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A Reader's Report on the SW RPG World Premiere

Posted By JF on November 14, 2000

King Tycho is one of the lucky people who was able to attend the Star Wars Roleplaying Game World Premiere at Planet Hollywood in Seattle this week-end. He sent us his report:

I met several friends downtown about an hour before it was open to the public, but the line was much shorter then we were expecting, so we went over to game works to kill the time before it opened.

Not to many people were dressed up, I did see a few Boba Fett's and Imperial Guard or two, but nothing much, and no one officially involved with the event.

It was crowded, at least at the beginning, but I was a bit disappointed. There were not all that many events. My friends and I started off by playing one of the demos, although none of us play RPG's all that much. It was kind of fun. I was the only one in our group who wasn't a jedi (everyone want's to be a jedi I guess) as I chose a wookie scout. Were supposedly on a mission for the jedi council trying to retrieve some document or something. I gather the rules are much similar to Dungeons and Dragons then the previous role playing game. That was about it for the demo, we were really rushed through. I think the game has potential though.

Then we got autographs from Jake Lloyd and some illustrator. Mr. Lloyd was very polite, and answered our questions. One of my friends asked about the Ender's Game rumors from a while back, and Jake unfortunately confirmed he wasn't involved anymore. There had been talks about it, but nothing ever happened, and he's too old for the part now. Oh well. He then suggested some other books by Orson Scott Card (apparently he's a fan) and we went on our way. It was really a pleasant conversation.

I wanted to stick around and wait for Peter Mayhew to sign autographs, but my friends didn't have the patients so we left early, but I did get a chance to see him smoking a cigarette at the bar. We asked one of the people working there if we could ask him a few questions, but they said Mr. Mayhew wished to have an hour to himself or so before he started signing things. He didn't look much like Chewbacca, but in person he still has quite a presence.

All in all, the event was a bit of a bust, but I did get a great poster and Jake Lloyd's autograph. That's really about all I can say, so I hope it's enough for you. Can't wait for episode 2!

Thanks for the report, King Tycho. Sounds like it was quite an event!

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