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this Amanin term describes any non-forested land found on the planet Maridun. (GG12)

this Weequay was indentured to Han Solo at one point, during the smuggler's early career as a sabacc player. Han won Grunts from Lady Valarian in a sabbac match, immediately freed him from servitude. As soon as Han left the Lucky Despot, he freed Grunts and offered him a chance to work aboard the Millennium Falcon. Grunts refused after he got into a disagreement with Chewbacca about their respective smells, and set out to find his way back to Sriluur. He tried to win enough for passage by gambling with Mawbo Kem, but Grunts was a poor player and ended up losing himself to Mawbo. She set him free, again, shortly afterward, but retained his services as a bodyguard until he could earn enough credits to book his way back home. When Han returned to Tatooine with his wife, Leia Organa Solo, to locate the Killik Twilight moss-painting, Grunts allowed them to carry their weapons into the auction, despite Mawbo's warnings against them. After Imperial Commander Quenton ordered his men to open fire on the auction's bidders, when Han tried to destroy the Killik Twilight, it was Grunts who risked his job to get them to safety. (TG)

this local policeman was a native of the planet Nam Chorios. Grupp worked with the Ithorian Snaplaunce in maintaining the peace of Hweg Shul. It was Grupp and Snaplaunce that intercepted Luke Skywalker and removed him from the rocks and spears of the Oldtimers that attacked him near Taselda's house. Despite his ties to the law, Grupp was one of Seti Ashgad's stronger supporters. Grupp participated in the various raids and attacks against Oldtimers. (POT)

this bio-engineered form of living starfighter weapon was created by the Yuuzhan Vong. Resembling black, armored turfhoppers, the half-meter-long grutchins were sent out after an advanced force of coralskippers reduced an enemy fleet to near-destruction. The insectile grutchins were released from an ovoid holding ship, and latched themselves onto still-operative enemy ships. The grutchins then used acid-dripping pincers to chew through the enemy ships and render them inoperative and incapable of sustaining life. However, they were living creatures, and couldn't survive a trip through hyperspace. Unlike much of the Yuuzhan Vong's bio-engineered technology, the grutchins were unintelligent weapons of destruction. Once released, they could not be recalled. Those that were not killed in battle - either by enemy fire or by Yuuzhan Vong clean-up parties - remained viable individuals that would attack anything that moved, and often fled the scene of the battle and wreaked havoc in the galaxy. They couldn't reproduce, so any that got away would eventually die out. Note that the New Jedi Order Sourcebook indicates that grutchins and reproduce and multiply quickly. Also now that The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology indicates that grutchins can survive a trip through hyperspace. (VP, NJOSB, NEGW)

Grutchin Symbiote
this variation on the Yuuzhan Vong's living weapon, the grutchin, was developed for use in ground-based personal combat. Any Yuuzhan Vong warrior choosing to fight with a grutchin symbiote was required to have four holes bored into the flesh of their backs, into which the legs of the symbiote were inserted. A pair of front limbs acted as arms, and wrapped around the warrior's neck, and the head of the symbiote sat on the warrior's shoulder. If the sight of a two-headed warrior didn't force an opponent to back down, the symbiote could be directed to leap from the warrior's back and attack the opponent. The grutchin symbiote fought until it killed its victim or was called back by its owner. The warrior directed its symbiote with a form of telepathic communication, implanting a picture of the enemy into the grutchin's mind. (GMR8)

