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Desert Sands Quadrant
this was one of the few civilian areas of space above the planet Tatooine, during the Galactic Civil War. Although the Imperial forces on Tatooine claimed to patrol the area, many independent starships were ambushed while trying to reach the planet's surface. (SWGAL)

Devaronian Alipedene
this was a form of bio-engineered tissue replacement, created by scientists on the planet Devaron during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

this clone commando was one of the members of Aiwha Squad, serving under jedi Master Tra'avis during the final months of the Clone Wars. (CWA4)

this was a religious cult of Theelin females, noted for their incredible singing voices. Many scholars of the Old Republic believed that the Divas were the epitome of singers, and should be considered as the standard against which any other vocal performances were to be measured. As the final years of the Old Republic drew closer, and the Theelin population grew smaller and smaller, the term "Diva" was used to describe any female of the species, regardless of their level of talent. (SWDB)

Divine Bantha
according to the Dim-U religion, the bantha was the source of a hidden message from some all-powerful being. The priests of the Dim-U religion devoted their lives to searching for the Divine Bantha's message to the galaxy. (HG)

Drake Lo'gaan, posing as Jodd Sonta, was assigned to a security detail on this Coruscant-based transport platform, shortly after the end of the Clone Wars. (EAR)

Dox, Garil
this Alderaanian man was one of the few members of his society to join the Empire. Lieutenant Dox served as a gunner aboard the Reprisal, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. However, after the destruction of his homeworld of Alderaan, Dox decided to exact a measure of revenge against the Empire. During Darth Vader's attempt to locate the Alliance following the Battle of Yavin, Dox arranged to have any potential locations destroyed before Vader could reach them. His actions were considered extreme to many members of the Alliance's command, but they came to an end when his duplicity was discovered by Vader. He begged to be killed, especially after his schemes resulted in the destruction of an Alderaanian outpost on the planet Ejolus, but Lord Vader was not in the mood to end his suffering. Dox was assigned to an Imperial labor camp, where he would be forced to live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of this life. (SWEMO)

this long-barreled blaster rifle, produced during the height of the New Order, was the favorite weapon of many bounty hunters. (SWGAL)

this was the name of the Ronto-class transport vessel owned and operated by Jae Juun and his partner, Tarfang, after the loss of the XR808g during the Qoribu Crisis. Jae Juun had originally been set up by Han Solo to acquire a Sailfish transport from Lando Calrissian, but the Sullustan had trouble just keeping up with the payments and maintenance on the Mon Calamarian vessel. So, he traded its equity back to Lando and purchased the DR919a in its place. However, the ship was too slow to handle the demands of the shipping operations Lando offered to the Sullustan, so Juun decided to go to work for Second Mistake Enterprises instead. When Juun realized that the spinglass sculptures they had sold to the naval personnel of the Fifth Fleet contained Gorog assassin bugs, he reluctantly agreed to help Han Solo and Luke Skywalker recover them before anything happened. Instead, they discovered the presence of fifteen nest ships within the Tusken's Eye, and were forced to try and delay the Gorog nest ship. During the search for the Gorog vessel, the DR919a was discovered and took heavy fire, and eventually was holed by a blast. The group was forced to abandon the doomed ship in order to reach the Gorog, much to Jae Juun's dismay. His only consolation was that Master Skywalker promised to replace the DR919a once they had completed the mission. In a last-ditch effort, Jae Juun crashlanded the ship onto the surface of the Gorog nest ship, demolishing the ship but keeping her crew and passengers alive long enough for them to exit. (DN2)

this was another name for the dune lizard of Tatooine. (SWGAL)

Dragon's Breath
see Trihexalon (JSF)

this was the name of Race Kartan's personal starfighter. (JSF)

