> FEB 2 

Roderick: "Here's a question that keeps bugging me for quite some time now. In some interviews, George Lucas has stated that the Prequels will change our view on events and people in the current Trilogy. I think that will be one of the most extraordinary aspects of Lucas' storytelling: he will be able to change the way we look at the current Trilogy, this time without adding CG Rontos and Scurriers, but just by telling us more about the background of what we see in SW 4-6!! Here's what he said in his interview with SW Insider (the emphasis is mine): "It was all done on purpose to create a certain feeling when you watch all of them in order. Certain lines become more meaningful. It's going to change the first three movies rather dramatically. That's my whole reason for doing it. If it didn't change them, I wouldn't be doing it. I like the idea that you can take something and look at it one way, then you turn it around, and you are given more information and you look at it completely differently". But exactly what will be changed by the Prequels? Our view on certain characters, aliens or events? Our view on the Jedi or on the Empire? I have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear your thoughts as well!"

> FEB 3 

JEV wrote: "How GL is going to change your view? The only good answer is to wait until the episodes 1-3 come out. But, it's such a long time to wait! 
So I'll go with my thoughts on the subject. The first thing is of course the Anakin/Vader relationship with Obiwan. We will learn they have much more than a simple student and is teacher, but were in fact very close friend. This will give a lot more meaning to the duel in A New Hope and also bring more intensity to it. 
The same with the decision by Vader to throw is master to is doom so he can save Luke. We will now truly see the conflict within Anakin and how difficult it was for him to do something father usually don't even have to think about, saving their child from danger. To do so, episode 1-3, but mostly the last one, will show us to bond forming between the two badies from the original trilogy. 
There should also be other suprises I have no clue about and also certain changes of view from one movie to the other, like the meaning of the line in The Empire Strikes Back where the Emperor talks about Skywalker's son, and then latter in the movie, we learn that Vader is Luke's father, puting a new spin on it."

> FEB 3 

Bud wrote: "After seeing the PRequels I think the ending to ROTJ will make more sense. I remember reading some critics saying they didn't like the way that Vader just turned back to the good side at the end. I think the prequels will give us a deeper look into the Jedi and Anakin and somehow answer those questions.  
I also see a big Fight scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina. For when Luke and Ben got to the Cantina Ben said to Luke for him to watch himself this place can get a little rough."

> FEB 3 

SineadR wrote: ""It was all done on purpose to create a certain feeling when you watch all of them in order. Certain lines become more meaningful. It's going to change the first three movies rather dramatically. That's my whole reason for doing it. If it didn't change them, I wouldn't be doing it. I like the idea that you can take something and look at it one way, then you turn it around, and you are given more information and you look at it completely differently" 

Let me suggest a few off the top of my head (and in no particular order): 

1.  "No disintegrations" 
2.  "Obi-Wan Kenobi, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...a long time." 
3.  "She died when I was very young." 
4.  "I thought I could instruct him just as well as Yoda.  I was wrong." 
5.  "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany" 
6.  "There is much anger in his father." 
7.  A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine before he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights." 
8.  "Alderaan!  No..we have no weapons..." 
9.  "I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan.  We meet again at last." 
10.  "Our last master was Captain Antilles." 

but most of all.... 

Who really are Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?? 

Any others?"

> FEB 3 

Zeke Perez wrote: "I have a few ideas on how the current trilogy might be affected by the new prequels. 
One of the nagging ideas that I've had since the special editions have come out is the reason behind them.  Sure, it's nice to make the movie more "complete", but I think the bigger basis behind it is to make a link between A New Hope (and all of the current trilogy) and the upcomming movies.  I feel that a lot of the new scenes might be a prelude to the prequels, or familiar items/things/beings that when all the movies are seen in a row, it would be familiar to viewers.  Sorta of like tying things together, like how Tatooine was revisited in Return of the Jedi. 
Plus, I think what certain people say may have more meaning or weight due to the prequels.  When Obi-Wan in A New Hope says to Luke, "Your destiny lies on a different path than mine.", yeah, it MAY sound like a Jedi-ish thing to say, but what if we already knew that Obi-Wan was DESTINED to die because it was brought up in the prequels?  Or how the Emperor and Vader keep rambling about how it is Luke's "destiny" to join the Emperor?  Is this mentioned in the prequels?  I feel that the people who we have to pay the most attention to (or the people most likely to "change" from the prequels) are the people which lived in those movies.  Obi-Wan, Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, hey - even Jabba, Boba Fett, Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and Tarkin - these are the people who might be NOW saying things we might just blow off, but when the new movies come out......?  Maybe we should all be paying a little more attention to what these people have to say."

> FEB 4 

Jom wrote: "To add to SineadR list of potential ideas: 

1) "Obi-wan once thought as you do" 

This will probably be in SW3 when Ben and Anakin confront each other. 

2) "Luke, give yourself to the dark side.  It is the only way to save 
your friends" 

Hmmm... this is interesting.  You think maybe good ol' Darth has experience in this?  Maybe somewhere down the road (SW2?) Anakin uses the Dark Side to help save Padme, Ben or Jar Jar.....Hmmmmm"

> FEB 4 

Trevor Steward wrote: "Here are some of my thoughts on how the prequels will change our view of SW: 

1. We might find out why Jabba had little or no fear of Luke's Jedi abilities. I'll bet Jabba was whacking Jedi's left right and center back in the day. 