Grutchin Torpedo
this was a massive weapon developed by the Yuuzhan Vong. It was essentially a huge shell that contained hundreds of grutchins. Because of the sheer size of a grutchin torpedo, they could only be fired from worldships. When the torpedo hit its target, the shell collapsed, releasing its collection of grutchins on an enemy ship/ (NEGW)

this large, Yuuzhan Vong creature was created to accompany a landing party. When the Yuuzhan Vong warriors arrived on a world, the grutchyna would begin digging into and consuming the crust of the planet, creating a network of tunnels and caves in which the warriors could hide and plan their attack. Grutchyna could also be used to dig into the tunnels of an entrenched enemy, providing seconary access to underground bunkers. Each grutchyna measured some six meters in length, and was protected by heavy, black, armor plating. In addition to the difference in size, grutchyna were also more intelligent than the grutchin, and could be trained to carry and deploy troops into battle. As the invasion wore on, the Yuuzhan Vong adapted the grutchyna for use in attacking orbital space stations, a variety that could use its caustic digestive juices to burn through metal plating. (DW, UF)

Gruu Pipe
this Esoomian device resembles a short, stubby cylinder studded with small pods. The pipe uses a special form of tobacco that heightens the smoker's awareness. (CCG9)

Gru'um Ropple
one of Jabba the Hutt's associates, Gru'um plotted to assassinate Jabba sometime prior to the Battle of Yavin. A blue-skinned, hairless humanoid, he planned to use the humanoid droid Miramba to carry frekkers into the Hutt's palace. His plot coincided with Bib Fortuna's first attempt to kill Jabba. Bib tried to remove Gru'um by planting a blaster in his robes. Jabba had Gru'um and Miramba imprisoned, but the frekkers were unleashed anyway. In the ensuing confusion, Jabba was actually rescued by Bib Fortuna, who tried to keep the Hutt alive for his own schemes. Gru'um's fate was sealed when Jabba discovered where the frekkers had come from. (JTH)

Han's alias in the Dathomir prison, as an Imperial Sergeant. (CPL)

this was the name of the traditional spear, used as a weapon by the Sauvax. The head of the gruush was made up from a barbed point and a curved hook, and was used primarily for fishing. In battle, it could be used as a staff or hurled like a spear. (GMR10, UANT)

Gruuvan Shaal
this was the name of a traditional Twi'lek food. (FOP)

this planet is located in the Expansion Region. (SWJ2)

this alien race resembled large, green-skinned mounds of flesh that seemed to shamble along. These beings have four arms and eight eyestalks atop their heads, and they had two mouths. (PSPG)

Gruvian Tovash
this was an alcoholic spirit produced on the planet Gruvia. It was favored by Koth Melan and many other Bothans. It was discovered that Gruvian Tovash, when mixed with ryll spice, reacted with incendiary force. Many criminals made bombs by smuggling ryll into an event and the mixing it with the liquor pruchased from the bar. Ryll addicts often drank a shot of Tovash after consuming ryll, burping up puffs of blue smoke as a way to impress their friends. (SWJ2, SESB, PSPG, SWJ15)

Gruxl Obbin
this was a noted Hrakian individual. (GORW)

this was a name that was common among the Defel race. (UANT)

this was the southernmost continent found on the planet Paramatan, and was known to be the only refuge of the Great Oopik species. (COG)

this was a legendary Alderaanian bird of prey. (TBSB)

Gryle City
this is the capital city of the planet Lamuir IV. (SWJ4, PGT)

Grynne, Phlygas
one of the most notorious assassins of the early years following the Battle of Endor, Grynne roamed the Core Worlds looking for work. It was rumored that he charged over 100,000 credits for his work. It was believed that he murdered Stinna Draesinge Sha. (COJ)

Gryphon, Alain
this Alliance starship Captain was in command of the transport Celestial when it was overtaken by its Imperial captives. Gryphon was supposed to rendezvous with the crew of the Long Shot, which was going to take control of the prisoners from that point onward. Once the prisoners were delivered to an Alliance penal colony, command of the Celestial was to be returned to Captain Gryphon. Rather than sacrifice her ship, Gryphon attempted to destroy the ship by sending into hyperspace with a damaged hyperdrive. The result was that the Celestial and her passengers were thrown into Otherspace. There, they were captured by Ber'asco and the Charon death cult. Gryphon bravely tried to resist the Charon, but she took several vicious claw wounds. The Charon poisons eventually killed her before help from the Alliance could arrive. (OS)

