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Gearing Up For The Clone Wars Season 3

Posted By Mike on September 8, 2010

We're a little more than a week away from the Season 3 premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and there is plenty out there on the interweb to get you excited for what's to come.

First up, our buddy Dan Curto at Rebelscum caught wind of descriptions for the first 3 episodes via the Cartoon Network site:

Friday, Sept. 17: "Clone Cadets"
Five headstrong clone cadets struggle to complete their training on the ocean planet of Kamino. Unable to work together as a team, they must learn to embrace their future as soldiers before they are drummed out of the academy.

Friday, Sept. 17: "ARC Troopers"
When the Republic learns of an impending Separatist attack on Kamino, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi hurry to the planet's defense. Asajj Ventress, General Grievous and an army of droids rise out of the oceans of Kamino, determined to destroy the planet's clone production facilities.

Friday, Sept. 24: "Supply Lines"
Ryloth is under siege. Trapped on the surface, Jedi Master Di rallies the local forces with the help of Cham Syndulla. Desperate to save them, Senator Bail Organa and Representative Jar Jar Binks are dispatched to the planet of Toydaria, where they must convince the King Katuunko to send aid.

Speaking of the Cartoon Network site, EUC has uncovered a number of Season 3 secret promo videos featuring Dave Filoni that you can link to below:

Shoto Blade Ahsoka

TCW Droids

Clone Commander Wolf

Slave 1

Name Breakdowns

Last but not least, ClubJade.net points us to a very positive and spoiler-free season premiere write-up at Big Shiny Robot, along with a Matt Lander interview at IGN which discusses the path of Anakin.

Don't forget, our own Eric and Mandy will be hosting a live chat during the September 17th TCW hour-long premiere. As the season commences, make sure to keep checking in with TFN. As with prior seasons, I'll be posting the Lucasfilm previews and links to the episode guides, while Eric will continue providing his detailed weekly reviews. Season 3 is almost here. I'd say we'll do our best to contain our excitement, but that's just not going to happen. This is where the fun begins!

Sources: Rebelscum.com, EUCantina.net, ClubJade.net, CartoonNetwork.com

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