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this unusual form of glass was produced by the Killiks of the Saras hive of the Colony. It was literally spun from their bodies, much like spider silk was spun into a web, but was melted down and then formed into shapes to produce useful or artistic objects. The raw material was simply referred to as spin. (DN2)

this was a form of enamel-based paint that could be sprayed from a handheld canister. (LFCW)

Squeeze Zone
this section of the atmosphere of the planet Bespin was named for the intense pressures experienced by ships that passed through it. (DN2)

Star Amber
this unusual gemstone was discovered on the planet Woteba. Most specimens of star amber were shaped like teardrops, and had a small, silver light that eminated from its center, thus giving the gemstone its name. It was believed that star amber was formed from the hardened sap of the hamogoni tree. (DN2)

Star Barge
this Gallofree Yards transport was produced durnig the early years of the New Order. (DN2)

Star Tunnel
this was one of the more unusual, interstellar phenomena that occurred in several nebulae across the galaxy. A star tunnel was formed from a set of stars that rotated around a powerful energy source. They stars were drawn to the gravity of the energy source, which spewed its energy outward in a column. The stars then circulated around this column of energy, creating the physical "tunnel." Because these phenomena occurred across light-years of space, they often drew in gases from nearby nebulae, and could even siphon off the atmosphere of neighboring planets, creating the visual "tunnel" by spinning multi-colored gases around the column of energy. They were extremely difficult to fly through, as the concentrated energies of the star tunnel's core and its constituent stars caused devastating problems to many starship systems. Compounding these problems, gravitic changes caused intense variations in shear and orientation, which could literally tear a starship apart. (LJ2)

this was a small, personal transport vessel produced by Koensayr during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DN2)

this was a spacer term used to describe what remained of a starship after it had been destroyed. (DN2)

Storm Lord
according to reports written by Professor Namdot during the early years of the New Order, the Storm Lord was an evil being who had taken up residence in the forgotten Jedi Temple on Mustafar. The Storm Lord had the ability to generate intense bursts of Force Lightning, which he used to attack any beings who managed to locate in infiltrate the temple grounds. (SWGAL)

Strike Bomber
see Belbullab-22 (LAWS)

Sub-dermal Tracker
developed by the Empire's scientists, this small tracking device was implanted just below the skin of an Imperial agent. A specialized transceiver allowed the tracker to be recalibrated with an external control unit, so that the tracker could be tuned to different frequencies and codes. Because the tracker was implanted in the agent's body, it could relay information directly to the agent's brain via nerve impulses. In this way, an agent could track a target without being overly obvious about it. (SWGAL)

Supply Depot Thrago
this was the Chiss resupply installation established on Thrago. It was used with greater regularity during the expand of the Colony, when the Chiss used Thrago to keep its warships ready to confront any Killik aggression. (DN2)

Sweet Membrosia
see Light Membrosia (DN2)

according to Skakoan legend, the Swirlbies were believed to have a certain mystical power that could be tapped, if an individual supplicant was worthy of their audience. (VIS)

this was a shortened form of the name Tactical Salon, used by naval personnel to indicate that portion of a starship's command deck that was used for observing the status of their immediate surroundings and planning their next actions. (DN2)

Tactical Salon
this was the generic term used by naval personnel to describe that portion of a starship's command deck that was used for observing the status of their immediate surroundings and planning their next actions. (DN2)

Tangle Bomb
this device was similar to a web bomb, but used durable fibers instead of chemicals to create its netting. When activated, the tangle bomb expelled its contents of netting, trapping a target beneath and preventing their escape. (SWGAL)

this was a species of long-bodied lizard that was native to the Berken's Flow region of the planet Mustafar. It moved about on poweful legs, and its large head was dominated by its wide, crocodilian mouth. (SWGAL)

