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Black Bantha, The
this was one of Garik Loran's most famous pro-Imperial propaganda films.

Black Hole, The
this was a nickname given to the worst part of the Off-worlders' Quarter, on the planet Ropagi II. All sorts of criminal elements did business here, where weapons smuggling and a healthy black market dominated the underworld.

Black Hole, The
this was the nickname of Opun Mcgrrrr.

Blethern Gas Industries
this company produces much of the specialized gases used in the manufacture of blasters.

Blinders, The
located in the city of Sahl-Evin, on the planet Jenema, The Blinders district was the base for many of Jenenma's largest shipbuilding operations. Although The Blinders district was regularly patrolled by Sahl-Evin port authorities, many of the agents on duty were actually on the payroll of Pal-Nada. Much of the area had once been controlled by a Hutt crimelord, who simply packed up his things and fled Jenenma one day. He left his criminal organization behind, and it was eventually absorbed by Pal-Nada.

Blink, The
this was the term used by the inhabitants of the Cularin System to describe the sudden disappearance, and eventual reappearance, of the system during the last decades of the Old Republic.

Blockade, The
this pirate maneuver placed a small fleet at the hyperspace exit point of a target vessel. The pirates blockaded the target's attempt to reach their destination, using surprise to ambush the ship and board it before a mayday call could be sent.

Blood on the Flowers Flightknife
this Adumari squadron was shot down and destroyed by Turr Phennir and his wingmates, during the negotiations between the Adumari, the New Republic, and the Empire. Only one pilot managed to survive.

Blue Nova, The
this tavern was located on the deep-space repair platform 3DC/Green.

Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids
this is the galaxy's original talent-free band. Originating on the planet Adarlon, they gained a steady cult following despite their lack of ability. They only release singles.
(GG6, GG9)

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