of one's mind, leading to a blurring of individuality and unwanted sharing of emotions. Cilghal's investigation revealed that the meld caused an individual's hypothalmus to become enlarged and hypersensitive, causing the meld to become more like a telepathic link. Continued use of the meld caused similar changes to the rest of the limbic system, allowing the beings in the link to experience each other's emotions. Once the entire corpus callosum had been altered, the individuals in the battle-meld could literally communicate by mingling their Force auras created around their bodies. The result of this prolonged exposure to the meld was that the Jedi involved were unable to distinguish their own thoughts and feelings from those of the other Jedi in the link, creating a sort of hive mind among the group. (TOJ, DE2, DN1)

Jedi Battle-meld
see Jedi Battle Meditation (DN1)

Jedi Civil War
although often used simply to describe the ongoing conflict between adherents of the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, this term best described the decades of galactic history following the Great Sith War, when the Jedi Knights fought in the Mandalorian Wars and battled against the forces of Darth Malak. The conflict spread throughout the entire Jedi Order, as many Jedi questioned their allegiance to a Jedi Council that seemed to be blinded to the growing power of the Sith. Many Jedi, like Revan and Kreia, abandoned the Jedi Order and set out on their own to fight the Sith, and their were heroes and villains on both sides of the fighting. Ultimately, the Jedi Order was brought to near-extinction, and the Sith were reduced to Darth Sion's ravaged body and a handful of Sith devotees. The Jedi Council was destroyed, and the galaxy was plunged into years of fear until the Jedi could re-establish themselves. It was believed that the survival of the Jedi Order was made possible by the heroic efforts of The Exile and Kreia, who battled Darth Sion and kept the Jedi beliefs alive. (KOTOR2, LAWS)

Jedi Code, The
this was the name given to the basic tenets of the Jedi Knights, the Jedi Code was established from the writings of Jedi Master Odan-Urr some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The basic Code altered in form but never content over the millennia, and read as follows: "There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; there is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force." Among the other basic tenets was the notion that a Jedi Knight or Master could only take a single Padawan apprentice. This ensured that a teacher could not gain undue influence, and mirrored the limitations imposed by the Sith Lords. Among the deepest beliefs contained within the Jedi Code was that a Jedi must consider the actions of the Force before undertaking any action. This meant that a Jedi had to ensure that they were acting without emotion in every situation, so as not to draw power from the Dark Side of the Force. Among the most prominent teachings of Master Odan-Urr were the following:

  • "Certainly a Jedi should know the Code, by word and by heart. But seemingly every Jedi is in some fashion negligent, from the lowest Padawan to the highest Master. Consequently, were someone to demand, 'What is the true meaning of the Jedi Code?' the Jedi who promptly answered would be rare indeed."
  • "Every Jedi should spent time meditating each day on the will of the Force. The reason for this is simple: If one has unwittingly acted contrary to the will of the Force, recognizing the mistake soon after may still give on time to make amends."
  • "To be brave in battle proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret, and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender, or die."
  • "If a Jedi ignites his lightsaber, he must be ready to take a life. If he is not so prepared, he must keep his weapon at his side."
  • "Do not come to rely on the Force to the detriment of your other senses and abilities."
To further clarify the Jedi Code, Master Odan-Urr went on to explain that there were eight distinct conclusions to any situation a Jedi might face, and that every one had to be considered before any action was taken. The eight conclusions - meditation, training, loyalty, integrity, morality, discretion, bravery, and fighting - all required understanding by a Jedi, so that they could resolve any situation that demanded a quick decision with the will of the Force already in mind. (SWSB, DA, TPM, TOJC, SWRPG, SWRPG2, GMR2)

Jedi Command
this was the name given to the military command center that was established in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the Clone Wars. Jedi Command was staffed at every hour of the day, coordinating the military missions of the thousands of Jedi Knights deployed across the galaxy. Within the hardened walls of the Jedi Command center, full-scale communications equipment monitored the progress of nearly every Jedi in the field. (E3N)

Jedi Council
in the years leading up to the Clone Wars and the fall of the Old Republic, the Jedi Council consisted of twelve Jedi Masters elected to guide the actions and goals of the Jedi. They had a spectacular chamber located in one of the four council towers of the Jedi Temple, located on Coruscant. The Council was made up of five lifetime members, four long-term members, and three limited-term members. For many generations, the Council existed in relative obscurity, as the peace in the galaxy limited the presence of the Jedi to mediators and arbitors. In the wake of the Great Sith War, the Jedi Council found itself fighting for its life, when the Jedi Civil War broke out and the Jedi Order was nearly wiped out in the five years following the destruction of the Star Forge. At the time of the Battle of Naboo, the Council consisted of the following members:

