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Dor, The
see Splendor Tavern

Doshun, Jimm "the Starkiller Kid"
this frustrated young farmboy from Aduba-3 joined Han Solo and Jaxxon in liberating an Aduban village from the clutches of Serji-X Arrogantus and his Cloud Riders. Jimm had seen the elders of the Onacra village simply capitulate to Arrogantus, and was certain that the villagers could have put up more of a fight. He adopted the alias of Jimm the Starkiller kid to try and separate himself from his family, despite the facts that he had been an orphan for many years. His parents had been killed in a high-hound attack, and Jimm had managed to eke out a living with the help of his tractor droid, FE-9Q. After defeating the Behemoth and bringing down Serji-X Arogantus' Cloud Riders in a titanic battle, Jimm fell in love with another native Aduban, Merri Shen, and remained on the planet to marry her. They eventually had a child named Hanna. Their lives were disrupted when Valance mistook him for Luke Skywalker. Jaxxon and Amaiza managed to deflect the bounty hunter's attack, however, allowing Jimm and his family to remain free.
(MC8, MC16, GMR4)

Double Worlds, The
the name given to Talus and Tralus, two planets in the Corellian System that orbit each other around a barycenter located on Centerpoint Station.

Dozen Rules, The
this code of conduct was developed by Urias Xhaxin, but was similar to most such codes maintained by pirate captains. Basically, the rules were: be flexible and stay mobile, never pick a fair fight or one against someone your own size, never hunt in your own back yard, gamble at all times, make a name for yourself, stick to the shadows whenever possible, stick to the job at hand, always make sure you have a well-thought-out plan that can handle the unexpected, the target's crew is not the enemy, maintain initiative at all times, keep your crew well, and remember - there are no sure things.

Drake Theater
located on Estalle Island, on the planet Procopia, this small theater produced more contemporary plays and operas that the Leoculd Opera House.

Drift, The
this is the name given to the dust cloud which separates most of the star systems in Elrood Sector from the Kuras System. Because of its size, it makes travel to and from the Kuras System extremely difficult.
(PG, OE)

Drill the Woofer
this phrase originated in the lowly cantinas of the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order. A slang phrase, it meant that a being was particularly bad at something, as in "You really drill the woofer!"

Droid Uprising, The
this era of Bakuran history occurred shortly after the planet was first settled by the Bakur Corporation. The H'Lokk Consortium had infected Bakur's droids with a virus that would instruct the droids to sabotage the settlers' colonization efforts. The virus' programming was flawed, however, and removed the non-violence failsafes of the droids. The droids began killing people, and with a week the Bakuran settlers had destroyed all the droids. The settlers lost forty percent of their original number, but the droids were disposed of, halting H'Lokk's plans.

Droids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena
this treatise on the rights and privileges of droids and automata was written by Tay Azur-Jamin in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.

Drunken Thranta, The
this was one of the many taverns and restaurants located in the Spacer Quarter of Aldera, on the planet Alderaan.

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