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Joshua Jinzler
this being, distinguished by his short, spiked, white hair, was often seen in the Outlander Club during the months leading up to the onset of the Clone Wars. (DAG)

this immense beast was native to the planet Mustafar, where it began its life as a simple parasite. An immature jundak obtained nourishment by lodging itself in a host. When it reached an adolescent stage, the jundak would burst forth from its host's body, and it continued to grow throughout its life. Fortunately for other creatures, a jundak was unable to survive beyond a specific region of central Mustafar. (SWGAL)

this was the alias adopted by Luke Skywalker, some eight months after the Battle of Yavin, when he infiltrated the Imperial labor colony on Kalist VI. Lieutenant Jundland was an officer aboard the tanker Nuna's Twins, and it was his "heroics" that saved the tanker from an Alliance ambush near Kalist VI. (SWEWW)

this was a small settlement that was located near Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine. As the name implied, Junktown was a haven for the various junk dealers who sold refurbished goods to the locals. Just after the Battle of Yavin, the settlement was overrun by a group of Tusken Raiders. (SWGAL)

this being served as a Captain in the Lok Revenants, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

this was a Mando'a verb that literally translated into Basic as "to brandish a sabre." However, in more common usage, it meant "to mess around with" or "aggressively jerk one's chain." (OWS)

Justice Systems
this small corporation was formed in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, and produced a wide range of personal security and defense droids that were modeled after military designs. (DN2)

this woman was a formed student of the Imperial Academy, although she ended up washing out of the training program and ended up as an administrative assistant on Coruscant, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. This didn't sit well with Kaesii, and she abandoned her post and fled into the criminal underground. In doing so, Kaesii also abanonded her lover, who had been placed in the elite spy training program. She reappeared on Tatooine as a forger and spy, working to undermine the efforts of Jabba the Hutt from her position within the White Thranta shipping operation. During a mission to recover the plans to a prototype military speeder design, Kaesii unknowingly hired her former lover to recover them. His disguise was perfect - he had been given intensive surgery to appear to others as a Twi'lek - and he managed to recover the plans and discover her part in the underworld machinations of Tatooine. (SWGAL)

this was one of the many Wookiee settlements found in the Wawaatt Archipelago, on the planet Kashyyyk. (SWDB)

Kai Hudorra
this grizzled Bothan held the rank of Jedi Master during the height of the Clone Wars. He was dispatched to the planet Toola, along with Jedi Master Simms and her Padawan, Noirah Na, to secure the Republic's position on the planet just prior to the First Battle of Coruscant. When the command was given to execute Order 66, Master Simms gave her life so that Hudorra and Noirah Na could escape. Hudorra took the young girl and fled to Ithaqua Station, hoping to sneak aboard a transport and escape. (RIU)

Kandela, Entha
this small-time criminal was one of many who were secretly working for Mikdanyell Guh'Rantt, the Rodian who served as the Mayor of Mos Eisley during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (SWGAL)

Kanz Sector
this area of the galaxy contained the planet Lorrd. (SWI85)

Kartan, Race
this notorious smuggler was captured by Jango Fett, some time before the Battle of Geonosis. (JSF)

Kaycee Kollenz
this being was one of the many refugees who fled the planet Coruscant aboard the Jendirian Valley during the months leading up to the Clone Wars. (DAG)

Ke nu jurkad
this was a Mandalorian warning or command, depending on the context. Although it literally translated into Basic as "Don't brandish your sabre," it often simply meant "Don't mess with me," and was often shortened to N'jurkad. (OWS)

Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!
this Mandalorian warning translated into Basic as, "Don't mess with the Mandalorians, mate!" The literal translation of the warning was "Don't brandish your sabre at the Mandalorians, mate!" (OWS)

