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Big Time Live Action Series Rumors!

Posted By Mike on October 17, 2007

Aintitcool.com has some juicy details about the Star Wars live action series from their trusted source "Kuato." You can consider everything as rumor at this time, but a trusted TFN source is confirming the accuracy. Click here for the full story and see below for the cliff note version. Look away now if you do not want to be SPOILED!

I said look away...

You'll SPOIL your dinner...

Still curious?....

OK, here we go: (remembering that the series will be set between Episodes III and IV)

1. Pod Races will be revisited as the series will try to take in and revisit a lot in the SW universe we have come to know and love through the movies.

2. One of the Pod Racers highlighted will be a character named Thall Joben, who you may, or may not, remember from the Droids animated series.

3. We will see Rebel bases, Star Destroyers, Imperial troops, officers, undercover operatives and much more...

4. Expect to see some EU tie-ins (horray!) An example being a Rebel General with the last name Durron. Could this be the father or family member of the future Kessel slave turned Jedi, Kyp Durron?

5. We will see a character named General Papanoida who could be the very same character that George Lucas played during the Opera House scenes in Revenge of the Sith, Barron Papanoida.

6. We will see some characters from the films such as Bib Fortuna and Oola, the poor, rancor eaten, beautiful dancing Twi'lek.

7. The Death Star plans should come into play.

8. The series will go into detail with the characters and what makes them tick. Not everyone is either good or bad.

9. Look for the tone to be that of the Original Trilogy but a bit edgier.

Well, I'm exhausted. Hopefully this brings some great discussion and speculation to tide us over for a while.

Thanks to Nathan T., Ryan P. and "Infra Man" for the heads up.

UPDATE: Two more bits of juicy information not seen in the Aintitcool.com report from a very reliable, yet anonymous, source:

- They're casting for Boba Fett

- Most of the casting going on is for young actors and actresseswith the exception of a couple of middle aged actors

UPDATE #2: Not quite as exciting as the rumors above, but good to hear none the less. George Lucas himself confirmed to the Los Angeles Times that work on the live action series has gotten underway. Click here to check out the article.

Thanks to Tom D. and Richard J. for the heads up.

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