  • Lifetime Members:
    • Mace Windu
    • Yoda
    • Oppo Rancisis
    • Plo Koon
    • Yarael Poof
  • Long-term Members:
    • Eeth Koth
    • Even Piell
    • Depa Billaba
    • Saesee Tiin
  • Limited-term Members:
    • Ki-Adi-Mundi
    • Yaddle
    • Adi Gallia
The mission of the Jedi Council was to oversee the continued development of the Jedi Order, and to ensure that the ideals of the Jedi were upheld. The goal of every Jedi Knight and Master was to maintain peace and justice throughout the galaxy, a goal that was predicated on the fact that the entire Jedi Order remained politically neutral. By law, however, the Jedi Order reported directly to the Galactic Senate. For many generations this meant little more than regular reporting of the activities of the Jedi Order. As the Republic began to crumble from within, and after Count Dooku formed the Confederacy of Indepenent Systems, the Jedi Order found itself responding to more and more requests for assistance in political or military matters. The Jedi Council had to send more and more Jedi into combat situations, and the mission of the Jedi Order slowly became one of military importance. By the time of the Battle of Geonosis, Coleman Trebor had replaced Yarael Poof, and Shaak Ti had replaced Yaddle. With the full-blown conflict of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Council became the military leadership of a new group of Generals, as Jedi Master were given command of clone trooper squads in an effort to confront the atrocities of the Separatists. As they affected most other aspects of life, the Clone Wars altered the make-up of the Jedi Council. Master Trebor died at Geonosis, and the remaining Council members were often forced to meet via holographic communication from the battlefronts. Appointed to replace fallen Masters were Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, Kit Fisto, Tsui Choi, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Following the First Battle of Coruscant, the Galactic Senate was forced to admit that it could no longer handle the duties of politics and the military. In an unusual move, the Senators voted to have the Jedi Order report directly to Chancellor Palpatine, giving the Chancellor complete control of its activities. Outwardly, this would mean that Palpatine could focus the Jedi Order on the elimination of the Separatists, leaving the Senate to handle the rebuilding of the Republic. However, implied in this decree was the fact that Palpatine would also control any and all troops under the command of the Jedi Order, which included the entire Grand Army of the Republic. With this simple bit of legislation, Palpatine became the Supreme Commander of the Republic's entire military force. Palpatine then named Anakin Skywalker as his personal representative on the Jedi Council, a move that went against the electoral process of the Jedi Order. In order to maintain a modicum of control, the Council refused to grant Skywalker the status of Jedi Master. With the destruction of the Jedi Order at the hands of Emperor Palpatine, the Jedi Council was banished from history. It's existence was later discovered by Luke Skywalker, during his research into the Jedi of the Old Republic. He longed to re-establish the Council, but the New Republic Senate feared that it would give the Jedi an elitist presence. However, when Cal Omas was elected Chief of State, he vowed to work with Luke on recreating the Council. They agreed to create a High Council that consisted of six Jedi and six New Republic officials, mirroring the twelve-seat Council of the Old Republic. (SW1, IG1, SWI62, DW, OWS, IS3, E3N, KOTOR2)

Jedi Council Spire
this was the southwest spire of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and served as the hub of all the activities of the Jedi Order. The Council Chamber was located at its apex, providing a complete view of the cityscape below. (PJSB)

Jedi Credit
also known as JedCreds, these Corellian medallions were minted whenever a native of Corellia became a Jedi Master. Corran Horn's real grandfather, Nejaa Halcyon, gave a number of these to his friends and relatives, including Rostek Horn. Rostek later passed it to Hal Horn, who passed it to hisown son, Corran. (XWN, KT)

Jedi Dreamer
this custom-built New Republic scout craft was commanded by Korren Starchaser. It measured 51.8 meters in length, and was streamlined for flight in atmospheres. It required a pilot and co-pilot to operate, and could accommodate up to four passengers and ten metric tons of cargo. It was armed with a pair of front-mounted laser cannons and a turret-mounted tractor beam projector. (SWJ6, SWJ8)

Jedi Explorer
the sleek, new, two-man starship Luke Skywalker used just to go to Ossus with Kam Solusar and search for the ancient Jedi lore that might be hidden there. It was designed to navigate uncharted hyperspace routes, and had a huge cargo hold. It also transported an experimental T-77 airspeeder for planet-side use. It is well-armed with laser and ion cannons. (DE2)