Durkii Squadron
this Imperial TIE Fighter squadron was part of the force that defended the labor colony on Kalist VI, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Led by Captain Jodeen, Durkii Squadron was on duty some eight months after the Battle of Yavin, when they were dispatched by their commanders to defend the tanker Nuna's Twins. Their initial appearance seemed to drive off the Alliance fighters who were harrassing the tanker, allowing it to finally reach Kalist VI. Jodeen and his men were then ordered to keep the Nuna's Twins in orbit, searching for proof of its "survival" while General Noils could determine if the ship could be cleared to land. (SWEWW)

this shaggy creature was noted for its continual state of dishevelment. (LJ2)

this was the Basic translation of a derogatory term used by the Ewoks to describe any being who was considered of lesser stature than the speaker. (DN2)

this rust-colored protocol droid was owned by the Rodian explorer Frelka, during the height of the New Order. Frelka kept the droid on Gamma Station for many months, hoping to learn more about the mysterious events the occurred in and near the station. (SWGAL)

this Kuat Drive Yards singal jamming system was developed during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DN2)

this man served the Grand Army of the Republic as a Lieutenant Colonel, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. (DAG)

this planet was the primary world in the Ejolus System. The was was the home of an outpost maintained by Alderaanian survivors of the Empire's destruction of their homeworld, just before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, former Alderaanian Garil Dox arranged for the outpost to be destroyed before it could be located by Darth Vader. (SWEMO)

Ejolus System
this star system contained the planet Ejolus, the home of an outpost maintained by Alderaanian survivors of the Empire's destruction of their homeworld, just before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, former Alderaanian Garil Dox arranged for the outpost to be destroyed before it could be located by Darth Vader. (SWEMO)

this ancient, walled city was the ostensible capital of Acherin, and was one of just three cities found on the entire planet. Eluthan was built atop a plateau, and was designed for both fortification and for beauty. The thick, stone walls were formed from contrasting colors of stone, giving the exterior walls an artistic pattern that made the city appear more like a sculpture than a well-defended settlement. The roads ands alleyways within Eluthan were laud out in a haphazard manner, lacking any sort of grid. Most buildings within the walls were created from a bronze-colored stone, and were no more than a couple of stories tall. The natives of Acherin considered the city to one of their most cherished treasures, and fought to preserve it against any attacks. During the final stages of the Clone Wars, the native Acherin population supported the Separatists, and established their military base within the walls of Eluthan. In the wake of the Clone Wars, much of the city was demolished when Imperial forces in orbit around Acherin bombarded the city, in an effort to root out any resistance from General Toma and his rebels. (LJ2)

Emerald Splendor Estates
this collection of luxury condominiums and houses was constructed on the planet Byss for wealthy supporters of Emperor Palpatine, in the wake of the Clone Wars. Those individuals and families who agreed to move to Byss were asked to keep information about their new home a secret, ostensibly to keep tourists and other beings from learning about its location. (EAR)

Eopei Cream Pie
the receipe for this wonderful-tasting dessert was a family secret kept by Bren Kingal. (WSGAL)

Epo Qetora
see Epo Quetora (SWGAL)

Epo Quetora
this aging Twi'lek served as a sort of historian for the mining facilities on Mustafar, during the final years of the Old Republic and into the era of the New Order. He found himself much in demand, in the wake of the Clone Wars, as rumors spread throughout the galaxy that Mustafar was the site of a vast treasure. Smugglers and mercenaries arrived to seek out the treasure, and often visited with Epo Quetora to learn more about its possible existence. (SWGAL)

this orphaned boy, a native to the planet Garqi, was rescued by Jedi Master Tra'avis and Aiwha Squad, during the final months of the Clone Wars. (CWA4)

this variant of the YVH droids was produced by Justice Systems during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Despite being developed for the personal defense market, many EverAlert droids were purchased by the Galactic Alliance for use in guarding prosion facilities aboard starships. (DN2)