Ke nu jurkad ti Mando'ade, burc'ya!
this Mandalorian warning translated into Basic as, "Don't mess with the Mandalorians, mate!" The literal translation of the warning was "Don't cross sabres with the Mandalorians, mate!" (OWS)

this man was a reporter for the Galactic News Network, and worked at GNN's Indu San bureau during the early years of the New Republic. (SWJ6)

this clone commander was one of the leaders of the Old Republic's forces on Toola, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. When the time came to execute Order 66, Keller was unable to quickly eliminate the three Jedi who were leading his group. Only Jedi Master Simms was killed, but Jedi Master Kai Hudorra and Simms' Padawan, Noirah Na, were able to escape. Keller set out with his troops to Ithaqua Station, in an effort to prevent them from leaving the planet. (RIU)

this Jawa was one of the handful of his race who were living on Cularin during the final years of the Clone Wars. He was part of a small gang led by Meelo, and was considered the "founder" of the so-called Wookiee Liberation Front, or WOLF for short. In order to communicate with his comrades, Keth-Keth wore a specialized vocoder unit that translated the Jawa language into Basic. When one of their members was captured and imprisoned by the Metatheran Cartel, Meelo led her inept comrades in a daring escape, which was bungled almost from the start. In the resulting chaos, Meelo managed to rescue her friend, but Keth-Keth decided that they needed to cover their escape. Screaming "Free Kashyyyk" as loud as his vocoder would project, Keth-Keth lobbed grenades at police vehicles while calling for people to rally around the Wookiee Liberation Front. Although it was a simple ruse, the Wookiee Liberation Front received a lot of press in the local holonewscasts, and eventually became a legitimate organization that funneled credits and supplies to help the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their attempt to ousted the Separatist forces that were trying to take control of their homeworld. When Keth-Keth and his comrades were stopped by a group of clone troopers in Hedrett, he reacted violently to their threats to send him back to Tatooine. He used a specially-fitted stun glove to grab the lead clone trooper by the crotch, sending waves of pain into the clone's testicles. The band managed to evade capture in the ensuing chaos. (LFCW)

this was one of the many cruisers that made up the small naval fleet that protected the planet Maramere, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JSF)

this was the only moon in orbit around the planet Lok. (JSF)

this lustrous, durable fabric was woven from the secretions of certain members of the Killik species that made up the Colony. (DN2)

Kingal, Bren
this man lived in the settlement of Mos Taike, on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. He kept his loyalties a secret, but his closest friends knew that he was a supporter of the Alliance. He often hired mercenaries and independent agents to locate and eliminate Imperial agents on Tatooine. Outwardly, he was known as a wonderful chef, and often used old family recipes to create his dishes. (SWGAL)

Ko Vari
this was the original name of the planet Boonta, until it was renamed in honor of Boonta the Hutt. (DM111)

Koobi System
this Outer Rim star system contained the planet Nelvaan. Note that Labyrinth of Evil indicates that this was the Nelvaan System. (SWDB)

Kopedon, Bray
this young man was one of the first Coruscant youths to joined COMPNOR, following the Jedi Rebellion and the end of the Clone Wars. He aroused suspicion in Inquisitor Tremayne's eyes, however, when his background check revealed certain inconsistencies. (EAR)

this area of the planet Mustafar was the site of a major mining operation during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

this being - some said he was a Sullustan, but other scoffed at this notion - established Krakin's Alehouse in the atmosphere of Genarius, many years before the Battle of Naboo. (LFCW)

Krakin's Alehouse
this tavern was located in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius, during the final years of the Old Republic. The Alehouse was known as much for its brews as the dust and grime that covered the floor. Although it was established by a being named Krakin, the Alehouse had been run by Sossk during the fifteen years leading up to the Clone Wars. (LFCW)

this was the adjective form of the swear word kriff. (DN2)

this species of beetle was common on the surface of Mustafar. A species of hive-minded insects, kubaza fed on the minerals and ores that were deposited by the continual flow of lava on the planet's surface. What distinguished the kubaza beetle from other such insects was its ability to explode when killed, a sort of defense mechanism that served to protect future generations from devastation. (SWGAL)

this swift-running mammal was native to the Woolwarricca prairies of Kashyyyk. There were several different breeds of kybuck, each distinguishable by the short horns atop the heads of the males. The herbivorous kybucks moved across the plains in large herds, and were always on the lookout for predators. At the slightest sign of danger, the entire herd would burst into motion, often attaining speeds near ninety kilometers per hour in their attempt to escape. Individuals could also turn abruptly, confronting their attacker or getting behind them in an effort to escape in the opposite direction. The intense familial relationships of the kybucks - a given pair mated for life - earned them a measure of respect from the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, who held similar loyalty as a social and familial obligation. Thus, Wookiees never hunted kybucks, and some Wookiee leaders often rode a domesticated kybuck as a symbol of their status. (SWDB, CWC3)