Jedi Explorer II
the second of the new, two-man starships Luke Skywalker used. He flew this one to Ossus to try and head off Palpatine's attempt to obtain Ysanna bodies from which to manufacture clones. (EE)

Jedi Flow
this simple game, developed by the Jedi Knights, taught an individual to understand and feel the energy of the Force. By studying the Jedi Flow, a being could learn to allow the Force to flow across and around the "boulders" and obstacles within one's body. By moving these emotion and physical barriers, the Force could flow more freely, allowing the individual to reach a deeper connection to the world around them. The achievement of the Jedi Flow involved bringing into unity one's breathing, motion, and alignment. In this way, the Jedi Flow was also an excellent military training exercise, as Kit Fisto discovered while training a group of ARC troopers on Ord Cestus. (TCD)

Jedi General
this was the rank given to those members of the Jedi Order who were given command of an Army Corps or Army Legion, during the height of the Clone Wars. Each Jedi General worked side-by-side with a Clone Marshal Commander to lead the Corps. (SWI84)

Jedi Giant
this was the reverential term used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe Ganner Rhysode, after Ganner's death on Coruscant shortly after the planet was reformed into the new Yuuzhan'tar. Ganner had given his life to protect Jacen Solo, who was attempting to make contact with the World Brain on Coruscant. Drawing incredible energy from the Force, Ganner had single-handedly killed or injured hundreds of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, before eventually succumbing to their sheer numbers. However, his bravery and determination in the face of certain death earned him an incredible measure of respect from the Yuuzhan Vong. After his death, they believed that Ganner lived on in the afterlife as the Guardian of the Gate to the Lands of the Dead. His blazing lightsaber shone in the darkness, forbidding the spirits of the Dead from returning through the Gate to harass the living. Above the Gate, the Yuuzhan Vong believed, were the words "None Shall Pass," written in Basic, as these were the last words Ganner cried before the Yuuzhan Vong attacked him. After his death, Ganner was also referred to as "The Ganner", as if he were a new Yuuzhan Vong god. (T)

Jedi Heresy, The
this was another name for The Message, used originally by Supreme Overlord Shimrra but eventually finding its way into regular use. (FH3)

Jedi High Council
see Jedi Council (IWE1)

Jedi Holocron
see Holocron (JS)

Jedi Hunters
this was the name of the gang of bounty hunters who worked on the planet Cularin, during the height of the Clone Wars. They adopted the name Jedi Hunters because they answered the call of the Separatists to bring in Jedi Knights for interrogation. The presence of the Jedi Hunters on Cularin forced the Jedi Knights at the Almas Academy to be mindful of their activities, which hampered their ability to protect the system. (LFCW)

Jedi Interceptor
see Eta-2 Actis Interceptor (SWI82)

Jedi Jewels
this was the term used to describe a mysterious pair of Jedi Knights who led a small band of clone troopers into battle during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWMW)

Jedi Justice Cruiser
developed by Republic Shipyards for the express use of the Jedi Knights, these 68-meter-long gunboats were heavily-armed and protected. Each Jedi Justice Crusier carried a turret-mounted double turbolaser cannon, an ion cannon, and a pair of concussion missile launchers. Requiring a crew of five Jedi to operate, each of these ships could accommodate up to seven passengers and 100 metric tons of cargo. After the events of the Stark Hyperspace Conflict, many of the Jedi Justice Cruisers in service were decommissioned by order of the Jedi Council, which eliminated the ships in an effort to eliminate the Senate's fear of the Jedi Order's military might. (PJSB)

Jedi Killers
this was a common nickname used by smugglers and other lowlifes to describe those JK-series security droids that were modified to serve as combat droids. Because of several documented battles in which a JK-series droid defeated a Jedi Knight in combat, the name "Jedi Killers" became a popular nickname for the droids. (TCD)

