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one of Ammuud's seven major clans, the Glayyd clan was the largest and most powerful on Ammuud during the early years of the New Order. Like all Ammuud clans, it was ruled by a Mor. During the early years of the New Order, the Mor Glayyd discovered that the Reesbon clan had begun negotiations with Zlarb and his slavers for a portion of their profits, in exchange for ships and services. The Mor Glayyd became angry at this, and vowed to expose the operation to Odumin. In order to prevent this, the Reesbon clan arranged for the Mor Glayyd to be poisoned, forcing his young son, Ewwen, to assume the rank of Mor. The slavers hoped that Ewwen could be forced to step down as Mor, allowing a more pliant individual to assume the position. The hope was that a new Mor would allow the slavers to eliminate the information stored in Glayyd family records, which were equipped with a self-destruct system to prevent tampering. It was later assumed that Zlarb had been the Mor Glayyd's poisoner, since traces of Malkite antidotes were found in the bloodstream of several Glayyd food-tasters. Meanwhile, Ewwen was able to retain his position as Mor when Han Solo stepped in as his champion, and the slavery ring was smashed by Fiolla and Odumin. (HSR)

Glaze Cake
a sweet form of cake. (IDC)

Glazed Glucose Pate'
this is a favored meal of the Ugor race. (SH)

an Nharwaak CR90 corvette destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this was the designation of a series of general-purpose labor droids, produced by Industrial Automaton for use in mining operations. Humanoid in stature, these droids contained a RapidProgram module for easy modification of their programming. This module allowed them to serve in a variety of capacities, including scouts, planners, or drivers. (FBS)

this large fern, native to the upland jungles of Haruun Kal, was named for its shiny upper surface. (SHPT)

this was form of artwork which used specially formulated inks to make images appear more realistic. (TG)

Gleasry, Pharnis
an agent of the Human League, sent to monitor the presences of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker during the Corellian Trade Summit. He was arrested after the Starbuster Plot was broken up, and testified about the full extent of the Human League's infiltration of the New Republic on Coruscant. (AC, SC)

Gleb Rations
developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, this flat, cardboard-like ration was easy to transport and provided a day's worth of nutrients for most humanoid races. (BF4)

Glee Anselm
this aquatic planet was a member of the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. It was the homeworld of the Nautolan and Anselmi races. Much of the planet's surface was covered with swamps and lakes, with just enough physical landmass to support the Anselmi. Because of its axial tilt and seasonal changes, the planet was often ravaged by intense hurricanes and storms. (HNN4, VD2, WOTC, TCD)

Gleed Otondon
this imposing creature served under Cradossk in the old Bounty Hunters Guild. When the Guild was split apart, Otondon joined the True Guild and acted as its emissary to Kud'ar Mub'at. A huge, heavily-muscled alien with leathery skin and a spiked skull, Otondon was nevertheless apprehensive about negotiating inside Mub'at's web. His hands were studded with claws. Following the breakup of the Bounty Hunters Guild, Otondon began embezzling the Guild's funds and storing them in safe accounts. After the dissolution of the True Guild and the Guild Reform Committee, Otondon took all the credits and went into hiding, leaving the other bounty hunters with nothing. (SLS, HM)

Gleeful Cackle, The
this was the term used by Palleus Chuff to describe one of the many facial expressions used by Jedi Master Yoda. Chuff was a noted actor whose portrayal of Yoda in Jedi! made him famous across the galaxy. (YDR)

this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)

Glef Wonkitz
this was the name of a distingished member of the Toong society. (UANT)

a Twi'leki unit of measure, it denotes a finite area. (TJP)

an Eol Sha colonist; Warton's wife. (JS)

this was once of the many names given to Duros females. Among the Duros, it meant "filled with joy". (GCG)

this herd beast was native to the planet Neftali. (WSV)

Gletch, Farious
this moisture farmer lived on the planet Tatooine during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GQRG)

this is a strange fruit which has an unusual, ragged shape. (POT)

this small pest was hormonally modified by Beldorion's second chef to grow to huge proportions for eating. The Kubaz discovered how to use the excretions from hall d'main and complement the glet-mite's teleological systems. (POT)

an Alliance Escort Shuttle destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this was a slang term used to describe a misforunate being. (COG)

Glidamir, Norrion
this Lorrdian woman served the Alliance as a Major, and was a contemporary of Barosa Warren's service to the Old Republic. She was known as one of the graduated of the Twilight Class of Warren's Galactic Oudoor Survival School, but she later died in action during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)

