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Welcome To Rebel Rouser!!

The purpose of this section of the site is to act as kind of a scrapbook for Star Wars fans. This will be a record of fan conventions, major Star Wars events, meetings with Star Wars related folks, and more!

We'll also use this as a place for fans to have their essays and theories about the Star Wars Universe recorded. So if you have something worth posting, write us at

Meeting Ken Wheat (Encounters) NEW
Alyse met the 'Battle for Endor' co-writer & director at an Ewoks DVD line-up.
December 3rd, 2004

The Emperor of Oz Theory (Essays) NEW
David discusses the hypothesis that The Emperor does not have the force.
November 8th, 2004 (Revised on November 14th, 2004)

Meeting James Earl Jones (Encounters) NEW
Shawn met James Earl Jones in Wilmington, Delaware.
November 8th, 2004

Charity Dinner with Tim Rose (Miscellaneous)
With the Belgian Star Wars fan club.
May 30th, 2004

Jake Lloyd on Stage with Weird Al (Miscellaneous)
At the Greek Theatre in LA back in 1999.
May 30th, 2004

A Fan's WonderCon Experience (Miscellaneous)
Devin Leyden shares his experiences of WonderCon in San Francisco.
May 30th, 2004

Empire Fan Fest (Reviews)
Elizabeth Fisher attended Empire Fan Fest in Secaucus, NJ.
May 30th, 2004

Still A Rebel: 'The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot' Turns 25 (Essays)
John Booth celebrates the 25th anniversairy of this book.
May 28th, 2004

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