Tansarii Point Station
this space station was controlled by a loose conglomeration of independent spacers, merchants, and bounty hunters, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. It was generally considered something of a training ground for many professions, since mentors or partners were often found there to help learn the ropes of the trades. (SWGAL)

this was a derogatory term used to describe the membrosia - especially the black membrosia - that was produced by the various hives of the Colony, in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (DN2)

Tarhoney Den
this was a term used to describe any tavern or cantina that provided membrosia to its patrons. The more daring of these establishments also served black membrosia. (DN2)

this Wookiee was a native of the Wawaatt Archipelago, on his homeworld of Kashyyyk, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. When the fighting broke out across the galaxy, Tarkov's young son, Jaccoba, was ready to take the test that would elevate him to adulthood. While trying to kill a grantaloupe, Jaccoba's spear hit the outer shell of a Trade Federation MTT. This led Tarkov to realize that the Separatists had already landed on Kashyyyk, and were preparing to launch their invasion. He and Jaccoba rushed to the nearest city, Kahiyuk, to warn the leaders of the impending attack. It was Tarkov's warning that helped the Wookiees begin their defense of their homeworld. Tarkov and Jaccoba both enlisted in the military, fighting against battle droids to defend their home. (SWDB, CWC3)

this vicious, Dug bounty hunter was part of the group hired by Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader to hunt down Sagoro Autem, during the months following the Clone Wars. Tartuta was able to locate Autem at the same time as the Shistavenan hunter Severian, but rather than capturing Autem, the pair fought amongst themselves. Tartuta managed to sever Severian's right hand in their struggle, and Severian was forced to retreat and get medical attention. This allowed Tartuta to confront Autem on his own. They fought briefly, and just when Tartuta managed to gain the upper hand, he was shot and killed by a hidden assailant. Autem silently thanked the killing blast, unaware that it came from Evan Hessler. (RL)

this was an often affectionate term used by the natives of the Cularin System to describe a member of the Twi'lek race. (LFCW)

Teta, Duke
this man was a regular patron of the Galaxies Opera House, during the final years of the Old Republic. (DAG)

Thanamiroc, Trone
this minor crimelord was one of the primary underworld figures in the settlement of Mos Taike, on Tatooine, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Bren Kingal eventually hired an independent mercenary to hunt down and eliminate Thanamiroc, after he learned that the criminal had ties to the Empire. (SWGAL)

this small-time criminal was killed in Mos Taike, on the planet Tatooine, during the months following the Battle of Yavin. (SWGAL)

Theed Festival of the Arts
this was an annual event that showcased some of Naboo's most prominent and popular artisans. It was held throughout the city of Theed. (SWGAL)

this moon orbited a yellow gas giant in the sectors of the Unknown Regions that were controlled by the Chiss. The Chiss established a supply depot on the moon, which saw increasing activity when the Colony began its expansion, under the control of the Gorog hive. (DN2)

Thrawn Simulator
this was a series of military and naval simulations developed by the New Republic, and later refined and augmented by the Galactic Alliance, for training military leaders in a variety of combat scenarios. Only one being ever successfully defeated the entire series of simulations, Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, who later became the commander of the Galactic Alliance's Fifth Fleet. (DN2)

this was the Mando'a word for "with." (OWS)

Tibanna Tapper
this was the term used to describe those pirates and smugglers who stole spin-sealed Tibanna gas from refineries in orbit around the planet Bespin, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Using specialized siphoning balloons, Tibanna tappers were able to bleed off processed gases from the refineries, using the cloud cover to hide their presence. These thieves were ostensibly tied to the activities of the Dark Nest, along with smugglers who acquired hyperdrive reactor rods and starship coolant for the Gorog. (DN2)

Tibanna Topper
see Tibanna Tapper (DN2)

TIE Mauler
see TIE Tank (LAWS)

this Mandalorian interrogative translated into Basic as "who." (OWS)

