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this was the callsign of the clone commando who was part of the squad assigned to protect Lorca Oviedo to a conference on Aviles Prime, during the height of the Clone Wars. On the return trip from Aviles Prime, Theta-288 and his comrades became expendable when Oviedo tried to fake an attack by Separatist forces near Asturias. Oviedo had been plotting to sell rigged weaponry to Wat Tambor and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, covering it up by appearing to survive a Separatist attack on his ship. The droid forces dispatched to Asturias were unable to destroy the clone commandos who were escorting Oviedo, as Theta-288 and a handful of his squadmates survived the crash-landing on the moon. They managed to reach Oviedo just as he was finalizing his plans with Tambor, and they took Oviedo prisoner. Theta-288 and his fellow clones struggled to return to Oviedo's ship, which was basically unharmed as part of the ruse, but they were continually harrased by battle droids. Ultimately, only Theta-288 survived to reach Coruscant with Oviedo. Once one Coruscant, Theta-288 turned Oviedo over to the authorities.

this bacta transport ship was owned by Cargo Consolidated, Incorporated. It made regular runs from Mrlsst to the Core, stopped at several worlds along the Shapani Bypass.

Theta-class Barge
this ship was designed by the Empire as a sort of dropship, although its primary mission was not to deploy troops into battlezones. Instead, the Theta-class barge was created to deploy AT-AT walkers into battle, with the support of Sentinel-class shuttles.

Theta-class Shuttle
many considered the T-2c Theta-class shuttle to have been the precursor to the Lambda-class shuttle, since they shared many of the same design elements. The Theta-class shuttle was developed by Cygnus Spaceworks during the last years of the Old Republic, as a transport for diplomats and other luminaries. The lower two wings of the Theta-class shuttle were triangular in shape, and were capable of rotating up or down to assist with maneuvering. The upper wing was blade-shaped, and was mounted lengthwise atop the shuttle. Chancellor Palpatine had a specially-designed Theta-class T-2c shuttle built for his use as Darth Sidious by Cygnus Spaceworks, which was later modified by Warthan's Wizards to Palpatine's own specifications. Inside was a complete Sith medical facility, from which he could coerce his guests into doing his bidding. The basic Theta-class shuttle measured 18.5 meters in length as well as in height, and could accommodate up to sixteen passengers and fifty metric tons of cargo. The ship was equipped with a Class 1 hyperdrive, and was armed with two quad laser cannons and a rear-mounted laser cannon.

this tasteless, chemical powder was used by the best poisoners in the galaxy. When added to certain meats, like the flesh of the Wroonian flycatcher, it could create a subtle poison that affected the mental stability of a human eater.

Thetan nitakka, ko nakaza
this Yevethan war cry is translated as "to the strongest of us, glory in the kill."

Thevaxan Marauder
this predator was native to the swamps of the planet Gorsh. It wasn't very adept at stalking its prey, being a huge beast measuring up to eight meters tall at the shoulder and twenty meters in length. It was quite dim-witted, and could be easily tricked or confused. Note that Wedge's Gamble claims the Thevaxan Marauder was an expert at stalking its prey.
(WG, PG1)

Thig Brothers
a pair of smugglers working for Jabba the Hutt just before the Battle of Yavin. They were spicejackers who worked in the Stenness System, and were usually armed with stolen Imperial weapons.

Thirsty Monoc, The
this bar was owned and operated by Nim Abek, and it was located aboard his shadowport base, Abek's Station. The bar's title displayed Abek's open contempt for members of the Abyssin race.

Those Who Dwell Beyond The Veil
this was the Aing-Tii Monks's name for the mystical beings who controlled life. In many respects, this referred to the Force, although it generally indicated the gods of the Aing-Tii.

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