Eye of the Albino Cyclops
this was one of the most sacred artifacts of the Skakoan people. Access to the Eye was granted only by the elders of Skakoan society, after a supplicant was interviewed at the Power Mound of the Elders. Wat Tambor was believed to have coveted the use of the Eye of the Albino Cyclops, hoping that it would allow him to track the activities of Anakin Skywalker, in order to exact revenge on the young Jedi for destroying one of his natural eyes. (VIS)

Eye of the Beyonder
according to Brizzit legend, this relic held a secret map that explained where to find a vast treasure that was hidden in the Jandoon System. Tzizvvt convinced Solomahal to fund an expedition to locate the relic, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SWDB)

this was a large, stringed instrument that was created on the planet Hapes, and was often centerpiece of classic sonatas and other instrumental pieces. (DN2)

Fifth Fleet
see Fifth Battle Group (DN2)

First Galactic Empire, The
see Galactic Empire, The (LFCW)

Fizz, The
this disease was believed to have originated on the planet Woteba, during the months following the establishment of several Colony hives on the planet, a year or so after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. The Killiks who were afflicted by the Fizz found themselves covered with a foamy coating that seemed to eat away at their bodies, causing considerable pain until the individual simply was unable to sustain itself and expired. What made the disease unusual was that it also attacked non-living targets, such as landspeeders and landscaping equipment. UnuThul and the Colony claimed that the new Jedi Order knew about the Fizz all along, and tricked the Colony into relocating to Woteba in order to infect them. However, investigation by Cilghal and other Jedi healers revealed that the Fizz was not a naturally-occurring infection, but a kind of environmental defense system. It was a sophisticated, self-replicating nanotech virus that reacted whenever the environmental balance of Woteba was upset, and only attacked those things that were deemed to be harmful to Woteba's natural state of being. Cilghal further speculated that the Fizz was present only in the Utegetu Nebula because it had been placed there by an unknown race, to assist with restoration of the planetary systems within the nebula in the wake of the supernova that created it. Exactly where the Fizz came from, and who created it, were mysteries that the Jedi were unable to initially resolve, causing the Killiks to continue to insist that it was being used against them in order to exterminate their race. It was believed that the quarrying of moirestone and the harvesting of hamogoni wood by the Killiks, combined with the disposable to toxins into the planet's bogs, signaled the onset of the Fizz. The theory that the Fizz was designed to restore the planets to their original state was supported by evidence that the Fizz was affecting all fifteen Colony worlds within the Utegetu Nebula. (DN2)

this was the term used to describe any object, living or not, that was affected by the Fizz. (DN2)

this was a term used to describe any individual who was afflicted with the Fizz. (DN2)

Flames of Eluthan
this was the name used by the Acherins to describe the brilliant sunsets that occurred in the city of Eluthan. When the atmospheric conditions were right, the setting sun bathed the stone buildings of Eluthan and its plateau with deep, orange light. From the lowlands below the plateau, the city appeared as if it were on fire, with the stones literally glowing in the orange light. (LJ2)

Flash Bomb
this was a modern version of a flash mine, used to temporarily blind any being in the immediate vicinity of the explosion. (SWGAL)

Flow-cushion Chair
this luxurious chair used form-fitting cushions to adjust to the body shape of the user. (DN2)

this Rodian explorer spent a great deal of his free time on Tansarii Point Station, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. (SWGAL)

this was a slang term used to describe a member of the Squib race. It was often used in a derogatory manner. (DN2)

G Burp
this was spacer slang for any sudden surge from a starship's drive systems, especially from the hyperdrive. It referred to any sudden increase in velocity, which caused the beings inside the ship to experience increased g-forces for a short period of time. (DN2)

this was an Ewok question, that translated into Basic as "How much?" (DN2)

Gallery of Ancients
this long gallery, connected to the Catacomb of Eminents on the planet Sullust, contained the tombs of some of the earliest Sullustan leaders. (DN2)