Lava Cannon
developed on the planet Mustafar, this unusual weapon fired a stream of super-heated rock or ore at a target. Because its fuel was so heavy, this weapon was exceptionally hard to wield. (SWGAL)

this Sullustan sliced worked for Carh'la Bastra and the Alliance during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. When Bastra set down on Tatooine, Lavar was briefly captured by the Desert Demons. He was freed when an Imperial spy, posing as an Alliance recruit, agreed to help Captain Bastra locate a stolen Imperial cargo. The spy infiltrated the Desert Demons' hiding place and got Lavar out, in an effort to slice into the computer records of the Darklighter family and locate the missing cargo. (SWGAL)

this Ewok was the younger brother of Keoulkeech, and grew up alongside his brother in the Red Bush Grove on the Forest Moon of Endor. However, Leektar lacked Keoulkeech's ability to interact with the natural world, a fact that was visibly demonstrated by the minimal growth of his soul tree. Leektar found nothing in which he could excel until he fell win love with Chesea, and Leektar became a devoted husband and father of three Woklings. However, in a selfish moment, Leektar prayed to the Leaf Queen for increased status among his tribe. Shortly afterward, a bolt of lightning struck the village of Red Bush Grove, setting off a forest fire that destroyed the village and killed all the Ewoks in it. Only Leektar survived, and he realized that his selfish desires had come true. He felt responsible for the loss, knowing that his wish had caused the destruction. Leektar left Red Bush Grove behind, and set out into the forest, where he encountered a scouting party from another Ewok tribe being harrased by Imperial stormtroopers. His timely intervention saved the scouts, who brought Leektar back to their home of Bright Tree Village. There, he became one of Chief Chirpa's advisors, and was given the title of Honorary Elder for his bravery. After the Battle of Endor, Leektar was reunited with his brother, Keoulkeech, who had survived the fire at Red Bush Grove and had dedicated himself to healing the forests. (SWDB)

Lekauf, Erv
this man served the Empire as a Lieutenant in the military, during the early years of the New Order. He was chosen by Emperor Palpatine himself to serve as one half of the genetic material used in a grand plot to create clone troopers who could tap into the Dark Side of the Force. The other half of the genetic material came from the Dark Jedi, Sa Cuis. Palpatine's plan was to pit the Lekauf clones, without any Force sensitivity, against the Force sensitive clones of Cuis, to show Darth Vader that the Force was no match for the loyalty of well-trained soldiers. He found himself initially fearing Lord Vader's disapproval, especially when his clones were regularly defeated by the Dark Jedi clones. However, Vader cultivated his relationship with Lekauf, and worked diligently to earn Lekauf's loyalty, rather than demanding it. During the training of the clones, Lekauf spent six months on Yinchorr, away from his wife and family. Vader recognized his fear of never seeing them again, and earned Lekauf's loyalty by reassuring him that he would see them when they returned to Coruscant. The most promising of Lekauf's clones were added to the ranks of the 501st Imperial Legion, serving under the command of Vader himself. During the trip back to Coruscant, the Cuis clones rebelled, following their trainer, Sheyvan, on a mission to exact some revenge against the Emperor. Vader and Lekauf led the clone troopers into battle, hoping to defeat the Cuis clones without causing damage to the ship. In the fighting, however, Lekauf leaped in front of Vader to protect him from a blast of Force energy from one of the Cuis clones, apparently unaware that Vader's suit offered more than enough protection. Lekauf suffered serious burns before he was dragged to safety by Vader himself. (OWS, SWI85)

Level-5 Space Station
this was a military-grade space station that was developed during the height of the New Order. (LAWS)

this was one of the many cruisers that made up the small naval fleet that protected the planet Maramere, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JSF)

Light Membrosia
see Membrosia (DN2)

Lok Revenants
this band of mercenaries was led by Nym, and was active during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis and the Clone Wars. (JSF)

Lord Being
according to Skakoan legend, the Lord Being was the leader of the Swirlbies. (VIS)

Lord of the Expanse
this was a term used to describe any ranking member of one of the noble houses of the Tapani Sector. (HG)

this plant produced a sweet, tasty fruit, which was often combined with other ingredients to make a refreshing smoothie drink. (DN2)

Lynn, Ash
this young woman was one of the first Coruscant youths to joined COMPNOR, following the Jedi Rebellion and the end of the Clone Wars. She aroused suspicion in Inquisitor Tremayne's eyes, however, when her background check revealed certain inconsistencies. (EAR)