Glide Lizard
this large, black reptile is able to "fly" over short distances by extending the flaps of skin beneath its legs. (POT)

a lizard-like predator native to Orellon II, the glider resembled a dragon in many respects. Its "wings" were folds of skin which stretched between its legs on either side of its body, and were used to glide through the air when the creature leapt from tree to tree. Their heads were crowned with sharp horns, and four eyes sat atop a mouth filled with pointed teeth. (SWJ2)

Glidrick, Stenn
this former Imperial Navy pilot retired and became a civilian starship captain. His last assignment was piloting the Kuari Princess. He was the one who broke the news to Celia Durasha that her brother Raine had been killed on Ralltiir. Glidrick was also in command when the Riders of the Maelstrom boarded the ship and took control of it. Glidrick was killed in the attack. (RM, TFE)

this is a species of single-celled organisms that is native to the planet Naboo. There are two distinct species of glie, green and red. The green glie grows on the surface of swamps, creating a greenish mass and choking out other swamp plants while consuming any nutrients it can find. Red glie is very similar to green glie, except that it is reddish in color and obtained its nutrients via photosynthesis. The gungans use red glie in a tasty salad dressing. (GF, SON)

a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "axe". (GCG)

Glie Poison
this was the name given to the toxic poison refined from green glie. (SON)

Glie'oleg Kru
this Bothan earned a field promotion to Brevet Admiral during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Kru was in command of the Bothan Assault Cruiser Champion during the defense of Kalarba and Hosk Station, but was killed when the Champion was destroyed near Hosk. (BP)

Glim Worm
found on a variety of planets, the many species of glim worm resembled tube-like predators which were covered with sharp scales. They were highly adaptable, living in the desert as well as urban areas. They burrow quite well, and have developed a complex musculature that allowed them to flow across a wide range of surfaces. Glim worms hunted by detected the subtle vibrations caused by the movement of their prey, and had only to come in contact with they prey in order to catch it. Their muscles could then be used to extende their sharp scales, literally grabbing their prey. Just beneath the skin's surface, specialized glands secreted a gluey substance that further enhanced their hold on the prey, and further muscular manipulation literally rolled the prey into the glim worm's mouth. All the prey captured by a glim worm was eaten whole. (COG)

Glimmer Uziel
this female being was the ruler of Vicondor, and one of the founders of the Station 88 Spaceport. Like many of the natives of Vicondor, Glimmer had gold-colored skin and four tiny tentacles which waved like feathers when she talked. When the founders of the station met with Count Dooku on Null to discuss a possible alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Uziel decided to side with Lorian Nod and throw his support to the Old Republic. Dooku decided that this was not an acceptable answer, and brought in twelve super battle droids in order to force an agreement. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, managed to defeat the battle droids and svae the leaders, but Dooku managed to escape. (LOJ)

a small fish once native to the planet Alderaan, these finger-sized fish swarmed the canals and waterways of the planet. During the mating season, hundreds of eggs are laid by each female, and they all hatch at about the same time. The explosion of tiny glimmerfish turns the waters silvery with their roiling passage. (ISU)

Glimmet Ledd
this being, a member of the Luurian Genetic Enclave, served the Old Republic's Ministry of Science during the Clone Wars, helping to develop vaccines and counteragents to fight the biological weapons of the Separatists. (SWI66)

this is a musical form embraced by many non-human species. (VD1)

Glio Svbas
the Ysanna words for "good-bye." (DE2)

this was a family of human colonists who settled on the planet Lobaoc, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. (WOA16)

this emergency medpack was produced by Chiewab. GliS was the designation for "General Life-Sustaining," and was designed to treat contusions, broken bones, burns, and other traumatic injuries. It had limited diagnostic capabilities, and could only store information on a single species. Special modules were available to provide data on thousands of species, and could be swapped in and out quickly. (EGW)

this vicious Sedrian warrior was one of Karak's followers. (BGS)

developed by the Yuuzhan Vong, this shimmering fabric was made from living material which generated a charge-neutralizing field along its fibrous form. This allowed a robe or tunic of glistaweb to deflect blaster fire almost as well as vonduun crab armor, but much less conspicuously. (SBS)

Glitannai Esplanade
this wide avenue was located in Imperial City on the planet Coruscant, during the height of the Old Republic. Leading from the Imperial Palace through the Judicial District, the Esplanade was the home of a wide range of shops and restaurants. (CCW)

a slang term that refers to those addicts of glitterstim spice who consume it in its raw form. They are often high-strung and tend to ramble incoherently. (KT)