Jedi Knights
the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice from the early beginnings of the Old Republic. They were highly trained in the use of the Force, and employed the elegant lightsaber as their weapon of choice. In the beginning, the Jedi were merely scientists and scholars who debated on the unusual energy field - the Force - which seemed to eminate from certain individuals. Over time, as knowledge and understanding of the Force grew, this loose affiliation coalesced into the Jedi Order. They protected the Republic from all threats, including the Clone Wars. They were also used to settle disputes and contentions for rulership due to their overall neutrality and their ability to search out the truth via the Force. After the destruction caused by the Great Hyperspace War and the Great Sith War, the Jedi and the Old Republic began to work much closer together, combining their strengths to ensure no further threats to the galaxy erupted into full-scale war. However, over time, the Jedi became a highly insular Order, and rarely mixed with the very citizens they were sworn to protect. They wrapped themselves in rules which stagnated the Order and turned their connection to the Force into more of a scientific relationship. However, their connections to the Force still gave them great power. When Senator Palpatine assumed the throne of galactic Emperor, he realized that the Jedi Knights were the only true faction that could stand between himself and the galaxy, and so he dispatched a series of extermination forces to eradicate the Jedi. He nearly succeeded, for the only Jedi known to have survived were Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Jedi Master Yoda. Despite Palpatine's efforts, though, many Force-sensitive beings managed to survive the Jedi Purge, including Luke Skywalker and Streen, simply because they were not adept enough to control the Force. It has been estimated that there were 10,000 Jedi active in the galaxy at the time when Senator Palpatine took control of the galaxy. As Luke Skywalker began training new Jedi more than twenty years after the fall of the Old Republic, there were roughly 100 active Knights when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, with dozens more in training. During the conflict their numbers were reduced by half, and most of the survivors were children who were not yet trained enough to become full Jedi Knights. As Master Skywalker contemplated his new understanding of the Force - not a simple delineation between light and dark, but a more profound definition of the ways in which good and evil fight for control of an individual - he chose not to return the Jedi to their roles as an unbiased police force. Luke reasoned that the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic were once a meditative order that was drawn deeper and deeper into the machinations of the Republic when its Chancellors called for their help in mediating disputes. As this call for help escalated into the battle legions of the Clone Wars, the Jedi became less interested in the nature of the Force and more interested in separating good and evil into light and dark halves to the Force. The Jedi of the Old Republic, according to Skywalker, lost sight of the fact that the Force moved through an individual, not from them. In the end, Skywalker chose to allow Kam Solusar and Tionne to re-establish a training center on Ossus, which served as the foundation for a new Jedi Order. In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the new Jedi Knights abandoned the original Jedi Code and sought to use their connection to the Force to determine the morally right course of action. With the combination of the Light Side and the Dark Side into a single notion of the Force, a new Jedi Knight was free to use whatever means necessary to ensure that the Force remained in balance. Many within the Galactic Alliance feared that this simply allowed the Jedi to rationalize any actions within the context of something that very few beings understood, thereby giving them free rein to do as they pleased. (SW, ESB, ROTJ, DMSH, SWRPG, PJSB, UF, DN1)

Jedi Library
located in the Lost City of the Jedi, this building holds records of the Jedi from thousands of years before the Galactic Civil War. It houses a vast central computer, as well as archives of ancient manuscripts and books. It is rumored that all the knowledge of all the intelligent races of the galaxy is stored there. (LCJ)

Jedi Library of Ossus
see Great Library of the Jedi (GORW)

Jedi Masters
those Jedi Knights who became extremely talented and powerful in the use of the Force were often trained to become Jedi Masters. The criteria were for becoming a Jedi Master were somewhat nebulous, and over time it became mainly an honorific to describe those Jedi Knights who taken on a Padawan learner. Sometimes, an individual who performed as an exemplar of the Jedi Order would also be given the title of Jedi Master. The position of Jedi Master was, however, actually bestowed upon an individual, but the Jedi Council made no formal declaration about the differentiating factors. The Jedi Masters' roles were varied, from teaching the young Jedi Knights in the use of The Force to acting as intermediaries for the Old Republic. During the early years of the Jedi Order, Jedi Masters often took more than one apprentice, spreading their knowledge whenever possible. This all changed after the Battle of Ruusan, when the Jedi Knights believed that they had become too scattered to control. Taking a cue from the Sith, the Jedi Council limited a Master to a single Padawan learner. This limitation was removed in the wake of the Battle of Endor, as Master Luke Skywalker was forced to train as many individuals as possible to rebuild the Jedi Order. The Jedi Masters were not exempt from Palpatine's Jedi purge, and the Jedi Master Yoda is the only known Master to survive. Yoda was able to pass on his vast knowledge of the Force to Luke Skywalker, who continued to train in the use of the Force after Yoda's death and become the newest Jedi Master. It is rumored that the best and truest Jedi Masters do not truly die, but move on to some mystical state of being. Their physical bodies cease to exist, but their living essence is absorbed by the Force. No explanation has ever been given for this occurance, but it has also been observed that certain Jedi Knights have also disappeared after dying. (ESB, ROTJ, JS, SWI68, PJSB)