Gamma Station
this ovoid space station was established on the surface of a lumpy asteroid near Ord Mantell. It was controlled by a group of bounty hunters during the height of the New Order. Much of the station's lower interior levels were refitted into a sort of dungeon, in which experienced bounty hunters could hone their tracking skills, both alone and as part of a group. The upper levels were patrolled by gangs that were affiliated with Jorj Car'das, and thus were relatively "safe." It was later discovered that the bounty hunters of Gamma Station were in league with the Empire, and were ambushing unsuspecting starships in order to capture their passengers and crew and sell them to the Rak'qua gang. (SWGAL)

this mammalian vermin was commonly found in the ductwork and hidden spaces of large starships, where it fed on scraps and detritus left behind by the crew's normal activities. Most starships were regularly gassed to eliminate such pests, but over time gankers became more and more resistant to the toxins used to kill them. (DN2)

Garden Hall
this was the primary meeting place of the Killiks who were located to the planet Woteba. Named for the wonderful gardens that were established on the ground in honor of UnuThul, the Garden Hall was built to receive visitors from outside the Utegetu Nebula, specifically the new Jedi Order and representatives of the Galactic Alliance. Unfortunately, the Garden Hall was one of the first buildings to be affected by the Fizz. Large sections of it were consumed by the strange foam, rendering the building almost useless. (DN2)

G-class Star
this was a term used to describe any normal star, which usually was orbited by at least one planet. (DN2)

this was the original name of the homeworld of the Ret, until they were conquered by the Annoo-dat some 322 years before the Battle of Yavin. In the centuries following this conquest, the two races had become a single civilization, and the planet was renamed Annoo, in honor of the homeworld of the Annoo-dat. The planet was located in the Annoo System, along the Nimat Corridor, and was one of seven habitable worlds in a system of fourteen planets. (DM111)

this woman was noted pilot who retired to Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

Ghost Hand
according to many Nelvaanian shamen, the ghost hand was a mysterious power that gave certain individuals an incredible power over their enemies. The shaman Orvos believed that Anakin Skywalker had the power of the ghost hand, and that he would used it to defeat the enemies of the Great Mother and help restore her to health. (SWDB)

Glop Bomb
this was a larger version of the glop grenade, and was deployed from starships during combat. The chemical inside was splashed over a target area when the bomb canister ruptured upon impact, covering the area with a quick-hardening foam. (DN2)

Gluuc-Brendlheim, Armistice
this man hosted Yara Grugara: Unauthorized and Totally Real, a HoloNet special on the life of Yara Grugara that was produced by Cularin Central Broadcasting during the months following the Clone Wars. (LFCW)

Gondrin Upal
this Nikto was one of the many refugees who fled the planet Coruscant aboard the Jendirian Valley during the months leading up to the Clone Wars. (DAG)

this Wookiee was considered the leader of the Royal Families of Kashyyyk, during the final years of the Old Republic. King Grakchawwaa was approached by representatives of the Trade Federation during the height of the Clone Wars, who hoped to enlist the aid of the Wookiees - and take control of the Kashyyyk System - the fight against the Old Republic. Grakchawwaa was reluctant to join the war on either side, and might have remained neutral until General Grievous killed his son, Prince Rikummee. With his son's death, King Grakchawwaa declared war against the Separatists, and opened Kashyyyk up to the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic. (VIS)

this large mammal was native to the jungle of Kashyyyk, where it was hunted for food by the Wookiees. (SWDB)

this vicious beast, which resembled a rancor, was native to the planet Dantooine. (SWGAL)