Macrosodial Pentamate
this was a highly-advanced form of tissue replacement that was developed during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

Macrosodial Tetramate
this was an advanced form of tissue replacement that was developed during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

this predatory reptile, with its long snout and sharp teeth, was native to the planet Dathomir. (SWGAL)

this mammalian primate was native to the jungles of Yavin 4. (SWGAL)

Mandalorian Surrender
believed to have originated on the planet Mandalore, this combat tactic involved one side of a conflict infiltrating a small band of agents into their opponent's base, on a set of false pretenses about helping out the opponent. When the opponent captured the agents and figured out that it was too late to do anything about the enemy, the infiltrators would try to explain that they were only trying to help. In an effort to "prove" their desire to help, the infiltrators would agree to call out other groups of infiltrators who were "hidden" from view. In this way, the first group of agents managed to get larger numbers of invaders inside the opponent's camp, and forced the opposing leaders to surrender under the sheer weight of their numbers. (DN2)

Manicure Gloves
these automatic gloves fit around the hands of a female being, and gently cleansed and conditioned the skin on the hands and fingers. (DN2)

Mas Ramdar
this Dreadnaught was part of the Home Fleet that defended the planet Coruscant from the attack of General Grievous, near the end of the Clone Wars. The Mas Ramdar was commanded by Barrow Oicunn, and it was credited with the destruction or disabling of many Separatist warships during the fighting. (SWDB)

Massage Hood
this was a specialized form of technology that could be slipped over scalp of a being. When turned on, the massage hood applied gentle, undulating pressure to the scalp, opening pores and allowing cleansers and conditioners to make the scalp feel luxurious. (DN2)

this woman was one of the "founders" of the so-called Wookiee Liberation Front, or WOLF for short. She was part of a small group that worked together on Cularin, until one of their members was captured and imprisoned by the Metatheran Cartel. Meelo led her inept comrades in a daring escape, which was bungled almost from the start. In the resulting chaos, Meelo managed to rescue her friend, but the Jawa known as Keth-Keth decided that they needed to cover their escape. Screaming "Free Kashyyyk" as loud as his vocoder would project, Keth-Keth called for people to rally around the Wookiee Liberation Front. Although it was a simple ruse, the Wookiee Liberation Front received a lot of press in the local holonewscasts, and eventually became a legitimate organization that funneled credits and supplies to help the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their attempt to ousted the Separatist forces that were trying to take control of their homeworld. (LFCW)

Mensix Mining Facility
this mining facility was one of the few that remained active on the planet Mustafar, in the wake of the Clone Wars. According to Imperial propaganda, many mines on Mustafar were badly damaged in an industrial accident, a story that covered up the destruction caused by Darth Vader. However, the Mensic facility was one of a handful that were kept barely operational by the Empire, to provide raw materials for the construction of the first Death Star. Vader himself came to the facility to enforce the production of more and more output from the facility, forcing chief adminstrator Milo to agree to a deal in which the facility produced larger amounts of raw material for little or no increase in pay or supplies. (SWGAL)

this man served as the bartender at the Crosstown cantina, in the city of Gadrin on the planet Cularin, during the final years of the Old Republic. (LFCW)

Mere Resistance
this band of freedom fighters, led by Sol Sixxa, tried to oppose the Trade Federation's control the their homeworld of Maramere, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

Mik Regrap
this Neimoidian served as an aide to Senator Lott Dod, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (DAG)

Mikdanyell Guh'Rantt
this Rodian male served as the Mayor of Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Despite his Imperial background, Mayor Guh'rantt was deeply connected to the criminal underground of Mos Eisley, although he was eventually exposed by an Imperial spy. (SWGAL)

this man worked as chief adminstrator of the mensix Mining Facility on Mustafar, during the early years of the New Order. He constantly found himself at odds with his friend and head foreman, Chivos, when supplies that had been promised to the rest of the miners were never delivered. Milo feared that a lack of production on the miners' part would result in swift punishment by the Empire, and was worried that any Imperial retribution would be his own fault. It had been Milo who had been forced to agree to a new contract by Darth Vader himself, although he was unaware of the incredible demand that the Empire would make on the faiclity. In order to save the lives of his miners and escape from any trouble with the Empire, Milo called in a favor from an old friend, to obtain supplies and get the Mensix facility repaired. (SWGAL)