Jedi Mind Juice
this was the name given to the viscous, greenish fluid secreted by the cochlera of the planet Genarius. It was named for the fact that, when harvested and immediately vacuum-sealed, it could be imbibed to give the drinker limited protection against The Force. This property was not widely documented, as no scientific investigation was done. (LFC)

Jedi Order
this was the name given to the complete membership of Jedi Padawans, Knights, and Masters, as well as the guidelines for their training and actions. During the era of the Old Republic, the Jedi Order was separate from the government, although its actions were governed by the Galactic Senate. In this relationship, the Senate oversaw the activities of the Jedi Order, but the Jedi were free to carry out their missions within their own guidelines. The Jedi Order of the Old Republic was governed by the twelve-member Jedi Council, which made the final decisions on the missions that were carried out by the Jedi Knights. After Emperor Palpatine destroyed the Jedi Knights with the exeuction of Order 66, the Jedi Order was all but eliminated for many decades. When Luke Skywalker finally established his Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, he started out by using the basic guidance he had received from Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda as the basis for his own training style. However, he avoided the formation of a new Jedi Order in an effort to separate his students from the government. While this allowed Master Skywalker to rebuild the Jedi Knights, he still had to battle the old prejudices that were formed against the Jedi during the final decades of the Old Republic and the era of the New Order. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy and challenged all known beliefs about the Force, Master Skywalker was forced to form a new Jedi Order that was based on the knowledge that both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force were simply aspects of a single power. Based on this, the new Jedi Order was founded on the belief that a Jedi Knight should act to ensure that there was balance in the Force, regardless of the way in which they achieved balance. Unfortunately, in the wake of the Qoribu Crisis, Master Skywalker found that the Jedi Order was losing its way. While embracing this new philosophy, Master Skywalker felt that the Jedi had lost their identity and their place in the galaxy. Thus, he vowed to become more of a leader and less of a guide, hoping that the re-establishment of a leadership council would restore the Jedi to their rightful place as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. (PJSB, DN1, DN2)

Jedi Prophecies
a series of vague foretellings that predicted the various surges in Dark Side conflicts throughout the galaxy. (DLS)

Jedi Purge
this was the name given to the period of galactic history following the First Battle of Coruscant, after Chancellor Palpatine had revealed himself to be Darth Sidious and assumed control of the galaxy. In order to solidify his position of power, Sidous knew that he needed to eliminate the Jedi Order. His plans began quite simply, sowing public discontent and uncertainty about the Jedi and their goals during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Then, as the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, Palpatine cultivated the fear that the Jedi were becoming too powerful and too militant, and the people began to demand more information from the Jedi Council. Unfortunately, the Jedi Council reacted by becoming even more secretive, which served Palpatine's plans without any additional impetus. In the wake of the First Battle of Coruscant, when Palpatine was revealed to be Sidious, Mace Windu and a group of Jedi Masters tried to bring Palpatine to justice. With the help of Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine was able to destroy the Jedi Masters, then went to the Galactic Senate and described the battle as an attempt by the Jedi to seize control - the so-called Jedi Rebellion. With the Senate now behind him, Palpatine issued the command to execute Order 66 to his clone commanders, who were spread across the galaxy fighting the Outer Rim Sieges. Upon hearing the order, the clone commanders turned their weapons on the Jedi Knights and Masters who were fighting alongside them. Within the space of a day, a huge number of Jedi were executed by the clones, and the Jedi Purge was begun. Over the ensuing months and years, Palpatine hunted down any surviving Jedi, until it was believed that only Anakin Skywalker - who had become Darth Vader - was the only surviving member of the former Jedi Order. (WOTC, IS3)

Jedi Reader
see Force Detector (NEGW)

Jedi Rebellion
this was the term used by Chancellor Palpatine to describe the supposed "uprising" of the Jedi Order against the Old Republic, during the weeks following the First Battle of Coruscant. It was Palpatine himself - disguised as Darth Sidious - who ordered the exterminatio of the Jedi Knights throughout the galaxy, an action he took under the pretext that the Jedi Order was trying to overthrow the Galactic Senate and take control of the galaxy for themselves. Palpatine claimed that the "Jedi Rebellion" was only stopped by the swift thinking and initiative of the clone commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic. (IS3)

Jedi Revolt
see Jedi Rebellion (DN2)