Great Mother
this was the Basic translation of the Nelvaanese word used to describe the planet Nelvaan and its environment. The planet itself was known as Mother, and the Nelvaanians worshipped the Great Mother and all the bounty she had provided them. When the Separatists established a facility near the Rokrul area of Nelvaan and began drawing on the planet's geothermal energy, the Nelvaanians saw this as a kind of illness being suffered by the Great Mother. With the planetary energy being used for devious purposes, Nelvaan was plunged into a preternatural winter, and the Great Mother was unable to provide sustenance for the Nelvaanians. It was Orvos who foresaw that Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi would arrive on Nelvaan and uncover the truth behind the Great Mother's illness. (SWDB)

this woman served in the navy of the Galactic Alliance aboard the Admiral Ackbar as part of the starfighter command team, acting on the orders of General Nek Bwua'tu during the blockade of the Murgo Choke, about a year after the Qoribu Crisis. When the commanding frigate of the Colony ambushed the Admiral Ackbar in an effort to take control of the vessel, Grendyl found herself between Admiral Bwua'tu and an attacking Alema Rar. Rather than see her commanding officer injured, Grendyl stepped in front of him when the Twi'lek Dark Jedi unleashed a volley of Force Lightning. Grendyl took the full blast of the lightning in the chest, and she died knowing that she had saved Bwua'tu. (DN2)

Grey Gabaki
this was a form of spice that was created during the height of the New Order. It was popular among smugglers. (SWGAL)

this was one of the many Wookiee settlements found in the Wawaatt Archipelago, on the planet Kashyyyk. (SWDB)

Guk Yorba
this Neimoidian was one of the many flunkies of the Trade Federation who were dispatched to take control of the planet Maramere, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

this was a starship positioning system that sensed a vessel's location by monitoring a planet's magnetic fields and using gyroscopic technologies to pinpoint the ship's position in three dimensions. (DN2)

this sedative was developed during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

Halliikeenovich, Son
this man was a regular patron of the Galaxies Opera House, during the final years of the Old Republic. (DAG)

this tree, which was native to the planet Woteba, was noted for its immense size. It was not uncommon for a hamogoni tree to grow to heights that eclisped many skyscrapers, and have a trunk diameter of twenty meters or more. After the planet Woteba was designated as a new home for the hives of the Colony, the Killiks began harvesting hamogoni trees for their dense, fragrant wood. It was believed that the harvesting of hamogoni wood by the Killiks was one of the reasons behind the appearance of the Fizz. (DN2)

this man was Captain who served the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Captain Harran was placed in charge of the group of Alliance agents who infiltrated the Imperial labor colony on Kalist VI, some eight months after the Battle of Yavin. Harran posed as the Imperial Navy Captain who commanded the Nuna's Twins, which made regular runs to many Imperial labor colonies, including Kalist VI. (SWEWW)

Harro Ruuk
this Neimoidian served as the regional commander of the Trade Federation forces arrayed to control the planet Maramere, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

this Nelvaanian warrior was one of many who were captured by Separatist battle droids and brought to the secret facility that had been established in the wilderness of Nelvaan. Like other such captives, Harvos was subjected to torturous experiments by Skakoan scientists. His once-lithe body had been augments with genetic tampering, and his flesh was implanted with strange forms of technology. When Anakin Skywalker arrived on Nelvaan during the Clone Wars, he was able to destroy the Separatist facility and free the Nelvaanians. Rather than simply attacking the offworlder, Harvos reminded his fellows warriors that they were Nelvaanians first, and that any being who helped them escape was not an enemy. Harvos and his freed comrades turned their anger to their Skakoan captors, and viciously attacked them before fleeing the facility to return to theor families. Harvos was initially shunned because of his grotesque alterations, but he was eventually welcomed back into the village. (SWDB, CWC3)

this Czerka riot gun was considered the ultimate in crowd control, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Its powerful stun blasts were capable of subduing any being, regardless of size or constitution. Most humans who were hit with the stun blast from a HeadBanger were rendered unconscious for three to four days. (DN2)

Heavy Republic Flame Thrower
this flame-projection weapon was produced for the Grand Army of the Republic, and was used by specialized clone troopers to suppress unarmed targets or to lay down a covering swath of fire. (SWGAL)