Gryseium Incorporated
formerly owned by the Sullustan Huegu Eib, this ranch in the clouds of Tyed Kant was sold to Rigis Corazon. Corazon has used the company to try and corner the food market on Demophon, but he has not contract with either the Demophonian government or the Empire. Corazon later turned the reins of the company over to his daughter, Sabel. (SN)

this was a bloated worm that was once native to the long-lost planet of Yuuzhan'tar. (FP)

Grythsorin Canyon
this is the largest canyon on the planet Ebra. The Empire established a mining colony there, which produced lu-ramin. The Empire used Ebranite slaves to obtain the oil. (GG12)

this was the designation of Serv-O-Droid's wrecking droid, produced more than thirty years before the Battle of Yavin. Standing more than six meters in height, the GRZ-6B looked like a huge monster as it moved across an urban landscape, knocking down buildings and recycling the materials. The GRZ-6B moved about on two heavy legs, and two massive arms allowed it to pull down structures and move rubble into its "mouth." The body of the GRZ-6B was dedicated to a huge internal forge which melted down anything which was placed inside. The GRZ-6B developed an high internal temperature as it worked, and had to be shut down in order to completely cool, so that the materials it melted down could be recovered. (EGD)

this was one of the many Corellian gunships which made up part of the Alliance's fleet of ships, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (RAG)

this small, fast, exotic starship was produced by Lamborari during the height of the New Order. Lando Calrissian flew one, shortly after he lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo. Unfortunately, Lando was forced to abandon the ship on Kalkovak, during the search for the Yavin Vassilika. (UYV)

this was one of the g-stations which orbited the planet Genesia, at the height of the New Order. (FBS)

this runaway AD-series armorer droid took up the life of a bounty hunter after misinterpretting his owner's last command. His owner, a bounty hunter herself named Janna Relasi, was killed during a hunt, and told GSAD-43 to "get them for me..." just before she died. GSAD-43 took that to mean he was supposed to hunt down the bounties she was chasing, and became a bounty hunter itself. GSAD-43 remained part of the Salaktori Hunters Guild, although its only mission is to find Relasi's killers. (GG10, FTD)

G-series Holoprojector
developed by SoroSuub, this was a basic holoprojection unit designed to be installed on a droid. (FTD)

this Noghri, along with Ezrakh, were summoned by Leia Organa-Solo to accompany her to the Chorios Systems to meet with Seti Ashgad. It was Gshkaath who made sure that Ashgad returned to his ship, the Light of Reason, after their initial meeting. (POT)

this was the model number of Bespin Motors' gas-collecting skimmer. Designed to work from a mobile base, such as the Corellian Engineering Garman-class mining vessel, the GS-III was essentially a fifteen-meter-long flying tank. A wide mouth-like scoop was located at the nose of the craft, and served to collect the gases which could be mined from the atmosphere of a gas giant. Each GS-III required a crew of four to operate, and could collect a full metric ton of gas. (FBS)

this was the term used to describe any of the huge, orbital platforms which were located above the planet Genesia. Primarily in place to serve as starship docking facilities, the G-Stations were built by private corporations who wanted to avoid the criminal underworld of the planet's surface. (FBS)

Tirog's protocol droid, he is often referred to as "Niner." (RPG)

this device was developed by the farmers of the moon Sulon, in an effort to create an efficient source of power. Short for Geothermal Tap, the device tapped into the heat which was trapped below the moon's crust and converted it into electricity. A deep shaft was first sunk into the planet's rocky surface, which plumbed the magma and other underground heat sources. Water was then forced into the shaft and was heated by the magma. It boiled almost immediately, rising back up the shaft and spinning an electricity-producing turbine. The resulting electricity was virtually free, as the device paid for itself quite quickly. The G-Tap on Sulon was destroyed by the Empire, when the moon was first subjugated. (SFE)

