this planet was discovered by Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa-Solo, during their search for a suitable planet for the dishomed Ithorian peoples, about a year after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. Woteba itself was a temperate world of marshlands and rolling plains that were broken by jagged ranges of mountains. The planet, along with many others, existed within the depths of the Utegetu Nebula, which had previously been unexplored. Woteba itself was a temperate world without distinction, although investigation after its discovered led to several unusual characteristics. Astrophysicists learned that the Utegetu Nebula was relatively young, and yet planets like Woteba were viable worlds that showed little afteraffect of the supernova that created it. More mysteries appeared when the planet was turned over to the Colony, after the Qoribu crisis, when the disease known as the Fizz appeared. Cilghal and other Jedi healers learned that the Fizz was not a viral or bacterial agent, but instead a sophisticated nanotechnology aimed at destroying anything that wasn't native to Woteba.