Hessler, Evan
this bounty hunter was one of the small group who was hired by Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader to hunt down Sagoro Autem, during the months following the Clone Wars. It was later revealed that Hessler was actually Autem's son, Reymet, who had taken on the bounty in an effort to ensure his father's safety. To hide his true identity, Reymet wore a simple but unrevealing mask. When pressed for the reason behind the mask by Vader himself, Hessler simply replied that it was the result of an "accident." (RL)

Hex Bomber
this was the generic term used to describe any starfighter or bomber craft that was refitted by the Separatists to deploy canisters of Trihexalon. (JSF)

Hex Deployer
this was the generic term used to describe any large Separatist starship that was refitted to allow for the dispersal of Trihexalon as a chemical weapon. (JSF)

this assassin droid was essentially a smaller version of the HK-47, and was produced to act as a "thug" in a gang that was controlled by an HK-47 leader. (SWGAL)

this male Rodian was a frequent patron of Dex's Diner, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He was often seen in the company of his lady-friend, Sidewa. (OWS)

Honorary Elder
this was a title given to those Ewoks who proved themselves loyal to a tribe other than their own. Many Ewoks earned the title of Honorary Elder after their villages were destroyed by natural disasters, or they were simply in the right place at the right time to help. (SWDB)

native to the planet Nelvaan, this immense, reptilian creature was considered the apex predator of the planet's ecosystem. Standing some fifteen meters tall at the shoulder, the grey-skinned horax moved about on four stout, muscular legs. Its head was protected by two thick horns on the end of its snout, while four sharp tusks protruded from its vicious jaws. The horax used its horns to dig up its favored food, siltcrawlers, and it could consume an entire colony in one feedings. Its thick skin and heavy tail, which was lined with spines and ended in a bony club, provided the horax with more than adequate protection. However, despite its physical prowess, the horax was slowly dying out, primarily due to its own territoriality. Because only on horax could exist in a given area, they were continually killing each other in battles for their territories. The native Nelvaanians discovered that a potion made from the scales of a horax could keep the creature at bay, and it was something of a rite of passage for young Nelvaanian warriors to locate a horax and acquire a scale or two before being caught. (SWDB, CWC3)

this Mandalorian verb meant to protect, shield, or cover. (OWS)

Ies, Beda
this woman was the wife of Daxar Ies. When Daxar was targeted for assassination by Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade was dispatched to bring him to justice. Beda and their daughter, Eremay, surprised Jade while she was searching through Daxar's office. However, rather than eliminating them as loose ends after killing Daxar, Jade let them go free, and returned to Palpatine without any further information on Daxar. Beda and Eremay fled into the Unknown Regions, and were never heard from again. Evidence of their survival was relayed to Mara Jade years later, when she arrived on Woteba with her husband, Luke Skywalker, to investigate the reappearance of the Gorog hive. UnuThul explained to Mara that it was Beda and Eremay, and not Welk and Lomi Plo, who caused the creation of the Gorog hive to occur. According to UnuThul, the Gorog took them in and cared for them, until both Beda and Eremay became Joiners. However, their fear of being hunted down eventually corrupted the Gorog, and the entire hive went into hiding and became the Dark Nest. According to UnuThul, Beda Ies became the Joiner known as BedaGorog, a Force-sensitive individual who assumed the title of Night Herald and took control of the Gorog hive. BedaGorog, so the story went, was killed on Kr by Master Skywalker during the Qoribu Crisis. This story stood in direct contradiction to the truth Luke knew, in which he killed Welk on Kr. (DN2)