Gthull, Kvag
one of the reborn Emperor Palpatine's Dark Jedi, Gthull was in charge of interrogations at Bast Castle. He was sent by Palpatine, along with Tedryn-Sha and Xecr Nist, to capture Jacen and Jaina Solo. He nearly succeeded, but Rayf Ysanna used the Force to recover the children, while Princess Leia blasted Gthull into oblivion. (DE2)

this corporation manufactured power armor suits for use by security forces and para-military groups. (SOP)

G-type Rotolaser
this outdated weapon is similar to a Gatling Gun. It produced coherent bolts of energy like a modern blaster, but it does so via a rotating galven tube. The tube collects energy as is spins, and ejects a bolt whenever the galven pattern meets the barrel. The resulting bolts of energy are relatively low in power, since the galven tube spins rapidly and doesn't collect enough energy before it meets the barrel again. (SH)

this beautiful, white-furred beast was native to the planet Naboo, and was often domesticated and trained to pull carriages during weddings or funerals. (E3N)

this elegant, swift-moving creature was native to the plains of Naboo. Herbivores by nature, the equine gualama was a herd beast which congregated in patriarchal groups of up to twenty-five members. They were distinguished from guarlaras by their thin bodies and white fur, and their heads were crowned with a pair of tall, forward-curving horns. The tail of the gualama was long and covered with thick fur, and was used in a form of semaphore-like communication. The royalty of Naboo maintained a herd of gualamas for using in Twirrling parties. (WSW)

this Dug was a member of Sebolto's gang during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The Malastarian Art Union issued a bounty for his capture in connection with the sale of death sticks to the youth of Pixelito, a bounty that Jango Fett managed claim during his attempt to meet with Sebolto. (BH)

this Wookiee was one of the many warriors who defended their homeworld and the city of Kachirho during the final stages of the Clone Wars. Guanta served under Merumeru during the fighting. (VD3, SWDB)

this was the name given to a group of Viraxo Razor starfighters used to harass the Azzameen's shipping operations. (XWA)

Guard Globe
this form of remote was used by Arakkus to guard his fortress in the Graveyard of Lost Ships. The guard globes patrolled the corridors, and were programmed to intercept intruders. (CSW)

Guard of Aldera
this was the honorary security force that once protected the city of Aldera, on the planet Alderaan. (GMR9)

this automaton was designed to be a forboding presence when it was deployed as a guard. C-3PO, then a part of the Organa household, hadn't seen the latest model of GuardDroid when he first met Darth Vader. At one of the Emperor's balls, C-3PO tried to compliment the Dark Lord for being a GuardDroid. Vader, needless to say, was not pleased with the droid. C-3PO was demoted from protocol droid to preschool teacher for a year, and later assigned to the droid pool. (EGC)

a Super-class Star Destroyer under the command of Admiral Drommel. Drommel and the fleet supporting the Guardian were on station at Coruscant when word of Emperor Palpatine's death reached the capital world. Drommel fled, and took the Guardian with him, to his home system of Oplovis, where he started his own campaign against the New Republic. The Guardian was badly damaged in the Battle of Tantive V with New Republic forces about three years after the Battle of Endor. It was last seen near Soullex, in the Fardon System, before the New Republic managed to recover the ship and refit it. The Guardian began its new life as a kind of floating base of operations, but later it was deployed to Kashyyyk during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When the Galactic Alliance established its base of operations on Mon Calamari, the Guardian was recalled as part of the home fleet. (WBC, DW, UF)

this was one of three Nebulon-B escort frigates assigned to protect the replenishment fleet which contained the Black Ice. (BI)

this was the title used by the individual who was sent by Emperor Palpatine to guard the Mount Tantiss storehouse, on the planet Wayland. It was believed that the Guardian was killed by Joruus C'baoth when he arrived on Wayland, but this may have been something created in C'baoth' delusion. (HTTE, TLC)

this is the name of the largest Spook crystals found on Nam Chorios. Often formed into tsil, these sentient crystals controlled the actions of the smaller Spook crystals found on the planet. (POT)

this was the title given to those Bitthaevrians who were chosen by their leaders to act as bodyguards and protectors. (AIR)

