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TCW: "Children Of The Force" Encore Friday

Posted By Mike on October 22, 2009

Well we have a couple weeks before we get the next new episode of The Clone Wars, "Landing at Point Rain" (S2 Ep. 5). Now, thanks to Lucasfilm, we know what we're getting during one of the two off weeks...

Discover Hidden Insider Secrets in a Special Encore Presentation of
?Children of the Force?

The history of the Star Wars universe dates back to ?a long time ago? in 1977, when the first installment of the live-action saga introduced audiences to the tumultuous events of that ?galaxy far, far away.? Since that time, the smallest nuances of the sprawling space opera have found their way into the pop culture lexicon, into daily vocabulary?and into the ongoing adventures of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS! In a special encore presentation of ?Children of the Force? airing at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT Friday, October 23 on Cartoon Network, eagle-eyed fans can seek out some of the easter eggs, inside jokes, hidden gems and heritage homages planted by the mischievous crew of STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS.

See how many you can catch!

- After Cad Bane escapes from the Resolute, Anakin angrily holds his arms behind his back and storms off. This is a foreshadow/echo of Darth Vader?s similar action at the end of The Empire Strikes Back after the Millennium Falcon escapes from his clutches.

- When Admiral Yularen says "No! Lock them all down, hurry!" it is a reference to C-3PO's line in A New Hope, as he frantically admonishes R2-D2 to shut down the trash compactors aboard the Death Star.

- The holographic mobile hovering over the Gungan toddler's crib includes a colo clawfish, an opee sea killer and a sando aqua monster, the three massive underwater beasts that attack Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's submarine in The Phantom Menace.

- The Jedi shuttle's design shares features with several classic ships ? its cockpit is quite similar to the Millennium Falcon, and it changes orientation in flight just like Boba Fett's Slave I and the Rebel B-wing fighter. Its shape, though, is based on a background cruiser barely seen in Attack of the Clones.

- In a gambit later used by Han Solo and Luke Skywalker aboard the first dreaded Death Star, Cad Bane disguises himself in trooper armor to escape notice and slip past security.

- Anakin Skywalker and Chancellor Palpatine share a private meeting in this episode, as they also do in Episode II and Episode III. The fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu would prefer to keep the Chancellor out of Jedi affairs is a thread that continues powerfully in Episode III.

- When Mace Windu slides under a slamming blast door and snatches his lightsaber at the last possible moment, it is an action reminiscent of Indiana Jones? iconic hat-grab from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

- Mustafar is, of course, featured prominently in Revenge of the Sith, but Darth Sidious? secret installation in ?Children of the Force? is a different location than the mining facility from the live-action saga ? although the architecture does share similar shapes and lines.

- Cad Bane attacks Ahsoka Tano with a wrist-launched lariat similar to the devices used by Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones and Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi.

- Jan-Gwa City closely resembles the bubble city of Otoh Gunga seen in The Phantom Menace, except that it is only partially submerged in a lake.

Picture caption for the comparison photo: In Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker disguise themselves as stormtroopers in order to move undetected through the Empire?s dreaded Death Star. Years earlier during the Clone Wars conflict, bounty hunter Cad Bane uses a similar tactic to escape from his Jedi adversaries with a purloined Holocron in ?Children of the Force,? airing at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT Friday, October 23 on Cartoon Network.

(Click on all pics for the full views)

Trademark information for Star Wars: The Clone Wars images: TM & ? 2009 Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.

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