2. The obvious relationship between Anakin and Ben. (and Owen, etc.) I think we'll be able to appreciate the concidence's more. For example, you'll be watching ANH thinking, "isn't it cool the way Ben links up with Anakin's kids, to help Vader's redemption. 

3. 3 words: Grand Moff Tarkin. I would love to see his character developped as some sort of an elitist military type (Chris Walken would make an amazing young Tarkin!) It would bring a deeper sense of meaning to the destruction of Alderaan. Tarkin would have probably begun his career within the Republic, but through deception, winds up helping to destroy it... maybe he was even friends or a colleague of Bail's... how cool would that make the scene in ANH with Leah? 

4. When Vader is interviewing bounty hunters in ESB, he already knows of Fett's reputation, and killing habits. Does he have a prior relationship with Fett, or his he merely aware of the viciousness of the Mandalorians? He must know something, cause he singles Fett out from all those others. Either way, it should be cool to find out. 

5. The Slave 1. Why would a ship be called the Slave 1? Something tells me we'll find out. 

6. I think once knowing about Anakin's decension, it will make Luke's journey all the more relevant. (and vice versa.... like father like son.) 

7. Since R2 been around for the whole time, it will be interesting to see just how much he 'knows'. It might give certain scenes in the current trilogy more meaning. 

more to come..."

> FEB 5 

Anthony Renaud wrote: "And don't foget "There's something familiar about this place...I feel 

Actually, this and and lot of the lines suggested earlier might finally be explained and given more meaning, but does that really change our views of the current trilogy.  "There is much anger in his father."  My view about that line changed when I found out Vader was Luke's father.  I know Vader turned to the dark side, and therefore had much anger in him, so explaining why won't really change my 'view' of the current trilogy.  Boba Fett was a bad-ass, having the line "No disintegrations" explained in the new trilogy won't change my 'view' of him.  "...a more wretched hive of scum and villiany." - showing an incident to give this line more meaning won't change my view. 
I guess I'm saying that simply explaining the full meaning behind these lines won't change our views because the lines themselves give away a certain amount of information already.  I would think that changing our views implies that we would expect on thing from a given line, but the truth might be something else entirely.  Or, for example, we see Alderaan get blown up.  It's a great tragedy.  We see them as martyrs in the war against the empire.  Now suppose that Alderaan is shown to be a planet of almost villianous people.  Perhaps they completely raze  the life off another planet, feel bad, and give up war.  Then in ANH, they're blown up.  It almost would be an act of divine retribution. NOW THAT would change my view of something in the current trilogy.  Of course, I don't think for one minute that this would actually come to pass. 
In the end, I really can't see how Lucas will "change the first three movies rather dramatically".  I think most of the first trilogy is explained pretty much in terms of major plot points by the end for ROTJ.  Ben finds Anakin, Ben trains him, something happens and Anakin turns to the dark side, the emperor rises to power and has the jedi wiped out, Luke and Leia are born and are hidden away.  So what's he going to do to change my view.  Show that the emperor is really a great guy and is simply misunderstood?   Anakin was really a bastard right from the start and turning good and the end was really just a sham?  I really haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that I'll see the current trilogy in a different light.  Maybe I'll know more details, but that's all."

> FEB 6 

Jom wrote: "Anthony my be right about this.  He doesn't see a way that the originals can be dramatically changed, and I tend to agree...sort of.  It may not be changed to the hardcore fans but to the general public it could.  For instance, most people still think Vader is this badass evil guy.  When Anakin is shown to be otherwise, it will change your view of him quite a bit. 

Us big-time fans have to remember Lucas is making this film for everybody not just the hardcore fans.  These film are very likely to be much simpler than we expect."

TexasFett wrote: "I think that we will find that Obi-Wan really pushed "What I told you was true, from a ceartain point of view," almost to its limits of lieing.  If he did own the Falcon then he did a really good job of hiding his feelings of sentiment about seeing his old ship in ANH.  

Also, the line about Anakin wanting Luke to have the light saber was only true "from a certain point of view,"  Anakin would of course want his son to be a Jedi, but Ben probably got his saber when he beat Anakin (end of Ep.3?), and it may not even be his real saber.  Every time a Jedi lost his saber in the current movies he really lost it/or was killed.  Both Luke and Vader lost thiers with thier hands. 

And with 3P-O and R2 in the Prequels it would be very hard not to recognize them or thier names, and for them not to do the same (unless Lucas changes it, several Lucasfilms licenced materials say 3-PO and R2 have never had memory wipes). 

I agree that the movies arn't going to be totally diffrent after the Prequels make many quotes refrences to things in the Prequels, but our feelings about Vader will be diffrent.  We may see Obi-Wan as a wise old man now, but we already know that he made misteaks (his student turned to the Dark Side), we will probably see him as more like the reckless young Luke.  That will give us a diffrent view of him and of Luke. 

The one thing we can be sure of about the prequels is what Lucas said, it will change our views of the current movies."

> FEB 7 

Ed Cain wrote: "McCallum keeps talking about the bigger scale of these movies so I think we will get more interaction with episodes 1-4's minor characters . Fett likely will show up as a bit of a surprise and don't forget Tarkin's reaction to finding out Kenobi is on the Death Star in Part 4, there might be a history there. Also don't forget Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Organa may be the big leader in the Clone Wars and if Mon Mothma was the hell raiser in the Senate that the books make her out to be, how exactly does she survive rebeling against the Emperor?Why didn't the Emperor kill her and Organa rather than deal with the inconvinence? ..Jedi intervention perhaps?"