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Blue Max

Blue Max was a small, cubical B2-X droid, modified by Jessa Vandangante's technicians to fit inside Bollux and remain hidden until needed. The little droid was named for its blue coloration, and for the fact that it had the maximum amount of computing capacity that could be stuffed into its small form. Max also had a number of other abilities, including remote operation of Bollux. Blue Max had an acerbic wit, but exhibited an exuberant, almost child-like personality after he got to know an individual better. Max had a single photorecepter mounted in a turret on top of his cube. Jessa later hired Han Solo to transport the two droids to Orron III, where they were to meet up with Rekkon's team and infiltrate the Authority Data Center on the planet. It was then that Max showed his true worth, as he was able to access the Corporate Sector Authority's computers and determine the whereabouts of people who have been mysteriously disappearing. Max was able to take in huge amounts of peripheral data, and crunched on the data until he was able to discern the location of the Stars' End facility. It was on Mytus VII that Max was able to set the Stars' End facility's security systems to overload, which resulted in the entire building being shot into orbit. After surviving the mission to Stars' End, Blue Max and Bollux were manumitted by Jessa, and the pair decided that they wanted to see the galaxy. To accomplish this, they asked Han Solo to accept them as crew members. Han overrode his instinctual distrust of automatons, after witnessing the two droids' loyalty and talent, and accepted them as crewmembers. They proved invaluable a number of times, helping to incapacitate Zlarb and his thugs on Lur. Blue Max then showed how much he enjoyed the life of an independent spacer when he displayed a rather salty, blue vocabulary that Han quickly put a stop to. The two droids were also able to communicate with the Millennium Falcon, and helped to keep it operating at top condition. When Han and Chewie set off to find the Queen of Ranroon, Blue Max again proved his worth, helping to translate the log-recorder, assisting Skynx in his investigation of the ship, and by finding a way to destroy the Guardian Corp of war-robots. Following the discovery of the Queen, Blue Max and Bollux left Han Solo and went with Skynx to help the Ruurian finish his studies before becoming a chroma-wing flier.
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