Miner's Yard
this was the name given to the area of space near the planet Tatooine, where miners established a presence during their attempt to mine ores from the meager asteroid belt in the Tatoo System, during the Galactic Civil War. (SWGAL)

Missile Frigate
this starship design was produced by the Trade Federation as a mobile projectile weapons platform. (JSF)

Mobile Grenade Mortar
this was one of the first Merr-Sonn weapons platforms produced for the Empire, shortly after the end of the Clone Wars. It was essentially a repulsorlift sled that had been modified to accommodate a mortar launcher, as well as a pair of stormtroopers. One stormtrooper handled flight and maneuvering, while the other manned the weapons systems. The launching system on the Mobile Grenade Mortar could fire up to one hundred mortars a second at a chosen target. This required a munitions hold that could carry hundreds of spare mortars, which were loaded into the launcher via a tube. (LJ2)

this hard, durable stone was native to the planet Woteba. Noted for its unusual pattern of stripes, moirestone was quarried by the Killiks who were relocated to Woteba. The quarrying of moirestone was one of many activities that led to the appearance of the Fizz. (DN2)

Moog Ulur
this Rodian served his homeworld as a Senator to the Galactic Alliance, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DN2)

Moon Falls
this unusual waterfall was located on the Forest Moon of Endor. The falls themselves spread across a twenty-kilometer-wide ledge at one end of a large lake, and fell from such a height that most of the water that reached the ground was in the form of mist, rather than running water. What made the falls unusual was that, whenever their part of the moon faced away from Endor itself, the water stops flowing over the edge. Scientists were unsure of the exact mechanism, but it ws believed that the gravitational pull of Endor caused a massive "tide" to pull the lake water back away from the falls. (DN2)

this was one of the many starships that were noted as participating in the Battle of Geonosis. (JSF)

Moro III
this planet was the site of a starship repair facility, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DN2)

this was the Basic translation of the Nelvaanese word for the planet Nelvaan. (SWDB)

Mott's Nostril
this was one of the many small openings in the gaseous walls of the Utegetu Nebula. (DN2)

Mounder Flour
this was the most common form of grain flour used in baking on the planet Corellia. (SWGAL)

Mount Merakan
this was the tallest mountin found on the planet Maramere. Located in the planet's oceans, it also formed the planet's largest island. (JSF)

this was the codename used by a Duros agent who served the Alliance during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Mouse was forced to play the part of a stormtrooper during the raid on the Imperial labor colony on Kalist VI, about eight months after the Battle of Yavin. (SWEWW)

Muon Gold
this inexepensive variety of brandy was popular among smugglers during the Galactic Civil War. (SWGAL)

Murgo Choke
this unusual star formation was located just beyond the mouth of the Utegetu Nebula, forming a sort of gauntlet that had to be negotiated before a starship could enter the nebula itself. On one side of the Murgo Choke was a binary star system formed from a yellow and an orange star of similar size. On the other side, another binary system formed from a crimson dwarf that orbited a blue giant created an unusual match. Because of this collection of four stars in such proximity, the Murgo Choke was difficult to navigate through. However, it was the only way to reach the opening of the Utegetu Nebula. Starships wishing to travel to the nebula had to exit from the Rago Run at one of several jump points, then make their way through the Murgo Choke. (DN2)

Mustafar Bandit Sword
crafted from metals mined on the planet Mustafar, this wicked weapon was distinguished by its curving blade. The base of the sword blade was cut into jagged triangles, to allow for additional damage when wielded in close quarters. The main blade was notched for much of its length, reducing its overall weight and creating a well-balanced sword. (SWGAL)

Na, Noirah
this young woman was one of the many Padawans who were forced into military action when the Jedi Knights became military leaders during the Clone Wars. She followed her Master, a woman named Simms, and Master Kai Hudorra to Toola, shortly before the First Battle of Coruscant, in an effort to secure the Republic's position on the distant planet. However, when the command was given to execute Order 66, Master Simms was killed while giving Noirah and Master Hudorra time to escape. Noirah was greatly upset by the death of her Master, and she struggled to keep up with Master Hudorra and he made his way to Ithaqua Station. (RIU)

this Old Republic archeaologist was one of the first beings to discover the existence of an ancient Jedi Temple on Mustafar, shortly after the Clone Wars. He told of a so-called Storm Lord, who defende the temple with powerful Force Lightning. (SWGAL)

this was one of the primary chemical components used to activate a thermal detonator, in the newer designs that were produced in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. It gave off a distinctive smell when the themral detonator was set off. (DN2)