Tion'ad hukaat'kama?
this Mandalorian question translated into Basic as "Who is watching your back?" (OWS)

this was the callsign of an Imperial stormtrooper who pursued Kyle Katarn, when he first ran into Mara Jade. (MOTS)

this was the callsign used by Tahiri Veila, when she became an X-Wing pilot during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The nickname referred to her habit of walking around barefooted, something she learned as a child living among the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. (DN2)

Tof Soren
this was the capital city of the planet Ord Vaxal. (DM106)

Toggi Bok
this Trandoshan was a small-time smuggler and middle-man who worked for the White Thranta shipping office in Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWGAL)

this Mon Calamari served the Galactic Alliance as a Captain aboard the Admiral Ackbar as a tactical communications officer, acting on the orders of General Nek Bwua'tu during the blockade of the Murgo Choke, about a year after the Qoribu Crisis. When the Gorog assassin bugs hidden inside various spinglass statuary freed themselves and began to attack, Tola was hit from behind by several of the bugs. Admiral Bwua'tu was forced to use the butt of his blaster rifle to kill them, but rendered Tola unconscious with the blows. Tola was taken to the medical bay for treatment. Note that Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen also refers to Tola as a Lieutenant Commander. (DN2)

this tall, bald-pated man was a native of the planet Acherin, and served as a General in the planet's military forces during the height of the Clone Wars. Like his government, Toma was a strong supporter of the Separatist cause, but realized that the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic were too strong. He believed that Acherin would be subjugated by the Republic, and was surprised when Jedi commander Garen Muln requested a meeting to negotiate a peace treaty, rather than demanding a full surrender. Toma agreed to the truce, but never got a chance to sign the treaty, because Chancellor Palpatine issued the command to execute Order 66. Rather than see Muln killed by the clone troopers he was commanding, Toma arranged for Muln to escape into the wilderness, and helped keep him out of sight until he could escape. Many months later, Toma had become a resistance leader on his homeworld, trying to overthrow the tyrany of the Empire's rule on Acherin. When he met Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ferus Olin, Toma agreed to help them escape from the Acherin, but found himself leading their escape aboard his own starship. He recognized that the Empire would utterly defeat his forces, and chose to flee in order to regroup for a later offensive. (LJ2)

Tomb-walling Ceremony
this was the traditional funeral rite of the Sullustan people. It was presided over by a crypt master, and followed a rigid protocol for honoring the deceased. Individual mourners were brought forward to honor the dead based on their social standing and their relationship to the dead. After the crypt master placed a layer of seamweld on the tomb wall, mascs were invited to place a transpariblock into the wall that sealed off the deceased's coffin. Fems then used a weld-rake to smooth out the mortar. In this way, the coffin was sealed into the crypt, yet was visible to future visitors. In general, immediate family were first to place transpariblocks, followed by children living outside the family, warren-clan leaders, blood relatives, closest friends, and corporate representatives of SoroSuub. The final transpariblock was placed by the highest-ranking individual in attendance, who was also required to deliver a brief oration that contained one word for each year of the deceased's age. This was not a eulogy, but a message to the mourners from the speaker's heart. (DN2)

Torno Spice
this aromatic spice was used by many cooks on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

this was the native language of the Ret people. During the centuries following the conquering of Gelefil by the Annoo-dat, the Ret stopped using the Tra'ang'a language, and adopted the Dat-an language of the Annoo-dat. (DM111)

this Jedi Master was gunned down by the clone troopers of Aiwha Squad, which he was commanding on the planet Garqi, when the command to execute Order 66 was given at the end of the Clone Wars. (CWA4)

this was a transparent form of brick of building block that was used in the creation of clear walls or forms of art. The Sullustan people used specially-designed transpariblocks during their funereal ceremonies, with each relative or friend placing a transpariblock into the crypt wall that protected the coffin of the deceased. (DN2)

this was a form of musical instrument. (SWGAL)

