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Holder of the Laws
this was the title used by the ancient Wookiees of Kashyyyk to describe a judge.

any male person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a father.

Holding Back the Tide
this was the title of the poor-selling autobiography of former Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic, Finis Valorum.

any female person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a mother.

Hole In The Ground
this was the adopted name of the Alliance's Haven Base. It was coined because Haven Base was constructed in an underground grotto, where crystalline formations channeled heat and electricity from the planet's core.

Holy Order of the Je'ulajists
this was the name given to the religion of the Kentra people, which was based on the writings and teachings of the Jedi geologist, Michael Tandre. The basic tenets of this religion were known as the Sword, Plow, and Spirit.

Holy Terror, The
see Beelyard

Home Father
this was the name used by those male followers of the Cosmic Balance relgion who lived and worked in Simple Homes.

Home Mother
this was the name used by those female followers of the Cosmic Balance relgion who lived and worked in Simple Homes.

Hookyr the First
this Hirmoi leader was the primary force behind Operation Glorious Destinym, the Hiromi plans for domination over the planet Zeltros. However, during the invasion, the Hiromi discovered that the Nagai were also invading Zeltros, as were the Tofs. Rather than find themselves at the short end of the stick, Hookyr agreed to ally the Hiromi with Luke Skywalker and the Alliance of Free Planets. However, he had not planned on Luke's attempting an assault on the Tof command ship, in order to rescue his friends.
(MC104, MC105, PH)

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