Guardian 344
this ship was developed by Sienar Fleet Systems as the second generation of the Guardian-class light cruiser. It had essentially the same performance characteristics, but required one-fourth the crew compliment and had additional space for 10 troops. (FOP)

Guardian Corps
this was the name given to the thousand war-robots assigned to guard the Queen of Ranroon as she lay hidden on Dellalt, in the wake of the death of Xim the Despot. The Guardian Corps' primary mission was to defend the site of the Queen of Ranroon until the High Command could arrive and ensure that her contents were safely stored in Xim's vaults. If the secret of the ship's location and contents were ever discovered, the Guardian Corp was ordered to eliminate any intrusion. The Guardian Corps was under the command of the Corps Commander, who ultimately was commanded by the Survivors. Several years before the Battle of Yavin, the Guardian Corps was called to duty to protect the Queen of Ranroon from the mining operations of J'uoch and R'all. The entire Guardian Corps marched on the miners, obliterating their entire operation. The only survivors of the attack were Han Solo, his companions, and Gallandro. Solo's group managed to reach a barracks on the other side of a bridge, and the Corps Commander ordered the Guardian Corps to cross the bridge and destroy the barracks. Bollux and Blue Max, however, had anticipated this final assault, and arranged to destroy the bridge as soon as the entire Guardian Corps was on it. The two droids were able to communicate with the Corps Commander, and ordered him to increase the marching paces of the war-robots until their footfalls set up a harmonic tremor that shook the bridge to pieces. In the destruction that ensued, the entire Guardian Corps of war-robots was smashed when they fell from the bridge. (HSL)

Guardian Flight
this squadron of N-1 starfighters was put together by the Royal Security Force of the Naboo, shortly after the Battle of Naboo. (WOA2)

Guardian Light Cruiser
this was a starship used by many space stations to enforce traffic control patterns. Note that this ship could also be the Guardian-class patrol ship. (ND)

Guardian Mantis
this needle-shaped starship was owned and operated by Vana Sage, during the last decades of the Old Republic. It was a prototype design created by Vana and a Xi Char engineer, and was built by the starshipwrights of Nubia. The Y-shaped craft was armed with a nano-missile launcher which was guided by an ion-enabled sensor tag system, as well as an ion encumbrance system. Note that this ship was referred to as the Guardian on the official Star Wars website (www.starwars.com). (OWS, STF, GMR2)

Guardian of the People
this was the name given to the being who was nominally the leader of the Peacekeepers, those beings who maintained order among the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project. (SQ)

Guardian of the Republic
this ancient Liberator-class troopship was decommissioned shortly before the fall of the Old Republic. It was purchased at auction by Garris Shrike, who renamed it the Trader's Luck. (TPS)

Guardian Squadron
one of General Salm's Y-Wing bomber squadrons serving the New Republic. Guardian Squadron was part of Salm's Defender Wing. (XWN)

Guardian Squadron
this stormtrooper squadron was part of the forces dispatched to Tatooine to protect Prefect Talmont, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (MEAS)

Guardian Worm
this was another name for the whuffa of Dathomir. It referred to the fact that the worms had been created by the Kwa to guard the Star Chambers set to power the Infinite Gates. (SWIE)

Guardian-class Corvette
this Imperial warship saw a great deal of duty during the early years of the New Order. (THG)

Guardian-class Droid
this canine-statured droid was developed by Cybot Galactica under the designation GV/3, and was designed to serve as a protector and companion for families with young children. The Guardian was equipped with a variety of communication methods, including a sophisticated range of emotional responses. Despite its home-based programming, the Guardian-class droid was equipped with a retractable blaster and retractable, blade-like teeth. These droids were fairly inexpensive, which attributed to the Guardian's popularity. (SWJ14, EGD)