Nar Shadda
see Nar Shaddaa (RL)

this was the alias adopted by Maneeli Tuun, when he was interrogated by Imperial Inquisitor Sancor on Polis Massa, many months after the Clone Wars. Tuun used the alias in an effort to hide his true identity, as well as his previous relationship with the Old Republic. In his guise as Naturian, Tuun emulated a physician, which allowed him to pull up only those medical records that seemed innocent. He could then erase of obscure any records of Padme' Amidala's presence at the Polis Massa medical facility. (LJ2)

Nek Bwua'tu
this Bothan was born into relative obscurity on the colony world of Ruweln, during the early years of the New Order. After being trained as an officer for many years, Bwua'tu served in the military of both the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance, surviving the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy and earning a promotion to Admiral several years after the alien invaders were defeated. However, because he was promoted to Admiral during the relative peace that followed the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong, Bwua'tu was not promoted on his abilities in the heat of combat. Instead, he was promoted because he was the only being to ever defeat the Thrawn Simulator. This didn't diminish his standing in the eyes of his subordinate officers, especially the Bothans among them. A distinguished looking individual, Bwua'tu was identified by his weathered face and graying chin hair. Those who didn't know him would have sid Admiral Bwua'tu was somewhat vain, surrounding himself with statuary that honored himself and his Bothan heritage. However, he was a shrewd commander who knew how to use the assets of his team. After reaching the rank of Admiral, Bwua'tu was given command of the Fifth Fleet, and was aboard the Admiral Ackbar when it was dispatched to blockade the Utegetu Nebula. A dominating figure, Bwuat'tu demanded loyalty from his commander, Gavin Darklighter, but was open to suggestions and input from other beings. Like many other military officers, Admiral Bwua'tu considered the Force to be nothing more than sorcery, until he witnessed the value of the battle meld first-hand, during the defense of the Murgo Choke against the Gorog. However, Bwua'tu and his crew were unprepared for the suicidal attack of UnuThul's frigate, which rammed the Admiral Ackbar with just enough force to open her hull and allow boarders to swarm inside. Rather than risk the lives of his crew, Bwua'tu called for all hands to abandon ship, and the Admiral Ackbar was lost to the Killiks. The mission succeeded, though, in keeping the Gorog nest ship and ten others trapped within the Utegetu Nebula. After he was recovered and taken aboard the Mon Mothma, Admiral Bwua'tu ordered all remaining ships to fire on the Killik nest ships, hoping to eliminate as much of the Colony as he could. (DN2)

this was the name of one of the many stormtrooper clones produced from the genetic material of Erv Lekauf, during the early years of the New Order. (SWI85)

this was another name used to describe the Nelvaanian race. (SWDB)

this was the native language of the Nelvaanian race. Many words and phrases were taken from the Nelvaanese language by Bothan traders, who used it in the trade language employed on many worlds in the vicinity of Nelvaan. (SWDB)

this was the Basic term used to describe members of the same hive of the Colony. (DN2)

Nesting Rag
this was a form of thick cloth that was used to form a makeshift bed. (DN2)

Neutron Pixie
this was a form of "medicinal" spice that was created during the height of the New Order. It was popular among smugglers. (SWGAL)

Night Herald
this was a figure in the legends of the Colony. According to the Killiks, the story of the Night Herald was used to make larvae regurgitate. Some six years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the name of the Night Herald was adopted by Alema Rar, after the death of Welk on Kr during the Qoribu Crisis. According to the former Jedi, BedaGorog was the original Night Herald, until she was killed on Kr by Luke Skywalker. After BedaGorog's death, Alema herself became the Night Herald of the Gorog hive. This story contradicted the truth as Luke understood it, as he knew that he had actually killed Welk on Kr. Whatever the truth, Alema Rar believed that it was her job to ensure that the rest of the galaxy did not interfere with the work of the Colony or the Gorog. (DN2)

Niko Brehe
this noted criminal and smuggler was one of the few who tried to oppose Jabba the Hutt's control of the planet Tatooine, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. Like most other such rivals, Niko was constantly hounded by mercenaries hired by Jabba to do his dirty work. (SWGAL)

