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CVI: Star Wars Meets The Powerpuff Girls

Posted By Mike on August 13, 2012

New Star Wars Celebration VI details are emerging daily at this point and the following press release details a new Star Wars Powerpuff Girls parody that will be debuting at the convention.


DETROIT, MI -- Artist/Designer Lin Zy has created an animated mash-up parody titled Power of the Force Girls. The trailer/opening credits has just been released Online, while the full first episode will debut in two weeks at the Star Wars Celebration show taking place in Orlando, Florida.

Infusing several of her childhood icons, Lin Zy has forged a new cartoon of zany characters with fast-paced action set to pulse-pounding music and comedic timing. "The concept began with the idea of mixing two of my favorite universes." Observes Lin Zy, "I started to wonder what would happen if George Lucas (Star Wars, Indiana Jones) and Craig McCracken (Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Labrotory) fell in love and had a baby, creatively-speaking." Adding a pinch of other childhood fangirl inspirations, Lin Zy reassembled other influences, including Ninja Turtles and Sailor Moon, to concoct what would be come the Power of the Force Girls.

Lin Zy is already a well-respected artist, designer and puppeteer. She has produced illustrations for such licensed properties as Star Wars, Mars Attacks!, The Avengers, and Night of the Living Dead. Lin Zy has also designed posters, book covers, and most recently a life-size LEGO Star Wars mini-fig for Lucasfilm and Make-A-Wish Foundation. She has even written and directed large scale puppet shows involving 30+ puppeteers, and recently directed the last 4-Part all-puppet series finale episode of How To Draw Star Wars videos.

In addition to conceiving the Power of the Force Girls, Lin Zy has taken on many roles in bringing the concept to life. She writes the episodes, hand-draws every shot of the girls, digitally colors everything, and has a hand in editing the animation and music. Her husband, fellow Star Wars artist Matt Busch, lends a hand painting backgrounds, drawing some of the villains and editing. Other pros have risen to help make the cartoon top notch, including sound design by the legendary Ric Viers, and several character voices by voice actor Aaron Golematis.

"To be able to take all of my crazy loves that have had artistic impacts on my life, and mash them up into something new, I'm having way too much fun with this." Comments Lin Zy, "The response from fans has been incredible. I'm the biggest fan-girl there is, so no one is more excited about this than me!" The first episode world-premieres at the Star Wars Celebration VI, held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida August 23rd through the 26th.

For more information, visit: http://www.PoweroftheForceGirls.com

To view the trailer/opening credits, visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcrvaoSSLxU

To learn more about creator Lin Zy, visit: http://www.Lin-Zy.com

Star Wars Celebration VI
August 23-26, 2012
Orange County Convention Center
Orlando, Florida

****Plan on attending Star Wars Celebration VI in Orlando this August? Then you should hang out with us at the official TheForce.net / FanForce.net / Rebelscum.com / ForceCast.net party. Get all the details right here! We hope to see you there!

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