Guardian-class Light Cruiser
see Guardian-class Patrol Ship. (SWRPG2)

Guardian-class Patrol Ship
XL-3 and XL-5 models of this ship were built for the Empire following the Battle of Endor by Sienar Fleet Systems, which were classified as light cruisers and sometimes referred to as simply Guardian Customs Ships. These 42-meter ships were used as inter-system customs vessels, and could handle up to 200 metric tons of confiscated cargo. They had beefed-up shields and four laser cannons - two mounted in front, and two on free-moving turrents. The ship required a crew of 16, with four gunners, and had room for up to six prisoners in the brig. Tion Mil/Sci also manufactured a 40-meter version of the Guardian-class ship, armed with a pair of blaster cannons. The Tion Mil/Sci ships were used as mobile coorindating stations for the huge Hunter-Killer probots that were used by the reborn Emperor Palpatine. (GMS, DE1, RPG, DESB, FOP)

Guardian-class Shield Generator
this shielding system, developed by MerrSonn, provided both particle and energy shielding for ground-based locations. (HAS)

this was the name used by the government of the planet Junction 5 to describe the security force they formed to maintain the planet's defenses against an invasion from Delaluna or the possible use of the Annihilator weapon. The Guardians were turned over to Lorian Nod more than twenty years before the onset of the Clone Wars, and they were charged with ensuring a complete understanding of what was happening on Junction 5. Under this mission, they infiltrated virtually every aspect of public and private life. All computer use was tracked, as were communication systems. The Guardians were very effective in rooting out potential threats, until the prisons became overcrowded and there were not enough workers left to keep the planet's economy moving. After a daring raid on Delaluna's Minstry of Offense and Defense by Cilia Dil and her underground rebels, the Annihilator was discovered to be a ruse. In a file labeled "Misinformation", the rebels learned that the Guardians had used the threat of the weapon to quell the populace of Junction 5 and remain in power. It was Lorian Nod himself who came up with the idea of the Annihilator, as part of his plans to take control of Junction 5 for himself. In the wake of this revelation, Minister Ciran Ern promised to disband the Guardians and restore freedom to Junction 5. (LOJ)

Guardians of Kiffu
during the last decades of the Old Republic, the Guardians of Kiffu were formed by the Kiffar to protect the prison world of Kiffex. The Guardians were led by the Sheyf of the Kiffar, and were sworn to ensure that no being escaped from Kiffex. (DRKN)

Guardians of the Breath
this was the name give to the ancient Kashi mystics who were able to control the Force. The Guardians maintained all the lore and skills used to call upon the Breath in oral traditions, as it was considered blasphemy to put any of the knowledge into writing or other concrete format. (TOJC)

this Imperial patrol frigate was orbitting Tatooine when Boba Fett returned from Bespin with Han Solo's frozen body. It tried to intercept the bounty hunter, but Darth Vader commanded them to stand down and let Fett land. (MTS)

Guarja Shipyards
this starship repair facility was located on Nal Hutta during the last decades of the Old Republic. (BH)

this immense, equine creature was native to the planet Naboo. Related to the smaller gualama, guarlaras were regal, heavy-bodied beasts with jet-black fur. The body structure of the guarlara was similar to that of the gualama, with a pair of forward-curving horns atop their heads and a long, fur-covered tail. One distinguishing feature of the guarlara was the defensive tusks which grew on either side of their mouths. The hooves of the guarlara were much heavier, though, giving the huge creatures extremely sure footing. Young guarlaras were born with white fur, which darkened as it matured. The fur of mature guarlaras was collected and used in the creation of warm clothing and tapestries, and domesticated guarlara were regularly shorn in milder climates. The royalty of Naboo maintained a herd of guarlaras for parades. (WSW)