Glite-Ven Hostilities
this series of battles between rival crimelords occurred during the early years of the New Order. (AIR)

this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "sharp-tongued". (GCG)

this planet was one of the member worlds of the Old Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. (JT)

Glitter Cay Tower
this was the centerpiece of Wildwater City, located in the oceans of the planet Calamari. (WSV)

see Skar'kla (SPG)

this was the codename of the Alliance's base on Elbara Nine, hidden within the Corus-Calis Glacier Ridge. It served as a staging location for Alliance Special Operations forces in the sector, as well as a listening post which spied on the nearby Imperial Navy installation. (HAS)

this was a beautiful insect. (T)

this unusual form of glass was made on the planet Tatooine, and was used primarily in the creation of artworks. Many considered the flowing, organic panes of glitterglass to be too garish to be considered art. (TG)

this sparkling gown was made from a glittering fabric, and was often cut in provocative ways to match the body shape of females of various species. (SWI67)

Glittering Mynock
this species of mynock is slightly less revolting, although equally annoying, as its deep-space cousin. The main difference is in the skin. A glittering mynock's skin will begin to shine and glitter as it sucks power from a battery or other source. The more power it absorbs, the more intense the glittering becomes. (TSK)

one of several luxury liners which brought the wealthy and powerful to Alakatha, the Glitterstar flew regularly from the resort world to Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic. It was attacked by Phan Riizolo and the Booty Full, a move that Rogue Squadron belived was backed by Leonia Tavira. However, Riizolo had actually severed ties with Tavira, and was operating on his own. (IJ)

this form of spice was mined on Kessel, and was one of the most plentiful forms of spice found in the galaxy. Originally discovered on Kessel a few millennia before the Battle of Yavin, glitterstim was a byproduct of the digestion of the spice grub. In its inert form, it crystallized into small, transparent, black fibers. The fibers appeared to be almost alive, twisting and curling after being removed from their rocky veins. It took a delicate hand to uncurl the fibers, because although the fibers were flexible, they were also very brittle. Individual fibers were stored in light-tight containers. This work was time- and labor-intensive, and contributed directly to the high cost of glitterstim on the market. When exposed to light it ripened, becoming a pearly-blue color when ready for use. When consumed, it crackled and sparked due to contact with the light and saliva. Glitterstim was the only known form of spice which heightened the user's latent mental powers. Despite its classification as an illegal recreational drug, glitterstim also had some medicinal uses. A user who consumed too much glitterstim often went blind, and the substance was known to drive a Bith mad. Production of glitterstim increased during the era of the New Order, when the mines of Kessel were populated with criminal workers. Subsequently, addiction to glitterstim also increased during this time, and many historians theorized that the Empire sought to control the criminal element of the galaxy by addicting them to spice. (JS, JASB, TPS, GORW)

this valuable Bothan gemstone was also known by its Bothan name, Fervse. (FOP, SPG)

this was an unusual mixture of glitterstim and ryll spices, created on Nar Shaddaa during the last decades of the Old Republic. The Corporate Sector Authority was rumored to have been interested in further development of this substance, and the Jedi Knights dispatched Quinlan Vos and his apprentice, Aayla Secura, to investigate. They were both captured and had their memories erased, in order to cover up the secret of glitteryll. After Quinlan returned to Ryloth with Vilmarh Grahrk, they discovered that energy spider eggs from Kessel had been transported to Ryloth and stored in the ryll caves. The spiders were fed ryll spice, and then exuded webbing made almost purely of glitteryll. Quinlan later learned that Asante' Vos had been one of the parties behind the development of glitteryll. After the energy spiders killed Asante', Quinlan destroyed all the spiders in order to completely cut off the supply of glitteryll. (OWS, SWT)

this is a progressive form of jizz music. (ML)

this raspy, high-tech form of swing music was popular in the Outer Rim Territories. (RM)

this species of tree is native to Thyferra. The Vratix species made their homes in the gloan trees, well above the ground. (BW)

Global Organization of Interstellar Shippers
this committee was made up from representatives of the largest transport corporations based on Gandle Ott, during the early years of the New Republic. (DARK)

this immense, low-bodied reptile was a vicious predator. What the globblin lacked in speed it made up for in relentlessness. The head of the globblin was dominated by a mouthful of huge fangs, and its long tongue could be shot out from its mouth in order to snare its prey. (T7)

