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New Live Action Series Tidbits

Posted By Mike on March 13, 2008

The good people over at Collider have an article with some tidbits regarding the future live action series. Click here for the full post.(Beware of some adult language) I personally enjoyed how even though the author (Frosty) has fallen out of favor with Star Wars, he's still excited for both shows. I'm sure Lucasfilm is hoping for similar sentiments from others who may have grown up with Star Wars but who have drifted away as they have grown older. We here at TFN don't plan on growing up so that hasn't been an issue with us. But I digress, most of the info in the article we already knew. See below for an excerpt with the possible new info being highlighted:

"-The live action and animated shows will be considered official canon of the star wars universe.
-The live-action show is going to end up on whatever network pays the most. However, I?ve heard they?re talking about the show being on HBO or even Showtime. Which jives with the slugline for the show?think Deadwood meets The Sopranos. Want a bit more? Could the live action show feature Gangsters? Could it follow the underworld of the Star Wars universe? Perhaps even a crime family? Have I said too much? Again, think Deadwood meets The Sopranos. -The seasons for the live action show might be as short as 12 episodes? again?think Sopranos.
-The show is definitely PG-13. I?ve heard it?ll be dark. It?s definitely not being made for kids.
-The Skywalker story is finished. From what I?ve been told, their story is done and they aren?t on the live-action show at all. The show is new characters?with a few people you might know from the movies mixed in here and there.
-And for those that don?t know?.the animated show takes place between episodes two and three, while the live-action is between three and four. Obviously some storylines might take place outside of those times, but that?s where the primary action takes place. Just like while the live action might follow a crime family, there will be episodes that focus on other things."

Interesting idea of following a crime family. Could we be seeing a bit of Black Sun? And how about the idea of "think Deadwood meets The Sopranos." How do you feel about Boba Fett dropping the F-bomb? Are we about to move past such classic Star Wars curses as "Blast!", "Sithspit!" and "Kriffing"? Is the last episode going to prematurely fade to black while the Cantina Theme plays on? Only time will tell. Remember all is considered rumorific until something official is announced...or until we see it on the small screen ourselves.

Thanks to Steve for the link!

UPDATE: TheDeadbolt.com has a nice article about what we know so far about the future live action TV series. Their breakdown does not really touch on anything we don't already know but wraps numerous past postings together in a nice neat package. They also run through their ideas of what they do and don't want to see from the series. Click here.

Thanks Seth!

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