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Fall of the Sun, The
a famous novel written by Erwithat.

Fall, The
this was the ancient term used to describe the fall of the Sith Empire, when it crumbled apart some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

Father Ocean
this is the Akwin name given to the oceans of the planet Lazerian IV.

Father Tree
the tallest and oldest tree on the Forest Moon of Endor, it is the home of the Grundakk. The Grundakk is in turn the guardian of the Father Tree.

Father Tree
the trees native to the Forest Moon of Endor, father trees are used by the Ewoks as homes. The oldest and tallest of them is known simply as the Father Tree. They grow to incredible heights in the low gravity of the moon. The father trees are hardy conifers covered with a thick bark that exudes a strong, natural pesticide.

Faunor Brothers
this was a noted family of bounty hunters, made up of the brothers from the Faunor family. They were hired by one of Arakyd Industries' rivals to locate the downed Bhishana Bhaga and capture Min Erethen.

Feather Fern
a plant native to Yavin 4, the feather fern produced bright green fronds which grew more than two meters in height.
(DA, E1A7)

Feather Grass
a somewhat sensile plant found on Munto Codru. It is held in reverence by the Codru-Ji. Jaina and Jacen Solo's Force-sensitivity allows them to manipulate the grass.

Feather of Light
a silver feather presented to those Ewok youths who journey to the Tree of Light and feed it nourishing dust.

Feather, The
this white feather was a symbol of the Cosmic Balance religion, and indicated a follower who lived in wealth during their life. It stood in opposition of - or balanced with - The Bowl. This children were deemed worthy of holding The Feather were provided with educational funding by the Zanazi, and often became leaders of industry and govnerment, if not the religion itself. The choice of which members of each generation held the Feather was often made by parents, with the help of the Zanazi, under the Rule of Feather and Bowl. However, as demanded by the Cosmic Balance, each so-called Child of the Feather would have to spend their afterlife living in poverty in order to maintain the balance of the universe.

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