Jedi Rocks
this jizz tune was made popular by Evar Orbus and His Galactic Wailers. It remained a hit for the band's new incarnation, the Max Rebo Band. The band played this song for Jabba the Hutt, just prior to the planned execution of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. (SWI67)

Jedi Shadows
this was the name of a secretive band of Jedi Knights who devoted much of their time to gathering information on the users of the Dark Side of the Force, including the Sith. The Shadows were first formed millennia before the Great Sith War, and were often charged with infiltrating Sith territory in order to gather information. (TOJC)

Jedi Temple
located in the former Galactic City, on the planet Coruscant, this complex of spires and buildings was the base of operations for the Jedi Knights during the last forty generations of the Old Republic. Construction of the Temple was proposed by the Jedi to the Galactic Senate some time after the Great Hyperspace War, and despite the Senate's desire to recognize the efforts of the Jedi in defeating the Sith, the Temple met with many obstacles. First, the Senate feared that a Jedi stronghold on Coruscant would increase the likelihood of another Sith invasion. Second, the Senate wanted to avoid any direct association of the Jedi Order with the government. The Jedi, however, had no intention of making either mistake, and established a training and meditation center that would serve as a temporary base of operations for the Jedi Council. In the aftermath of the Great Sith War, both the Jedi and the Senate agreed that a tighter union of their forces would be required to ensure the safety of the galaxy, and the Jedi Temple was allowed to expand and become the center of the Jedi Order. The central Temple Spire rose a kilometer above the surrounding cityscape, and was surrounded by four individual Council towers. All five towers were supported by the main building, which sunk its roots deep into Coruscant's crust. The ziggurat shape of the main building, coupled with the five spires, was meant to symbolize a Padawan's path to enlightment through the Force. It was also meant to focus the energies of the Force, allowing those within to have a near-continual connection to the mystical energy field. There were several contemplation stations located on each of the four smaller towers, where a Jedi could go be alone with their thoughts. Each of the four towers faced one of the ordinal directions, and they bristled with antennae and sensors that provided the Jedi with continual information from across the galaxy. Many Jedi historians wondered at the placement of the Temple on Coruscant, where all native life had been swept from the planet by the millennia-long urbanization, and yet more than a trillion beings lived out their lifes. In the aftermath of the Jedi Purge begun by Emperor Palpatine, the Temple was allowed to remain standing, but was abandoned and left empty. Over the following decades, much of the Jedi Temple was destroyed, either by war or demolition. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker debated whether or not to build a new Temple, fearing that such a symbol of a centralized power structure may have led to the downfall of the earlier Jedi Order. (IWE1, COD, PJSB, VD3, E3N, SWDB)

Jedi Temple
this building was donated to Luke Skywalker and his new Jedi order by the Reconstruction Authority of the Galactic Alliance, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Located on Coruscant, the new Temple was ostensibly a gift from the government, although most Jedi understood that it was more of a propaganda effort than an actual gift. The Reconstruction Authority had been working to move the center of the galaxy's government back to Coruscant, in an effort to restore the former order of the New Republic. Although Master Skywalker graciously accepted the gift of the new Temple, he did not immediately move the Jedi order's operations from Ossus to Coruscant. In shape, the new Jedi Temple was a gelaming pyramid of stone and transparisteel, and was considered by many to have been one of the most beautiful examples of Rebirth architecture. (DN1)

Jedi Trials
this was the name given to the series of milestones a Jedi Padawan learner had to successfully complete to earn the promotion to the status of Jedi Knight. Before the trials could begin, a student had to first construct their own lightsaber and demonstrate proficiency in wielding it, both from an offensive standpoint as well as its use in self-defense. Among the later trials was a demonstration of an individual's facility with the three aspects of the Force: alter, control, and sense. Knowledge of the Jedi Code and its application and the use of sound judgement were also key trials. Lastly, a student had to accept and complete a solo mission, without instruction or guidance from their Master. This mission could be prescribed by the Jedi Council, or it could be a past mission which demonstrated the student's ability to act alone. Only when all the trials were completed, would the Jedi Council consider a student for promotion. (PJSB)

Jedi Underground
this was the name used to describe the underground network of beings who helped Jedi Knights escape persecution at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. Many members of the Jedi Underground worked to clear the way for the Great River. (EL1)

Jedi Who Was Shaped, The
this was the term used by the Ryn, and many other races, to describe Tahiri Veila, after she was rescued from the Yuuzhan Vong. (FH2)

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