Tree Carers
this was the Basic translation of the name given to a quasi-religious group of Wookiees who cared for the wroshyr trees found on the planet Kashyyyk. The primary function of the Tree Carers was to gather wroshyr cones when they were produced, so that the single seed in each cone could be preserved for growing into a tree many years later. (OWS)

Tree-dweller's Hood
this was a form of headgear worn by the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk. (SWGAL)

Trehla Keelo
this small-time criminal was one of many who tried to make a name for themselves in the city of Mos Eisley, on Tatooine, during the Galactic Civil War. (SWGAL)

this creature was native to the rainforests of Ord Vaxal. (DM106)

Triton Squad
this clone trooper unit was one of many that were deployed to the planet Kashyyyk, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. (CWA4)

this was one of the many cruisers that made up the small naval fleet that protected the planet Maramere, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JSF)

this was a derogatory term, used during the height of the Clone Wars to describe a clone trooper. (LFCW)

this omnivorous creature was native to the planet Mustafar, where it was known as an extremely aggressive beast. Individuals were easily provoked, and would sometime attack another creature without provocation. A tulrus was distinguished by its heavy body and the massive spikes that crowned its head and ran along its spine. These spikes were used on in defense, however, and the tulrus preferred to trample its victims using its massive size. (SWGAL)

this was the name used to describe the underground dwellings created by the hives of the Colony. These dwellings were often built with chimneys to allow air and smoke to escape into the open air. (DN2)

Tusken Bread
this was a form of flatbread that was baked on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. It was believed to have been a recipe stolen from the Tusken Raiders, although several culinary experts believed it was named for the use of Tusken brew-yeast as an ingredient. Among the other ingredients were bantha butter and blue milk, which were mixed with water, flour, and salt to create the dough. (SWGAL)

Tusken Brew-yeast
this was a form of yeast that was produced on the planet Tatooine during the height of the New Order. It was originally created from strains of yeast used by the Sandpeople to brew a potent beer. (SWGAL)

Tusken's Eye
this tube-like pillar of silvery gas and dust was one of the small openings in the gaseous wall of the Utegetu Nebula. Located just inside the Tusken's Eye was a G-class star that provided the light that gave the Tusken's Eye its color. The star was orbited by a white-clouded gas giant, which was in turn orbited by more than a dozen small moons. During the year following the Qoribu Crisis, pirates hired by the Gorog hive used the Tusken's Eye to secretly enter the nebula and deliver their goods to the Dark Nest. Unknown to the rest of the galaxy, sixteen of the "moons" that were orbiting the cloud-covered planet were nest ships, specially constructed by the Gorog hive to transport Killik agents into the galaxy. There was one nest ship for each of the fifteen planets inhabited by the Colony within the Utegetu Nebula, plus a separate nest ship for the Gorog itself. The placement of the nest ships near the Tusken's Eye gave the Gorog a brief advantage over the Fifth Fleet of the Galactic Alliance, since the warships of the Fifth Fleet were blockading the mouth of the Utegetu Nebula and the Murgo Choke. The Gorog believed that they could escape through the Murgo Choke, but their plans were discovered by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Jae Juun. There efforts at disabling the Gorog nest ship proved successful, and only four other nest ships managed to break through the blockade. The Gorog ship and ten others were trapped inside the Utegetu Nebula. (DN2)

this Nelvaanian male served as the chieftain of the Rokrul villages, during the final years of the Old Republic. When the Separatists established a hidden facility on Nelvaan and began drawing off the planet's geothermal energy, Tuzes-Adaz and his warriors were unable to locate the facility, which the Nelvaanians only understood as a growing illness of the Great Mother. When Tuzes-Adaz discovered Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the wilderness of Nelvaan, he quickly remembered the prophecy of the shaman Ovros, who claimed that an offworlder would arrive on Nelvaan and help the Great Mother return to health. Rather than killing the offworlders, Tuzes-Adaz brought the two Jedi back to his village to meet with Orvos. His actions proved important, as it was Anakin who later destroyed the Separatist facility and began Nelvaan's return to normalcy. (SWDB, CWC3)

