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Love in the Ruins
this song, written and played by the band Red Shift Limit, first appeared on the compilation Totally Patriotic. It was an instrumental song.

Lovers' Conflict, The
this was the name given to the period during Elrood's orbit when its two moons, Sharene and Lodos, are on opposite sides of the sky. For many unknown reasons, this period is marked by an increase in the number of violent crimes committed on Elrood.

Lovers' Dilemma, The
this mixed-media piece of art, created from a mood chamber and a holographic painting, was created by the noted Elrood Sector artist Walls. It was proudly displayed in the office of the Professiona Artists Guild located in the Perma of the Elrood Bazaar.

Lovers' Embrace, The
this was the name given to the period of Elrood's orbit when its two moons, Sharene and Lodos, and within a handspan of each other. This period is considered to be the best time to become engaged or married, and many romantic holidays are scheduled around this time.

Lovers, The
this abstract sculpture was part of the collection maintained in the Galactic Museum by the Empire, during the height of the New Order. It resembled a pair of twisted, convoluted ribbons, and evoked strong sexual images to many viewers.

Lovers, The
this was name used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe Yun-Q'aah and Yun-Txiin. They were often depicted as the enemies of the Twin Gods, Yun-Harla and Yun-Yammka, and were considered the main allies of Yun-Ne'Shel.

Low, The
this was the collective term used to describe those members of Yrashu society who were tainted by the Dark Side of the Force. They were tolerated by others, but were considered delinquents and beings of low character.
(SWJ2, AE)

Lucky Find, The
Sreethyn's salvage ship.

Luster, The
this opulent café was located near the Unified Legislature building, in the capital city of New Apsolon, during the last decades of the Old Republic.

Luxury on the Inner Rim
this travel guide provided information on the most luxurious places to visit in the galaxy's Inner Rim. This guide was produced on a regular basis during the Old Republic, although production stopped when the Clone Wars began, and Luxury on the Inner Rim remained out of print during the New Order.

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