Star Wars Celebs Confirmed for the CV Party
The celebs listed in boldface type are newly added to the list. Enjoy!
Aaron Allston- Author of numerous
Star Wars books including books in the
X-Wing series and the new
Fate of the Jedi Series.
Spencer Brinkerhoff- Artist's Alley artist.
Troy Denning- author of numerous
Star Wars novels, including books in the
Fate of the Jedi series.
Jan Duursema illustrator on many, many
Star Wars comics, including much of the
Legacy series.
Ashley Eckstein- Voice of Ahsoka on
The Clone Wars.
Dave Filoni- Director of the
Clone Wars.
Meagan Finnerty- Executive Assistant to Supervising Director Dave Filoni.
Jason Fry- Co-Author of
The Essential Atlas amongst many other thing.
Seth Green-
Robot Chicken,
Family Guy, and many, many more.
*NOTE* The
Robot Chicken crew are going to try to make the party. But their flight is due to land earlier the same evening so they may not make it in time.
Frank Henson- stunt man on
Return of the Jedi.
Sterling Hershey- Co-Author of many of the
Star Wars Saga Edition RPG books.
Jesse Hildreth- Lighting and Compositing artist on
The Clone Wars.
Jimmy Mac- of the ForceCast.
James McBryde- from Episodes II and
IIIDan Madsen- Former President of the
Star Wars Fan Club, Episode I cameo, and is now with
Her Universe.
Randy Martinez artist of much of the Celebration V art.
John Jackson Miller- Author of the
Knights of the Old Republic comics amongst other things.
John Morton- Actor from
The Empire Strikes Back.
Arnie Jorgensen- Bioware, currently working on
The Old Republic.
Jack McKenzie- actor from
The Empire Strikes Back.
Chris Muncke- actor from
A New Hope.
Kyle Newman- the director of
Tim Proctor- one of artists in Artist's Alley. Here is
a link to his work.
David Rabbitte- Artist's Alley Artists. Links to some of his work can be found
here and
Chris Reiff- Illustrator,
The Essential Atlas and more.
Tom Root- Head writer for
Robot Chicken*NOTE* The
Robot Chicken crew are going to try to make the party. But their flight is due to land earlier the same evening so they may not make it in time.
Steve Sansweet- LucasFilm, Rancho Obi-Wan, and much, much more.
Matthew Senreich- Writer for
Robot Chicken*NOTE* The
Robot Chicken crew are going to try to make the party. But their flight is due to land earlier the same evening so they may not make it in time.
Cat Staggs- one of artists in Artist's Alley. Links to her art can be found
here and
here.Jason Swank- of the ForceCast.
Chris Trevas-
Star Wars artist.
Star Wars Miniatures,
The Essential Atlas, amongst many other things.
Daniel Wallace- Co-Author of
The Essential Atlas and several other Essential Guide books.
Sarah Wilkinson- one of artists in Artist's Alley. Here is
a link to her work.
Clint Young- Bioware and LucasArts, currently working on
The Old Republic.
This is as complete a list as we have at the moment. We still have a couple unconfirmed guests we're itching to announce. Hopefully soon!