Ies, Daxar
this man wanted by Emperor Palpatine himself for stealing huge amounts of credits from Imperial coffers, including a small fortune that he had embezzled from Palpatine's personal accounts. During the height of the New Order, Palpatine dispatched Mara Jade to bring him to justice. She found him alone in his office, and killed him before he could raise an alarm. She then set out to piece together information on the confusing network of bank accounts that Ies had created to hide the stolen credits. However, while searching his residence for information on these accounts, Jade was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ies' wife and daughter. Rather than killing them and ensuring the mission would not be compromised, Jade chose to let them flee into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Her reasons were deeply personal, and she returned to Palpatine with only Daxar's death in her report, noting that the information on his accounts had been lost. Years later, Alema Rar tried to tell Luke Skywalker that Daxar Ies was the lead developer on the Intellex Four droid brain project, in an effort to force Luke to question his wife's motivations. According to Alema, Daxar was the man who developed the complicated codes that protected the deepest parts of the Intellex Four circuitry, which Luke needed to access stored information in R2-D2's memory core. Alema then tried to get Luke question why Mara would hide this information from Luke, when she knew that Luke needed the codes to access information on who his mother was. Strangely, to corroborate her story, Alema managed to produce not one but two of the access codes, which allowed Luke to locate more information R2-D2 was hiding. When it was discovered that the Gorog were trying to divide the new Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance, Alema's story was exposed as an untruth, although Luke still wondered how she had obtained the access codes. (DN2)

Ies, Eremay
this young woman was the daughter of Daxar and Beda Ies. When Daxar was targeted for assassination by Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade was dispatched to bring him to justice. Beda and Eremay surprised Jade while she was searching through Daxar's office. However, rather than eliminating them as loose ends after she killed Daxar, Jade let them go free, and returned to Palpatine without any further information on Daxar. Beda and Eremay fled into the Unknown Regions, and were never heard from again. Evidence of their survival was relayed to Mara Jade years later, when she arrived on Woteba with her husband, Luke Skywalker, to investigate the reappearance of the Gorog hive. UnuThul explained to Mara that it was Beda and Eremay, and not Welk and Lomi Plo, who caused the creation of the Gorog hive to occur. According to UnuThul, the Gorog took them in and cared for them, until both Beda and Eremay became Joiners. However, their fear of being hunted down eventually corrupted the Gorog, and the entire hive went into hiding and became the Dark Nest. Alema Rar later corrborated UnuThul's story, claiming that Daxar Ies was not an accountant but the lead developer of the Intellex Four droid controller. She then provided Luke with the first security access code, claiming that Eremay had memorized it and given to Alema. (DN2)

this was a version of the IFT-T hover tank that was secretly produced for use by the Alliance, during the Galactic Civil War. (LAWS)

this Brizzit was wanted by Imperial authorities for the theft of valuable relics from the planets Biitu and Roon, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Many inhabitants of Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, came to believe that "crazy old" Tzizvvt was actually Ilna, especially after Solomahal heard him talk about the Eye of the Beyonder. (SWDB)

this Venator-class Star Destroyer was one of the many ships that were assigned to protect the planet Coruscant, during the final months of the Clone Wars. When General Grievous launched his surprise attack on the capital and captured Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Impavid was ostensibly under the command of Jedi Master Saesee Tiin, although Master Tiin spent much of the battle leading starfighters into battle against vulture droids. When the Impavid suffered massive amounts of damage in a collision with a Separatist cruiser, Master Tiin led a small force of clone troopers back onto the dying vessel, to rescue as many survivors as he could before finally abandoning the ship. The survivors later commandeered the cruiser Prosperous, and returned to Coruscant. (SWDB)

Imperial Army
this was the ground-based branch of the Imperial armed forces. Like the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Army was formed when the Grand Army of the Republic completed its duties during the Clone Wars, and the Old Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire. The mainstay of the GAR, the clone troopers, were rechristened as stormtroopers, although they maintained their signature white armor. (ISB)

Imperial Fleet
this was another name for the Imperial Navy, used during the early years of the New Order. (RL)