this clone commando was one of the members of Aiwha Squad, serving under jedi Master Tra'avis during the final months of the Clone Wars. (CWA4)

this was a version of gunboat that was produced by the Trade Federation for their fleet of warships, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (JSF)

this was a term used by the new Jedi Order to describe the Gorog hive's influence on the Will of the Colony. According to the Jedi, the Gorog acted as the evil part of the collective Will, subconsciously driving the Colony to execute on its own plans. (DN2)

this hulking, alien brute was one of Black Sun's primary operatives on Tatooine, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He had managed to infiltrate the underground lair of Jabba the Hutt, but was killed when an unidentified Imperial spy tried to reach Jabba first. (SWGAL)

this female Sullustan served as a Captain in the engineering corps of the Galactic Alliance's military, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Captain Urbok served aboard the Admiral Ackbar about a year after the Qoribu Crisis, but was killed when a swarm of Gorog assassin bugs infiltrated the ship. (DN2)

Utegetu Nebula
this unusual shell nebula was located within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy by Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa-Solo, during their search for a habitable planet on which to relocate the Ithorian peoples, in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. The open end of the nebula was guarded by the star formation known as the Murgo Choke, and the bluish gases of its walls were broken in only a few places, such as the Mott's Nostril. Investigation by scientists and astrophysicists revealed that the nebula was relatively young, perhaps formed less than a thousand years before. Thus, any planets found within its boundaries should have been badly damaged by the supernova that caused the nebula. However, the Galactic Alliance discovered fourteen other planets like Woteba within the nebula, all of which were perfectly capable of supporting life. When the Qoribu crisis was resolved, the Galactic Alliance decided to turn over the Utegetu Neubla planets to the hives of the Colony, believing that the nebula's isolation from Chiss space would solve many problems. A possible explanation for the inhabitable planets found within the nebula was uncovered with the appearance of the Fizz, a self-replicating nanotechology that may have been created by a former race of inhabitants to restore planets to their natural state in the wake of the supernova. With the reappearance of the Dark Nest, pirates began patrolling the Murgo Choke and the mouth of the Utegetu Nebula, ambushing supply ships and stealing the technologies required by the Gorog to being their explansion. The Galactic Alliance was forced to blockade the Utegetu Nebula, in an effort to keep the Killiks of the Gorog hive from spreading into the rest of the galaxy. (DN2)

Vaigon Shinn
this small-time criminal was one of the few who tried to oppose Jabba the Hutt's control of the planet Tatooine, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. Like most other such rivals, Vaigon Shinn was killed by mercenaries hired by Jabba to do his dirty work. (SWGAL)

Vaj Desert
this was one of the many deserts found on the planet Ingo. (DCAR, OWS)

Valarian Syndicate
see Valarians (SWGAL)

Vanguard-class Gunship
this heavy assault vessel was manufactured during the height of the New Order. (DM102)

this star, located in the Inner Rim near Hutt Space, was the central body of the Vaxal System. (DM106)

see Blood Velkers (LFCW)

Verd ori'shya beskar'gam
this Mandalorian phrase translated literally into Basic as "a warrior is more than his armor." However, the exact meaning of the phrase went much deeper than that, referring instead to the warrior's heart and will to endure. (OWS)

Vestwe, Sateen
this Alderaanian man served as an aide to Senator Bail Organa, working aboard the Tantive IV during the months following the Clone Wars. (DAG)

this Devaronian explorer made most of his credits selling information to the highest bidders. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, much of his information was bought by the Empire. (REB)

