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The Kenner Star Wars Photography Volume 3 1983-1985 Campaign Ends In 3 Days

Posted by Chris on March 31, 2021 at 11:55 AM CST

The Kickstarter campaign for the 3rd volume of Kenner Star Wars Photography featuring the figures from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, HAS ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT and is well on its way to being funded just as the Volume 1 and Volume 2 were. Photographer Kim Simmons, the man responsible for shooting the original Kenner Star Wars line, has put together two amazing books already and this third volume will round out the set very nicely. Check out the details below and head over to the project page to help get this done!

From the Kickstarter page:

This hardcover book spans the years 1983-1985 from when Return of the Jedi was at its peak through The Power of the Force, Ewoks, and Droids toy lines.

At 200 plus pages, Volume 3 features full-color high resolution photos of everyone's favorite shots from the most recognizable packaging from that era as well as some of the more obscure images.

From Tatooine scenes to Endor landscapes, Kim created some of the most elaborate backdrops for the Jedi line. Volume 3 will allow you to see the complexity of some of these dioramas and how much detail went into creating them.

Additionally you'll see amazing photographs from the later POTF, Ewoks, and Droids lines of toys.

These books are not available outside of Kickstarter and you won't find them at your local book store or online retailer. Cutting out the middle-man and using Kickstarter to get these books directly into the hands of fans and collectors allows us to keep the quality extremely high and the content robust and complete.

By printing them through a local company called Springdot, Kim is able to go down to the printers himself to check the quality and color of the images to ensure that the final books are just as he wants. This attention to detail is what makes these books so amazing and why they are in such high demand among fans.

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