Globe of Peace
this Naboo relic resembles a small sphere, inside of which glows an intense, pinkish-white light. It signified the centuries of peace which the Naboo had maintained on their planet. In the aftermath of the Battle of Naboo, Queen Amidala presented the Globe to Boss Nass, in a gesture of a renewed peace between their peoples. (IS1)

Glockaw Sauce
this culinary accompaniment was often served with scrimpi. (BP)

this Sakiyan worked as an enforcer at Merl's cantina on Centares, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (WOA32)

a starship's protective restraint system for its passengers. (SME)

Glok Monster
this unusual beast, native to the Forest Moon of Endor, was raised from the dead by the Night Spirit, some years before the Battle of Endor. (ECAR)

Glom Tho
this planet was the site of the New Republic's decisive victory in the Hevvrol Sector. (RPG)

this Gamorrean thug was employed by Toln ne Yerres as a bodyguard and enforcers during the Galactic Civil War. (GG2)

this was one of the many clans of Gamorreans. The Glonnks wiped out the primary fortress of their rivals, the Horgk, forcing them to move elsewhere. (EGP)

Gloom Dwellers
a gang inhabiting Nar Shaddaa during the Galactic Civil War. (TME)

Gloom, Jervis
this man was one of the many slythmongers who sold death sticks in the undercity of the planet Coruscant, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Distinguished by his portly form and spiked, red hair, Gloom worked for Groff Haug for many years, and was implicated in the formation of a death stick smuggling ring. He often hung around with the members of a Klatooinan gang, until he was captured by Jango Fett and questioned about his relationship to the Bando Gora. (BH)

this was a terrible creature of legend. (T1)

Glop Bomb
this was a larger version of the glop grenade, and was deployed from starships during combat. The chemical inside was splashed over a target area when the bomb canister ruptured upon impact, covering the area with a quick-hardening foam. (DN2)

Glor Jal
this outspoken Ugnaught was the leader of the Ugnuaght unions working on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the New Order. Glor Jal was quite suspicious of non-Ugnaughts, and blamed them for most of the problems experienced by those Ugnaughts who lived and worked on Cloud City. (WOA34)

this Hutt crimelord operated from a base on Hollast VII. The natives of the planet tried to overthrow his during one of the planet's rebellious insurrections, but the Hutt's henchmen successfully deflected the attack. (SWJ4, AIR)

Glorii Profus
this male Kaminoan served as a mentop to many clone troopers produced for the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. Profus was stationed on Vandor-3 during, helping the survivors of the training facilities there continue to operate as effective soldiers. (TCD)

Pakkpekatt's command cruiser, this Belarus-class cruiser was used to chase the Teljkon vagabond. (BTS)

Glorious Assassin
this was the term used to describe the various warrior-assassins of the Temple of the Beatific Razor. (GORW)

Glorious Rise of the New Order, The
this was one of the trivial, pro-Imperial dramas produced by Ahric Korownosek and the NovaCluster Players, during the height of the New Order. (SS)

Glorious Spectrum
this was the name of Langro Dis' modified YT-1300 freighter. (GMR5)

this modified YT-1300 freighter was Toob Ancher's personal starship. He and Fahs Oxsor once flew the Glory along the Kessel Run, completing it in 20.5 parsecs. During her heyday, the craft was also known as the Dame of Nar Shaddaa. After Toob died over Redcap, Fahs became the owner of the Glory. (SWJ2, SWJ5)

the Imperial-I class Star Destroyer dispatched to Venzeiia 2 Prime, it was also the flagship sent to recover the mag pulse technology from Galactic Electronics, in the Corporate Sector. Under the command of Admiral Zaarin, the Glory was used to keep Darth Vader at bay until Zaarin could get to Coruscant to capture Emperor Palpatine. The Glory was Zaarin's escape vehicle from Coruscant when Vice Admiral Thrawn showed up with the Vanguard and the modified corvette Mescue. (TIE)

Glory of Yevetha
this was the name given by the Yevetha to the recommissioned Super-class Star Destroyer EX-F. (BTS)

