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George Lucas Inducted Into California HoF

Posted By Justin on August 25, 2009

See the official announcement posted on the main site:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver Select the California Museum's California Hall of Fame 2009 Inductees

The California Hall of Fame Committee Chair Pat Splinter Announces Names of Inductees on The California Museum's Website at CaliforniaMuseum.org

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver today released the names of the 2009 inductees to The California Museum's California Hall of Fame. Pat Splinter, Chair of The California Museum's California Hall of Fame committee and Museum trustee, announced the names in a video posted on the Museum's website, CaliforniaMuseum.org. In its fourth year, the California Hall of Fame has continued the tradition of honoring legendary people who embody California's innovative spirit and have made their mark on history.

The 2009 California Hall of Fame inductees are: comedian Carol Burnett, former Intel CEO Andrew Grove, governor and U.S. senator Hiram Johnson, decathlete and philanthropist Rafer Johnson, industrialist Henry J. Kaiser, philanthropist and peace activist Joan Kroc, film-maker George Lucas, football commentator John Madden, gay rights advocate Harvey Milk, artist Fritz Scholder, author Danielle Steel, fitness and bodybuilding champion Joe Weider, and Air Force test pilot General Chuck Yeager.

The 2009 inductees join 38 California Hall of Fame inductees who have made great achievements in science, philanthropy, sports, business, entertainment, literature, fitness, technology, activism and politics. The California Hall of Fame highlights the broad range of California interests by honoring trailblazers who have not broken barriers in just one field or talent, but have impacted the world with their overall courage, determination and creativity.

"The California Hall of Fame celebrates our most influential women and men, and honors them for their drive, willingness to take risks, dedication and success in touching the lives of millions of people -- not just in this state, but around the world," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "I am excited about this year's fantastic inductees and thank my wonderful wife Maria for creating a program that honors all their diverse achievements."

"Now more than ever, I see how the perseverance and passion of one person can have a lasting impact in the lives of people, not only in their community but across the world," said First Lady Maria Shriver. "When talent and a relentless drive are matched, the efforts of a single individual can create a legacy of change, hope and empowerment. Every individual inducted into the California Hall of Fame symbolize the biggest hearts, the greatest drive and the deepest inspiration. It's an honor to induct these extraordinary individuals who have each made their own unique mark in history."

"The magnitude of this prestigious award is never lost on me," said The California Museum's Executive Director, Claudia French. "Being selected for this award is a distinction of great honor, one that is reserved for the best and the brightest."

The California Hall of Fame induction ceremony will take place on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at The California Museum in Sacramento. The ceremony will be followed by a reception and unveiling of the new exhibit installation, featuring artifacts and mementos personally loaned by the inductees, their families and organizations, including many items that have never been exhibited before.

All living inductees and family of posthumous inductees are scheduled to participate in the presentation of the Spirit of California medals by the Governor and First Lady.

"It is an honor to be inducted into the California Hall of Fame by the Governor and First Lady," said General Chuck Yeager. "California is the home of the greatest achievements in flight, and I am proud to represent the collective efforts of the many who sought to make those dreams a reality."

"I love California. My fondest memory as a kid was climbing the Hollywood sign," said Carol Burnett. "I'm thrilled to be honored by the State I love."

The California Hall of Fame-inspired Dreamers Challenge, an extension of the institution's mission to dare young people to dream, was designed to recognize innovative and creative thinking by awarding two $5,000 scholarships to high school seniors who can best illustrate how they would change the world. Unlike other scholarships, participants can respond in whatever medium suits their style and talent -- painting, poetry, videos, musical creations, essays or Power Point presentations, for example.

Visit The California Museum website, CaliforniaMuseum.org for more information, to watch the video and to access images and biographies of each of the candidates.

The 2009 California Hall of Fame is sponsored by Chevron Corporation and Accenture. About The California Museum The California Museum -- home of the California Hall of Fame and California Legacy Trails -- engages, educates and enlightens people about California's rich history and its unique contribution to the world through ideas, innovation, art and culture. Through captivating, interactive and innovative experiences, the Museum seeks to inspire men, women and children to dream the California dream and dare to make their mark on history. Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. Noon-5 p.m.; Adults $8.50, Students/Seniors (with valid I.D.) $7, Children 6-13 $6.00; Free for Children 5 and Younger. Parking is free on the weekends.

Source: Starwars.com

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