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The Mandalorian

New Details Emerge On Timothy Olyphant's Character And Season Two Of The Mandalorian

Posted by Steve on May 19, 2020 at 04:50 PM CST

Star Wars The Mandalorian Timothy Olyphant

"I'm Cobb Vanth. Lawman and de facto mayor of what used to be Mos Pelgo."

The big announcement last week was that Timothy Olyphant, star of Deadwood and Justified, was making an appearance in Season Two of the hit Disney+ show Star Wars: The Mandalorian, well now it appears we know what role he’ll be playing.

Peter Sciretta over at Slashfilm has learned that Olypant filmed his Season Two scenes wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor that once belonged to Boba Fett, and that he would be playing a character by the name of Cobb Vanth.

From Slashfilm…

“Our sources have confirmed to us that Olyphant filmed scenes wearing Boba Fett’s Mandalorian armor for the upcoming second season of The Mandalorian. That might sound confusing because earlier this month it was reported that Temuera Morrison, who originated the role of Jango Fett (Boba’s clone father), had been cast as Boba Fett. So what’s going on here?
If Morrison is playing the role of Boba Fett, then Timothy Olyphant is playing an enigmatic character named Cobb Vanth.”

Who is Cobb Vanth?

Cobb Vanth was a human male that, while once a slave, rose to become the sheriff of Freetown on the planet Tatooine. Freetown, formerly Mos Pelgo, was a town located on the planet’s northern hemisphere and had fallen on disrepair. One of Vanth's most famous attributes, besides forming an alliance with Tusken Raiders, is the Mandalorian armor he wears despite not being born on Mandalore or raised in accordance with Mandalorian tradition.

While that’s not groundbreaking in Star Wars, what is a huge deal is the fact that the armor once belonged to the legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett! Yes, after Fett’s unfortunate run-in with a sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon, the infamous hunter was left without his green suit, alive or dead, we don't officially know yet.

Vanth’s only appearance to date is in Chuck Wendig’s Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy, appearing in three interludes throughout the series. Could this be the mystery figure we see mosey onto the screen at the end of Chapter 5, approaching a seemingly dead Fennec Shand? While many theories suggested it could be Boba Fett himself, or perhaps Cad Bane, this appears to be the most likely scenario.

We probably won't get much else as we approach the fall, and even this story hasn't been confirmed by Lucasfilm or Disney, but this is exciting news either way and should finally put to rest the "Is Boba Fett alive?" issue, maybe.

Stay tuned!

For the full story, click HERE.

Until next time...MTFBWY!

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