this Old Republic Star Destroyer was one of the many vessels that tried unsuccessfully to eliminate the Invisible Hand during the height of the Clone Wars. However, during the First Battle of Coruscant, the Guarlara was able to fire the blasts that crippled the Invisible Hand and sent it spiralling toward the surface of Coruscant. (X3, SWDB)

this Mon Calamari male served as the Director of Shipyard Defense for his homeworld's government, during the height of the New Order. A former member of the Foamwander Five, Guarran was instrumental in organizing an resistance to the Imperial forces that tried to subjugated Mon Calamari. His role with the Foamwander Five made it hard for many military officers to accept his appointment to the Mon Calamari Council, considering him little more than a guerrilla leader and possible terrorist. Nevertheless, Colonel Guarran earned the Council's trust, and took his role as security officer very seriously. (GORW)

this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Gubb was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This name literally meant "mountain". (GCG)

this was a species of mammalian predator that was native to the planet Corellia. Gubburs often moved about in small herds, and were sometimes captured and trained to be guard beasts. (GQRG)

this unusual, humanoid alien was one of the bounty hunters hired by Quaffug the Hutt, when he forced Lando Calrissian to submit to the Duff-Jikab on Blimph 3, shortly before the Battle of Endor. (BHSW)

believed to be the largest aquatic creature native to the planet Neftali, the three-meter-long guda fish is sought after by ice fishermen from all over the Outer Rim. They are strong, cunning fish which survive in the frigid waters. Their bones were used as needles and hooks by Neftali natives, and the bony spur at the end of their nose is considered a symbol of good fortune and luck. Their thin bodies have little in the way of flesh, but the meat of the guda is considered a delicacy by the natives of Neftali. (BSS)

a short, squat, rat-faced alien who worked for the Hutt crimelord in the Stenness system about 4000 PE. He had a pet gorm worm, and when Andur Sunrider stopped over at the Stenness spaceport, Gudb's boss wanted him to steal Andur's Agedan crystals. Gudb used his gorm worm to kill Andur, but he never got hold of the crystals. (TOJ)

meaning "tearful", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual. (GCG)

this elderly man was the leader of the Daan Council, and a contemporary of Wehutti. When The Young began taking control of the city of Zehava, Gueni was forced into a brittle alliance with Wehutti at the insistence of Qui-Gon Jinn, in an effort to avert a full-scale war. (DOD)

an Old Corellian term meaning 'fool'. (SWJ7)

this Ithorian was one of Crying Dawn Singer's backup singers, along with his partner Drov. When the Shashay was kidnapped on the planet Najarka, Guerglenar and Drov were both killed and taken to the Imperial Biological Research Center there, where they were prepared as trophies. (TA)

this was the second of Tatooine's three moons. (SWI62)

Guerra Derida
this Phindian was one of the multitude of slave laborers employed by Offworld Mining Company to work on the planet Bandomeer. Guerra was part of the crew that plied the depths of the Great Sea of Bandomeer, when Obi-Wan Kenobi was similarly enslaved. Guerra had an annoying habit of making a statement and then immediately negating it with a chuckle, a trait which Obi-Wan used to befriend the alien. After Qui-Gon Jinn rescued Obi-Wan from the mines, Guerra overcame his fears and led the slave miners in a mutiny that succeeded in overthrowing Offworld's control and freeing the slaves. Obi-Wan later encountered Guerra again, this time on Guerra's homeworld of Phindar, after he and Qui-Gon Jinn were transported to the planet by Guerra's own brother, Paxxi Derida. Guerra had been hiding in the ship's hold during the trip, since both of the Phindians were wanted by the Syndicat that controlled Phindar. Guerra and Paxxi led a small group of freedom fighters who hoped to overthrown the Syndicat, but they needed the Jedis' help and were afraid to ask. After learning of the Syndicat's plans to take over Gala was well as Phindar, Qui-Gon agreed to help, but only if Guerra told him the complete truth at all times. Guerra agreed, and the Syndicat was eventually brought down. Years later, Paxxi and Guerra became the heads of their respective families, both of which were known for their large size. (DR, HP, LOJ)

