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Five, The
the rulers of the sadistic followers of the Soulworm, the Five control some of Attahox's underground. Led by Suzal, the Five included the woman Koorabee, the youth Mavin, and the lovers Chell and Chokla. They maintained a hidden fortress in the Hellhoop, and kept a number of creatures captive in their Menagerie. When they captured Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca, they made a series of mistakes in underestimating the Alliance agents. All by Chokla were killed when Chewie freed the creatures of the Menagerie, as well as Han and Leia. Chokla managed to escape before Wuzzek could catch him.

Fizz, The
this disease was believed to have originated on the planet Woteba, during the months following the establishment of several Colony hives on the planet, a year or so after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated. The Killiks who were afflicted by the Fizz found themselves covered with a foamy coating that seemed to eat away at their bodies, causing considerable pain until the individual simply was unable to sustain itself and expired. What made the disease unusual was that it also attacked non-living targets, such as landspeeders and landscaping equipment. UnuThul and the Colony claimed that the new Jedi Order knew about the Fizz all along, and tricked the Colony into relocating to Woteba in order to infect them. However, investigation by Cilghal and other Jedi healers revealed that the Fizz was not a naturally-occurring infection, but a kind of environmental defense system. It was a sophisticated, self-replicating nanotech virus that reacted whenever the environmental balance of Woteba was upset, and only attacked those things that were deemed to be harmful to Woteba's natural state of being. Cilghal further speculated that the Fizz was present only in the Utegetu Nebula because it had been placed there by an unknown race, to assist with restoration of the planetary systems within the nebula in the wake of the supernova that created it. Exactly where the Fizz came from, and who created it, were mysteries that the Jedi were unable to initially resolve, causing the Killiks to continue to insist that it was being used against them in order to exterminate their race. It was believed that the quarrying of moirestone and the harvesting of hamogoni wood by the Killiks, combined with the disposable to toxins into the planet's bogs, signaled the onset of the Fizz. The theory that the Fizz was designed to restore the planets to their original state was supported by evidence that the Fizz was affecting all fifteen Colony worlds within the Utegetu Nebula.

Flail, The
this terrorist group rose to prominence shortly before Finis Valorum was voted out of office as Supreme Chancellor. Led by Zegmon Pent, The Flail declared war on the Senate itself, believing it to be funded by major corporations and no longer acting for the common good, and caused a great deal of havoc on Coruscant in the era leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Members believed that Pent was a Jedi assassin, a belief he went to great lengths to cultivate. In order to prove his worth in the midst of accusations about his power, Chancellor Valorum set out to eliminate The Flail, and hired an independent team of security officers to search out the terrorists. In the meantime, Pent and The Flail attempted to take control of the Weather Modulation Control Center near the Chancellor's tower residence, in an effort to create an ionization storm to destroy the building. Their efforts were thwarted by the ssecurity officers hired by Valorum.

Fleet of the Glorious Defender Queen
this was the term used to describe the ships of the Hapan Royal Navy.

Flip of the Credit
this modest casino was owned by Avaro Sookcool, and was located in Equator City on Rodia.

Flock, The
this was the term used by the Nediji race to describe their planetary society. All Nediji were, by definition, members of the Flock, although some individuals found that they were not able to exist within the Flock. These individuals were often exiled from Nedij, and were the only known members of Nediji society to travel the rest of the galaxy.

Flying Delmarijes, The
this group of tiny humanoids performs acrobatic feats and trapeze-like repuslor moves for Kersh Lauskner's Travelling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium.

Followers of the Way
this was the name used to describe those beings who worshipped the Sacred Way, on the planet Aduba-3.

Food Synthesizer
any device which is used to create consumables from certain raw materials. They can be programmed to create almost any dish, thus making them compatible with many different alien tastes. The raw material used to create the food consists of certain starches, sugars, carbohydrates, and proteins. They can be built for residences, large restaurants, and starships.

For the Love of Beau TIE
a song written and played by the band The Emperor's New Clothes. It was first released on the compilation Artistic Integrity.

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