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CV: The Family Room

Posted By Mike on August 4, 2010

Starwars.com fills us in as to what to expect from the Celebration V Family Room:

"While all of the activities at Celebration V are family friendly, we have created a special area of the convention with the younger Star Wars fans in mind. All ages are welcome, but please keep in mind that children must be accompanied by an adult. We cannot provide supervision for unaccompanied children. Open every day of the show, the Family Room will feature drawing lessons, droid decorating, Star Wars origami, building challenges, costume contests, coloring and craft tables, and visits from baby animals.

Baby animals? Why yes! On Thursday and Friday mornings our friends at SeaWorld will be bringing in a variety of animals for kids to observe and learn more about. While the types of animals they are bringing will be a surprise, we've been told we can look forward to seeing an otter.

Many of the artists who are participating in the Celebration V art show have agreed to spend some time in the Family Room, teaching hour-long drawing classes. No art experience is necessary to participate, and all materials will be provided. Artists scheduled to appear include Katie Cook, Grant Gould (teaching a special "Drawing for Younglings" class for the littlest Star Wars fans), JAKe, Jeff Carlisle, Ken Lashley, Matt Busch, Joe Corroney, and Ken Steacy. We also have a special guest artist who is not a part of the Celebration V art show -- The Clone Wars Supervising Director, Dave Filoni will be teaching a class Sunday morning.

If you prefer to sit back and relax while someone else does the drawing, caricature artist Darryl Woods will be in the Family Room each day creating special personalized drawings. Darryl's caricatures are always popular, so check the schedule for the exact times he'll be drawing.

Padawans who like to create things will enjoy our Building Challenges. Chadwick McFee will lead you through the steps to create droids, lightsabers, and starships, all with recycled materials that the unimaginative might consider junk. When you're done, you will get to take your creation home with you.

Aspiring droid builders will like Patrick Donlan's Droid Decorating classes. Patrick has created hundreds of plaster droids and he's bringing them to Celebration V for you to paint and customize.

Learn the art of Japanese paper folding from Star Wars Origami teacher Chris Alexander. In addition to teaching traditional sized origami, Chris will also be creating a couple of large scale piece which will be displayed in the family room. All materials will be provided for the classes, and kits will be available for purchase if you'd like to create more pieces at home.

Can't get enough Origami? Tom Angleberg, author of The Strange Case of Origami Yoda be in the Family Room Friday from 11-noon to each you how to make your own Origami Yoda.

Pop-up book fans have a special treat just for them. Matthew Reinhart, author of Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy will be in the Family Room on Friday from 3-4pm. Learn the secrets of making your own pop-up books.

Get your face painted, Star Wars-style. Whether you want to look like a Queen of Naboo or a fierce Sith Lord, face painting pros Luci and Brekke will make it happen for you. Sign ups sheets will be available each day, to minimize waiting.

Wearing a costume? Strut your stuff on stage during our Costume Contests, Friday and Saturday at 3:30. Prizes will be given and everyone is guaranteed to have fun. Sign ups start at 3pm.

On Friday night, Cartoon Network will be hosting a Slumber Party in The Clone Wars Screening Room (W312ABC), featuring a special screening of The Clone Wars movie, from 6-8pm. There will be trivia questions to win cool prizes, and snacks will be provided.

The fun starts early on Saturday, when we open up at 9am for the Clone Wars Adventures Cereal Breakfast. There's no charge, so wake up your parents and bring them in for cereal, fun and games.

Please note: All ages are welcome, but all children must be accompanied by an adult. We cannot provide supervision for unaccompanied children. As with all Celebration schedules, this may be subject to last-minute changes, so check the show schedule at the event for any updates."

Celebration V Family Room
Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm

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