Guf Drolg
this was a unique species of creature, native to the planet Talus, that had been bio-engineered as a predator. (GQRG)

Guff Twins
this pair of Gamorrean thugs worked as bouncers at the Plastoid Pit, in Zalxuc City on the planet Thyferra, during the height of the New Order. (MIS2)

Guffin, Havidald
this man served as the principal of PSAS-5128 on Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (HNN5)

the roots of this plant, which was native to the planet Tirahnn, were considered a succulent delicacy by many races. (WOA32)

Guide to Beautiful Manaan
this was the travel brochure produced by the Empire to advertise the tourist destinations on Manaan, including the Ahto Luxury Resorts. (PH)

Guide Within
this was the name used by Keganites to describe a person's inner spirit and lifeforce. When all Guides Within were united in a common goal, it was known as the General Good. (FFT)

manufacturers of starfighter ejection seats. (SWSB)

Guides, The
this was the Cestian term for those dashta eels that grew to maturity from fertilized eggs. Unfertilized eggs grew into immature eels that never reached adulthood. Like all dahsta eels, the Guids lived beneath the surface of the planet Ord Cestus, hidden in grottoes beneath the Dashta Mountains. The X'Ting and human workers who were forced to labor for the Five Families believed that the mature, Force-sensitive Guides provided them with guidance in their lives, and devoutly maintained the secrecy of the location of the dashta eel pools. The original dashta eels retreated into the grottoes of the Dashta Mountains to avoid the struggle for survival that occurred on the planet's surface. They remained isolated until the Cestians began to settle in the caves of the nearby Zantay Hills, when they gladly gave their friendship to the newcomers. Often, the loyalty of an individual was tested by forcing them to place their arm inside a heavy, sand-reed basket. Rather than placing a poisonous creature in the basket, the Cestians placed several dashta eels. If the being under scrutiny could be trusted, the eels simply allowed the hand to be extracted. If a being proved devious or otherwise unworthy of trust, the eels viciously attacked the arm. Because the Guides and their immature brethren were highly attuned to the emotions of the Cestians, they gladly turned over some of the immature eels for use in creating the "living circuitry" of the JK-series of security droids. The Guides believed that, once the Cestians were accepted into the wider galactic community, they would be much happier. This communal friendship and love was noted for its healing influence on the Cestians, who kept their location a secret. However, the Guides had only given permission for their sterile young to be used in defensive droids only. The altering of the JK-series droids' programming for combat confused the Guides, who wondered why other beings could not understand their desires. They were scared that the immature eels would go mad from trying to comprehend the order to kill another being, and lost a measure of trust in their humanoid companions. In the wake of the destruction of the Five Families, the Guides fled into the deeper caverns with the dashta eels, and were not seen again. (TCD)

Guiding Light
this was Obi-Wan Kenobi's callsign, used whenever he was dispatched on a mission by the Jedi Council. (SWI81)

Guiding Spirit
this was the term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe a benevolent Force spirit who chose to break the barrier between the living and the dead to provide guidance to another Jedi Knight. As with any Force spirit, the Guiding Spirit came and went of its own volition, and could only commune with a Jedi Knight for a short time. (PJSB)

Guido's Tower
one of the few square buildings foung in the city of Theed, on the planet Naboo, this tall structure was one of the oldest buildings in the city. (IWE1)

an Alliance shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Guild Enforcers
this was the police force established by the Mining Guild to enforce its regulations during the early years of the New Order. Members of this force were highly skilled and well-trained, and were feared among the more renegade members of the Guild. (WOA34)

Guild of Armament Distributors
this weapons dealers' brotherhood was formed on the planet Wroona. It was one of the less legitimate guilds targetted by Imperial Governor Norrin for elimination. (SWJ9)

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