Voilis, Ren
this man worked as a producer for several HoloNet variety of shows that were produced by Cularin Central Broadcasting, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It was Ren Voilis who gave Yara Grugara her start in broadcasting, when he created the segment that became Eye on Cularin. (LFCW)

this small-time criminal was living in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Among his many contacts was the mayor of Mos Eisley, Mikdanyell Guh'Rantt. (SWGAL)

see Vourk (SWGAL)

this Bri'ahlian served as the planetary president of his homeworld during the height of the Clone Wars. He was a strong supporter of the Old Republic, and was one of Padme' Amidala's close friends. Unknown to both of them, they survived an assassination attempt on Bri'ahl when the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO disobeyed Padme's orders and foiled the would-be killers. (CWA4)

this was one of the many Wookiee settlements found in the Wawaatt Archipelago, on the planet Kashyyyk. (SWDB)

this was the term used to describe the primary social structure of the Sullustan race. Each warren-clan was made up of several families who lived and worked together. (DN2)

Wayfarer-class Medium Transport
this transport vessel was manufactured during the height of the New Order. (DM98)

Web Bomb
this unusual weapon was developed by a group of bounty hunters during the height of the New Order. Rather than creating a devastating explosion, the web bomb released a chemical spray that was viscous enough to form a kind of web when it was deployed. The ropy chemical web was initially sticky, which served to trap escaping targets. Then, the chemical hardened to a degree, further trapping the target in place. (SWGAL)

this specialized tool was used to smooth out the joints formed from seamweld. (DN2)

White Thranta
this shipping operation was based in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. Although the business was outwardly legitimate, much of its business was handled by smugglers and their agents in Mos Eisley. Although it was never proven, it was believed that most of the contraband moving through the White Thranta facility was destined for the Alliance, to bolster their effort to defeat the Empire. (SWGAL)

see Wookiee Liberation Front (LFCW)

Wookiee Liberation Front
this organization was "founded" on the planet Cularin, during the height of the Clone Wars. A number of stories were told about its origins, but the real story was actually one of recklessness and stupidity. The gang formed by Meelo and her associates was at the heart of the Wookiee Liberation Front, which was often simply known as WOLF. When one of their members was captured and imprisoned by the Metatheran Cartel, Meelo led her inept comrades in a daring escape, which was bungled almost from the start. In the resulting chaos, Meelo managed to rescue her friend, but the Jawa known as Keth-Keth decided that they needed to cover their escape. Screaming "Free Kashyyyk" as loud as his vocoder would project, Keth-Keth called for people to rally around the Wookiee Liberation Front, in an effort to draw the attention of the local police force away from their escape. Although it was a simple ruse, the Wookiee Liberation Front received a lot of press in the local holonewscasts, and eventually became a legitimate organization that funneled credits and supplies to help the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their attempt to ousted the Separatist forces that were trying to take control of their homeworld. (LFCW)

Woolery, Bryyn
this merchant lived in the settlement of Mos Espa, on Tatooine, during the final years of the Old Republic. For many years, Woolery and his indentured servants toiled in the small settlement, until he decided to pack up and move to Mos Eisley. There, his business flourished, and he eventually freed many of his slaves. More than a few stayed on, working for pay as Woolery continued to expand and succeed. (SWDB)

this was the name of a vast area of prairies and grasslands, located inland on one of Kashyyyk's largest landmasses. (SWDB)

Worrt Casserole
the receipe for this wonderful-tasting main dish was a family secret kept by Bren Kingal. (SWGAL)

this planet was discovered by Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa-Solo, during their search for a suitable planet for the dishomed Ithorian peoples, about a year after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. Woteba itself was a temperate world of marshlands and rolling plains that were broken by jagged ranges of mountains. The planet, along with many others, existed within the depths of the Utegetu Nebula, which had previously been unexplored. Woteba itself was a temperate world without distinction, although investigation after its discovered led to several unusual characteristics. Astrophysicists learned that the Utegetu Nebula was relatively young, and yet planets like Woteba were viable worlds that showed little afteraffect of the supernova that created it. More mysteries appeared when the planet was turned over to the Colony, after the Qoribu crisis, when the disease known as the Fizz appeared. Cilghal and other Jedi healers learned that the Fizz was not a viral or bacterial agent, but instead a sophisticated nanotechnology aimed at destroying anything that wasn't native to Woteba. (DN2)

