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Official Pix: Last Remaining Star Wars Inventory Up For Grabs

Posted by Chris on July 30, 2015 at 02:40 PM CST

With the decision to not renew the Star Wars license, Official Pix will no longer be producing officially licensed Star Wars photographs. As such, the ability to obtain officially licensed Star Wars autographs will also go away. Check out all the new additions to the online store here which will only be available through September 30th or until sold out and don't miss your last chance to add some of these gems to the collection.

There were a lot of different things produced over many years, so keep your eyes on the store as you never know what might pop up from the vault that you either missed or might have never seen before!

Finally, while the Star Wars photos will be going away, that doesn't mean Official Pix is closing up shop. In fact, the next two autograph signings are up now with Star Wars concept artist & model maker Colin Cantwell and Frozen star Idina Menzel. There are also some other very cool names to look forward to in the coming months, so stay tuned by "Liking" Official Pix on Facebook and signing up for the email list.

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Official Pix: Last Call For Licensed Star Wars Photographs & Autographs
Official Pix: Harrison Ford To Sign More Autographs In 2015
Official Pix: Last Call For Colin Cantwell Star Wars Concept Art Photos & Autographs
Official Pix: Exclusive Colin Cantwell Star Wars Concept Art Photos & Signing
Official Pix: Colin Cantwell Autograph Pre-Order & Send-In

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