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The Star Wars Toy Guide Volume One (Kenner Action Figures 1977-1985) Book Backing Deadline Approaching

Posted by Chris on December 15, 2020 at 04:17 PM CST

Back in October, we first mentioned this book project and it's gotten a fantastic response thus far. Here's a new video that the folks at ReadFive put together explaining one of the unique features of the book which are the cardback flowcharts.

There are just 4 days left to make a pledge on the Kickstarter campaign to help see this incredible book come to fruition.

Official Press Release:
(Action figures between 1977-1985)

London, United Kingdom, 30 October 2020 – The Star Wars Toy Guide Volume One (Kenner Action Figures 1977-1985) – the most in-depth guide with complete cross referencing throughout and never before seen card back flowcharts that includes potential undiscovered cards.

Not only will this book cover card fronts and card backs throughout the complete line but it also identifies possible undiscovered cards through use of the unique card back flowcharts as well as aid fans whichever way they choose to collect. Collectors will be able to view by waves, concentrate on individual character collecting as well as discover the various ways in which the figures were available. It strips back all of what we know and reconfigures it in a clear and decisive way displayed in a beautifully bound book, making it a collector’s piece in its own right.

The Kickstarer has been approved and will commence 5th November 2020. Prices and rewards options will be available then but rest assured the fans will be happy with the price point.

Who’s behind this project:

Gianni Venturini – graphic designer from London with over 25 years experience. From the moment he saw Star Wars in 1978 at the Gaumont Cinema, London, he was hooked and has been collecting ever since.

Gregory Armstrong - digital marketing and retail expert from London with over 15 years experience. Born just before the release of Return of the Jedi, Greg’s introduction to Star Wars came via the toys before even seeing the movies.

”I have a passion for Star Wars and as a result I have large variety of Star Wars related books in my collection (particularly on collecting)... which I love! However (in my opinion) I can’t help but feel that, although full of interesting information, they are too jumbled and over-designed.”
Gianni Venturini – co-author of The Star Wars Toy Guide Volume One

Read Five Designs Ltd started out with Gianni, who began producing card back style collection posters, back in 2018, which were very popular with fans. At the start of 2019 along with Greg, he decided to make the big leap into producing a book... this book. With initial help from friends and their collections, as well as their own, they began to compile the content required for the book.

With it being their first venture into publishing and with proficient knowledge of the printing process they decided self publishing through Kickstarter was the best way to go. They have made sure much of the legwork was done before the Kickstarter launch in order for fans not to have to wait too long before getting their hands on the book, which they aim to be the start of Q2 2021.

You can contact us via our website: or email us at:

Book showcase via our YouTube channel (Read Five Designs):

Read Five Designs create checklist posters and books for fans alike covering movies and popular culture. The aim is to generate a wide range of cool retro books and posters to cover the huge variety of subjects out there and help fans complete their collection. Our plan is to deliver the nostalgia and excitement of holding that Luke Skywalker farm boy figure for the first time through a variety of informative collector pieces in their own right.


Check out the Kickstarter page right here!

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