Nimat Corridor
this area of the galaxy was located along the border of the Mid and Outer Rim Territories. (DM111)

this Mid-Rim planet was the homeworld of a race that was also known as the Nixor. During the early years of the New Order, Nixor was known as a place for an independent starship captain to hide from the Empire. However, the spaceports on Nixor were poorly maintained, primarily because the Nixor people wanted nothing to do with either the Old Republic or Empire and their regulations. Thus, although it was a good place to hide, Nixor offered nothing in the way of amenities or starship services. (LJ2)

this alien race was native to the planet Nixor. Like many frontier peoples, the Nixor hated the overwhleming regulations of the galaxy's government, whether it was the Old Republic or the Empire. Thus, the Nixor refused to maintain their facilities to galactic standards, preferring to remain primitive and in control of their civilization. (LJ2)

this was a Mandalorian command or warning, depending on the context. It was the simplified usage of Ke nu jurkad, which literally meant "Don't brandish your sabre." When spoken by a Mandalorian, it often simply meant "Don't mess with me," with the implied threat of retaliation against another's actions. (OWS)

Nod Kartha
this planet was located in the Karthakk System. (JSF)

this portly, mustached man served the Imperial Army as a General during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. He was in command of the ground defense forces on Kalist VI some eight months after the Battle of Yavin, when the Nuna's Twins arrived two days after its scheduled arrival date. Noils ordered the vessel to be detained before it could land, until Captain Jodeen and his fighters could surround the vessel and investigate its crew's claimed to have survived an Alliance ambush. Although Jodeen's men were satisfied with the story, Noils demanded to meet Captain Harran face-to-face. The younger man's story eventually satisfied Noils, who allowed the crew to debark upon their arrival on Kalist VI. Noils, however, was unaware that Captain Harran and his crew were actually Alliance agents. (SWEWW)

Now, Honeygirl!
this was Tenel Ka's code phrase for activating the defensive armament on her Defender Droid, DD-11A. (DN2)

Nu jurkad Mando'ade, burc'ya!
this Mandalorian warning, which was often used more like a command, translated into Basic as "Don't mess with me, mate!" or "Steady, mate!" There was an implied threat of retaliation against another's actions, which was usually backed up by the Mandalorian's body language. The literal translation of the warning was "Don't brandish your sabre with the Mandalorians, mate!" (OWS)

Nuna's Twins
this Imperial tanker was one of the many ships that made regular supply runs to the Imperial facility on Kalist VI, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. About eight months after the battle, the Nuna's Twins was captured by Alliance agents in the Thila System, as part of a larger plan to ambush the planet's labor colony. The ship was detained only briefly after its capture, just long enough crew the vessel with an Alliance assault team. The Nuna's Twins then completed its journey to Kalist VI, with a group of Alliance starfighters "harrassing" it the entire way. With the communication systems aboard the Nuna's Twins damaged, her "crew" was able to convince the defense forces on Kalist VI of the legitimacy of their story, and they were allowed to land after the rebel fighters were driven off. The "crew" of Alliance agents was by Luke Skywalker, under the alias of Lieutenant Jundland, and they were able to infiltrate the labor colony. (SWEWW)

this was the alias used by one of two Almas Academy Jedi - the other was simply known as Rune - who approached Yara Grugara about doing an interview on the current state of the galaxy, in the wake of the Clone Wars and the formation of the first Galactic Empire. The two Jedi, under visual and audio anonymity, tried to explain who the balance of the Force had been upset by the rise to power of Emperor Palpatine. Nute's position was that the Jedi Order was correct in focusing on protecting the peace and stability of the galaxy, in fighting against the Sith and their use of the Dark Side of the Force. Rune argued that the Jedi were blinded by this position, and should have worked harder to embrace a more complete vision of the Force. When Yara questioned whether or not the Jedi should have taught their students more about the Sith, Rune agreed with this statement. Nute, however, boisterously disagreed and explained that this was an unnecesarrily fatalistic view of the situation, which further raised Rune's emotions. When Nute tried to explain that the Jedi were only concerned with doing was was right, Rune's control broke. He drew on power from the Dark Side of the Force and tried to strangle Nute, and Yara was powerless to intervene. The broadcast ended with Rune screaming at Nute about balance, as Nute struggled to draw a breath. (LFCW)

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