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501st & Rebel Legion Make A Splash In NH

Posted By Mike on July 26, 2011

Our friend Erich sent over a short write up with images from what looks to have been a fun Star Wars event at the Liquid Water Park in New Hampshire.

"Members of the 501st Legion's New England Garrison and the Rebel Legion's Alderaan Base were once again in attendance at Liquid Planet Waterpark in Candia, NH for their annual Star Wars Day. The park invited their guests to come with their Star Wars Beachware and costumes. Guests of the park enjoyed the musical scores of John Williams played over the park sound system, and were entertained by the antics of the Legion's Finest. A rather hot day for New England, some troopers cooled off on a trip down the Park's 1000ft Zip-Line. Others took the more direct approach, and determined that a dip in Liquid Planet's swimming pool was the best way to beat the heat. All and all, it was a great event that helped raise funds for the New Hampshire Dream Factory (a local make-a-wish organization)."

Thanks Erich!

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Posted By Mike on September 15, 2012:
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Complete with a fantastic photo gallery

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