this Bothan served as a Captain in the military of the Galactic Allaince, and was also an aide to Admiral Nek Bwua'tu, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. He often badgered his way to a position of strength by invoking the names of his honored family members, and he was quick to point out that Admiral Bwua'tu was his mother's uncle. He was also related to several Bothans who served aboard the Avengeance, although he was torn between his loyalty to the Galactic Alliance and the Bothan need to complete the ar'kai against the Yuuzhan Vong. During the blockade of the Murgo Choke, about a year after the Qoribu Crisis, Captain Wurf'al served under Admiral Bwua'tu aboard the Admiral Ackbar. When Leia Organa Solo discovered that the spinglass statuary of Admiral Bwua'tu contained assassin bugs from the Gorog hive, Wurf'al was the first officer hit by the swarm. In seconds, he was reduced to a lifeless mass of flesh, as the insects cut him apart with swift precision. (DN2)

known as the crustacean cat, the xandank was a predatory beast that was native to the Berken's Flow region of Mustafar. It got its nickname from the protective shell that covered its body. The xandank hunted in packs, and was known to stalk its prey for long periods before attacking. (SWGAL)

Yara Grugara: Unauthorized and Totally Real
this three-hour-long Holonet special was the unofficial autobiography of Yara Grugara, produced by the Cularin Central Broadcasting company and hosted by Armistice Gluuc-Brendlheim, during the months following the Clone Wars. The tone of the advertisements for the special was less than attractive, and showed Yara at many of her worst moments. Among them were several temper tantrums thrown on-stage when things didn't go her way, and the narration described her as the spoiled brat of the network. These adverstisements ended by inferring that there was more to Yara than met the eye, and hinted that she had a number of friends and contacts in higher places that the offices of Cularin Central Broadcasting. (LFCW)

Yara's Fortune
this was the name of Yara Grugara's personal space yacht, the purchase of which was subsidized by the Cularin Central Broadcasting company. (LFCW)

Yarlubb River
this winding river was found on the Forest Moon of Endor, between the Ewok settlements of Red Bush Grove and Bright Tree Village. (SWDB)

this was a modification to the basic YT-1300 freighter produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Similar to the YT-1300f, the YT-1300p had improved drives. It was also equipped with two additional escape pods, instead of the docking rings found on the YT-1300f. (DM103)

this male Sullustan served as an Ensign in the engineering corps of the Galactic Alliance's military, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Yuul served aboard the Admiral Ackbar about a year after the Qoribu Crisis, and was astonished to receive a field promotion to Captain when a swarm of Gorog assassin bugs infiltrated the ship and killed off his superior officers, including Captain Urbok and Lieutenant Commander Reo. (DN2)

Z-6 Rotary Blaster
this rotary blaster cannon was developed for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars by Merr-Sonn. It was designed as a rapid-fire weapon, capable of producing a devastating spray of blaster bolts from its rotating barrel. However, the galven circuitry of the main weapon required dedicated recharge time, which limited the Z-6's ability to actually "spray" a target with energy. Any attempt to overfire the Z-6 led to excessive overheating and the possibility of explosion. Thus, its regular use in the combat of the Clone Wars meant that most Z-6s in use required regular maintenance, and those that were used most often were prone to breakdowns. Despite these problems, the Z-6 could still fire more than 160 rounds per second, earning the nickname of "chaingun." This ability to lay down a wide spray of fire made the Z-6 the perfect weapon for defending a landing zone, but many clone troopers claimed that it was too bulky to be carried around. Thus, the Z-6 was relegated to special tactial missions where it didn't require regular maintenance and transport. (SWDB. CWC3)

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