Imperial Navy
this was the space-going branch of the Imperial armed forces. It was formed from the naval divisions of the Grand Army of the Republic, in the wake of the Clone Wars. While the stormtroopers became the visible aspect of the Imperial military, it was the Imperial Navy that helped secure the early safety of the Galactic Empire. The huge shapes of Star Destroyers and the simple shapes of TIE Fighters became the identities of the Imperial Navy. (ISB)

this woman was considered the primary point of contact for most smugglers who first arrived at Tansarii Point Station, during the height of the New Order. She was also sympathetic to the Alliance, and provided information on the smugglers who moved through the station, in case any of them wanted to make contact with the rebellion against the Empire. (SWGAL)

Infinite Empire
see Rakatan Empire (OWS)

this Hutt was a minor crimelord was known as an entrepreneur and slavemaster who "collected" Theelin slaves as a cruel hobby. However, his business acumen was no match for more infamous Hutts, and Ingoda regularly found himself indebted to Jabba during the final decades of the Old Republic. Ingoda was forced to sell two of his Theelin Divas, Funquita and Shaliqua, in order to pay off his debts to Jabba. (SWDB)

this Imperial IT-series interrogation droid was assigned to the labor colony on Kalist VI, during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. (SWEWW)

Ithaqua Station
this was one of the primary outposts maintained by the Old Republic on the planet Toola, during height of the Clone Wars. In addition to its spaceport, Ithaqua Station contained a vast open market, where beings of hundreds of races and species exchanged credits for a variety of goods and services. (RIU)

this young Wookiee was a native of the Wawaatt Archipelago, on his homeworld of Kashyyyk, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. When the fighting broke out across the galaxy, Jaccoba was ready to take the test that would elevate him to adulthood. While hunting with his father, Tarkov, Jaccoba's spear hit the outer shell of a Trade Federation MTT. This led Tarkov to realize that the Separatists had already landed on Kashyyyk, and were preparing to launch their invasion. He and Jaccoba rushed to the nearest city, Kahiyuk, to warn the leaders of the impending attack. It was this warning that helped the Wookiees begin their defense of their homeworld. Tarkov and Jaccoba both enlisted in the military, fighting against battle droids to defend their home. (SWDB, CWC3)

this man worked as a warehouse manager in Tosche Station, on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He was killed when a group of Desert Demons swoop-jacked him during a regular transfer mission. (SWGAL)

Jedi Revolt
see Jedi Rebellion (DN2)

Jennir, Dass
this white-haired man was one of the many Jedi Masters who accepted military positions when the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy. Master Jennir was assigned the command of the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic that were dispatched to secure the planet New Plympto, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. When the command to execute Order 66 was issued to his clone commanders, Master Jennir barely escaped into the jungle with his life. However, he was confronted by a Nosaurian named Bomo Greenbark who had no love for the Jedi, and had to think quickly in order to gain the help of the alien being. Greenbark agreed to help Jennir, but only because the clone troopers were also still killing Nosaurians. (RIU)

Jespral Farandan
this small-time criminal was killed in Mos Taike, on the planet Tatooine, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. (SWGAL)

this was the Mandalorian word for a Jedi. (OWS)

this man served the Imperial Navy as a Captain, and was part of the small defense force that was assigned to protect the labor colony on Kalist VI, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. As the leader of Durkii Squadron, Jodeen was on duty when he was ordered to escort the Nuna's Twins down to the surface of Kalist VI, after the tanker managed to survive an Alliance ambush. The ground forces on Kalist VI were suspicious when the tanker arrived without its escort frigate, which the crew claimed was destroyed in the ambush. Unknown to the Imperials, however, was the fact that Luke Skywalker and a band of Alliance agents were at the controls of the Nuna's Twins, and the fact that the tanker was allowed to land gave the Alliance team the ability to infiltrate the base. (SWEWW)

this Duros served the Galactic Alliance aboard the Admiral Ackbar as a gunnery officer, acting on the orders of General Nek Bwua'tu during the blockade of the Murgo Choke, about a year after the Qoribu Crisis. (DN2)

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