Glory Room
located in the heart of the Yuuzhan Vong command ship Sunulok, this chamber was where Tsavong Lah maintained a cognition throne and a vast diorama of the locations of various starships arrayed in the battle for control of the galaxy. The diorama was made up of a huge collection of blaze bugs, with different bugs beating their wings at different speeds, thereby creating a way to indicate what each bug represented. Low-frequency thrumming represented a Yuuzhan Vong warship, a sharp drone was used for New Republic craft, a steady buzz indicated Imperial forces, and a shrill whine was used for other infidel craft. A Yuuzhan Vong could move through the display, and the bugs simply moved out of the way and then returned to their original position. The wingbeats of each blaze bug were coded to indicate the class and name of the vessel represented, and subtle undertones of odor indicated the morale of the crew. (SBS)

Glory Street
a thoroughfare located in the city of Zehva, on Melida/Daan. (UP)

this Gotal bounty hunter was brought to the planet M'haeli by Governor Grigor to help root out the pockets of Alliance supporters, in an effort to locate Ch'no and Mora. Glott used his species' ability to sense the Force as a defense mechanism, reading his opponents' moves a slip-second before they make them. Glott was captured by Ranulf Trommer at Grigor's dragite mines, but Merrik intervened and allowed Glott to escape. The Gotal continued to pursue Trommer and Mora, but was killed by Trommer when he rescued Mora from Grigor. (ROC)

this forested, swamp-covered planet is the homeworld of the Glottalphib race. (TNR)

this cold-blooded, seal-like race is native to the planet Glottal. Taller than Wookiees, they have articulated hands and large tails, and their bodies are covered with scales. These scales are normally a greenish-yellow color, but this color darkens to brown as the Glottalphib ages and the scales begin to fall out. These scales form an armor-like skin which can resist most blaster bolts. A unique characteristic of the Glottalphib is their respiratory system, which produces ignitable gases as a byproduct. The Glottalphibs use these gases as a defense mechanism as well as a hunting implement, igniting the gas and spouting flames from their noses. A cold-blooded race, the Glottalphib are nevertheless larger than Wookiees in size. (TNR)

this small, tasty fish is found in the oceans of the planet Calamari. (JASB)

this semi-tropical planet was first colonized aome 200 years before the Battle of Endor. A lode of precious metals made the planet grow quickly, but the mines petered out just as fast as they were opened. The planet's economy soon turned toward agriculture, and Glova became a major supplier of foodstuffs to other planets in the region. The average day on Glova lasts 22.3 standard hours, and its year lasts 375 local days. (POC)

Glove of Darth Vader
when Luke Skywalker battled Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, Luke severed Vader's right hand in a lightsaber duel. It was thought that the hand was lost, flung into deep space when the Death Star exploded near Endor. The Prophets of the Dark Side foretold that it would be found by the next ruler of the galaxy. It was also beleived that the glove wsa indestructible. Captain Dunwell later found the glove in a piece of Death Star wreckage on Calamari. It was believed by Trioculus that the glove also gave the wearer the power to choke a victim without actually touching them, although this was proved false when Trioculus couldn't do it. Emdee-5 then modified the glove to perform a similar duty when Trioculus aimed it, to cover up Trioculus' lack of Force sensitivity. (GDV)

Glow Bug
this species of bioluminescent insect was native to the moon Rori. (ROD)

Glow Dome, The
owned by Corinna and Kandria A'Daasha, this establishment was known as "the bright center of Minos Cluster." Located on Adarlon, the Glow Dome was named for the intensely bright lights which spill into the sky above the building. The interior lighting is equally as bright, being populated with a variety of SenseLights, and the owners took no responsibility for injured retinas. The main building was an immense dome, situated atop a cliff overlooking the city. It was rumored that a group of Derriphan lurked within the Dome. (WSV)

Glow Lichen
this was the name used by the New Republic to describe the phosphorescent, yellow lichen which grew along the walls of Yuuzhan Vong starships, providing a source of light. (SBS)

Glow Pole
this was a form of staff, measuring about 1.5 meters in height, that was topped with a glowing sphere of incandescent light. The glow pole provided the user with a steadying mechanism for walking, as well as lighting their path. (LFCW)

Glow Spider, The
this bar, located near Monument Plaza on Coruscant, was the hangout of Nici the Specialist. It was located on Level 132, megablock 17, block 5, subblock12 of Imperial City. (TPS)

this was one most colorful pieces of costume jewelry worn during the last decades of the Old Republic. (APS)

Izal Waz developed this technique of using the Force to collect ambient light some two years into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When used correctly, the "glowball" hid a starship from the alien invaders as if it was inside a small star. Using this technique, he kept the Jolly Man hidden during its search for a Yuuzhan Vong yammosk. (SBS)

this small, flying mammal was noted for piercing shriek. (SHPT)

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