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CV: Official TFN Fan Force Party Posted By Dustin on June 21, 2010
The Official TheForce.Net/FanForce.Net Celebration V Party
Sponsored by Official Pix!
Date: Thursday, August 12th, 2010 Time: 6:30pm-11pm Location: Wyndham Orlando Resort 8001 International Drive; Orlando, FL 32819 Less than a mile north of the convention center. (407) 351-2420, (877) 999-3223
Who: The party is for all members of the TFN family: FanForce, Jedi Council Forums, readers of,, the, etc. If you consider yourself a part of TFN, this event is for you! The event will be open to all ages. We will try to keep things as family friendly as possible, though it is a party largely for adults. A cash bar serving alcohol and soft drinks will be available at the event (including the famous Celebration Drink).
What: Light snacks will be served at the start of the evening. Door prizes and raffles will be available (donated largely from Official Pix). Various Star Wars celebs are invited and a list of some attendees will be published at a later date. Basically come to enjoy food, games, prizes, and all the fun that you have come to expect from TFN.
Ticketing information: Pre-ordered tickets are $30 for ages 12+, $25 for ages 6-12, (Children under 6 are free) and will be available from May 20th to August 6th. Pre-ordered may be purchased in one of two ways:
1. Via PayPal to the party organizer Dajuan Kinney ( Indicate number of and names of the guests attending in the information box. The party organizer will send a confirmation email within 3 days of payment receipt.
2. Money order via snail mail to Dajuan Kinney (please email her for the address). Include the number of guests and the names of each guest attending, and an email address where a confirmation email can be sent.
Tickets will also be available at Celebration V for $35. More information TBA.
Star Wars celebs will receive free admission to the event. Please contact Dajuan Kinney for details.
Check-in: A master list of guests will be kept at the entrance to the party. If your name is not on the master list, you will be required to purchase a ticket at the door unless a confirmation email can be shown. Confirmation emails and IDs should be brought to the event.
Contact info for questions: Any questions or concerns should be directed to the party organizer Dajuan Kinney ( She will try to answer all emails within three days of their receipt.
Information updates: Since a few items are still in the TBA stage check the Celebration V forum and main page for updates.
Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014: Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.